I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 431 Members sent congratulatory messages

"That's it."

Sarah also suppressed her curiosity when she heard Lalatina's words.

"Lacie about what you're getting paid for this salary."

"How much did Miss Sonia give you?"

When Loki saw Lalatina and Sarah talking, Kyle kept winking at them. He also knew that these topics were not suitable for discussion, so he changed the topic directly.

"Don't be surprised if I tell you."

"One percent of the annual revenue of the Void Land from now on."

"That means Lacey will also become a rich woman in the future."

Seeing Loki change the topic, Kyle secretly gave a thumbs up and said with a smile.

"so much?"

"Then wouldn't Lacey be able to earn more than ten to two billion or more just by sitting down every year?"

Loki originally just cooperated and changed the subject, but when he heard Kyle's words, he was also shocked.

Taking the Land of Nothingness as a big piece of cosmic civilization, making hundreds of billions a year is a normal level.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lacey will have more than ten to two billion a year in the future.

Ten to two billion, what is this concept?

That is to say, Lacey will not make other money. After just managing the land of nothingness for several decades, she will be fully capable of forming a space fleet.

Neither Tony nor Banner felt anything. Tony himself earned more than these billions every year.

Banner has made practical progress because of the sublight propulsion engine, and his net worth will soar immediately after it is built.

"Don't spread these things out, otherwise it may cause some dissatisfaction among other members."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

When things go well, she can indeed make money just sitting there.

But a lawless place is not a peaceful place, and trouble is inevitable in the future.

But Lacey knew that this was why Miss Sonia chose her.

Sarah had no jealous thoughts at all, because Senior Sonia chose Lacey first not only because of Lacey's ability, but also to protect the two of them.

And if they were really allowed to do it, she felt that even with the strength of the two of them, they wouldn't be able to suppress Nikrov.

Anyway, as long as the money is enough, they don't have to worry about how to develop the Void God Religion like Senior Sonia.

As the saying goes, one person can feed and drink enough for the whole family, but asking for too much money will not do much good.

"It won't necessarily cause dissatisfaction."

"Did Miss Sonia tell you not to tell anyone?"

Tony said thoughtfully after hearing Lacey's words.

In fact, he doesn't think these rewards are outrageous, because as long as Lacey manages the Void Land well.

Without Sonia having to worry more, almost all the proceeds from the Land of Nothingness can be directly sent to Kassadin and Sonia.

It is normal for Kassadin to be willing to give a 1% share.

As for not telling anyone, Tony thinks it still needs to be considered.

"Miss Sonia didn't say that."

Lacey was stunned for a moment when she heard Tony's words, and then said.

"Since I didn't tell you not to tell it, then just tell it calmly."

"Your strength and ability are obvious to all within the Void Cult."

"It's not surprising to get a public position in the Void Cult."

"If they know that you are recognized and paid extremely well, they may become dissatisfied."

"But he may also be more concerned about the Void Divine Religion and hope that his abilities can be recognized and play a positive role."

After Tony heard that Sonia didn't tell her not to speak, he understood what Kassadin and Sonia were thinking.

As the Void Cult gradually grows, the emergence of various public offices is inevitable.

Although people can be hired to work for the Void God Cult, just like the factory he asked Lalatina to manage, the core must be a member of the Void God Cult.

Actually speaking, he should be the first public official of the Void Cult, or the one brought back by Kassadin himself.

You can even go directly to the mountaintop villa to discuss some matters directly with Kassadin and Sonia. It can be said that you have privileges.

His responsibilities are not complicated either, which is to develop technology for the Void God Religion and make money on the side.

It's just that his identity is special, so the details cannot be announced directly, but there is no problem in disclosing it like Lacey.

"So there is such a thing?"

Lacey was thoughtful when she heard Tony's words.

"You are worried too much. Each of our compatriots in the Void Cult is only allocated 100 million."

"To tell the truth, we don't call him a rich man, but he is also a man who is not short of money."

Tony heard this and spoke.

Maybe the entire 100 million was Kassadin and Sonia's plan.

The purpose is to reduce the Void God Cult's pursuit of money, so as to better accept the rewards received by public officials.

"Predictor, can you tell me what happened after I announced it?"

Lacey also understood after hearing Tony's analysis.

"There's nothing wrong with what Tony said. After you announced it in the community, everyone congratulated you and some wanted to have a celebratory meal."

After hearing this, the prophet also quickly predicted the future and observed that after Lacey announced it in the group community, she received all the blessings.

And Alex's particularly domineering but complimentary words further recognized Lacey's abilities and beliefs.

Although Alex always couldn't say good things, the words he said sometimes made people quite happy.

Thor and Loki now receive 100 million each, as well as the billions left by their father and mother before they returned to Asgard.

It is true that they are not the ones who are short of money, but they do not deny that they are envious of Lacey's job.

As long as there are no major mistakes in the future, Lacey will basically always have money.

After all, Sarah had told them that Lacey's work did not need to be busy all year round, but only under special circumstances.

"Then I'll make it public now."

Lacey was completely relieved after hearing the prophet's words.

She was still quite afraid that other compatriots in the Void Cult would be dissatisfied with her because she got such a high-paying job.

Although this is a symbol of recognition of her abilities, she does not want to cause any disharmony with other compatriots.

After all, except for the compatriots of the Void Cult, it is basically impossible for other people to completely trust her.

And as Lacey opened the cosmic communicator, she announced in it how much she would be paid for being ordered to take over the Land of Nothingness.

All members of the Void God Cult community sent congratulatory messages.

"Okay, the Void God Cult has another rich woman, and she will have a big meal to enjoy in the future."

"It is also appropriate to be recognized for your strength."

As the final minutes passed, Alex sent several messages one after another.

Yan Molix: "Lexi, I know you definitely have a future, and it is inevitable to get further recognition."

Yamalix: "But you must know that you have been recognized by the great God of the Void, Kassadin. Don't forget about it. You must know that this is your honor."

Yan Molix: "You have to do a good job and don't let the Void Cult be shamed, just like me."

He sent special message reminders to Miss Sonia, Sarah, Lalatina, Lacey, and Claudia.

Because these few women in the Void Religion generally do not speak in group communities, and when they do speak, they usually have something special to say.

As soon as Lacey spoke, he took over as the manager of the Void Land.

As for Kyle, Rennoli, Predictor, Tony, Thor, Banner and the others.

Alex has already made an arrangement with them. If there is anything important, just follow him directly.

"Okay, I will learn from you and will never bring shame to the Void Cult."

Lacey saw that Alex was praising herself and also complimenting her with such stinky words, and she responded with a smile on her face.

"What? Is 1% of the daily revenue in the Land of Nothingness great?"

At this time, Steve, who was far away in Blue Star, also received the news, but he didn't quite understand why he felt so happy for Lacey all of a sudden.

"Compared to Tony, it's not very powerful. It can only be considered moderately powerful. It's probably at the level of making billions of dollars a year."

Thor saw Steve bubbling up and smiled in response.

"Damn it, when will it be my turn for such a good thing?"

Steve was a little envious when he saw the billions in revenue a year.

He and Peggy were still complacent about having close to 200 million universe coins in their hands.

Lacey was able to make more than ten times their savings in a year.

Although Steve has not yet completely lived in the universe, it does not prevent Steve from knowing the benefits of having money.

"When you can live on Void Island permanently in the future, let's talk about getting a public job."

Tony was speechless when he saw Steve's envious look.

"You are right, then when can I leave Blue Star and live permanently on Void Island?"

Steve saw Tony's response and asked directly.

If he wants to get out of Blue Star, it mainly depends on the progress of Tony and Banner, and then on his training of Pietro and Wanda.

As long as these two points are achieved, he will be able to live on Void Island permanently.

"I don't know exactly when it will be... What I can answer you is don't worry, we are already studying it."

Tony couldn't give a precise answer when asked by Steve, so he could only reply perfunctorily.

"As soon as possible."

Steve also knew that this kind of thing could not be rushed, but he still uttered a sentence with an expectant expression to express his hope that he could live on Void Island permanently as soon as possible.

To be honest, Tony should have thought more than he did, to let Blue Star develop to the point where they are no longer separated from them as soon as possible, and there would be no need to worry too much about Blue Star's period.

In a mountaintop villa.

Through Sonia's cosmic communicator, Harvey saw the lively situation in the group community due to the news of Lacey taking over as the manager of the Void Land, and a smile appeared on his face.

Sonia, on the other hand, saw that most members of the Void Cult hoped to get a public position, and knew that the matter she discussed with Mr. Kassadin had worked.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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