I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 316 I want to apologize to you

Thor and Loki both wanted to challenge the limits of their physical bodies, so they temporarily stayed on Void Island.

A few more days passed.

On this day, Thor received a cosmic communication, and the person who contacted him was Steve.

"Did something happen on Blue Star?"

Tony asked immediately after getting through.

"It's not a big deal. It's just that there was a traitor in SHIELD. He wanted to steal the Mind Stone, but I intercepted him."

After Steve contacted Tony, he explained the situation.

"Can SHIELD's mole still be unable to resist taking action?"

"Has there been any impact on Blue Star due to this?"

Tony said thoughtfully after hearing Steve's words.

"Because the Insight Project was stopped by me, there were no major casualties on Blue Star."

"Most of the casualties were SHIELD agents and Hydra people."

"And you know there's a mole in SHIELD?"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

After Steve heard the explanation, he asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"I just know that there is a mole in SHIELD, but I don't know who it is."

"Because there is no information about the mole in SHIELD's internal database."

"Obviously they should have adopted an older preservation method, independent of SHIELD's database."

"So much so that Jarvis can't invade."

"If they didn't take action, even if I told you, it would be of no use, so I didn't tell you."

"And I think with your current ability, even if a traitor from SHIELD takes action, it's impossible for you to succeed."

Tony heard this and a smile appeared on his face.

Harvey had told him a long time ago that SHIELD was not united and there were traitors.

So Tony also asked Jarvis to investigate, but there was no good progress.

If he hadn't trusted Harvey enough, he would have doubted whether there really was a traitor in SHIELD.

But with Steve on hand, Tony still doesn't worry about when those traitors will take action.

Today's Steve is on Blue Star, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is almost like Superman.

Conspiracies are only useful against enemies that can be dealt with, but there is no doubt that Steve is now beyond what Hydra can deal with.

So once Hydra reveals its flaws and gets Steve's attention, no matter what plan it is, it's almost impossible to succeed.

At most, Steve will have a lot of trouble tracking, but he is unlikely to encounter too much danger.

"I can indeed deal with it, but if you know it, just tell me earlier."

Steve felt helpless when he heard Tony's affirmation of his own strength.

"Okay, I'll tell you what information I get in the future."

"By the way, what is the Insight Project?"

Tony nodded upon hearing this, and then asked casually.

"Hydra has created an algorithm program. I heard it has very strong computing power."

"It can be accurately calculated who are the people on Blue Star who may harm Blue Star in the future."

"Then use the Insight Plan to eliminate all those people at once."

"Hydra will be able to complete its rule over Blue Star."

Steve said with a smile upon hearing this.

Even if Hydra's plan succeeds and most potential enemies are eliminated, it is completely impossible to rule Blue Star.

Because the real ruler of Blue Star is not humans themselves, but the God-King Odin.

Hydra doesn't even understand these things, so it wants to rule Blue Star. Isn't it just wishful thinking?

As long as Asgard sends a god here, it will definitely be able to stop it.

And even if he was killed, there would be no time to deliver the news.

Banner and Tony are now making new technology in the universe, and nothing major will happen on Blue Star.

But once Banner and Tony come back, they will rely on the few sorties made by Hydra and the weapons they carry.

It is impossible to threaten Tony and Banner, so it is destined that Hydra's plan will not succeed no matter what.

"Even now I dare not say that I can rule Blue Star. Where do those idiots from Hydra get their confidence?"

When Tony heard about Hydra's ambition to rule the Blue Star, he felt a little incredible at first and then couldn't help but smile on his face.

"I feel the same way, and Tony, there is something I feel the need to apologize to you for."

Steve also had a smile on his face when he heard this, and then his eyes became firm and he spoke.

In fact, he had successfully intercepted the Insight Plan a week ago.

The reason why it took so long to contact Tony was because Steve was also a little confused.

Through Dr. Arnim Sora, a remnant of Hydra, he learned what Bucky had been doing over the years.

He didn't care about other things Bucky did, because Bucky was controlled by others, and he didn't want to do it.

But Bucky also killed Tony's parents.

Steve was extremely confused about whether to tell Tony or not.

Just considering that with Tony’s technology, the artificial intelligence produced by him will become more and more powerful in the future.

If he didn't take the initiative to explain to Tony and ask for forgiveness.

If Jarvis investigates and informs Tony, then Tony's anger will definitely be impossible to stop.

At that time, let’s not say whether he can defeat Tony, who has been in the Void for a longer time and has many armors at his side.

To be honest, he didn't have enough confidence that he would definitely be able to defeat Tony in the future.

But once he fights with the angry Tony, it will bring huge disaster to the surrounding environment and creatures on the battlefield.

One is Bucky, a good friend with whom he has a fatal friendship.

One is to guide him and introduce him to Harvey, let him join the void, and also arrange for him to be a friend and benefactor so that he doesn't have to worry about money and can just find a way to evolve.

Selfishly, Steve believes that Bucky is also innocent and was forced, but for Tony, Bucky is definitely the enemy who killed his parents.

But for a righteous person, once he conceals it, it may cause greater disaster later.

Even though he didn't want Bucky to die, Steve knew very well.

It was impossible for him to stop the hidden future. Tony, who could be said to have great hands and eyes in Blue Star, knew the truth and finally found and killed Bucky.

Anyway, in the end, Tony would know anyway, so why not take the initiative to confess and seek forgiveness.

So after struggling for a week, Steve decided to tell Tony proactively to see if Tony was willing to forgive Bucky.

"Apologise to me?"

"Did you do anything wrong?"

Tony was a little confused when he heard Steve's words.

"It's not that I did something wrong, but that one of my brothers did something wrong..."

"I hope I can get your forgiveness."

Steve had an embarrassed look on his face when he heard this.

Ten thousand a day, the first two thousand words will be sent.

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