I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 151 I can’t go back

Since there was no car, the three of them walked along the road, which took more than half an hour.

Several people finally climbed up the mountain and arrived in front of the big villa.

A figure wearing gold and red armor was already waiting at the gate.

"Thor, God of Thunder, welcome to Blue Star."

Tony looked at Sol and said hello with a smile and stretched out his hand.


Sol looked at the enthusiastic Tony, was stunned for a moment, and stretched out his hand to shake it.

Originally, he thought Tony Stark was going to wrestle with him, but he didn't expect that the other party just shook his hand and let go.

"Hurry up and take away your Thor's hammer."

Tony didn't waste any time. With one move of his right hand, Mjolnir flew out of the window and appeared directly in Tony's hand.

Seeing this scene, Thor's eyes widened. What did he see? Is there anyone other than himself who can control Thor's hammer?

Immediately, Tony handed Thor's hammer directly to Thor.

When Thor reached out to take it, Tony let go, and the terrifying weight of Mjolnir suddenly made Thor's body lean forward in an instant, and he quickly released his grip on the hammer's handle.

Only then did Sol's body barely fall to the ground, embarrassing himself in front of Jane and Daisy.

The hammer fell directly to the ground and made a small crater.

This scene stunned both Jane and Daisy. Why did the weight of this hammer not match its appearance?

"Did I admit the wrong person? I shouldn't have..."

When Tony saw this scene, he frowned and asked.

Harvey said that if you want to pick up Mjolnir, you can pick it up casually as long as you have a righteous heart and are recognized.

And this hammer is Thor's exclusive weapon. If the person in front of him is himself, then wouldn't he just pick it up casually? But what is the situation now?

"Are you really Thor?"

Tony looked at Sol carefully again, with some doubts in his words.

"I am Thor for sure."

"Don't doubt it yet, wait a minute, I can pick it up."

Thor felt that Iron Man Tony Stark's attitude towards him suddenly changed from friendly to suspicious. He was extremely shocked, but he quickly comforted Tony.

Then, Thor came to his Mjolnir, stretched out a hand to hold the handle of the hammer, and lifted it up, but the Mjolnir did not move at all.

Thor had an expression of disbelief on his face, holding the handle of the hammer with both hands, the veins and muscles of his arms bulging out.

He tried his best, but still couldn't shake the Thor's hammer that had accompanied him in battles for many years.

"…No, this is not true, this is absolutely not true."

After Sol realized that he really couldn't pick it up, he immediately knelt on the ground with a look of regret on his face.

"Thor, are you okay?"

Jane asked worriedly when she saw Sol's trembling body and his regretful words.

However, Thor didn't hear the sounds around him at all at this time, because he couldn't hold Mjolnir, which meant that his father was not just talking verbally this time, but he meant it.

He wiped out his divine power and demoted him to Blue Star.

Without divine power, this means that he will change from one to another. Even if this person's body is a little stronger, he is not a god.

"Ah——! Father, why did you do this? Why!"

This heavy blow made Thor fall into deep regret and roared to the sky.

But before Thor could roar for a while, his mouth forced Tony to close it.

This terrifying power made Thor widen his eyes and look at Tony Stark in the steel armor.

"Don't go crazy here, calm down."

"Thor, although I can hold Mjolnir, I will not take your Mjolnir."

"But it seems like something happened to you, and you can't hold your hammer anymore."

"If you want your Mjolnir back, tell me what happened."

Tony felt Thor's shock and said directly.

Harvey seemed to have anticipated all this, and knew that Thor would not be able to get Thor's hammer back immediately.

That's why I told him to let him talk to Sol himself and find out.

Thor's hammer is indeed powerful with the power of Thor, but instead of using the hammer, Tony prefers to use various weapons developed by himself.

Therefore, Mjolnir must be returned to Thor no matter what, but it is obvious that it is not that easy to return Mjolnir.

Therefore, Tony must understand the situation before he can find a way to return this hot potato to Thor.

"Uh huh...!"

Thor heard Tony's words and wanted to say something.

"Have you calmed down? Nod when you calm down."

Tony didn't let go immediately when he saw Sol's appearance, but asked seriously.

Thor nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Tony also let go after seeing it.

"Tony Stark, who are you?"

After Tony let go of his hand, Thor, whose mouth was free, breathed in oxygen, looked at Tony in shock, and asked.

"Didn't I introduce myself to you?"

"Iron Man Tony Stark."

After hearing this, Tony spread his hands and said.

He also felt it when he forcibly held Sol's mouth just now. Sol's body was definitely extraordinary.

If a normal person pressed his hands like that, his jaw would have been broken, but Thor was not injured. This man was undoubtedly Thor.

"Then why can you hold Mjolnir?"

Thor asked after hearing Tony's unanswered question.

"You ask me this, and I want to ask you even more, why you can't pick up your Thor's hammer."

Tony didn't answer but asked instead.

He wished he could send Thor's hammer out immediately instead of wearing steel armor at home and worrying about exposure.

"Yes, why can't you pick up your exclusive weapon, Thor?"

Daisy was also full of curiosity at this time. Although what she encountered today was a bit magical, it was fun.

"Can you tell us something?"

Jane looked at Thor with some worry and asked softly.

She could tell that Thor was in a very bad mood after he discovered that he couldn't hold Mjolnir.

"I made a huge mistake that made my father very angry."

"So my father erased my powers, reclaimed Mjolnir, and banished me to the mortal world."

"Originally I had hoped to think that my father was just being vindictive."

"But now I realize that I really can't go back to Asgard."

Sol heard Tony's question, felt Daisy's curiosity and Jane's worry, paused, and his voice was a little low.

The second update is sent.

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