I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 430 Their respective evaluations

They all expected that their work would be in vain, as long as they could survive.

After all, the two of them had just experienced the most desperate situation in their lives, which was closest to death.

Kyle is also overbearing and completely unreasonable, but even if they think Kyle is too overbearing or unreasonable, there is no way to change it.

Because the weak are powerless against the strong.

Unexpectedly, Lacey actually said that she didn’t have to work in vain and would still be paid.

Although the two of them still have savings from their own shop, even if they retire, it will be enough for them to spend a lifetime.

But it is difficult for people who are accustomed to living in a lawless place to adapt to a life environment without any disturbance.

This is why Niklov and Madame Butterfly do not want to leave the lawless zone.

"As long as things are done well, each person will be paid 10 million a year,"

"I think you should know what the outcome will be if it is not handled well or if it is deceived."

"If you don't want others to know, don't do anything except yourself. Don't think that what you do can be hidden from our Void God Religion."

Lacey saw the incredible looks of the two people and said.


Niklov was also shocked when he heard that the salary was 10 million a year.

Although they earn more than this amount of money every year, it is the result of their years of operation.

And it doesn't matter how much the reward is. As long as the Void God Religion really pays it, it means that they have a relationship between part-time workers and the boss, and Lacey's words will be credible.

As for the delusional attempt to deceive others and benefit himself, Nikrov did not dare to think about it.

Because his true identity was completely discovered by some means used by the Void God Cult.

Obviously he has changed his appearance and hasn't made a move in more than eighty years. As for his name, there is absolutely no need to change it.

Because there are so many people and things with the same name in the universe.

I have lived an honest and stable life for so many years.

So much so that even if the Collector has the ability to predict the future, he cannot see through his true nature.

After all, how could a collector like him care about a black marketeer who was not uncommon but very common in a lawless land?

But the Void Divine Cult directly discovered his origins, and even seemed to know all his deeds.

The methods of the Void God Cult are truly terrifying.

"Since you agreed, come with me and let's talk about the details of the handover."

Lacey saw that Niklov agreed and said directly.

Although the collector's mansion has to be emptied of its collections, some basic furniture is still there.

This time Nikrov and Madame Butterfly were not caught, but followed them, so they were not so scared.

Because the two knew that fear could not solve anything, and if Kyle wanted to kill them, no matter what they thought, it would be useless.

"The minimum frequency of handovers is once a month, or even once a quarter, or at the latest six months."

"I will take the initiative to contact you when the time comes."

"If you encounter something more troublesome or an enemy, you can take the initiative to contact me and report it."

"I will give you instructions or come over personally depending on the situation."

"If you have any special information, please contact me."

"For other ordinary minor matters, you two can just discuss it and solve it on your own."

Even on the island, Lacey has to practice every day.

And the main purpose of finding a puppet is to save yourself from worry.

If Nikrov and Madame Butterfly came to her for every big and small matter, then she wouldn't mind replacing them.

As for whether the two of them would form a clique in private or do other outrageous things, Lacey was not worried at all.

Because she would regularly ask Wu Maqi to come with her to review their secrets.

Once they find out that they could do something outrageous at any time, they will kill them immediately, and then take some time to choose a successor.

But as long as no problems are found, the two of them can continue slowly.


After hearing this contact, which was probably done at least twice a year, Nikrov also knew that although the Void Cult had taken over the Land of Void, it did not intend to completely change the environment here.

Madam Butterfly was a little surprised to hear that she was so relaxed, but it was still unclear whether Lacey's words were true or false, so she didn't say she was very happy, she could only say she was a little happy.

"The matters that need to be handed over include..."

Lacey saw the change in their eyes and stopped talking nonsense and started explaining what they were responsible for doing.

To put it bluntly, the revenue from the Land of Nothingness must be turned over, and the details, origins, etc. must be recorded clearly.

The same applies to all kinds of information. Only information that is circulated in the dark world first and has not been transmitted to the public needs to be conveyed first.

There is no need to report information that is not only spread to the dark world but also known to everyone on the bright side.

In terms of intelligence, Lacey still has her own way of doing things.

"These are the specific matters of the handover. You must ensure the authenticity of the information. If it is untrue, you will risk your life."

Lacey glanced at the two of them, the murderous intent in her voice not being concealed at all.

Nikrov and Madame Butterfly felt as if they were being targeted by a savage beast, sending chills down their spines.

"Okay, we will definitely ensure the authenticity of the information."

Madam Butterfly was also frightened and directly promised.

"As long as we get it done, we can really retire alive, right?"

When Niklov heard Madam Butterfly's statement, he looked at Lacey and asked cautiously.

"Of course, our Void Cult is reasonable most of the time."

Lacey heard this and a smile appeared on her face.

Most of the time, that is to say, sometimes it is completely unreasonable.

However, the theologians of Xu Holdings have a great cause and many powerful people, so Nikrov only dared to talk about these things in his heart and did not dare to express them.

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

Nikrov said with great respect.

"very good."

"I have informed the members of the Void Cult that this will be your territory from now on."

"We're about to leave and you can start your work."

Lacey didn't care what Niklov was thinking.

Whether these two people can do it or not will be known after she completes the first handover and brings Wu Maqi to observe.

"Leaving now?"

Madam Butterfly was extremely surprised to see Lacey standing up and planning to leave.

Just saying these words made Madam Butterfly want to slap herself.

It is a good thing for them that these plague gods have left. They have some transition space so that they can digest what happened today.

"The rule changes have been announced, and the specific rectification is naturally up to you."

"Don't let me down. I also hope my vision is correct."

Lacey said with a smile upon hearing this.


Nikrov said immediately after hearing this.

Then, Lacey's figure disappeared directly in front of the two people.

"It's done, you can go."

Lacey came outside the mansion and looked at Renoli, Kyle, and the Predicter who were already waiting.

Under the gazes of Nikrov and Madame Butterfly, the four of them stepped directly onto the space battleship and left without stopping.

"It seems like they are really gone?"

"What do we do now?"

Madam Butterfly saw Lacey and others really leaving.

"First, let's deal with the troubles left by the war and let the various shops in the Land of Nothingness get up and running again."

Nikrov had been the overlord of a civilization in the past, so he naturally knew that the fundamental thing to rectify was to get the entire civilization up and running.

Although the land of nothingness is not so big as to be civilized, the principle of making everything work first remains the same.

The Land of Void has just changed hands, and we don’t know whether the operating rules and environment of the Land of Void will change drastically.

Many people who were living in the lawless land have escaped. Those who did not escape were those who witnessed the war with their own eyes, but those who were not affected were those who did not want to leave the land of nothingness or were homeless. .

After all, most of the lawless places are filled with disreputable people. Too many have been expelled from their own civilization and even their hometowns have been destroyed.


By the time Lacey and the others returned to Void Island, it was already late at night.

When they returned, Tony, Banner, Thor, and Loki also received the news.

Although Tony and Banner are busy with research, they will still come over to congratulate after learning the good news that Lacey has obtained a public position.

When Lacey saw the news from Tony, Banner, and Thor in the community, she decided to hold a small dinner without hesitation.

As for why it is a small dinner instead of a large one, it is not that Lacey is not willing to give up money, but because there are currently no more than ten members on Void Island.

Either he went to other planets to do business, or he went to the void to transport things.

Only when those members finish moving the collections of the Void Land Collector will Void Island become lively again.

Sarah and Lalatina also received the news and quickly came to the cafeteria.

"Is it done so soon?"

Sarah asked curiously after seeing Lacey and Kyle returning.

"Of course, what we pay attention to is efficiency."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

In the next few months, he plans to stay on the island to practice and not run around.

Anyway, Miss Sonia sent him 100 million cosmic coins, so there is no need to think about how to make money outside for the time being.

"Who is the chosen person?"

"Can it be trusted?"

Tony and Banner also rushed over. After hearing Kyle and others saying that the matter had been settled, they asked directly.

"Then there must be one of them who has been praised by Miss Sonia."

Lacey didn't say anything dangerous when she heard this, but said with a smile.

"Let Miss Sonia praise you?"

"Who is it? Let me see."

Loki was a little concerned after hearing Lacey's words.

"His strength is really much stronger than yours now."

Lacey also knew that Loki really wanted to be recognized by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Miss Sonia, so as to regain the corrupted impression of the past.

"Better than me now?"

"I don't believe it, let me see."

But it's better that Lacey didn't say that. As soon as these words came out, Loki's stubborn temper rose and he planned to compete.

Seeing Loki's appearance, Lacey also projected the information about Niklov and Lady Butterfly.

"The mind manipulator Niklov, the former overlord of Tesma civilization... can forcibly demolish space battleships, and spaceships are like scrap metal in front of him."

"No, it's just a matter of awakening the power of mind and controlling it. Is it still so outrageous?"

"How come we didn't see his shadow in the previous war in the Land of Nothingness?"

Loki couldn't help but cursed when he saw Nikrov's detailed background and some descriptions of his abilities.

It was not like he had never seen a person with super powers who had awakened their telekinesis, but this was the first time he had seen one as perverted as Nikrov.

This kind of person can indeed be called a hegemon, and can be called invincible in many civilizations, but he just cannot be called in front of advanced civilizations.

"You won't know until you see it all."

Lacey couldn't help laughing when she saw Loki couldn't help but curse.

She knew that Loki had been greedy for telekinesis for a long time, but he had never been able to learn telekinesis magic and some bug-level magic.

So much so that Loki's strength is more than enough.

To be honest, Loki's strength is not weak. He is above average in the Void Cult, but not by much.

"With such powerful superpowers, just create new forces and find ways to take revenge."

"This man is heartless."

After hearing Lacey's words, Loki gave his own evaluation of Nikrov's origins, experiences, and even his subsequent hidden strength in a lawless place.

If he were so naturally fierce, and most of the seven, seven, eight, eight tribesmen whose hometown was destroyed were also killed or injured, he would definitely find a way to take revenge.

"You can't say that."

"In addition to a few major forces in the universe, there are also peak powerhouses."

"The Kree Empire is an invincible empire to countless civilizations in the universe."

"It's not that you're weak, it's that you're unable to do it."

"Although it is good to have ideals and work hard, sometimes it is also very important to recognize the reality."

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero."

Tony also gave his own evaluation after hearing Loki's words.

"Well, if the war breaks out again, it is estimated that the Tesma civilization will not suffer heavy losses, but the entire civilization will be affected and directly wiped out by the Kree Empire."

Banner also nodded when he heard this and said.

"It's not a bad thing to adapt to the situation. It will ensure that they won't betray so easily."

After reading Nikrov's background and experience, Thor also saw why Miss Sonia praised this talent.

As the acting manager of the Land of Nothingness, if this kind of person is responsible for handing over to Lacey, it can be said that he can basically feel at ease.

"I think so too."

Lacey nodded slightly upon hearing this.

"There are black marketeers who sell arms and intelligence, and there are female bosses who deal in skin and flesh. The lawless place seems quite normal."

After reading the origins and identities of Niklov and Madame Butterfly, Sarah spoke.

After all, there are people selling information in the Bounty Hunter Tavern, and she has seen a lot of people in the flesh business.

"You can't say that."

"What they did should be quite common in the Land of Nothingness."

"It's illegal, but it's not very serious."

Hearing this, Lalatina didn't have much of a good impression of the Land of Nothingness.

Because the Land of Nothingness used to be under the control of collectors and was the largest black market in the universe. Only after going there can you know how chaotic it is.

But Lalatina would not go to such a place without a reason to go.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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