I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 413 The frustrated Thanos

Thanos, who was far away on Titan, heard that the land of void was actually occupied by the Void Cult, and his face was as gloomy as water at this time.

The Collector in the Land of Nothingness is trash, but the Collector's brother Gao Tianzun is not trash at all.

If there were no infinite stones, even he would not dare to trouble Gao Tianzun.

Because the fact that Gao Tianzun was able to fight against the Celestial God Clan was not a rumor, but something that actually happened in the ancient past.

But Kassadin, the God of the Void, not only caused trouble for the Collector, but also directly killed the Collector and took over the Land of Void.

If he gets the Power Stone, the Collector's lifetime collection should belong to him and be used to strengthen his subordinates.

But now, because he couldn't get the Power Stone, he was so passive. He could only watch the God of the Void, Kassadin, take the lead and seize the prey he had been eyeing.

It's strange that this puts Thanos in a good mood.

He knew he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

But the Power Gem, the most obvious single gem to improve power, is in the hands of Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Gao Tianzun's biological brother was killed, and he didn't even dare to let go. If he came to see him, he would die.

The Reality Stone, Mind Stone, and Space Stone are in the hands of Odin, the immortal.

If he wants Hard Steel Odin, he must at least get the Power Stone, the Space Stone and the Reality Stone before he has the confidence to face Odin.

Now that he didn't have one, he would die if he tried to snatch it from Odin.

The power is also extremely terrifying. Once obtained, the time gem, which can control the past and the future, and significantly improves the strength, is in the hands of the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

The five known gems are in the hands of three of the most troubled known powerful men.

The only one left can control the souls of the living and the undead after obtaining it, and possesses the soul gem of the undead army. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Thanos doesn't know where to start even if he wants to look for it now.

The root of all this is that the most important power gem in his plan fell into the hands of others.

Only with the Power Stone can you maximize the power of other Infinity Stones.

This also means that as long as he has the Power Stone as a hub, his strength will directly increase by a level every time he gets an Infinity Stone.

Otherwise, if you want to use other Infinity Stones, you must use special methods, and it will be difficult to use the full power of the Infinity Stones.

It is no exaggeration to say that without the power gem, even if he got the other five gems.

He may not be able to just get past Kassadin, the God of the Void who possesses the Power Stone.

Don't you see that after Kassadin, the God of the Void, got the Power Stone, even Gao Tianzun had to give in?

Thanos now really wants to pull this idiot Ronan out of hell and beat him up.

If it weren't for Ronan, a fool, he would have sent the Power Stone directly to the base camp of the Void Cult on Xandar.

But if it were sent directly to his hands, he could already start implementing his plan.

The five Obsidian generals under Thanos saw the terrifying aura exuded by their leader, and none of them dared to even breathe.

They all very much support the ideals of their leader, Thanos, and have been secretly searching for the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones for so many years.

None of the owners of the Infinity Stones that I found were easy to mess with.

The only power gem that was almost obtained was also delivered to the hands of an equally troublesome peak powerhouse in the universe under the stupid operation of Ronan.

If they want to implement the plan to destroy half of all life in the universe and bring balance to the universe, they can only do it secretly, and cannot openly ignore any civilization or strong person.

So they can all understand the leader's bad mood.

Faced with this suffocating pressure and the fact that the plan was becoming increasingly difficult to complete, General Deathblade already had the idea of ​​​​retreating.

In the past, he admired Thanos's ambitions and precise plans, and was able to fight everywhere, so he was loyal to him.

But now Thanos' plan is becoming increasingly impossible to complete, and there are fewer and fewer planets where Thanos dares to directly destroy half of all living things. .

Thanos' mood also became more terrifying and cruel because his plan could not be implemented, and the aura he released became more and more terrifying and cruel.

In the past, even if there were some mistakes in the plan, Thanos would not care as long as the goal was achieved.

But there was a mistake in Thanos' plan, and now he can only hide in Titan and rage incompetently, venting his anger on his men.

Although he is the leader of Obsidian's five generals, the disaster has not yet affected him.

However, as long as Thanos' plan cannot be implemented, it will only be a matter of time before disaster strikes him.

So the Dead Blade General now has the idea of ​​​​quitting.

It's just that if you want to exit Thanos's men intact, you must have a good opportunity.


The Supreme Mage Ancient One, who is located in Kama Taj on the Blue Star, also received this news that shook the universe.

The most mysterious God of the Void, Kassadin, took action. Once he took action, he directly occupied the void and forced Gao Tianzun back.

Although there was no influence or personal witness, Tianzun was still fine in the future where she had originally predicted that she would die.

Now because Kassadin, the God of the Void, a demon from an unknown dimension, has descended into this universe, the future has been out of her control.

The strength displayed by Kassadin, the God of the Void, even she, who holds the Time Stone, has to be afraid of him.

Because she holds the Time Stone, Kassadin, the God of Nothingness, also holds the Power Stone, one of the Infinity Stones.

She could directly set time points and reverse time over and over again to protect herself from death, but she was not sure of defeating Kassadin head-on.

Let a terrifying being whose strength is already at the pinnacle of the universe master the power gem.

So if you want to deal with Kassadin, you may have to let those ancient gods appear to stop what Kassadin wants to do.

Otherwise, basically no one can stop Kassadin from doing whatever he wants.

If such a being has a kind heart, then the universe will be safe. If it is a cruel person, it will only be a matter of time before all civilizations in the universe are destroyed.

This made Gu Yi feel a lot of pressure, and he wished he could quickly hand over the burden he was carrying to Stephen Strange.

That way she wouldn't have to worry about these things.

Even though her souls are still there but she can no longer interfere with the reality after all of her own people are dead, it is not her responsibility to care about what the reality will become in the future.

It's just that Gu Yi knows that the future cannot be changed easily.

If he were to contact Stephen Strange directly now.

It is certainly impossible for Stephen Strange, who is still materialistic and arrogant, to even think about learning magic.

Even if Stephen Strange is willing to learn magic, he has never experienced his hands being almost disabled.

Stephen Strange's soul lacks refinement and may take a very different path than she originally predicted.

"It's 2015 now, there's still a year to go."

"I hope nothing major will happen during this year..."

So Gu Yi could only place his hope.

The danger symbolized by Kassadin, the God of the Void, can be said to be known to everyone in the universe after this sensation.

But it was impossible for her to go directly to trouble the Void God Kassadin.

Because she is protecting Blue Star, except Blue Star.

Whatever happens in the universe or even in other worlds among the Nine Realms, as long as it does not affect Blue Star, she will not take the initiative to attack.

If she could predict the future related to Kassadin, the God of the Void, then that would be okay.

She can directly observe the future to see if she wants to take care of it.

But she just couldn't see the future of the Void God Kassadin, so she didn't dare to make a random decision.

Lest Kama Taj and even Blue Star fall into destruction because of a single thought of his.

She would be able to retire successfully in one year, and she didn't want to cause some disaster when she was about to retire.



The gods who were holding the banquet of the gods also heard the news about what happened in the land of nothingness.

The gods, who had been having so much fun, were now completely uninterested.

Even Zeus couldn't care less about the luxurious life at this time.

He originally wanted to see what Kassadin, the God of the Void, was capable of, but he didn't expect that Kassadin, the God of the Void, was not only capable, but also extremely capable.

Even the Elder Council of the Universe dares to move. This sudden appearance of a peak powerhouse in the universe is not a good thing for them.

Because now Kassadin, the God of the Void, dares to destroy the Land of Void.

So when the mood suddenly comes, it is not impossible to kill Olympus.

Gao Tianzun's strength cannot be said to be that of those at the pinnacle of the universe, but Gao Tianzun's strength is not low either.

At least among the gods present, Zeus is not afraid of Gao Tianzun and can directly challenge Gao Tianzun to other places.

When other gods confront Gao Tianzun, it is no different from a child challenging an adult.

The God of the Void, Kassadin, forced Gao Tianzun back and killed his younger brother, the Collector, who had been friends for billions of years.

Even the fully adult Celestial Clan would not dare to do this kind of thing.

Because Gao Tianzun relies on his nearly immortal body and the cosmic energy he controls.

They can't defeat the adult Celestials, but they can't kill Tiangao Tianzun, who is almost completely immortal.

Therefore, unless you are extremely sure, you will not choose to force Gao Tianzun to the point where he cannot get off the stage.

Because not all the powers of the Celestial Clan are good at fighting.

Therefore, not all Celestial Clan can stabilize Gao Tianzun.

If the Celestial Clan dared to kill Gao Tianzun's younger brother, then Gao Tianzun would dare to kill some of the weak Celestial Gods of the Celestial Clan.

It is very difficult to give birth to the Celestial Clan. Once both sides suffer, it will not be a good thing for both parties.

After a period of stalemate between Gao Tianzun and the Celestial Clan, it eventually evolved into the negotiation between Gao Tianzun and the Celestial Clan.

From now on, they will not interfere with each other. Gao Tianzun will no longer take the initiative to provoke the Celestial God Clan, and the Celestial God Clan will not be able to put their hands into Gao Tianzun's territory.

This is also the origin of Gao Tianzun's deeds in forcing the Celestial Clan back.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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