I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 315 Waiting for the opportunity

But Sonia fell into thinking again, and this time she reached a deal, and then she would protect Asgard's words depending on the situation.

Does it mean that Mr. Kassadin has taken one step further with his idea of ​​merging Asgard into the Void Cult?

"Mr. Kassadin, what do you think of the Asgardians now?"

Sonia had to know clearly about the future development of the Void God Religion, so she asked about it.

"There are not many Asgardians, only a few that are worth noting."

"One is undoubtedly the God-King Odin."

"One is Heimdall, the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, who has divine eyes that can directly see through countless distances and overlook all worlds."

"There are also Odin's descendants, Hela, the goddess of death, and Thor, the god of thunder."

"Their strength is the strongest in Asgard."

"Among them, Odin and Thor have the most special identities. If you want to pull them into the void, you need to take their identities into consideration."

After hearing this, Harvey also expressed his impressions and thoughts.

"Aren't you planning to merge Asgard into the Void Cult?"

Sonia was thoughtful after hearing these comments.

"There are definitely ideas, but there are also concerns, so we still need to keep an eye on things."

Harvey did not hide his thoughts after hearing this, nodded slightly and said.

When Odin was about to die, he would talk to Odin and see what his intentions were.

If Odin has an idea and is willing to believe in the void, then let Odin join. If not, then just wait for the opportunity.

If Asgard is left alone, there will be many casualties in Asgard when Ragnarok occurs.

By then, even if Thor wants him to agree to bring the Asgardians into the Void Cult and become a faction, it will not be very powerful.


"If that day comes, please notify me in advance."

Sonia smiled when she heard this.

Mr. Kassadin's meaning is very obvious, that is, once there is an opportunity for Asgard to compromise on something, he will not let go of the idea of ​​​​wanting Asgard.

Therefore, the addition of Asgard is only a matter of time. Even if it joins, it will be divided into different factions.

However, if the Void Cult gradually grows in strength, it will only be a matter of time before it is divided into different factions.

Therefore, in Sonia's view, it does not matter if they are divided into different factions, as long as there are no internal divisions and infighting.

"Of course, Void Island is yours to take care of. If the day comes, I will definitely inform you in advance."

Harvey saw that Sonia had understood what he meant and nodded.


In the next few days, Thor and Loki also confronted the gravity floor.

The two spent a week working hard to finally find the feeling. They tried to reduce the energy consumed by useless movements as much as possible, and finally adapted to the ten times gravity of the first layer.

Normally, it would take at least several months for two people to master this technique.

However, Thor and Loki are brothers and are often compared to each other.

The most important thing is that they were in an unsuitable environment that was different from the past, which forced the two of them to unleash their potential.

After adapting, the two of them also went all the way to the second level to try twenty times the gravity.

But for the two people who had just adapted to ten times gravity, twenty times gravity did not put much pressure on them.

So the two of them stayed for less than half a day and ran to a higher magnification.

In an environment with thirty times the gravity, the two of them were unable to control their movements and breathing properly.

The bodies of both of them are very strong, but under the high-magnification gravity environment, their internal organs are also compressed.

As a result, every breath caused a very uncomfortable feeling in the internal organs.

Especially Thor, the armor he is wearing now weighs more than a ton.

Although he is very powerful, it is not an easy task to wear this armor that weighs one ton, move freely for training and perfectly control his power.

However, both of them have already experienced the refreshing feeling of leaving the Gravity Building as light as a swallow, so even if it was uncomfortable, the two of them did not give up.

Their physical strength is sufficient, and all they need to do is adapt to this harsh environment to make themselves stronger.

Thor's idea is not to mention Banner, at least not worse than Tony. He must be able to withstand forty times the gravity when he reaches the fourth floor.

During their training in the Gravity Chamber, both men followed Tony's advice and refrained from using their powers.

Divine power is limited just like physical strength, so as long as you adapt to the physical body alone, you can have more choices when facing danger in battle.

Now Thor also realizes how terrifying Banner is after transforming into the Hulk.

A seventy-five times gravity chamber is simply unimaginable.

Loki's idea is to prevent future problems.

Although he guessed that his father would die soon, it was just a guess, but he had to be prepared for the worst.

In order to prevent Asgard from being in danger after the death of his father Odin, Loki was unable to help in the battle except for some strategies.

So I also hope to make myself stronger.

Even though this is not his area of ​​expertise, Tony also said that if you know your shortcomings and work hard to make up for them, you can make yourself stronger.

And they also saw some members of the Void Cult coming out of the third level, but they were covered in sweat and showed no sign of leaving.

What's more, they went to the floors three floors above. Tony didn't lie to them.

In terms of physical body alone, Tony is only in the upper stage and is not the strongest group physically.

In such an environment of mutual comparison, anyone who is not an idle fish would want to compete with them.

As the princes of Asgard, it is certainly impossible for the two of them to admit defeat in this regard.

Tony and Banner went directly through Jarvis's calculations and discussed some ideas about the thruster engine in the gravity chamber while watching Thor and Loki.

Lest these two people get mad and head to a higher floor without them watching.

After all, a high-magnification gravity environment is not a place to joke about. If you are not careful, you will have to lie in bed for a while.

After being tortured in the gravity chamber, Thor and Loki didn't know whether it was because the food on Void Island was too good or because they were too hungry because they expended too much energy.

They feel that their appetite has improved a lot, they can eat more food than before, and they can sleep well every day.

It's just that Thor and Loki still haven't had much dealings with the Void Cult people. Every time they come out of the gravity room, they go to the experimental building feebly.

Fortunately, Tony helped, otherwise neither of them would have much energy to find food to fill their stomachs.

The fourth update of two thousand words is sent.

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