I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 150 Thor goes to New York

Jane and Daisy first called Dr. Eric and told him that they were going to New York.

Jane then drove Tony to the airport. New Mexico was more than a thousand kilometers away from New York, so of course it was impossible to drive there.

And Sol has also agreed that as long as he helps Sol, he is willing to tell them some things they want to know.

So Jane went straight into her pocket and bought two tickets, while Daisy paid for Daisy's ticket herself.

Daisy said that it was a rare opportunity to go to the home of Tony Stark, the richest man in America, and paid for the ticket.

The three of them got on a plane to New York together.

Throughout the whole process, Jane had been observing Saul.

I found that although Sol was a little surprised by some of Blue Star's technologies, he didn't make a fuss.

Obviously Blue Star's technology should be a bit new to Thor, and it's not like he has never seen anything similar before.

"What kind of man is Tony Stark?"

At this time, Sol looked at the somewhat excited Daisy and asked.

Although Tony Stark did not show any malicious intent, Thor still felt that it was necessary to know more.

"If I want to talk about his deeds from childhood to adulthood, I can't remember it."

"But just a few words about Tony Stark's labels."

"The world-famous genius inventor, arms manufacturer, and America's top billionaire has the ability to make money."

"One of the most popular men in New York. He has slept with many women, and all of them are celebrities."

"He is also a superhero. After making the steel armor, he saved many people."

Daisy twirled her fingers, holding one up for each tag.

"Does that mean he's not a bad person?"

Thor asked thoughtfully after hearing the last sign.

Daisy probably doesn’t know much about Tony Stark, so what I’m talking about now represents the public’s general impression of Tony Stark.


When Daisy heard this question, she nodded without any hesitation.

Tony Stark can be said to be a towering figure in the scientific community. He has produced many technologies that others look up to.

"Then I feel more at ease."

Sol received confirmation, relaxed his uneasiness, and said with a smile.

When he was chatting with Tony Stark just now, he discovered that Tony seemed to have already known about his arrival and his weapons.

Under the current situation where his strength is very weak, he naturally doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

But after understanding that the other person is probably a good person, I don't have so many worries.

Jane has a lot to ask Sol, but now they are on a plane, and there are many people and distractions.

If he asked casually, and Thor answered casually without caring, it might cause some trouble for people around him to listen.

Therefore, Jane is also sorting out the questions she wants to ask and understand, and then have a good chat and ask them after Thor gets the hammer back.


Immediately, time passed quickly, and several hours passed.

At noon, Jane, Daisy, and Thor took a car and headed to Stark's manor.

"What an enviable life."

On the way up the mountain, Daisy looked at the luxurious building built on the mountainside, her whole face lying on the mirror.

They are still wasting their brain cells on research and running for their future lives.

If a rich man who has no worries about food and clothing and is extremely rich appears in front of them, this strong sense of contrast will make people feel envious and yearning if they don't hate the rich.

"Can we really go in together?"

Seeing Daisy's rude look, Jane's mind was full of black lines, but she looked at Sol and asked nervously.

"You are the ones who are helping me. Of course it won't be a problem to bring you along to see me."

Sol smiled when he heard this and said.

Although Tony Stark's luxurious manor looks very advanced, Thor is a god and the prince of Asgard.

He had seen countless splendors and wealth, so these things surprised him at best, not shocked him.

"The most I can take you to is here."

"You guys can walk the rest of the way by yourself."

The driver delivered the three people to the gate of a manor and said.

There are so many people who want to visit Tony Stark, but most of them can't get through this door.

"okay, thank you."

Jian nodded slightly when he heard this, said thank you and got out of the car.

After the driver turned around and left, a magnetic and melodious male voice sounded.

"Mr. Thor, Miss Jane Foster, Miss Daisy Louise."

"My husband has been waiting for a long time, please come in."

The door to the manor opened automatically.

"Who is speaking?"

Daisy suddenly heard this pleasant voice and looked around.

"Don't be surprised, my name is Jarvis, I am an intelligent AI created by Mr. Tony."

Jarvis heard this and spoke.

"Tony Stark actually created an intelligent AI?"

When Daisy heard this, her eyes widened, her mouth widened, and she said with a look of shock.

She knew that Tony Stark was a super genius, but she didn't expect that the genius would reach this level.

The field of intelligent AI is still a concept at this period, but Tony Stark has quietly developed it.

"If you follow the light and go to the end, you will meet Mr. Tony."

Jarvis heard this and spoke.

Sol looked at the road ahead, the lights around him turned on, and started walking directly.

"Jarvis, Tony Stark seems to know me very well."

Thor asked as he walked.

"Mr. Tony has heard of your name, but he doesn't know much about you."

Jarvis heard the words and answered.

"Ever heard of it? Where did you hear it?"

Sol asked with a flash of his eyes upon hearing this.

"There are some records about you in various myths and biographies of Blue Star and children's books."

"For more details, you can wait until you meet Mr. Tony to talk slowly."

Jarvis's answer was spotless.

"If you just read about it, you wouldn't be able to believe my identity so quickly."

Sol's heart sank when he heard this, and he spoke.

"Mr. Saul, you seem to have some concerns."

"So Mr. Tony asked me to tell you that as long as you don't take action without permission, he promises not to take action against you."

"He even hopes you can take away Mjolnir quickly."

After hearing this, Jarvis paused and said.

When Thor heard these words, he knew that from the moment he stepped into this mountain, his whereabouts and words should all be under Tony's sight.

This made Thor thoughtful, and he had no more words for the time being. Once he saw Tony Stark, he would know whether he had any conspiracy.

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