I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 152 Drinking makes trouble

"Can you tell me specifically what mistakes you made?"

"I only know that you made a big mistake, but if I don't understand the specific situation, I can't clear my mind and think of a way to help you."

Tony asked in an extremely serious tone when he heard that Thor had actually been demoted to earth. This was undoubtedly a big event.

God King Odin will die soon, if Thor cannot take over Asgard and continue to be the patron saint of Blue Star.

This means that if Blue Star encounters a crisis in the future, Asgard will not be able to help.

Even though Thor, God of Thunder, is not as powerful as in myths and legends, as Odin's biological bloodline, his strength cannot be underestimated.

At that time, as long as Thor guards Blue Star, he can run to the universe with peace of mind, so it is his duty to help Thor return to the divine realm.

"These things are a long story."

Thor saw that Tony Stark seemed to really want to help him.

"Then let's make a long story short."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"...Because of my arrogance and recklessness, I impulsively went to Jotunheim and provoked an ancient war."

"As a result, the originally peaceful Nine Realms will soon become no longer peaceful."

Sol lowered his head when he heard this, and said with a voice full of regret.

In his original impulse, he did not consider the consequences, but after being demoted to the mortal world, he thought a lot and knew why his father was so angry.

"What are you doing? Isn't peace and tranquility good?"

Although Tony wanted to help Sol, he was speechless after hearing this reason.

"I drank a little bit and got a little excited, so I went there on impulse..."

Thor also knew how stupid what he did was, and his head hung lower.

"Although I really want to laugh at you, after knowing this, you don't have to be too desperate."

"You have a chance to regain your divine power and return to Asgard."

"Otherwise, Mjolnir wouldn't have followed you and landed near you when you arrived at Blue Star."

When Tony saw Sol's appearance, he couldn't bear to hit Sol and comforted him.

"That's what I thought just now, but as you can see, I can no longer hold my Thor's hammer."

"And less than two days after Mjolnir left my hands, I asked you to take it back."

When Thor heard Tony's comfort, he was not very happy, but said a little resignedly.

"There are conditions for picking up Thor's Hammer. As long as you meet that condition, you can pick up Thor's Hammer again and regain the power of Thor."

"Although I really want to return Mjolnir to you as soon as possible and let you leave as soon as possible."

"But it seems like this matter won't be so easy to solve in a while."

"First come to my house, sit down, and think of a solution."

Tony saw Thor's frustrated look, sighed, and said.

"Do you know the conditions for picking up Mjolnir?"

When Thor heard Tony's words, his eyes lit up with a little hope.

"I don't know much about the details, because someone told me after I picked it up."

Tony picked up the hammer again, walked to the villa, and said over his shoulder.

"Who is the person you are talking about? How did he know?"

Sol felt a little confused when he heard this.

"He has no intention of coming to see you, so I won't reveal it."

"Let's discuss together how to judge the conditions for picking up Mjolnir."

"As long as the research is completed, your thunder god's power will come back."

When Tony heard this, he did not say Harvey's name, but directly changed the topic.


When Thor heard that Tony was unwilling to say anything, he was filled with confusion, but he followed in.

"Everyone who comes is a guest, so don't stand outside and come in."

Jane and Daisy stood there, wondering whether they should follow in, when Tony's voice came from inside.

Jane and Daisy also followed in after hearing this.

However, compared with the excitement before arriving, Daisy became much more cautious after actually entering Stark Manor. She only dared to look around carefully and did not dare to make loud noises or speak.

And Jane has been thinking about some of the information revealed by Thor during the conversation with Tony Stark.

She felt that by chance, she had accidentally come into contact with some unimaginable people and things.

Tony took several people to the lobby on the second floor.

"drink wine?"

Tony took out a bottle of wine and looked at Sol.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not in the mood right now."

Sol was a little moved when he heard this, but considering that his current situation was completely a drinking accident, he shook his head and refused.

"You don't need to take it too seriously. I think you were demoted to Blue Star by your father because your father wanted you to gain some experience here."

"As long as the experience is successful, you can go back."

When Tony heard this, he looked at Jane and Daisy, and then noticed that they both shook their heads. He poured himself a glass of wine and said slowly.

"But if the experience is not successful, I will have to stay in Blue Star forever."

Thor said with a somewhat frustrated voice.

"Be clear about it. You must first listen to the conditions for picking up Mjolnir. It's not too late to get frustrated."

When Tony saw Sol's appearance, he suddenly felt a little troubled, but he still spoke in a warm and friendly manner.

"So what are the conditions?"

Thor heard this and looked at Tony.

"Someone told me there are two conditions for picking up Mjolnir."

"The first condition is that people with a righteous heart can pass the test of Mjolnir and pick it up directly."

"The second condition is to rely on strong power to forcibly pick up Mjolnir."

When Tony heard this, he did not hide anything and stated the conditions.

"Ignore the first condition."

"It is impossible to pick up Mjolnir by relying on tyrannical strength."

"Thor's Hammer is protected by my father. No one can surpass my father in strength."

When Thor heard Tony's words, his expression became extremely serious.

"I didn't expect you to protect your father even after you were demoted to the mortal world."

"The fact that you have this intention means that you have greater hope of recovering your divine power."

"But believe it or not, that person has confirmed to me the authenticity of both conditions."

Tony looked at Sol in surprise when he heard this and said with a smile.

"Can anyone really pick it up with brute force?"

When Thor heard Tony's nonchalant smile, he was silent for a moment and then spoke.

"You just proved that you can't pick it up the second way, so it doesn't matter whether it's true or false."

"What we want to study is the first method, what is the heart of justice."

When Tony heard this, he did not make any move to defend himself. Instead, he sat on the sofa with a drink and watched Sol speak slowly.

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