I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 414 Odin plays with Zeus

Normally, even after Kassadin, the God of the Void, gets the Infinity Stones, he becomes very powerful.

However, there should be a stalemate when facing Gao Tianzun, which would eventually turn into a negotiation.

The most likely possibility is that the Collector may have to hand over some treasures to make Kassadin, the God of the Void, retreat.

But instead of falling into a stalemate, Kassadin, the God of the Void, directly drove Gao Tianzun back and frantically killed Gao Tianzun's younger brother, the Collector.

At the same time, he directly grabbed the land of nothingness, the famous big cake in the universe.

Isn't it possible that Kassadin, the God of the Void, is not afraid that the Void Cult will be taken over by Gao Tianzun?

It can be said that all the gods have this question.

They all have a terrible thought in their minds, but they don't want to admit it.

That is, Gao Tianzun had no room to fight back in front of Kassadin, the God of the Void. He was even close to death, so he fled in the end and had no control over the Collector's life or death.

If this is really the case, it means that the strength of Kassadin, the God of the Void, far exceeds that of the Celestials.

It also means that while they were living a very comfortable life, a big daddy suddenly appeared above them.

They will act based on this big daddy's face in the future.

This is also the reason why although they have a premonition in their hearts, they are unwilling to admit it.

"Go and investigate more information about the Land of Nothingness."

"Let me investigate clearly what the situation was like in the battle between the God of the Void and Gao Tianzun."

Zeus was also thinking about this problem, and he was unwilling to admit that he gave the order directly.

Afterwards, Zeus simply lost his mood to continue attending the banquet of the gods, disappeared from the throne and returned to his palace.

Zeus pondered for a while with a solemn expression, and finally made a decision.

After many years, I sent a message to Odin, intending to talk to him about Kassadin, the God of the Void.

At the same time, Zeus was also thinking about how to greet Odin later.

However, the communication that Zeus called was not connected, but was directly refused to answer.

"Odin you idiot!"

"I called you personally, how dare you hang up on me?"

When Zeus saw that the communication was hung up, he was stunned for a moment and then cursed.


At the same time in Asgard.

"Who's calling?"

Queen Frigga is handling official business with Odin.

When Odin's communication line came out and he didn't see who was calling, Odin hung up immediately.

"Don't worry, he's just a arrogant scumbag with no ethical concepts."

Odin said with a smile upon hearing this.


Frigga heard the impression Odin talked about, and a name quickly appeared in her mind.

"Well, that guy probably knows something about what happened in the Land of Nothingness and wants to talk to me."

"But I don't have much time to deal with him now."

Odin nodded and said.

When he was still in his prime, he still had contact with Zeus.

Later, after Asgard was established and began to develop, he had no time to attend Zeus's bullshit banquet of the gods due to his busy schedule.

Zeus thought that he was not giving Zeus face, so he gave him a bad look.

However, Asgard was still in its prime, so Zeus did not break up with him.

Until the Valkyrie Legion was destroyed and Hela was exiled by him, he became stronger as he got older but became more and more difficult to control.

After Asgard's overall strength plummeted, Zeus gradually drifted away from him.

If the relationship between Olympus and Asgard remains the same.

Then not long after he obtained the power of the void, he had already told Zeus the news.

He didn't care whether Olympus would join the Void God Cult in the future. Anyway, it was impossible for him to join through his recommendation.

And Odin didn't think that Olympus, that group of degenerate gods who only enjoyed a luxurious life, could be recognized by Kassadin.

Super powerful men like Gao Tianzun were directly reduced to slaves instead of being recruited into the Void God Cult.

Odin could tell that Kassadin was willing to give everyone a chance to join the Void Cult, but that didn't mean anyone could fall in Kassadin's eyes.

Frigga herself didn't have a good impression of Zeus, so she didn't say anything nice for Zeus and asked Odin to talk to Zeus.

Those in the universe who are willing to attend the banquet of the gods are basically those who follow the crowd and hope to get into a circle, or are weak and have to cling to Zeus or give Zeus face.

There are also some good-looking gods who believe that their identity and strength as gods can be affirmed after integrating into the circle.

Gods like them, Asgard, have completely equal status.

Whether they want to give Zeus face or not is up to them, not Zeus.

If Odin is old and dying, in order to leave some escape paths for Thor and Loki.

Maybe they can get through quickly when Zeus calls and have a chat with each other.

But now that Odin is about to return to his peak, the only people in the entire universe who can make Asgard give them face, apart from those ancient gods, are the God of the Void and the compatriots of the Void God Cult.

But soon the communication from Zeus came over again.

"If you make up for it and he comes to Asgard to make a fuss, it will be troublesome."

Frigga saw that Zeus actually came over again and said.

Odin heard Frigga's words and knew that if he didn't answer, Zeus might really go directly to Asgard to find him.

Then the matter of his return to youth would be exposed if not exposed at that time, so Odin thought about it and clicked the voice communication.

"Why did Odin you just hang up on me?"

After the call was connected, Zeus came up and asked.

"Although I am old, I still need some nourishment from sexual intercourse."

"I didn't even blame you for disturbing my mood, but you actually came up to question me?"

"Do you think I'm too old to take action?"

After hearing this, Odin made an old and somewhat angry speech.

When Frigga heard these words, she rolled her eyes at Odin. She couldn't find any excuse to make such an excuse.

"I contacted you because I have something to talk about."

"Have you heard about Kassadin, the God of the Void who just appeared recently?"

Zeus heard the interest in disturbing the intercourse, and also knew that Frigga was present, so he softened his tone and got down to business.

"I've heard of it, but it's none of my business."

"It's not like you don't know that I'm about to die."

"As long as he doesn't come to the Nine Realms, I can't control him."

When Odin heard that Zeus was looking for him, he said with some helplessness in his voice.

"...Are you really not going to discuss this matter?"

Of course Zeus also knew that Odin was about to die, otherwise he wouldn't have bothered to establish diplomatic relations with Asgard for so many years.

However, although Odin couldn't take action casually due to the surge of divine power in his body.

But as soon as Odin takes action, the strength that bursts out in a short period of time is something that few in the universe can confront head-on.

This is also the fundamental reason why Zeus wants to talk to Odin about this matter.

"What pot are you trying not to open?"

"If I don't take action, I still have a few years to live. If I take action, I may die within a year."

"He didn't hit me in Asgard. Do you want me to die early?"

Odin smiled when he heard this, but his tone was filled with anger and disappointment.

"Kassadin, the God of the Void, may threaten the entire universe and even the gods."

"Your strength is one of the pinnacles among the gods."

"It is better to die on the battlefield than to die of old age and aggrieved in Asgard, eroded by time."

When Zeus heard what Odin said, he also complimented him and began to reason, hoping to persuade Odin to take action.

"Zeus, please stop complimenting me."

"It's not like you don't know that Asgard and Hela are hidden dangers."

"My son hasn't grown up yet."

"Hela escaped after I died. It's hard to say whether Asgard will still be around."

"You want me to take care of things outside of Asgard?"

"You are planning to use my Asgardian bones to pave the way for you."

When Odin heard these words, although he expected that Zeus would contact him, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anger in his heart.

Because Zeus really didn't care about the friendship in his youth and planned to lure him to test the strength of Kassadin, the God of the Void, for Zeus.

"I know the hidden danger of Hela, that's why I want you to take action."

"After you die, your two sons will not be enough to protect Asgard."

"But I can help you protect Asgard."

Zeus heard Odin's angry words and knew that this made Odin very angry, but he also negotiated terms with Odin.

"You are so protective, don't think I don't know your details."

"You have been addicted to drinking and sex for so many years, and most of your strength and courage have long been lost."

"Destroy Asgard, kill my daughter, and finally help me leave some fire in Asgard. Is this called asylum?"

"I don't even want this kind of protection."

"Do you gods have an extra father on your head? Who cares about my shit?"

When Odin heard Zeus's words, even though he intended to tease Zeus, when he heard these words, he couldn't help but cursed.

"I come to talk to you sincerely."

"Since you don't want to talk, then you can enjoy your life in Asgard."

Zeus was scolded by Odin, and Odin obviously knew the purpose of his contact, but he just didn't want to care about it, and his face became gloomy, but he still didn't break his skin in the end.

Because Odin is about to die, it would not be a wise move to completely anger Odin at this time.

If Odin breaks his skin and lets him go to Olympus to make a big fuss, then he will only be in trouble.

"You don't need to tell me, I'm ready to spend my remaining years in peace."

Odin replied directly after hearing these words, and then hung up the communication.

Frigga was a little worried when she saw Odin's angry look.

But after seeing Odin hang up the communication, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"If you tease him like this, will there be any problems if Zeus finds out later that he was tricked?"

Frigga rubbed Odin's shoulders and asked with a smile.

"What he is worried about now is Kassadin."

"We Asgard have joined the Void Cult, and I am about to return to the top."

"Even if he knew that I had tricked him, he wouldn't dare do anything."

Odin said with a smile upon hearing this.

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