I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 192 Transformation is super cool

When Tony heard that Loki actually said that the prophet's body was a bandage engraved with magic, he looked at the prophet with some surprise.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen you, the prophet."

Tony said with some interest.

But it's normal that he can't tell. He's proficient in technology, not magic.

Loki is different. Loki mainly relies on magic to fight.

"The bandages all over the Predictor's body are used to seal most of his precognitive abilities."

"It will only be removed if he is in serious danger."

"If he takes off the bandage, it means there is a major danger coming."

"So I advise you that instead of seeing his true appearance, you might as well pray that that moment doesn't come."

Rennoli noticed that Tony was also a little curious and said.

When Tony heard this, he had no more thoughts in his heart.

"And this beautiful blonde is Lacey."

Immediately, Tony continued to introduce.

"Hello, Thor, about you guys in Asgard."

"I have heard about it since I was a child, but I never expected that I would be able to see you today."

"You are as handsome as the legend says."

Lacey was dressed boldly and revealingly, and when she saw Tony talking about herself, a friendly and charming smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I dare to ask, Miss Leya, what is your super power?"

When Sol heard Lacey's compliment, he felt very grateful. His movements became more gentlemanly and polite, and he took the initiative to take it back after giving a gentle squeeze.

"I'm different from them. I don't have super powers, so even if you want to ask me, I can't answer you."

The smile on Lacey's face did not change when she heard this.

"But you can fly."

Sol felt a little weird when he heard Lacey's words.

"I can fly, but that's not a superpower."

"As for what the power is, it will be more troublesome to explain. Let's talk about it later if we have a chance."

"Although it's hard to explain, you can rest assured that I will kill all my enemies."

Lacey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"...Okay, okay,"

When Thor saw this beautiful woman named Lacey, he smiled and said such merciless words, and a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

"Smiling, it's time for me to introduce you."

"This is Steve Rogers, codenamed Captain America. He is considered a superhuman."

Immediately, Sol did not continue to ask questions, but acted as a link to introduce.

He understood Tony's thoughts, and Tony introduced them to him first.

It is because they know that in the eyes of these people, Blue Star belongs to Asgard.

So it was natural to introduce him to get to know the other person instead of introducing Nick Fury or something like that.

After Lacey glanced at Steve, she immediately recognized that Steve was a genetically modified person, thinking thoughtfully. .

But she didn't ask why this genetic modification drug wasn't widely available.

Because Tony said that Blue Star has not yet entered the interstellar era. Failure to enter the interstellar era means that wars will occur between countries due to limited resources.

It is certainly impossible for this kind of genetically modified drug to be widely used in all human beings.

The entire race on Xandar has been genetically modified, has longer lifespans and is naturally in better physical condition.

But after all physical fitness is better, there will still be ordinary people.


Steve looked at the four people brought by Tony, feeling a little nervous, and said hello in a more reserved manner.

"Don't be so nervous. We are here to help, not here to cause trouble."

Kyle laughed and said after hearing this.

You can see all kinds of people coming to visit you on Void Island, because everyone has the possibility to join Void.

As long as they join the Void Cult, they are all compatriots, so Kyle has never looked down on them.

"Then thank you in advance for your help."

When Steve heard Kyle's words, the tension in his heart eased a lot, and he spoke.

"I will handle it."

Kyle heard this and patted his strong chest and said with a smile.

"This is Banner. He is also a type of superpower. His ability is transformation."

"And it will be very powerful after transformation."

When Thor saw Kyle's appearance, he felt relieved and continued the introduction.

When Rennoli heard this, he looked at Banner, who didn't show any strong aura from his whole body. He already knew who the candidate Tony said he wanted to recruit was.

If you have the ability to transform and join the Void, your starting point will be much higher than countless others.

It is easier to become a top powerhouse in the Void God Religion.

"A person with super powers of transformation? This is really an incredible ability."

"Hopefully we can fight together."

So Rennoli looked at Banner and said with a smile.

"Thank you, but I'm not familiar enough with the use of my abilities."

"It may cause some trouble then, so please forgive me."

When Banner saw that Renault heard about his ability, he praised him without any concealment, and he was also a little flattered and said.

"It's okay. Most of the transformation superpowers can't be controlled well at first."

"But as long as you control it well, your strength will become super strong."

"So just take your time. The most important thing is that you have to accept the power in your body."

Rennoli saw Banner's unconfident look, his eyes flashed, and he spoke.

He has fought with many strong men, so he naturally knows some characteristics of the transformation system.

Among the many early characteristics of the transformation system, the most obvious one is to resist the power within the body.

Because as long as the transformation system is stronger after transformation, the easier it is for them to lose control and go berserk in the initial period.

It may be a bad thing for ordinary people, but for well-informed superpowers, it is definitely a good thing.

Whether the power is strong enough determines whether you can have stronger strength and upper limit than other super powers.

If this Banner is really strong after his transformation, then this is indeed a good candidate worthy of advising Banner to see Lord Kassadin to see if he can receive a blessing.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Banner heard Rennoli's attitude towards him and gave some advice, and probably knew why Tony said that there was something wrong with his mentality.

Thor ignored Renault and Banner and continued to introduce Black Widow and Hawkeye.

Finally Thor introduced his brother Loki.

"Everyone knows each other, so let's talk about this first."

"I'll entertain my friends first."

Tony said after seeing that they all knew each other.

"See you guys in a few days."

When Lacey heard that Tony was going to entertain them, she knew that they were going to have a big dinner, so she smiled and waved.

Afterwards, several people followed Tony and left.

The third update is sent.

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