I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 174 Go meet him for a while

With the roar of propeller engines.

The behemoth, which looked like a large aircraft carrier, began to slowly rise into the air, and the wind and waves stirred up made Steve and Banner's hair tilt back.

"No, this thing is even worse."

But compared to Steve's shock, Banner said immediately after discovering what was under his feet.

If he is unable to control his anger in such a large aviation battleship and lets the Hulk come out, it will cause a terrible disaster.

He would rather stay on land, so that even if he fails to suppress his anger for a moment, ordinary people will still have a way to escape when they encounter the Hulk.

"Dr. Banner, we won't do anything to make you angry."

"Please trust us and come with me."

Natasha saw Banner feeling a little bad and comforted him.


Banner knew that it was impossible for him to get off the ship now, so he could only take a deep breath, adjust his mood, and follow Natasha.

Steve glanced at Banner and said nothing.

Even if he has concerns, he can now see that Banner is very resistant to the power of the Hulk.

This kind of resistance can greatly reduce the possibility of the Hulk appearing and then going on a rampage.

Afterwards, the three entered the cabin of the aviation battleship.

After entering, Steve was a little shocked when he looked at the large number of technicians in the cabin and the blue sky outside through the transparent window in front of him.

The technology he can understand is relatively conventional, and what he sees now.

Even within the secret level of the military, it is definitely top secret.

If there hadn't been an invasion by aliens, this aviation battleship would have just pretended to be an aircraft carrier and stayed on the sea.

"Let's disappear."

Nick Fury stood on the console and gave instructions after hearing reports from around him.

"Turn on the reflectors."

A beautiful agent heard this and conveyed the instructions.

Immediately, this huge aviation battleship disappeared from ordinary people's sight.

"Thank you for coming, Dr. Banner."

Afterwards, Nick Fury walked down from the console and walked towards Banner with a smile on his face and a friendly hello.

"Thank you for your polite invitation."

"I have a question."

"How long am I going to stay here?"

Banner stretched out his hand and shook it, then immediately let go and expressed his question.

"I admit that our approach was polite but not polite enough, so I would like to say sorry to you."

"But we need your knowledge and your help."

"So as soon as we get the Cosmic Cube, we will let you leave."

Nick Fury said with a sincere expression on his face after hearing this.

When Banner heard these words, he knew in his heart that Nick Fury definitely didn't just want to use his knowledge. If the situation required it, he would definitely want to use the power of the Hulk in his body.

However, Banner knew that he couldn't get angry over such a trivial matter, so he suppressed his dissatisfaction and asked, "How are you progressing?"

Seeing Banner's willingness to cooperate, Nick Fury pointed at Coulson.

Coulson received the instructions and immediately began to explain.

“We scanned every camera in the world that could read wirelessly.”

"Mobile phones and laptops, as long as they are connected to satellites, are our eyes."

When Coulson said this.

"If we just look for it like this, it might be too late."

Natasha added in.

"You need to narrow it down."

"How many spectrometers can you use?"

“I would sketch out a tracking algorithm based on cluster identification.”

"At least a few areas can be ruled out."

"Can you find me a place to work?"

When Banner heard this, he knew that he was asking for his help, but he himself didn't want to stay on this flying aviation battleship for a long time, so he also looked at Nick Fury and asked.

Seeing Banner's willingness to cooperate, Nick Fury was already prepared and looked at Natasha: "Agent Romanoff, can you take Dr. Banner to his laboratory?"

The Hulk is indeed uncontrollable by conventional means, and even Banner himself has difficulty controlling the Hulk.

However, Nick Fury found out that if it is a woman that Banner cares about, even if he becomes the Hulk, he can still regain some sanity.

Therefore, no other agents can do it, and it must be Natasha, the Black Widow, who personally leads the Hulk.

Let the two of them develop some feelings while getting along.

If everything goes well, they will be able to allow Dr. Banner to transform into the Hulk as his main combat force when necessary.

Even if they can't do it for the time being, it doesn't matter. After this cooperation, if there are alien invasions in the future, they will still call Dr. Banner. As long as time goes by, it will definitely be possible.

Natasha was a little confused as to why Nick Fury specifically asked her to lead Banner. It was obvious that just anyone could do this kind of thing.

"We have everything there to satisfy you, Doctor."

But Natasha followed the instructions and came over.


Banner also followed after hearing this.

Although he met Natasha for the first time, he didn't have a good impression of Natasha because the other party deliberately set a trap to lure him into the game.

But Natasha is indeed a very beautiful woman.

Banner is also a man, and he can't forgive a beautiful woman even if she does a little bit of harm.

And just when SHIELD was thinking of ways to find Loki.

Suddenly the facial recognition method came with information.

"After cross comparison, we found a person with a face that is 79% similar."

The bald man sitting in front of the testing instrument reported.

I was a little embarrassed to tell Steve about collecting cards, hoping that Steve could write his autograph on his cards.

Coulson was originally asking for his idol's autograph, but as soon as the report came out, he immediately rushed over: "Where is the other party?"

"Kuningstrasse 28, Stuttgart, Germany."

When the bald man heard this, he also zoomed in on the information and found the exact address.

When Steve saw this scene, he also knew that the other party had no intention of hiding it.

"Captain, it's your turn to play. Go meet him for a while."

Nick Fury saw the news and shouted directly.


Steve also knew that while Tony hadn't arrived yet, Banner couldn't fully control the Hulk's power, so he was the only one present who could perform the test mission.

So Steve nodded and agreed.

The fifth update is here, please vote.

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