I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 435 The foundation of the strong

After finishing the meal, a group of people went directly to the training ground.

It's not that Sarah is competitive, but she also wants to know whether the tenderness she has mastered is adequate.

So under the watchful eyes of Kyle, Rennoli, Predictor, Thor, and Loki.

Sarah flew directly into the training ground.

Predictors generally do not predict the future casually now.

Because as the time he could predict became longer and longer, he discovered that some things just need to be witnessed to be more interesting.

After Sarah fell into the training ground, she walked back and forth between the shock metals of different weights, and finally decided to try a two-hundred-ton shock metal first.

Sarah's whole body burned with void flames. Under the blessing of the flames, her red hair seemed to turn into crimson flames. Her eyes also changed at this time, and her whole body released a fanatical and domineering aura.

"Why do I feel like I see the shadow of Alex?"

Thor saw the change in Sarah's breath and felt something familiar, so he spoke.

"Don't feel it, this is Alex's breath."

Kyle knew Alex better, so Sarah nodded directly when she saw the change.

Lex's Void Flame not only has the ability to burn, but also uses the characteristics of the flame to further increase the explosive power of Lex's body, advocating destruction.

Therefore, Alex's strength is extremely fast and domineering.

At the same time, the Void Flame is also like a layer of energy shield. If you want to hurt Alex, you must first break that layer of flame shield.

His Eternity of the Void is different from Lex's Flame of the Void. Although the flames erupted by his Eternity of the Void have good destructive power, they focus more on the regeneration power of the power of the void.

The difference in emphasis led to his and Alex's paths being somewhat different.

The void flames on Sarah's body boiled, and the flames burst out and disappeared instantly. The jade palm wrapped in flames struck directly on the vibrating metal.

The flame tilted forward and directly wrapped the vibrating metal more than six meters high. The vibrating metal also began to vibrate, making a metallic vibrating sound that shook the sky.

When the feedback impact fell on the void flames on Sarah's surface, it was unable to break through the defense and was eliminated directly.

This is the fighting style of Alex, a domineering fighting style that only attacks but does not defend.

Sarah's temperament directly transformed into aloofness and pureness, like frost and wintersweet.

There was also a clicking sound on the ground near Sarah, and the ground was covered with frost.

Frost appeared in Sarah's left hand and struck the concussive metal again.

The entire vibrating metal was instantly filled with ice and flames, turning into a storm mixed with frost fragments and flames.

The vibrating metal continuously vibrates and makes a continuous vibrating sound.

Before the impact of the constant oscillating feedback hit Sarah, within the limited ten-meter range in front of the oscillating metal, Idle Skylark avoided the impact of this irregular explosion.

"I'm a bitch, and sure enough, none of the women on Void Island are easy to mess with."

Loki couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw Sarah's burst of power and her acrobatic movements.

Although because Sarah's character was too gentle, Loki never thought of making Sarah unhappy.

But now it seems that he made a wise move. Sarah may not have enough combat experience, but her strength cannot be underestimated at all.

"She has learned it all. I still don't know how to be gentle. It seems I have to take the time to practice hard."

Sol felt a pressure from Sarah.

He acknowledged Sarah's excellence but because of this, he felt some pressure.

After all, Sarah was much younger than him. According to his understanding, Sarah's actual age was only about twenty years old.

He is nearly 1,600 years old, but because he only used brute force in the past, his skills have never been very good.

He didn't feel anything before, because he was fighting some enemies and monsters from the Nine Realms, and all he needed to do was use brute force and hard steel.

But now looking at the Void Cult, I have actually become one of the most unskilled beings among them.

"True strength never belongs only to those who are born strong, but to the weak who long to become strong."

"Because the weak know the powerlessness and sorrow of the weak, they will continue to pursue strength."

"But the strong don't know the powerlessness and sorrow of the weak, and will be satisfied with the status quo and stop moving forward."

"So only when you truly wake up can you truly become a strong person."

"This is what Lacey told us before."

"I thought Lacey was the only certifier, but I never thought Miss Sarah was one of them."

Kyle looked at Sarah, who was constantly attacking the shock metal and doing tests, and felt a little emotional.

Even though Miss Sarah has never really fought, she doesn't know how cruel it is.

However, it may be because of Miss Sonia that Miss Sarah also knew the importance of improving her strength, embarked on the right path, and grew up silently.

If this trend continues, Sarah's future strength will be limitless.

The recorder should not just keep records.

Even if this is not Miss Sarah's character, when the Void Cult needs it, as one of the few public officials currently in the Void Cult, she will show enough power to shock the world.

"Did Lacey actually say such a thing?"

Loki's eyes flickered when he heard that this came from Lacey's perception of the strong.

If he had had this realization in the past, even if he had not joined the Void but devoted himself to studying magic.

Fifteen hundred years later, the gap in strength between him and Thor might not be as big as before.

He learned magic from his mother Frigga, but as the starting point of a god, he himself prefers to rely on divine power to fight.

The meditation of magic is like fishing for three days and drying nets for two days, rather than studying it wholeheartedly.

"Well, this is what Lacey told us after she first joined the Void Cult and received the Void Blessing, and learned about the power brought by the blessing."

"Before Lacey failed to join the Void Cult."

"She said that the tragedy of being a weak person is that you spend your whole life praying to become a strong person, but you never encounter the opportunity to become a strong person in your life."

"If Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, gives her this opportunity, even if there is only a small chance, she will seize it and change her life."

"And since we are born with special powers and are strong among ordinary people, we must pray to become even stronger, because among the strong in the universe, we are not the strong but the weak."

"Kyle and I still have the Predictor, even though at the time I thought Lacey's prayers and actions were a bit stupid or even ridiculous."

"Because of these words, I let go of my arrogance and began to pray devoutly to join the Void Cult."

"Now Lacey has received further attention from Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and has taken over the reins and become the manager of the Void Land."

"There is no doubt that our original wish has been fulfilled."

“This has set us on the path to becoming stronger.”

Renault nodded slightly when he heard this, and said with some admiration in his words.

Their natural superpowers may not be as powerful as Thor's, but among ordinary people and even fellow superpowers.

Their natural abilities are also of a more powerful type.

This has allowed them to have a smooth life since birth, and at the same time, their extremely smooth growth experience has also brought them different arrogance.

If it weren't for Lacey's words, they would realize the problem in their hearts and let go of their arrogance.

Maybe Lacey successfully joined the Void Cult, but the three of them had to leave.

On the road to chasing the strong, as my strength increases, I see the world becoming more and more exciting, and I also realize how foolish my previous arrogance was.

"If I had met Lacey earlier, maybe I might be different now."

Loki also had deep feelings when he heard Rennoli and Kyle talking about Lacey's past.

Because he was born a god, he believed that he was right to understand the situation and thoughts of the weak.

But his understanding is only relative to Thor and many powerful people in the universe.

Because he is only relative to the few strong ones, his strength is inherently superior to countless weak ones.

Therefore, he has never been a real weakling, and he cannot understand the difficulties and thoughts faced by a weakling.

Obviously the ancient supreme mage is at the top of the list, and there are also various tyrannical abilities possessed by natural witches, which proves that the top level of magic is never weak.

Even for him, magic is actually the path to becoming a top powerhouse, and it can even be said to be the only path.

But because the improvement of divine power was rapid and obvious, he ignored magic that grew slower but still had a high upper limit.

It should be said that he knew but he just didn't want to admit it.

Therefore, after all these years, his magic power has not yet become so powerful that a casual blow can cause terrifying power.

Although now he has also received the blessing of the Void Divine Cult, which has expanded his only path to two, not only relying on magic.

But because he failed to understand this truth in the past, he has always been surrounded by blessings and has been envious and jealous of Saul.

Continuously exacerbating his own extreme psychology, he got into trouble and did stupid things that are unbearable to look back on now.

If he had met Lacey and really talked to Lacey and truly understood the importance of opportunities, maybe his past would not be like that.

"You have grown up, and it is not too late to realize and move forward."

Seeing Loki's enlightened look, Thor put his hand on Loki's shoulder and said with a smile.

“We still have a lot of time ahead of us.”

"It's not too late to wake up now."

"The most terrifying thing is to live in pride all your life and not be able to understand this truth until you die."

The prophet said with a smile upon hearing this.

As a few people talked, Sarah also passed the ten-minute test at the training ground.

"I succeeded."

"I told you I would be gentle!"

Sarah's forehead was covered with sweat, and she waved happily in the direction of Kyle, Loki and others, with a happy smile on her face.

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