I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 175 Can’t Break the Defense

Soon Steve came to Stuttgart, Germany, 28 Kuning Strasse.

A grand ball is being held here, with many high-class people gathered.

Loki easily obtained Dr. Heinrich Seifer's cornea.

The Hawkeye on the other side also successfully opened the switch of a door and got what he wanted.

After the first step of the plan is successful, it is natural to move on to the second step of the plan.

Loki wore an antlered helmet, a golden armor and a golden cloak, and held a spiritual scepter. He walked slowly along the road and arrived outside the venue.

A large number of people gathered here, and Loki directly released more than twenty clones, causing the panic-stricken people to gather together involuntarily.

"Kneel down!"

More than twenty Lokis made a sound that echoed through the sky in unison, scaring all the people to their knees.

"Isn't this very simple?"

"Isn't this your nature?"

"It is self-evidently human nature that you desire to be conquered.

"The glorious appearance of freedom deprives you of the joy of life and tempts you to pursue power crazily."

"You were born to be ruled."

"In the end you will always bow to the stronger."

Loki slowly walked into the crowd, his words full of arrogance.

To him, human beings are just a group of weak people, and the weak should surrender to the strong.

These words made many white people and black people present afraid to respond.

Because this guy wearing a golden armor and a golden helmet with antlers had power beyond their understanding.

They wanted to refute, but they all knew that if they contradicted him, they would definitely end up dead.

However, there was still an old man who had experienced the dark ages in the past. Regardless of his own life and death, he also wanted to fight for this breath and stood up directly.

"Even if I surrender, it won't be someone like you."

The white-haired old man looked at Loki and said.

"There's never been anyone like me."

When Loki saw that someone dared to contradict him, he was amused and said.

"No, there will always be people like you who are so arrogant that they think they can keep everyone around them if they have a little bit of power and power."

Although the old man is old, his words are extremely sharp.

After living for so many years, he has seen too many politicians and the military do stupid and unreasonable things.

Strength and power cannot be said to be completely equivalent, but in essence they both make people arrogant.

"I appreciate your backbone, but there is a price to pay for earning my respect."

Loki heard this simple and straightforward curse on himself, said with a smile, raised the scepter in his hand and shot a beam of light directly.

In just an instant, the old man's whole body was on fire, and he was reduced to ashes before he even had time to cry out.

This scene made the people around them lower their heads in fear.

The whole place was silent, and no one even dared to defend the old man, for fear that it would be his turn next.

"Sure enough, you were born to be ruled."

After Loki killed the old man, his eyes showed some disappointment when he saw that no one around him dared to scream anymore.

At this time, a figure rushed over from the side, holding a shield and slammed into Loki.

But this terrifying force, which was enough to smash the wall directly, made a "clang!" sound when it hit Loki.

Luo Ji himself did not move at all, but the body of the person who collided was pushed back several steps by the force of the repulsion.

Loki saw that the person who came was an extremely funny-looking figure wearing a weird striped tights with a conspicuous star embroidered on his chest.

"American soldier, you want to stand up for them?"

Loki also recognized the other party's identity, with a mocking look on his face.

"The last time I came to Germany, I met a man who thought he was superior."

"And I'm not alone."

Steve stood up and looked at the alien who was motionless even after being hit with all his strength. His eyes were full of fear, but he knew that he must give some confidence to the people around him.

A latest fighter jet also quickly arrived in the sky behind Steve.

"Lay down your weapons and surrender immediately."

The loudspeaker on the fighter plane directly demanded that Loki surrender.

Faced with this, Loki sneered and raised the scepter in his hand, and instantly more than ten beams of light shot directly at the fighter plane.

Even though the fighter jet responded in time and immediately adjusted the direction of the fuselage, more than ten beams of light still directly hit the flank of the fighter jet.

It is true that he is not as strong as his brother Thor, but these garbage cannot threaten him.

This fighter plane was piloted by Natasha and was almost shot through. However, even if it was not shot through, the balance of the fighter plane was already damaged.

Fortunately, the distance here is not high, and she can still ensure her own safety with her skills.

When Steve saw this, he threw out his vibranium shield, but it was a vibranium shield that could destroy steel alloys.

The impact on Loki's head only caused Loki's head to tilt, unable to break through the defense at all.

Although the shield returned to Steve's hand, Steve's heart sank when he saw this scene, but the only one who could fight it now was himself.

So Steve rushed forward and smashed the side of his shield into Loki's face.

Loki didn't care at all about Steve, an American soldier. He raised the scepter in his hand without dodging and released the magic bullet.

When the magic bullet hit the shield, it bounced back directly. Loki was hit by his own attack and took a few steps back.

Steve didn't want to waste this rare opportunity, so he punched him directly.

His pure power is five tons, but the power that explodes when attacking with all his strength is at least ten tons.

This punch could break the wall directly, but when it hit Loki's face, it felt like it hit fine steel.

Although Loki suffered a little loss due to his carelessness, he saw that this American soldier was stupid enough to compare his physical skills with him.

This made Loki also laugh, and kicked Steve directly in the chest with his backhand.

Although Steve reacted in time and used his shield to block it, removing most of the power.

But the remaining power still hit him like a large truck moving at high speed, causing Steve's body to fly backwards.

Steve quickly adjusted his body and rolled on the ground a few times to quickly relieve himself.

However, because of resisting the huge force, his hands were shaking involuntarily, which made Steve secretly groan in his heart.

He knew that aliens were definitely not something ordinary people could deal with, but this person looked like a long-range mage.

He thought that his physical skills could take advantage of him, but he didn't expect that this man's body was beyond his imagination.

Even if he attacked with a vibranium shield, he could not break the opponent's defense.

On the sixteenth day of the year, here comes the first update.

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