I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 349 Dinner together after a long absence

"Well, I'm going to start eating."

"You can walk around the island, or you can stay here and chat with other people in the community."

Sarah could see the arrogance in God King Odin's heart, so she did not continue to pester him to teach him something.

She has only evolved more than a hundred times, and is a relatively new member of the Void Cult. Combat is not her specialty.

Now that I am only half-assed, I naturally cannot teach others about various aspects of evolution.

"Thank you Miss Sarah, let's go for a walk on the island."

Thor didn't mind when he saw Sarah preparing to eat, because pulling them into the group community was already a big help.

"It's okay, although I don't know much about evolution."

"But if you have any questions other than evolution, you can ask me."

Sarah said with a smile upon hearing this.

After Sol and Sarah took the initiative to say goodbye, they walked out of the Temple of Records.

This is the first time Odin has joined a group chat similar to this kind of organization in so many years.

Asgard has special communication methods that can be directly conveyed to the ears of some generals or used as early warning means.

Except for some special gods or generals who can talk to him directly.

Most Asgardian soldiers cannot contact him directly.

Kassadin does not seem to be in this group community, but he can directly contact the Void God Envoy Sonia.

As long as you contact Miss Sonia, the news can be conveyed directly to Kassadin as soon as possible.

Normally, it acts as a community for other members to chat and brag to enhance their relationship. At critical moments, it can quickly convey information to everyone.

Maybe Asgard should keep up with the times.

Although letting most people directly connect with him will cause some trouble, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

"The recorder, Sarah, is indeed quite likable when you get in touch with her."

"And he's not bad-hearted, and he dares to speak out, but he just doesn't know if he has a partner."

Frigga said thoughtfully after leaving the Temple of Records for a distance with Thor, Loki, and Odin.

"Judging from her breath, she is still in perfect condition."

"And she is also a member of the Void Cult. I have no objection."

Odin heard his wife's words, glanced at Thor and Loki and said meaningfully.

Saul's little girlfriend Jane Foster is an ordinary person, so naturally he will not be satisfied.

However, he would not object to a woman like Recorder Sarah, who had good looks, good character, and was bound to have considerable power in the future.


As soon as Frigga and Odin said these words, Loki suddenly didn't dare to speak out.

According to Asgard's age, he and Thor have already reached the age of getting married and having children.

"Others are living a good life on Void Island and are still doing their job as recorders. They should also stay on Void Island in the future."

"So don't talk about such things, okay?"

Of course Thor knew what his father and queen meant, and said seriously.

Fortunately, Loki said that when he was in Asgard, his father and mother had allowed him to be close to Sifdo. This was the pressure of being the eldest son.

"I just said that I don't object, so you don't have to react so much."

"But Thor, you have to understand that there is no future between gods and humans."

"A hundred years for you and me is just a blink of an eye, but for human beings, a lifetime has passed."

"So even if you are not Miss Sarah, someone who is also an Asgard is more suitable for you."

"At least we can support each other for thousands or even tens of thousands of years."

"For us Asgardians, being apart for years or even decades is not a problem."

"But for humans, a year apart may feel like an extremely long time."

"Time is very cruel, otherwise I wouldn't join the Void."

Odin saw Thor's resistance and said slowly.

"Jane Foster has a good personality and a very smart mind, but her race is different and her lifespan is so different that her vision will always be restricted."

"So Thor, you have to think carefully."

Frigga had discussed this matter with Odin before, and looked at Thor and began to persuade.

She doesn't hate Jane Foster, but love is the most hurtful word in the world, if Saul really falls into it.

Even if Jane Foster did not die because of illness, just because of the passage of time and her death in old age, it would leave a great trauma to Saul.

Although Odin can seal Thor's memory, sealing is only a way to delay, not a solution to the problem.

"I'll talk to Jane later."

Thor also knew what his father and queen meant, so he paused and spoke.

Although he would also like to meet Jane Foster more, he still has a lot to do in Asgard and the universe.

So now I can't spare so much time to stay on Blue Star, because I don't go much, and I can clearly feel Jane's dissatisfaction.

"Let's not talk about these things. Let's go to the cafeteria to have a meal first."

"Even I have to admit that the food on Void Island is richer and more delicious."

Loki saw that the atmosphere was a bit stiff and took the initiative to change the topic.

Odin heard Thor's words and did not continue to force Thor to make an immediate decision.

"Then I want to take a good look."

Frigga smiled on her face when she heard this.

The four of them went to the canteen of Void Island together and saw more than a hundred people distributed on different large tables.

The arrival of Odin and his friends attracted some attention.

Although it is already known that Odin and others have joined the Void Cult and even joined the group community.

In the group community, they can speak boldly, but when they meet directly, no one dares to go up and say hello.

Odin has gotten used to it, and this situation will only get better when Tony Stark comes back and builds a bridge.

Thor and Loki had already been to the canteen once, so they naturally found an empty table and sat down.

"If you're not in a hurry, you can just order the food you like and wait for some time before going to get it."

“You can also just go and get the food that’s already prepared.”

Loki touched the big table, and then a projection appeared in front of each of the four people, and introduced his parents, Odin and Frigga.

When Odin eats in Asgard, he always gives some instructions and then waits for some time for someone to do it according to his preferences.

Now that he has to order his own food, Odin feels a sense of freshness that he has not seen for a long time.

I found that there are different delicacies from different worlds marked on it, many of which are gray.

"What do these gray ones mean?"

Odin saw these seafood feasts that were very well presented and whetted his appetite. He also noted one of the evolutionary set meals at the back. He wanted to order it but found no response after ordering it.

"I did some research with Rennoli before."

"The chef in charge is different every week, and the food cooked will be different."

"So if you want to eat it, you have to match the time."

Loki saw that his father didn't understand this and introduced it.

Those evolutionary set meals obviously require specific ingredients to make, and it is estimated that a lot of people will rush to grab them as soon as they are available.

It is estimated that if you want to eat, you not only need to come at the right time, but also come in advance and queue up.

Odin and Frigga are like old people from a backward era, guided by their two sons.

Although they are all in Asgard, the days of eating together must be traced back at least hundreds of years.

After several people ordered food, Thor and Loki went directly to buy some prepared delicacies to fill their stomachs.

While tasting the delicious food, we couldn't help but smile on our faces while chatting about home-cooked food.

"I feel it. Is this what evolution feels like?"

When Loki ate the food, he felt an energy he had never felt before fill his body, and his eyes widened.

"You just absorbed the energy brought by food, and it's not time to evolve yet."

"The taste of true evolution makes people easily intoxicated."

Odin joined more than a month in advance and said with a smile when he saw Loki like this.

"If you feel this happy every time you eat, it's no wonder Tony eats five times a day."

Sol also felt that the food he usually ate brought a sense of fullness that he had never felt before, and he sighed with a bit of light in his eyes.

Maybe part of the reason is that after joining the void, the desire to eat will be even higher.

But if eating is not a kind of enjoyment, but a different kind of torture, then you won't be so enthusiastic about looking for food.

Odin originally planned to stay here for a day or two and then go back, but now that he saw so many sumptuous foods in the cafeteria, he couldn't bear to leave for a while.

Even if I have to leave, I still have to pack a lot of food and go back.

After a feast, Loki also ushered in his first evolution, and this evolution was undoubtedly his evolved physical body.

Just this first evolution made Loki feel that the power in his body had become much stronger.

"I feel like I'm getting a little bit stronger."

After Loki came out of the intoxication of evolution, he clenched his fist and said.

“What is evolution based on?”

Thor was a little confused after seeing Loki evolve.

"You evolve by following your heart's desire."

"I have evolved dozens of times now, but all of them evolved when I was younger."

"My eyes didn't recover directly because I got younger."

"If I want to restore my eyes, I guess I need more evolution."

When Odin heard Thor's question, he also expressed what he had been feeling for more than a month.

It is not limited to ordinary power, but can evolve according to the thoughts in the heart. I have to say that the blessing of the void is really terrifying.

"The power that my heart longs for most?"

"So can magic be evolved and enhanced?"

Frigga was thoughtful after hearing Odin's words.

"Compared to evolving magic, I feel that evolving the power of the void is the most important."

"The combination of void power and magic should be able to bring greater gains."

"And the power of the void can directly control the ability to fly."

Although Loki evolved his physical body for the first time, he also knew what was most useful to evolve.

It's just that the strength of the physical body is not high, which has always been a pain in Loki's heart, so no matter what, he will evolve dozens or hundreds of physical bodies.

Allow yourself to experience what it feels like to be a true warrior.

Among the four of them, only Odin can fly directly, and Thor can fly with the help of Mjolnir.

Both Loki and Frigga only mastered the magic of levitation and could fly directly to high places and fall without incident, but neither of them could fly fast.

"The combination of void power and magic sounds really good in plasticity."

Frigga thought for a moment after hearing her son Loki's words.

Her immediate priority is of course to make herself younger, because Odin is constantly returning to his youthful appearance.

She didn't want her to still look like a middle-aged woman after Odin returned to the peak of his youth.

Even though her appearance is still charming now, as a woman, who can refuse to stay young forever.

"Every aspect can evolve, and even injuries can be recovered."

"So about some superpowers that can also be obtained?"

"Such as evolving the ability to predict?"

Thor also knew that the power of the void was extremely mysterious, but he was more curious about whether there were any limitations to evolution.

"In the case of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner."

"It should be impossible to directly evolve the ability to predict."

"Otherwise, Bruce Banner aside, Tony Stark will definitely evolve various convenient abilities based on his personality."

Loki heard the opening and analyzed.

"It may not be realistic to evolve it directly."

"But if the power of the void can fly, it means that it is similar to magic energy and has very high variability."

“It should also be possible to achieve different effects through different methods of use, thereby achieving abilities similar to superpowers.

"I just don't know who invented the ability to fly. It would be nice if we could discuss it."

Frigga doesn't care at all about superpowers.

Because magic is more comprehensive than super power alone, as long as you master enough magic, you can even control time.

Although Frigga herself does not know it, the Ancient One, the Supreme Mage, a celebrity in the magical world, has such an ability.

As for those who are born with superpowers to control time, Frigga has never heard of any of them in all her years.

It can be said that the efficiency of magic growth is low, but the comprehensiveness of magic cannot be questioned by others.

Elemental magic, natural magic, time magic, clones, teleportation and other abilities can all be realized through magic.

"Banner didn't mention this at the time. I'll go back and ask about it then."

Thor also cares about flying skills, although with Thor's hammer he can fly very fast.

However, there is no guarantee that Mjolnir will not be released during the battle. He was suppressed when fighting the cursed warrior before.

Then he could only deal with the cursed warriors on the ground, resulting in being beaten in a very embarrassing manner.

If Banner hadn't arrived in time to save him, he might have died at the hands of the cursed warrior.

Ten thousand a day, the first update of 4,000 words will be sent.

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