I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 348 Invited to Join

"Then when I return to Asgard some time later, I'll go talk to Tony."

After hearing this, Thor completely understood and agreed to go back and talk to Tony.

Although Tony and Banner said they didn't need their help, they really needed Tony's help.

Even if they join the Void Cult, other members are no longer hostile to them.

But in just a few months, it is impossible to become like Tony, who is so open in the Void Cult.

After all, Tony is now given the title of Pioneer of the Void in the Void Cult.

"By the way, who is Sarah, the recorder?"

"You haven't mentioned it before."

After Odin saw Thor's promise, he felt relieved and asked.

"Whether it's what Tony and Banner said, or the impression she left on me."

"I feel like they are all very easy to get along with. Their responsibility is to record the comings and goings of people on the island."

"When you come in or out, you have to ask her to explain and register."

"When we get there, say hello and put the gifts down, we should be good to go."

Thor heard this and spoke.

"Similar to Heimdall?"

Odin thought thoughtfully upon hearing this duty.

"Similar but not exactly the same, Heimdall's main responsibility is to directly monitor various things happening in the Nine Realms, as well as the guardian of the Bifrost."

"Tony said she has little power at the moment."

Loki heard this and spoke.

"It would be nice if there really was no power."

Odin's eyes flashed when he heard that the recorder Sarah had no privileges.

He heard from Thor and Loki that they had the same impression of the Void God Envoy Sonia, who was mainly responsible for the development and management of the Void God Religion. She was an agent representing Kassadin, the Void God, and had power but not much.

But in fact, Sonia has far more power than that.

"No matter how friendly you are, there should be no problem."

Frigga also knew Odin's concerns and spoke.

"Well, try to be as low-key and friendly as possible."

"We have just joined the Void God Religion and are not familiar with it."

Odin also nodded when he heard this.

After making the decision, they quickly returned to the island with the specialties they brought and the unsecured storage card containing two billion cosmic coins.

Under numerous onlookers, we went to the Temple of Records.

"This is it."

Thor spoke.


Odin was speechless after hearing these words and looking at this magnificent temple of records.

As far as the working environment is concerned, even if Thor and Loki said that Sarah had no privileges, he would definitely not believe it.

If it were not entrusted with an important task, normally such a luxurious temple would not be built for people to work here.

It is now around one o'clock in the afternoon.

Sarah was pushing a cart loaded with a large amount of food on five levels, along the road back to the Temple of Records.

"Miss Sarah."

After Thor saw Sarah's instantly recognizable bright red hair, he took the initiative to say hello.

"Mr. Thor, the God of Thunder, and Mr. Loki, the God of Trickery."

When Sarah heard someone calling her, she turned her head and saw Thor and Loki. She smiled politely and called out politely.


Odin was speechless when he saw that this person looked like a normal staff member, like a beautiful woman who was planning to deliver food to other places.

Is there something wrong with my own understanding?

This recorder, Sarah, lives in such a luxurious temple. Why does she have to buy food and send it back? Shouldn't it be delivered directly?

"You must be Mr. Odin, the God King, and Mrs. Frigga."

"I heard that all of you have joined the Void Cult."

"We will all be compatriots from now on. Please give me your advice."

After Sarah said hello, she also saw Odin and Frigga behind Thor and Loki. She released the cart with her hands, showed a kind smile on her face, and said hello.

Not at all embarrassed about being seen walking pushing food.

Because when I was in a celebrity hotel, I was used to helping guests deliver food to them.

Although she can find someone to help her deliver food to the temple, she prefers to choose it herself, since she has a lot of free time anyway.


Frigga saw that Sarah's appearance, attitude and words made it easy for people to feel close to her, and she responded with a smile.

"Hello, Miss Recorder Sarah."

Although Odin had a lot of incomprehension in his heart, he nodded slightly and responded.

"Are you here to register?"

At this time, Sarah also noticed that there were many members of the Void Cult watching around. She looked at the things Thor and Loki were carrying behind them, and thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, Miss Sonia said she would send the gift to you, and I would like to sit down with you to register."

Thor's character is basically like being able to talk to anyone he meets, and his speech is not so convoluted, so when faced with this question, he revealed his purpose with a smile on his face.

"Okay, then wait for me."

Sarah heard that Senior Sonia asked them to send the gifts to her temporarily. Although it was a bit strange, the other party was also here to register, so she said it with a smile.

Afterwards, Sarah quickly pushed the cart to the back of the Temple of Records.

"Then come with me now."

Then Sarah came to Saul and others and said with a smile.

"Miss Sarah, how did you know that we had joined the Void Cult?"

When Sol and others followed, Sol asked casually.

"You just joined, so you don't know. The Void God Cult has a group community."

"Almost all members of the Void Cult are inside."

"Senior Sonia just said that all of you have joined the Void God Cult."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

Odin, Frigga, and Loki's eyes flashed when they heard the names of their seniors who were different from the others.

Everyone else calls Miss Sonia, and this senior obviously means that Sarah has a close relationship with Sonia.

"So if I want to join the group community you mentioned, what are the conditions?"

Thor, on the other hand, didn't feel anything at all. Instead, he understood after hearing this and continued to ask.

"No, the only requirement is that you have arrived at Void Island, and you also need to be a member of the Void Cult."

"After you finish registering, I can invite you in."

When Sarah heard these questions, she always answered them.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Miss Sarah."

When Thor heard that they could be invited in, a smile appeared on his face.

"No trouble."

Sarah also smiled when she heard this.

Thor and Loki came once, so they didn't have much time to look at the Temple of Records.

However, Odin and Frigga took a look at some of the situations in the Record Temple.

As far as the working environment is concerned, not many people in Asgard have a working environment like Sarah's.

After all, to build a temple specifically for one person, the identity and status must be high enough.

The Valkyrie Legion originally had a temple, but the Valkyrie was a group of people, not a one-person working environment.

Heimdall also has his own temple, but Heimdall is the patron saint of Asgard.

"I'm the only one here, so sit wherever you want."

"I have heard a lot of your legends, so I won't ask about your names and origins. I will simply record them."

"But I want to record what gifts you brought."

Sarah went directly to the main seat in the temple and said with a smile.

Write about Thor, Loki, and Odin. Frigga's name, she was born in the Nine Realms of Asgard, and she still had time to reach the Void Island.

"Two billion universe coins."

“One ton of Uru metal, ten black hole grenades, and some specialties from Asgard.

Thor heard and told about the gifts they and others brought.

As long as the black hole grenade is in Miss Sonia's hands, there is no difference between it and Tony's hands.

Because currently the main figures responsible for research in the Void Cult are Tony and Banner.

"Okay, I've recorded it for you."

When Sarah heard the gift brought by Asgard, she felt a little emotional in her heart. She was from a powerful force and was generous in her dealings, but she still smiled on the outside.

Although there was no record of gift giving in the past, since it was Sonia-senpai who asked the other party to come, she just needs to keep a record of it.

"Then now let me drag you into the Void God Cult's group community."

"You should all have cosmic communicators on you, right?"

After Sarah finished taking notes, she stood up and said with a smile.

"Bring them all."

Odin nodded upon hearing this.

"Then let's exchange contact information first, and then I'll invite you in."

After hearing this, Sarah clicked on the extremely exquisite and detailed watch on her left wrist, and a projection shot out.

Odin and the others also aimed and scanned directly.

The name is Sarah the recorder, no other strange name.

Sarah added and directly invited a few people.

Sonia, who was located in the mountaintop villa, also received the message requesting to join immediately and clicked to agree directly.

She knew that members of the Void Cult would be more or less cautious when meeting God King Odin.

Because most members of the Void Cult had some prejudices against Asgard.

But when Loki first arrived, Sarah had already become a recorder but had not yet joined the Void Cult.

So Sarah didn’t even arrive at the scene to see it in person at that time, and she didn’t know about Rocky’s disrespectful behavior on the island.

Therefore, Sarah has no prejudice against Asgard, and she will definitely not have such a problem if she comes into contact with her.

among the community.

God King Odin Bolson has joined the group community at the invitation of Recorder Sarah.

Queen Frigga of Asgard was invited to join the group community by Sarah the Recorder.

Thor Odinson, the God of Thunder, was invited to join the group community by Sarah the Recorder.

Loki Odinson, the god of trickery, was invited to join the group community by Sarah the Recorder.

Hercules Kyle also sent his greeting immediately: "Welcome the gods of Asgard to join the Void Cult."

The same goes for Supersonic Renault: "I never thought I would be able to see the day when the gods of Asgard join the Void."

Yamalix: "It is their honor to join the great Void! The glory of the Void Cult will surely shine on the universe!"

Rich man Tony Stark: "Thor, Loki, you went to the Void Cult without even telling me."

Hulk Bruce Banner: "Yeah, that's too unkind."

"There are some big shots here."

"Miss Sarah still knows how to deal with people."

"I wouldn't dare go up and talk directly."

After Odin, Frigga, Thor, and Loki were invited to join, they felt a lot more at ease when they saw that the lively group community showed no signs of rejecting them.

Thor Odinson: "We are not sure whether we can join, and there is no point in explaining it to you. And if we tell you, will you return to the Void Island?"

Billionaire Tony Starr: "As much as I would like to go back, it's not possible for the time being."

Thor Odinson: "That's it."

Billionaire Tony Stark: "Let's talk in detail when we get back."

Because Thor and others did not join the Void before, when Tony entertained Thor and Loki, he still reserved some information.

Now that I have joined, I must explain it in detail.

Thor Odinson: "I have this plan too."

Sarah also saw the situation in the group community, and probably guessed why Miss Sonia sent the gift to her first, like Mr. Sol and the others.

Mr. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, two men from the Nine Realms, were not there.

Senior Sonia was not suitable to come forward in person, so she asked Sol and the others to come to her.

"The group community is quite lively. If you have any questions about evolution, you can ask directly there."

"But it's best to directly ask some members of the Void Cult who have been members for a long time."

"For example, Mr. Rennolly and Mr. Kyle, let's discuss their thoughts on evolution."

"Or you can directly study and discuss it with Mr. Tony Stark and Mr. Bruce Banner, who were born in the nine realms with you."

"Although as gods of Asgard, you must be extremely powerful."

"But your experience on the path of evolution is still just beginning."

“So there is still something to be understood that needs to be understood.”

After learning about Senior Sonia's plan, Sarah also took the initiative to explain some things.

God King Odinger's name resounds throughout the universe, his strength is undoubted, and he may have some arrogance.

However, Sarah has already given the reminders and suggestions that should be given. Whether she is willing to listen or not is up to God King Odin himself.

"The path of evolution is indeed a new path for me."

"It is necessary to learn the experience of evolution."

"I will talk to the person you mentioned depending on the situation in the future."

Odin is indeed somewhat arrogant in his heart. Most members of the Void Cult are quite powerful, but they are still extremely weak compared to him.

I also have the confidence to carve out my own path of evolution, but if I want to carve out my own path, I also need corresponding knowledge.

When looking for objects to discuss, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are definitely the first choices.

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