I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 193 Teleportation Array Opens

Thor and Loki also left for the time being.

They met because they received Tony's message and knew that they needed to meet each other and get to know each other so that they could take better care of each other.

Now that Tony is going to entertain their friends from the universe, they naturally don't have to stay here.

"Director, they..."

A beautiful agent saw them all going their own way and hesitated to speak.

"...Don't worry about them, as long as Blue Star is really fine."

Nick Fury paused after hearing this and said.

Originally, he wanted to take care of it, but after seeing Tony's attitude.

He knew that it was impossible for these powerful men with various powerful abilities to obey his discipline.

However, the helpers Tony called back seemed quite nice and they should not cause trouble to Blue Star.

This also worried Nick Furian a lot.


On the other side, Tony took Renault and the others to fly to Stark Manor in the space battleship.

"I forgot to introduce to you that my wife, Pepper Potts, is also a member of the Void Cult."

"But she hasn't left Blue Star yet. You can't say bad things about me then."

Just before Tony stepped off the space battleship, he suddenly remembered something and reminded him.

"We are all men, I understand, I understand."

Kyle heard this and patted Tony on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Rich people in this universe are basically romantic, but since your wife would care about it, I definitely won't mention it."

Lacey said knowingly when she heard this.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Rennolly also had a look that I understood.

The prophet had already seen this scene, so he just nodded.

Suddenly, something that looked very advanced, like a spaceship, landed at Stark Manor, and Pepper came out.

When Pepper saw Tony walking out, there were several faces he had never seen before.

However, Pepper also noticed the confidence exuded by these people, and that their bodies were not ordinary people.

Combined with the fact that this didn't look like a Blue Star Technology spacecraft, this gave Pepper some expectations.

"Hello everyone, my Tony's wife, Pepper Potts."

Pepper said politely.

"Hello, my name is Kyle. I am Tony's friend and a member of the Void Cult."

Kyle said very friendly after hearing this.

Several people quickly greeted each other, and Tony had someone prepare an extremely sumptuous meal to entertain several friends who had come from afar.

Because they were all members of the Void Cult, they didn't pay much attention and just chatted while eating.

Pepper talked about what Tony was doing in the universe and was praised by several people.

This was not intentional collusion, but Tony's genius mind had indeed convinced many members of the Void Island, including a few of them.

When Pepper heard what these people said, it was similar to what Tony said to her, and he even looked like he was full of praise.

Knowing that even if Tony went to eat secretly in the universe, he did not forget his own job and did not cause trouble to Mr. Harvey, he felt at ease.

Several people ate for several hours, and Tony's reception was full of delicious food and wine.

And during the following days at Blue Star, I had enough delicious food every day.

It can be said that the four of them saw Tony's generosity again.

After Tony took care of several people, he directly gave 400 million to them and let them go find food.

But I also told them not to eat too much and be too conspicuous outside. If they want to eat, just tell Jarvis and let Jarvis arrange it.

Do as the Romans do, knowing that eating too much will cause some trouble, so of course they did so.


Four days passed quickly.

Gather the power of Tony, Dr. Eric, and Dr. Banner.

In just one week, they mastered the method of opening and closing stably.

The place to start is undoubtedly the Stark Tower in New York.

The sky was clear and clear in New York on this day, which can be said to be excellent weather.

However, a large number of troops and fighter planes came to disperse the crowd.

The atmosphere in New York, which was originally prosperous and calm, became a little tense.

This scene also caused a lot of noise and protests, but the American military also knew that this matter was of great importance and did not care whether they marched in protest or not.

They were taken away one by one directly on the charge of violently resisting the law.

At the top of the Stark Building, Loki and Dr. Eric stood above.

The Avengers team, as well as Rennoli and others, were divided into four corners and stood on the roofs of several taller buildings near the Stark Building.

The time came to one o'clock in the afternoon.

More than 70% of the large number of people have been dispersed except for some stupid people who have no other ideas in their minds except freedom.

"Dr. Eric, activate."

Tony said after seeing this scene through surveillance cameras scattered throughout the city.

They had given enough time for these people to evacuate, and he had no choice but to leave now if he didn't want to.

When the disaster really comes when there is a crack in the sky, these black people will run away if they can. If they can't escape, they can't blame him.

His purpose is to win this war between civilizations and defeat the Chitauri.

Otherwise, if the other party continues to fight with Blue Star, Blue Star may be completely destroyed.

Following Tony's order, Stark Tower shot a blue beam of light into the sky.

It was like a big hole had been opened in the sky, and an astonishing energy vortex began to swirl in the sky.

This vision was visible to most people in New York, and everyone's eyes widened.

"Is the world going to end?"

"Destroy them all, then I won't have to pay the mortgage."

"It's the end of the world, so you can rob things and women at will."

With the appearance of this sky-high blue light pillar, some protesting black people in New York raised their heads.

This was the clarion call that the Chitauri army was about to attack, and it wasn't the end of the world at that time.

But if no one can compete with it, then the arrival of the Chitauri army will be like the end of the world.

Because long before Blue Star, many planets had been destroyed by the Chitauri army.

Not long after, a huge monster that looked like a turtle flew out of the big hole.

Along with them were a large number of ugly-looking Chitauri soldiers wearing armor and masks, driving aircraft.

Like a dense swarm of bees, they scrambled to fly out of the hive.

Some protesting black people in New York have not yet left, although they cannot clearly see the specific appearance of those densely packed small objects.

However, they could clearly see the huge creature that looked like a turtle, with armor on its body and something similar to a turret on its back.

This scene made these protesting black people immediately realize the problem. This was not the end of the world rolled up by the power of heaven and earth at all, but an invasion from an unknown creature.

The fourth update is here.

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