I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 429 We are reasonable

This side of the void.

After Lacey contacted Sonia, she also walked out.

"How's it going? Miss Sonia agrees to let the two of them be the agents?"

Renolly asked casually after seeing Lacey.

He knew that with Lacey's character, she would definitely ask Miss Sonia for her opinion, because he would do the same thing.

Miss Sonia is the second-highest-status being in the Void Cult, and she is also a being who is deeply respected by the members of the Void Cult.

It would be more reassuring to get Ms. Sonia's approval.

"Miss Sonia agreed."

"She also said that she didn't expect that there would be a talent like Nikrov in the land of nothingness."

Lacey nodded slightly and said.

"Has the reward from Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, been finalized?"

Renault also laughed when he heard this.

"From now on, one percent of the annual revenue of the Void Land will be used as a reward for me."

Lacey's eyes flashed when she heard this and she didn't hide it.

Even though he knew that this might arouse the envy or even jealousy of Rennoli and others, if he wanted to maintain the friendship, deliberately concealing it would only lead to more disasters.

"What the fuck?! Lacey, you're rich!"

Rennoli couldn't help but cursed and his eyes widened when he heard that Voidland's annual revenue was one percent.

"One percent a year is not a small amount from now on."

"This should be the instruction of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, right?"

The prophet was also a little shocked when he heard these words.

No thoughts of jealousy though, as Lacey gets these rewards.

When they also get public offices in the future, their rewards will definitely be great.

"The Land of Nothingness is so rich, and its annual revenue is hundreds of billions. You have one billion copies, so you are giving it away directly."

Kyle also made a rough estimate and said with some admiration.

"Originally I thought it was too much, but Miss Sonia said that this was Master Kassadin's will and I couldn't tolerate my refusal."

Seeing the reactions of several people, Lacey nodded and explained.

"Congratulations, Lacey, you have finally gotten rid of the past and moved on to a new life."

Kyle heard the instructions from Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and looked at Lacey with a smile and congratulated her.

"As long as you work hard in the Void Cult, you will indeed be rewarded."

Renault also smiled when he heard this.

"Lacie, congratulations on successfully embarking on the path you hoped for."

The Predicter looked at Lacey and congratulated.

All three of them knew how eager Lacey was to change at first, and how much effort she put into it.

The three of them were able to join the Void God Cult, which was more or less influenced by Lacey.

After all, at that time they had no idea what constituted a devout faith.

Because all three of them are atheists, their understanding of God is nothing more than beings that are more powerful than themselves.

But for Lacey, even though she didn't really see the strength of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Lacey also believes that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is a god-like existence.

As long as you can receive blessings, you can hope to change, so no matter whether your behavior is stupid or not, you always firmly believe that the teachings of the Void God Religion are true and unshakable.

This desire for change may be the key to allowing Lacey to pass the test.

Moreover, if Lacey, a person from an ordinary background but extremely ruthless, serves as a role model, they don't want to be completely surpassed by Lacey.

Then they can't stop their progress and spend their days lazily. They must be like Lacey and be cruel to themselves.

Thanks to this, the strength of the three of them has also developed rapidly.

Now five years have passed, Lacey has gained the attention of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and was ordered to take over the Land of the Void.

If the manager of the Void Land can tell, Lacey is considered a prominent figure in the universe.

All these changes stem from Lacey's desire for change from beginning to end, as well as her determination and amazing mobility to put it into action.

"We are just getting started now, and there is still a long way to go before the future I expect."

"And it's only with your help that I can get to where I am now."

When Lacey heard the three people's congratulations, a warm current flowed through her heart, and she said with a smile.

"What is your desired future?"

Kyle heard what Lacey said.

"I don't know if Lord Kassadin still remembers meeting me."

"But it doesn't matter whether Lord Kassadin remembers it or not."

"I want to see Lord Kassadin in person, express my gratitude and say hello to him in person."

When Lacey heard this, a beautiful smile broke out on her face.

She wanted to thank him not only for the blessings given to her, but also for having had some contact with Lord Kassadin.

The reason why she firmly believes that the teachings of the Void Cult are real is because she first came into contact with Lord Kassadin.

Although he knows that Lord Kassadin is unfathomable, he is also a person who keeps his promises.

So when Master Kassadin sent a message that he could go to seek blessings, she came to Void Island to visit without hesitation.

"I think from the perspective of Master Kassadin, the God of the Void, I will definitely still remember you."

"But it's not that easy to achieve the future you want."

Kyle said after hearing Lacey's expectations for the future.

Most members of the Void Island have already seen the true form of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

But there are only a few people who have personally spoken to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

God King Odin is one of them. Tony Stark had asked to see Lord Kassadin before because of the matter in the Void.

The only other person who can directly talk to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is Miss Sonia.

What Lacey expected was not a request like Tony's, or a meeting brought about by other opportunities, but a real face-to-face expression of her gratitude.

"I know it's difficult, but it's not impossible."

Lacey was not shocked when she heard this.

“The future is so long and full of unknowns.”

"Nothing is completely impossible."

The prophet said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I also want to find Master Kassadin to express my gratitude in person, but before that I will see when I can get a public position."

Renoli heard this and spoke.

As one of the first members to join the Void Cult, I have experienced the infinite hope brought by evolution.

They may not be as fanatical as Alex, but their admiration for Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is unquestionable.

"Master Kassadin has been watching us, there will be a chance."

"By the way, Kyle, how did the thing you went to do go?"

"Did anything special happen?"

Lacey felt completely reassured when she saw several of her friends chatting with her about the future.

"Nikrov's strength is not very strong for us."

"But for many people in the Land of Nothingness, he is an absolute overlord-level powerhouse."

"So there is no dissatisfaction or other things happening."

"That is to say, Mrs. Butterfly was secretly talking to Niklov, why didn't she show up earlier and run away earlier? Now she is being targeted and can't even run away."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

In fact, it would have been if Nikrov had run away earlier and was not in the land of nothingness.

Even if they knew of Nikrov's existence, they would not be targeted.

They would not target Madam Butterfly, who would be frightened and only beg for death.

It can be said that Madame Butterfly was chosen entirely because she was implicated by Nikrov.

Niklov and Madame Butterfly are old friends who have known each other for eighty years.

Knowing that he was being unreasonable, Nikrov was helpless and unable to argue with Madam Butterfly when faced with her nagging and complaining.

"Renolly, ask Niklov and Madame Butterfly to come to me."

"I need to talk to them about the handover and how to pay them."

Lacey heard Kyle's words and said with a smile.

Although the two of them are puppets she supports, it does not mean that the puppets let them work for her for free, and they must still be paid what they deserve.

After all, the job that makes people happy is to give them what they want.

Rennoli said nothing and disappeared directly.

In less than a minute, Renault captured Niklov and Madame Butterfly.

But because Rennoli had explained in advance this time that he came to them this time to talk about some things they would need to work on in the future, so he was not so scared anymore.

"Please give me some advice from Lady Lacey."

Nikrov also knew that among the four people, it was Lacey who really took over the responsibility of rectifying the void, so he asked respectfully.

Madam Butterfly also bowed quickly and did not dare to speak nonsense.

"Let's talk about handover."

"I won't come here often in the future, since you two have been chosen as managers by me."

"Then the Land of Nothingness is mainly managed by you."

"So you don't have to worry, you often have to face me, the god of plague."

Lacey saw the two people's respectful looks and didn't care much, so she said.

"How could it be the God of Plague? Neither she nor I had ever thought that Lady Lacey was the God of Plague."

When Niklov heard what Lacey said, although he was happy in his heart, he still didn't dare to say it directly.

"Don't pretend to be this in front of me, I know what you think of me."

"But I don't care what you think of me."

"What I want is your ability to do things."

"As long as things are done properly, our Void Divine Cult is also reasonable."

"I won't kill you and will give you decent remuneration. I won't let you work in vain."

"If it's done and nothing goes wrong, the successor of the Land of Nothingness will be replaced in the future."

"You two can leave the place of nothingness safely."

Lacey saw Nikrov's duplicity and said slowly.

When Niklov and Madam Butterfly heard this, they looked at each other, and they both saw disbelief and disbelief in each other's eyes.

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