I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 428 I’m happy to meet you

For a strong man like Nikrov, looking at every planet, they are all absolute overlords.

"If the Kree Empire is defeated in the future, Nikrov should be able to completely serve our Void God Religion."

Lacey saw that Miss Sonia was also somewhat complimentary, and also expressed some opinions.

"It's too early to attack the Kree Empire."

"The Void God Religion still needs time to grow."

"If he can be there before that period comes, there will still be no replacement."

"Then you can witness with your own eyes that great revenge is avenged."

Sonia heard what Lacey said, glanced at Mr. Kassadin, and found that Mr. Kassadin shook his head and spoke.

"Well, I know the time has not come yet."

"Do I mean to convey these plans to Niklov?"

"If you say it, it will definitely give him more motivation to take over the land of nothingness."

After hearing these words, Lacey asked seriously.

"Although we have become enemies with the Kree Empire, we have not yet had any further confrontations, so it is not appropriate to announce it."

After hearing this, Sonia thought for a moment and said.

"Ok, I see."

"So about the specific handover..."

Lacey nodded after hearing these words and began to ask about the handover.

The handover matters are mainly the revenue and expenses brought by the void.

The intelligence network of the Void Land and whether there is any special technology or treasure pouring into the Void Land, who needs to be slightly controlled, etc. are all matters that need to be handed over.

The Void is a very profitable place, there's no doubt about it.

But at the same time, this is also a lawless zone, and too strict management is obviously unrealistic.

Otherwise, all the lawless people in the universe will run to other lawless zones one after another, so just shoot the first bird.

As long as there is no trouble in the Land of Nothingness, no matter whether it is a person full of evil or not, and there are no forbidden rules in the Land of Nothingness, then everything will be business as usual.

"That's roughly it. The specific arrangement can be left to the agents of the Land of Nothingness."

"What you have to ensure is that the data and intelligence they compile are true."

"As for the reward given to you, you can take 1% of the revenue from the Void Land."

"In addition, if you want to mobilize more money, you can apply with me."

Sonia explained to Lacey what the overall situation required Lacey to do.

One percent of the revenue of the Land of Nothingness is already a sky-high figure, ranging from 10 billion to 100 billion to 1 billion.

According to the rich land of Nothingness, hundreds of billions a year is not a problem.

The reason why collectors' savings are so small is mainly because they are used to collect various collections.

Of course, this reward was ordered by Mr. Kassadin.

"Isn't this too much?"

Lacey was happy to hear that 1% of the revenue from the Land of Nothingness could go into her own pocket, but she also felt a little scared.

"This is the will of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"You just need to manage the void properly."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

As long as the income from the Land of Nothingness is closely related to Lacey's income.

Then Lacey won't have other thoughts because she dislikes the low reward. Human nature is often the least able to withstand the test.

Therefore, Mr. Cassadine never thought of testing Lacey's humanity by lowering the reward.

Although Lacey is a public official like Sarah, Lacey's job is obviously much more troublesome than Sarah's.

"Thank you Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, for the reward."

Lacey was both happy and proud when she heard that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, had personally confirmed it.

"Master Kassadin also gave you a reminder."

"Although the universe is vast, close friends are hard to find."

"Don't let time and other external things and trivial matters scatter your friendship."

Sonia chuckled softly when she saw Lacey's happy expression.


When Lacey heard these reminders, she immediately knew they were referring to Kyle, Rennolly, Predictor, Tony and the others.

Because they all joined the Void God Religion at an early stage, and their respective growth was also very good.

Therefore, compared with other compatriots of the Void God Religion, they have already integrated into the same circle.

They have a good relationship with each other now, but the future is unpredictable, so Lord Kassadin would remind them.

"Well, then I won't disturb you and continue to deal with matters in the Void Land."

After Sonia told the story, she smiled slightly.

We have just talked about the handover period and other aspects.

Sonia came to the table again and started eating.

"Well done, but I didn't expect that there would be such a talent in the land of nothingness."

Harvey said with a smile after seeing Sonia finish chatting with Lacey.

"Does Mr. Cassadine also know his background?"

Sonia was a little surprised to hear these words.

"I have said that it is not omniscient and omnipotent. The universe is so vast, and it is normal to have unknown things."

Harvey didn't mind after hearing it and said.

When he gets the ability of the Void Prophet and the Eye of the Void, he will definitely be able to gain the ability of omniscience.

And his all-round ability is still a long way away from him.

He doesn't even know if he can be truly omnipotent.

However, if you get all the hero templates, even if you can't achieve complete omnipotence.

He will also find ways to make himself as close to almighty as possible.

Taking Gao Tianzun as his slave was to fill the gap in his ability to resurrect others.

"There are unknown things in the world that make exploration more interesting."

"Mr. Kassadin, if you gain the power of omniscience, everything will become boring."

After hearing these words, Sonia thought for a while and expressed her opinion.

Sonia doesn't understand what kind of state omniscience and omnipotence is.

But if you reach the state of omniscience, everything in the universe cannot be hidden from you.

While it brings unimaginable abilities, it also means that you will not be surprised by anything that happens in the future world.

The joy of exploration and discovery is missing in life.

"You are right, you may feel bored if you have the power of omniscience, but having the power of omniscience is the beginning of controlling your destiny."

"And it would be great if the power of omniscience can be freely controlled."

"There is no need to observe all the secrets of the universe all the time. Only use it when needed, then you will still have the fun of exploration."

Of course Harvey understood what Sonia meant and said slowly.

"Mr. Kassadin, if you aspire to omniscience and omnipotence."

"Then why not just collect the Infinity Stones?"

"Didn't you say that if you collect the infinite gems, you will have near omniscience and omnipotence?"

Sonia was thoughtful after hearing this.

"The Infinity Stones are only close to omniscience and omnipotence, but they are not truly omniscient and omnipotent."

"And the role of the Infinity Stones is limited to one universe and cannot interfere with matters in other parallel universes."

"That is, the Infinity Stones of this universe are invalid if they are obtained from the multiverse."

While eating, Harvey explained the specific situation of the Infinity Stones to Sonia.

"Do other parallel universes actually exist?"

This was the first time Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin mention these things, and she was a little shocked.

She has heard many hypotheses about parallel worlds since she was a child, but they have always been hypotheses because they could not be confirmed.

But now Mr. Cassadine says it’s not just a parallel world, but a parallel universe.

She knew that Mr. Cassadine was well informed and would normally not be able to deceive her about such matters.

So Sonia's feeling at this time was that those hypotheses were actually true.

"Of course, the universe is very vast."

"It is not that easy to reach the top of the world of the strong."

"The same people in different parallel universes will lead to completely different futures."

Harvey nodded slightly and said with a smile.

Just like Tony and Banner, they have gone to countless different futures in different universes.

"Different futures, that means in other parallel universes, I might not have met you, Mr. Cassadine?"

After hearing this, Sonia thought about the meaning of Mr. Kassadin's words and spoke.

The trajectory of her life changed completely from the past because of you meeting Mr. Cassadine.

If she hadn't encountered it, if she could have survived Ronan's invasion of Xandar.

She should work a little longer to be valuable at the age of thirty. After saving enough money, she will retire.

But now her future has just begun, and she has no idea of ​​retirement.


This information can easily impact the worldview of ordinary people, but Harvey did not deny it.

"Then it's great that I got to meet Mr. Kassadin."

"It opened my eyes to a world I had never seen before."

Sonia had a happy smile on her face after hearing this.

She doesn't know what her future will be like in other parallel universes.

However, Sonia is very satisfied with her current situation and has many expectations for the future.

And it all started from the day I met Mr. Cassadine.

Harvey thought about Sonia's many different reactions, such as shock, doubting whether her future was deliberately arranged, confusion, fear, or other things.

He also thought that Sonia would be happy about this and be sure of her future.

"I'm very happy to meet you, too."

But when Sonia actually showed such a reaction, Harvey was stunned for a moment and said with a smile.

"The multiverse? I wonder if I will have the chance to take a look in the future."

Sonia's heart trembled when she heard Mr. Kassadin's words, she looked away and said with a smile.

"Be careful to doubt your life if you see too much."

Harvey said with a smile when he heard Sonia's longing.

"No, because I firmly believe that I am happy enough at this time."

"I just want to see what my planned future will be like."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Take your time, there will be opportunities in the future."

Harvey heard that Sonia wanted to see a different future for herself, and knew that this was driven by human curiosity.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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