I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 149 Conversation between Tony and Thor

Tony also collected some information, and there was a medical incident in a hospital in New Mexico.

A patient who called himself Saul ran out of the hospital like a madman.

Normal people would indeed regard this person as a lunatic, or a severe case of role-playing.

However, Tony has Mjolnir in his hand, and he also got the exact information from Harvey, so he can be sure that the man who calls himself Thor is Thor.

"Jarvis, call me the surveillance near the hospital in New Mexico to see where Sol has gone."

"Then you help me contact the nearest phone or computer, and I want to talk to him."

Tony gave instructions directly to Jarvis.

If Thor's hammer is not taken away, he will not have peace of mind at home.

People from SHIELD didn't dare to break into his Stark Manor directly, but Thor was a god.

Although this god is not a real god, but a higher life form belonging to the universe, there is no doubt about Thor's strength.

As long as Thor knows the news, he may run directly to his manor at any time, so Tony wants to send the hot potato back as soon as possible.

"Yes sir I am gathering information."

Jarvis received the instructions and knew the reason why his husband was anxious to send Thor's hammer back, so he kept scanning various surveillance cameras in New Mexico.

Soon, in only about half an hour, Jarvis found Sol's whereabouts, but Sol did not have a mobile phone on him.

So Jarvis also directly contacted people near Sol.

In New Mexico, Jane took Sol to her studio and gave him a set of clothes.

At this time, she suddenly received a call. Before Jane could see the number and choose whether to answer it, the call was already connected.

A man wearing a gold and red steel armor and a golden mask appeared in the video.

"Iron Man Tony Stark?"

After Jane saw the person who called her, she said in disbelief.

Although she is in New Mexico and not living in New York, Tony Stark is a famous figure in the United States, and his name as Iron Man became famous around the world more than a year ago.

The whole world knows that there is a genius scientist who has saved many places and eliminated many terrorists by relying on the advanced technological steel armor he made.

Although Tony Stark has rarely appeared in public in the past year or so, as long as he has read newspapers and news or surfed the Internet, Everyone knows the name of Iron Man Tony Stark.

"This Miss Jane Foster, I have something to discuss with Thor, the God of Thunder near you."

"So please give the phone to Thor, God of Thunder."

Tony saw that the other party recognized him and politely stated his request.

"Jane, are you saying that the person talking to you now is Iron Man Tony Stark?"

Daisy next to Jane asked in disbelief.

Jane didn't pay attention to Daisy's words at all, because Tony Stark's words buzzed in her mind.

She was originally unsure whether this Thor was Thor, but a big man like Tony Stark, who was busy with everything, bluntly said that he wanted to talk to Thor, which proved that the man was Thor himself.

When Jane saw Sol change his clothes and come out, his brain reacted.

"Thor, someone is looking for you."

Jane handed the mobile phone in her hand to Sol.

"Who are you?"

When Thor heard that someone was looking for him, he took the phone and saw an Iron Man. He was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Thor, God of Thunder, I have heard of you for a long time."

"My name is Iron Man Tony Stark."

"I know you came to Blue Star, and I also know you should want to get your Thor's Hammer back."

When Tony saw the handsome guy opposite him, he first introduced himself with compliments, and then said straight to the point.

"Do you know where my Mjolnir is?"

Thor heard the other party and knew where the Thor's hammer, which he could not sense now, was. His body shook slightly and he asked anxiously.

As long as he gets Thor's hammer back, he can return to Asgard to see his father.

"Of course, your Mjolnir is in my hands now."

"If you want your Thor's Hammer back, just come to me at this address."

Tony saw the other party's anxious look and sent an address directly without any nonsense.

"What are your conditions?"

When Thor heard that his Mjolnir was in the opponent's hand, his eyes narrowed. Although he wanted to get it back as soon as possible, he also knew that this often required paying some price.

"Conditions? No conditions."

"Just come and take your things back quickly."

"I don't want to keep it for you."

Tony was stunned for a moment when he saw Sol asking about his conditions. He probably knew what kind of person Sol was, so he smiled on his face.

People who know they want something and are willing to pay some price are generally not too stupid, at least not as stupid as Steve.

"Can I see my Mjolnir?"

"Just take a photo and pass it on."

When Thor heard Tony's words, he couldn't see Tony's expression clearly through the mask. Now that his strength was at a loss, he felt a little more cautious.

"Here, is this your hammer?"

Tony had long expected that Thor would want to confirm whether the hammer was really here before coming, so he stepped aside directly.

Jean Saul saw a hammer that he had used for many years placed intact on a table.

"Yes, I'll be there soon."

After Thor looked at it carefully, he nodded and gave an answer.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come over."

Tony nodded when he saw Thor so cheerful, and then hung up the communication.

"So are you really Thor?"

Daisy listened to the whole story and looked at this handsome guy in shock.

"Of course, who else but me would dare to use this name."

When Thor heard this, he raised his head proudly and spoke.

"So we're saying goodbye?"

After Jane heard everything, she confirmed Sol's identity and also knew that Sol was about to leave.

"...Maybe not for the time being, because I need your help."

Sol paused after hearing this and said with some embarrassment.

"You are a god, why don't you just fly over there?"

Daisy had already believed that this man belonged to Saul, but now that she heard Saul's words, her eyes became a little suspicious again.

"Something happened and my powers were temporarily gone."

"And even if I have magical powers, I don't know much about this place."

"So I need you to take me to the location Tony Stark mentioned just now."

"Are you willing to help me? I will definitely repay you when the matter is accomplished."

Sol said with some embarrassment in the face of the eyes that doubted him.

"No need to repay the favor, but I want to understand you and your world."

"I wonder if you'd like to chat with us on the way?"

Jane heard Sol say that he would repay the favor and directly put forward the conditions.


When Thor heard this condition, a smile appeared on his face.

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