I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 314 Don’t do meaningless things

Although Thor is not a member of the Void Cult, Thor will serve as the patron saint of the nine realms in the future.

Tony naturally hopes that Thor will become stronger as possible.

It's best to be as strong as God King Odin, then you don't have to worry about encountering any major dangers in the Nine Realms, and you have enough time to grow slowly.

So now Tony also wants to make Thor aware of these problems and make him find ways to become stronger.

Instead of just asking questions and not knowing anything, passively improving your strength as you grow older.

After hearing Tony's words, Thor also knew that if he wanted to challenge a higher floor, he must first adapt to the lowest ten times gravity.

So Thor also started running directly, and began to consciously control his power, so that his running would bear as much burden on the ground as possible.

This is a technique of unloading force, and Thor can see that Tony's control of physical power lies above his own.

He originally wanted to come here to thank Sonia, the God of the Void, and to chat with Tony to catch up on old times.

I never thought that the Void God Religion actually had such a thing as the Gravity Tower.

Although the training environment is a bit harsh, look at Tony's control of his own strength.

Thor can also see that as long as he can fully adapt to an environment with dozens of times gravity, he will be able to better control the power in his body.

Loki also has a temper that refuses to admit defeat, otherwise he would not have tried every means to become the king of Asgard.

Although his divine body is not as powerful as Thor, he is also of the bloodline of a Frost Giant, and his physical body is also one of the most powerful races in the universe.

Not to mention that he was exactly the same as Thor, able to adapt to the same multiples, but at least with the ten times gravity on this first level, there was no way he would give in.

However, compared to Thor, who had strong limbs and a simple mind, Loki did not run directly, but recalled the actions Tony showed just now.

Then I followed my memory and jumped up again, trying to achieve a more perfect release of force when landing.

Rather than doing things blindly, Loki prefers to use his own tricks after thinking.

It is said that the wizard has a heart for close combat. In fact, Loki has never neglected the practice of close combat since he was a child.

With the artifact in hand, Loki can still compete with Thor in close combat.

“Want to move freely and train no matter what gravity you’re in.”

"We must reduce wasted effort as much as possible,"

"Otherwise, even if you two are very physically strong and have great endurance, you still wouldn't be able to train with complete freedom of movement in a gravity environment for twelve hours."

"If you master this technique, even if you won't be able to stay in the gravity chamber for too long, you two will still be able to survive a battle."

"Have more endurance to deal with enemies."

Tony folded his arms and looked at the two of them, then said.

Thor and Loki may be born powerful, so rather than using power, they are more about releasing their power without restraint.

However, Tony has gone through a lot of practice as he has grown from a weakling to a strong man step by step.

With various members of the Void Cult, including Renault and others but not limited to them, they exchanged their thoughts on evolution, exchanged and learned the techniques of force, and this was how Tony became the powerful person he is today.

For enemies who are weaker than themselves, they can easily crush them with tyrannical force and some skills and brains.

But for those who are stronger than themselves, such as Banner.

If he wants to win, he must use more brains and compete with him with better skills.

Otherwise, he would not be able to control his power perfectly due to his skill of not letting go of force. If he had a head-on confrontation with Banner, he would have no chance of winning at all.

Now that Tony has joined the Void, he has entered the world of the strong.

Even if his starting point is not as good as those with super powers, he will still find ways to climb higher.

Rather than complaining about his shortcomings, he prefers to do his best.

Because he is in the field of technology, in some aspects he is already at the pinnacle of mankind.

When it's time to relax, relax, work when it's time to work, and practice to the best of your ability when it's time to practice.

Everything moves forward according to his own plan, this is Tony's character.

Of course, Tony would not impose himself on others, but he also saw that Thor hoped to make himself stronger through the gravity chamber.

Naturally Tony will give appropriate advice.

After Thor heard this, he also began to consciously control the use of his power.

Loki didn't need Tony's advice at all. Just after watching Tony's demonstration just now, he already knew the fundamental reason for wanting to move freely in the gravity chamber.


At the same time, outside the gravity building.

The Void God Cult community has started discussing it.

"I just saw Loki of Asgard."

"More than that, if I read correctly just now, I should have seen the legendary Thor."

"The two brothers came together?"

"Well, I'm with Tony and Banner right now."

"I care more about their purpose of coming here than these."

Recorder Sarah: "What Loki, Thor?"

Supersonic Rennoli: "We have already understood that this time Thor, the god of thunder, and Loki, the god of trickery, came here to apologize for their rudeness last time."

Predictor: "And I would like to thank Miss Sonia for sparing my life last time, so you don't need to be so hostile."

"If you really came with the intention of apologizing and thanking you, then it can still be forgiven."

"If they don't know what's good and what's wrong and dare to blaspheme Lord Kassadin, let them never come back."

The words of Rennoli and the Predict have greatly reduced the hostility towards Thor and Loki in the Void Cult.

It's just that they all have to see Thor and Loki, and they really just come to thank and apologize.

In a mountaintop villa.

"Mr. Kassadin, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the God of Trickery are here."

"What do you think of their arrival?"

Sonia also learned the news through information exchanged in the Void God Cult community.

"Those who want to be guests and not cause trouble, then let them."

Harvey heard Sonia's inquiry and said calmly.

Of course he knew that Thor and Loki were coming, and he knew very well that those two people were practicing in the gravity chamber with Tony and Banner.

The Gravity Building originally didn't prohibit outsiders from entering, so it didn't matter.

Compared with these trivial matters, what Harvey wants to know is whether Tony's behavior will make Thor stronger in advance.

In terms of starting point, Thor is no worse than Banner, and is even more comprehensive than Banner's starting point.

Banner's Hulk power is purely physical power. Although physical power can also make him strong, it is not comprehensive enough after all.

The divine power that Thor masters is both physical and magical.

It's just that Thor is still too young, has not experienced any life and death, and has not grown up yet.

But there is no doubt how strong the God King Odin is. Thor will be able to grow to be almost as strong or even surpass Odin in the future and create his own legend.

"So should I go see them?"

Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's words and understood the meaning. She thought for a while and asked.

"They want to thank you, not you."

"So you don't have to go specifically to see them, you can just do your thing."

"If you meet them by chance, then have a chat with them."

"Odin, the God-King of Asgard, gave me an Infinity Stone."

"Although the Void Cult and Asgard are not allies now, they can be regarded as friends."

"So it doesn't matter if they come to Void Island as guests."

Harvey said slowly after hearing this.

"That's it, I understand."

It was also the first time for Sonia to hear this. Her pupils shrank slightly, but she did not ask further questions. Instead, she nodded slightly and said.

Although she doesn't know what the six Infinity Stones are.

However, Mr. Cassadine told her that collecting six Infinity Stones would give her almost omnipotent power.

Originally, she wanted to ask Mr. Kassadin why he didn't collect it since he was so powerful.

According to the strength of many members of the Void Cult, it is still possible to collect infinite gems.

I just never had the right time to ask, and I never thought that Mr. Kassadin already had two of them.

She didn't know what Mr. Cassadine, who owned two Infinity Stones, thought of the Infinity Stones.

But it’s also a good thing that Mr. Kassadin can hold such a treasure in his hands.

"Don't be so surprised. This is just a deal between me and Odin."

"He gave me gems. Depending on the situation, I will protect Asgard."

Harvey noticed the surprise in Sonia's eyes, took a sip of the fragrant black tea, and said calmly.

Sonia heard it was a deal and didn't ask when the deal was made.

Because she already knew it without asking.

Mr. Kassadin lives a happy life on Xandar because she serves him every day.

He eats and drinks every day, finds things to kill time, and takes a look at the situation on the island. Recently, he has taken another action, that is, Mr. Kassadin will go out to find women from time to time.

However, Mr. Kassadin did not contact God King Odin for any of the above actions.

Therefore, the only time for Mr. Kassadin to reach a deal with God King Odin is when Mr. Kassadin is on Blue Star.

As expected, Mr. Kassadin does not do meaningless things. He went to Blue Star saying he was going to see a theater, but in fact he was probably going to see God King Odin, and he also found some talents.

Mr. Tony Stark and Mr. Bruce Banner are both geniuses.

After Mr. Bruce Banner learned the knowledge of various civilizations in the universe, he showed super wisdom and is now helping Mr. Tony research thruster engines. .

With these two talents, the technology of the Void God Religion will also take off.

The third update of three thousand words is sent.

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