I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 427 I haven’t been a boss for many years

The prophet also didn't expect Kyle to be so powerful in intimidating him.

Maybe it was because Kyle's murderous intention was so obvious that he scared the two of them out of their wits.

The two men had no intention of fighting to the death, so they were forced to agree.

That's why Renault persuaded Kyle to stay on Void Island for a while.

The Predictor is also thinking about whether he should examine his own heart.

He felt that his temperament had become even more indifferent to human life due to his rapidly increasing strength.

This is not a good phenomenon. If it is not controlled and resolved in time, it will only be a matter of time before we fall into the abyss of desire and become a monster.

"How can we help you specifically?"

Nikrov felt the severe pain in his organs and recovered instantly. He was also shocked by Kyle's method. He looked at Lacey and asked with great respect.

"I want you two to be the managers of the Void."

"You have the strength even if the Collector dies."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

Madame Butterfly can easily charm and manipulate a large number of men, but she only faces Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor.

Once Mrs. Butterfly has thoughts of enchantment, she will be killed by the prophet in an instant, so that Mrs. Butterfly does not dare to use her super powers at all.

Nikrov's strength is interesting. Manipulation with telekinesis is not just as simple as retrieving objects from the air. He can directly release various force fields, telekinesis distortions, telekinesis blasts, etc.

It can forcibly dismantle space battleships, and ordinary space fighter planes are like a pile of scrap metal in front of it.

Although he has not yet reached the ranks of the top powerhouses below the pinnacle of the universe, his strength is enough to directly become the king of various civilizations.

These are all deeds caused by the young Niklov.

Until Nikrov was expelled from his race, he became a master who liked to act like a pig and eat tigers according to the circumstances, and became a black marketeer in a lawless land.

Every day, he spent time selling arms and selling all kinds of inside information. He became a regular customer of Madam Butterfly's shop and lived a prosperous life.

"As long as it keeps us alive, it's all good."

"I just don't know if there are any rules or restrictions."

When Nikrov heard these words, he knew that his true identity had long been discovered.

So even if he doesn't want to accept this task, it won't work.

When Madam Butterfly heard the other party's determined tone, she already knew that she had been seen through and dared not refuse to answer. She glanced at Kyle with some fear.

The dangerous aura of Hercules Kyle, who had looked fierce just now, with a smile on his face, completely disappeared.

Hercules Kyle's temperament changed so quickly that she didn't even know which side of him was his true appearance.

But no matter what the real appearance was, she knew she must not anger the other person, so she nodded.

"There are no special restrictions. Your task is to manage the order of the void."

"Except for human trafficking, the rules of the void remain the same."

"This place can be messy but not too messy. You guys should understand what I mean."

Lacey heard this and spoke.


When Nikrov heard this, he also knew that the Land of Nothingness had only changed its owner, and everything else remained roughly the same.

Although it is related to the Void Cult, becoming a puppet may not be a good thing for them, but it is better than dying in torture.

"I understand the truth, but just the two of us may not be able to manage the Void Land well."

Madam Butterfly said as loudly as a mosquito when she heard what Lacey was looking for.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean you two can't do it."

"Nikrov, please take Madame Butterfly with you to repair the broken houses in the Land of Nothingness."

"I will talk to you in detail later on how to hand over the situation."

"Remember, don't try to escape."

"We want to catch you, and there is no place for you to hide in the entire universe."

Madam Butterfly's voice was very quiet, but Lacey and Kyle could hear it clearly, so Lacey affirmed and also gave a warning.


Niklov had completely resigned himself to his fate.

Now I can only pray that I can help manage it honestly, and then I can retire from the land of nothingness safely.

Madame Butterfly felt a little strange when she heard that Nikrov took her with him.

Madam Butterfly's body was directly wrapped by a force and she flew up.

Nikrov did the same and quickly flew out.

"Why didn't you use this skill earlier?"

Madame Butterfly looked at Nikrov with great surprise, but soon realized something and complained.

"Some things happened before, so I just wanted to be a black marketeer and not a boss for many years."

Nikrov said with emotion when he heard Lady Butterfly complaining.

However, he no longer wanted to be a boss in his heart, but Lacey and others from the Void Cult forced him to be a boss in the land of void.

In the past, when he looked at the entire land of nothingness, the only one he could be afraid of was the Collector.

So as long as he doesn't reveal his true identity and does things according to the rules without offending the collector, then the land of nothingness is his warmest home.

Now that he is forced to take over the position of being the manager of the Land of Nothingness, there is no need to hide it.

"You told me earlier that you had such ability, why don't I change the territory with you?"

When Madam Butterfly heard these pretentious words, she thought for a moment and immediately understood a lot of things and complained even more.

Seriously speaking, there should be no need for the Void Cult to keep an eye on her.

Her charm ability is effective on men, and it is also effective on people with super powers who are not very strong-willed.

Coupled with his negotiation skills, he can thrive in this lawless place, and he basically knows all the information.

But it is limited to this, and it is not enough to be capable of being a manager.

She will be targeted by the Void Cult, and it should be related to Nikrov, who is hiding deeply.

It just so happened that she and Niklov had known each other for at least eighty years.

When Nikrov often came to her store to make purchases, he would also exchange information with her.

However, Mrs. Butterfly tried her best, but she did not expect that Niklov, who had been a customer of her shop for many years, turned out to be a hidden boss.

"How do I know? I thought that the Void Cult would only take over the land of nothingness at best."

"Those of us who have some involvement with collectors, but not much, should be able to get away with it as long as we pay the money and follow the rules."

"And changing the territory is easy as you say. When I can't use my super powers, do you know how much effort I have to put in to take root?"

When Nikrov heard Madam Butterfly's complaint, he knew that the reason was not on his side, so he defended himself.

"You are so strong, why don't you just use it?"

Lady Butterfly watched as Nikrov took her flying directly at a speed of Mach 3.

But she couldn't feel the strong wind brought by the extreme speed, so she knew that Nikrov's strength was not weak in the universe.

But if they hadn't been caught by Lacey and others today, they would have killed themselves and were forced to become puppets.

She didn't even know that Nikrov was so strong.

"Didn't I say something happened before?"

When Nikrov heard Madam Butterfly's words, he felt helpless.

He was expelled from his hometown and found the void, a helpless and happy place.

After spending so many years hiding, I finally retreated from the world of the strong.

Now that I was forced to step in again, I simply stopped hiding.

Nikrov stretched out his right hand, and a cloak and clothes flew out.

In just a moment, Nikrov changed his look, and the white hair that originally hung from his shawl was cut off.

She turned into short white hair and wore a black cloak that moved in the wind. The telepathy in her body flowed, and her blue skin also turned white at this moment.

The originally wretched appearance of an ordinary uncle immediately transformed into a handsome and stylish mature man.

The telepathic stance was released, and the air around Nikrov became distorted, releasing a domineering aura of invincibility in the world.

As a civilized overlord, there were times when he thought he was invincible.

Just because he was too public, his race was targeted by other civilizations and suffered a large number of casualties.

He can only fight enemies who step directly into the planet.

But in front of the technological weapons released by advanced civilizations that are located directly in the universe and can wash the earth's surface, all his abilities are so powerless.

It can only protect itself, but it is impossible to protect more people.

He is fully aware that his power is not invincible and because of his lack of knowledge, he sits back and watches the sky.

In the end, in order to atone for his sins, he voluntarily left his original race, wandered around the planets in the universe, and finally settled in the land of nothingness.

He has also learned to be honest. Since he is not invincible, there is no need to live in the world of the strong. It is just fine to live in the world of the weak.

But now that he was forced to become the younger brother by the Void God Religion and once again stepped into the world of the strong, he just had to do his part.


Madame Butterfly was dumbfounded when she saw Nikrov's complete change.

I have known this good guy for so many years. This is what Nikrov looks like. And at a glance, you can tell that he is extremely strong.

After knowing this, there was even more resentment in Madam Butterfly's eyes.

If this guy is so strong, if he had spoken out earlier, they would not have been reduced to being puppets.

"If it weren't for Wu Maqi, he would have let this guy go."

Lacey looked at the completely changed Niklov from a distance and said with a smile.

"The strength is quite good, but after all, the strength has not reached the top level."

"Otherwise, his hometown would not have been bloodbathed by the Kree Empire."

Kyle commented thoughtfully when he saw Nikrov showing his original appearance.

Nikrov's speed was considered fast in front of many people, but it had no effect in front of a few of them.

Therefore, few people were not afraid of Nikrov's betrayal or escape due to the strength he showed.

They knew Nikrov's origin and past.

The Kree Empire itself may not attack Nikrov's civilization.

However, as the overlord of a civilization, Nikrov was too flamboyant in the past, which caused his civilization to enter the Kree Empire's sight.

What level is the empire of the universe? It is an existence where technology can kill gods.

Unless it is powerful enough to dominate all technologies in the universe, it will be impossible to resist the bloodbath of technology.

And the entire universe has only reached this point.

The most basic ability above high technology is to be able to physically cross the void.

You can directly leave your hometown or your own sphere of influence and directly fight the enemy in the universe.

Nikrov obviously couldn't reach this point, otherwise he wouldn't be reduced to dawdling in the land of nothingness.

"Lacie, when are you going to replace the puppet?"

Rennoli asked as he watched Niklov directly use his superpower to pull a large amount of rubble and debris and start cleaning it up.

"It was planned for five to ten years, but now we have found two good candidates."

"If there is no bottom line change, the time can be extended."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

As long as he doesn't provoke some big forces or some top experts.

It can be said that Nikrov's strength is sufficient to rule the land of nothingness.

It is not easy to find such talents, so Lacey still plans to wait and see about Nikrov's situation.

The main role of Madame Butterfly is to ensure the authenticity of the information.

Because most of the lawless people in the land of nothingness are more than cruel but not strong enough in will.

This is also the main reason why Madam Butterfly can get along here.

She can use means to make the man who originally targeted her give up his thoughts, and obtain a large amount of information that is difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

"Kyle, go and announce the rule changes in the Land of Nothingness, and announce the fact that Niklov and Madame Butterfly have become agents."

Immediately, Lacey looked at Kyle and said.

"Why should I go?"

"Wouldn't it be over if you just go and do it yourself?"

Kyle was a little confused when he heard this, not that he was unwilling but just a little strange.

"I need to contact Miss Sonia to discuss the specific handover matters in detail."

"And your reputation is more useful than mine, isn't it?"

"We can go back to Void Island as soon as we're done."

Lacey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Since you said so, I will reluctantly help you."

Kyle smiled when he heard Lacey say that his name was more useful.

"The Predictor and I are here to watch Nikrov. You guys should finish it quickly."

Upon hearing this, Renault also took the initiative to take over the responsibility of observing.


Lacey nodded after hearing this, walked directly into the collector's mansion, found a quiet room, and started to contact Miss Sonia.

The time now is the morning of Xandar.

Therefore, Lacey was not afraid that Miss Sonia had not woken up at this time. After contacting her, the communication was quickly connected.

"Miss Sonia, good morning."

"I have found a puppet suitable for managing the void."

"This is their information, please take a look at it first."

After Lacey connected, she saw Miss Sonia's projection and directly passed some information over.

Although Miss Sonia said that she could make the decision on choosing the puppet.

However, Lacey felt that it was still necessary to let Miss Sonia take a look.

If Miss Sonia agrees, then we can feel completely at ease.

"Nikrov, the telepathic manipulator, the former overlord of Tesma civilization..."

"The strength is there, the bottom line is there, and the management capabilities are there."

"There are actually such talents in the land of nothingness."

After Sonia took the information, she looked at it carefully and was a little surprised.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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