I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 436 Open your eyes and tell lies


Loki clapped with admiration when he saw Sarah easily passing the Shock Gold test.

"I was too underestimated before. Miss Sarah's fighting ability is very powerful..."

Kyle also looked at Sarah without concealing his admiration.

Because he has only mastered Rou Jin so far, and has not yet learned Lacey's more advanced Transformation Jin.

When Sarah has mastered Roujin, although there is a gap in strength with them, she may suffer from combat experience in terms of skills, but the difference is not that big.

"Ms. Sarah, do you have any experience about softness that you can teach me?"

When Thor saw Sarah flying over, he also directly started asking for advice.

"I don't have any experience, but Senior Sonia said to collect fragile items with different hardnesses."

"Then hold two different objects in both hands and practice repeatedly with a force that is about to crush but not crush."

“The moment you can multi-purpose and touch other items, you can immediately judge the force that this item can withstand.”

"At the same time, adjust your own strength to prevent it from breaking. The first step of soft strength is to control every bit of your own strength. This is the foundation."

Sarah had watched many people train, but this was the first time she trained with Shock Gold. She felt that all the strength in her body was vented. She felt extremely happy. When she heard Sol's look for advice, she waved her hands quickly and spoke.

Sol didn't understand it well because he didn't know how to do it.

"Why do I feel that the method you mentioned is more difficult than the method we learned."

However, Kyle has already mastered Roujin, and now he is a little shocked to hear the principle explained by Sarah.

"I also have this feeling. Maybe Miss Sonia can't directly use shock gold to practice like us."

"That's why you came up with this more cunning method?"

Rennoli also deeply agreed with Kyle's words, but thought that the environment in which they practiced was a little different.

The Void God Sect has been established for several years, and they have never seen Miss Sonia practicing in the training ground or the Gravity Building.

Even if Miss Sonia appeared in these two places, she would only watch their practice from a distance.

"And this is just the first step of Roujin?"

"So what's the second step?"

When the prophet heard this, he noticed the first step that Sarah said.

"The second step is of course power transmission."

"Hit one place, but the power needs to be transmitted to the inside before it explodes."

"Maybe it will be easy to understand if I show you a demonstration."

Sarah heard the words and looked around for something to attack.

Then Sarah picked up a stone several dozen centimeters large.

Kyle, Renoli, Predictor, Loki, and Thor also watched carefully.

Of course Loki and Thor wanted to learn from Roujin, so they watched it intently.

Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor want to know whether their softness is on the right track.

After all, what Sarah showed was the understanding and mastery of tenderness inherited from Miss Sonia.

Sarah slapped her right hand, and the stone in her hand began to vibrate, but even though it vibrated violently, there was still no crack on the surface.

Then Sarah poked it with her finger, and a hole was directly poked out of the stone. The inside of the stone had turned into powder like sand and flowed out of the hole.

Astonishingly, the originally solid interior of the stone has been completely hollowed out just by this shot.

"Do you understand?"

After showing it, Sarah said with a smile

"I feel like I need to learn it again..."

When Kyle saw Sarah's move, he doubted whether he could be gentle or not.

"Are you sure this is Roujin's learning method?"

"Why do I feel like the learning method is more like Hua Jin?"

Rennoli saw that Sarah's mastery of skills was obviously better than theirs.

There is one person whose skills are above them all, and that is Lacey.

I originally thought that Lacey was already very perverted, but I never thought that Miss Sonia seemed to be no less willing to give in, and she also understood the training process.

When they asked Lacey for advice, Lacey taught them privately and showed them every stage of the technique step by step, but they just couldn't learn it.

Because Lacey's power has reached the point where she can truly do whatever she wants.

Even from thousands of meters away, the impact can be caused or eliminated at the time you want.

Although what Sarah is showing now has not reached the level of Lacey, she is obviously moving towards the direction of energy transformation that Lacey has mastered.

"Is there any next step?"

The prophet also felt the same as Renault, so he looked at Sarah and asked.

"According to what Senior Sonia said, there are nine steps in total."

"They are power control, power transmission, power elimination, material transmission, material elimination, air transmission, air elimination, using Qi to transform into reality, and using Qi to follow the heart."

"Senior Sonia has mastered the ninth step. A casual palm can cause it to explode or dissipate while flying several kilometers in the air."

"However, I only know the second step of power transmission at the moment, and I haven't completely learned the third step of power elimination."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken another step to eliminate the power just now."

Sarah said a little embarrassedly after hearing this.

Because Senior Sonia taught her carefully, but she had only learned the second step after studying for so long.

After Sarah said this, several people remembered that when Sarah showed her flexibility just now, she created an extra stream of wind with her hand to eliminate the strength.

Now Renault, Kyle, Predictor, Thor and Loki are all convinced that this is definitely an advanced method to increase their strength.

And what Sarah said about erupting and disappearing a few kilometers apart was obviously just for Sarah's learning by Miss Sonia.

From what they saw on the battlefield in the Void Land, Sonia could split mountains and crack the ground with a single palm of her hand from dozens of kilometers away.

It can be said that Sonia’s experience opened up a whole new world for them.

"According to this classification, Lacey reached at least the seventh step of annihilation in the air a year ago, but I don't know if Lacey has learned to turn Qi into reality now."

However, after what Sarah said, Rennoli thought carefully about the strength-building techniques that Lacey showed them in the past, and analyzed them.

Even if Lacey's use of skills is not as good as Miss Sonia's, the difference is not too far behind.

"I originally thought that Rou Jin and Hua Jin were not that far apart, but now it sounds like they are not even the slightest bit different."

"According to this classification, at most I can only stay in the second stage of power transmission."

"Maybe not even perfectly."

Kyle said with a sad face and some frustration after hearing this.

"Stop talking, I haven't started yet."

Seeing Kyle's shocked look, Thor felt even more embarrassed.

They have always been proud of their physical strength, thinking that their strength is already very strong, but the fact is that their skills are a mess.

"I'd better pursue magic."

Although Loki also opened a new world, he was not too affected.

Because he knew that this was a skill that only those who wanted to evolve the physical body and fight with the physical body should learn.

He is majoring in magic. He can only master the second step of power transmission and mastering the soft power.

“Fortunately, I don’t follow the path of the flesh.”

The prophet is also a little lucky that the path he mainly takes is the path of prediction.

As long as he can break the enemy's defense, then he has countless ways to kill the enemy.

"Thank you, Miss Sarah. I know the method. I'll go back and practice hard."

Sol looked at Sarah and said extremely seriously.

His current strength is mainly composed of divine power, but he must also find a way to maximize his physical strength.

Because the stronger his divine power is, his physical body will also be improved. If he doesn't practice well, such a powerful physical body will be in vain.

"I'll go back and see if I can do the training skills Miss Sarah mentioned."

Rennoli also plans to go back and test his foundation.

Although Renault's main focus is speed, his attack methods are supplemented by weapons.

However, the pursuit of divine speed requires the evolution of the physical body. Otherwise, if his body cannot bear the load brought by speed, he will be playing with fire and burning himself.

Therefore, his physical body will definitely gradually become stronger. Why don't he practice hard?

If he can do what Sarah said, it means that there is no problem with his softness foundation. If he can't do it, he will have to practice it again.

Because the skill of using physical strength is also helpful for the use of weapons.

Lacey has only mastered the universal weapon for a few years, but she is extremely proficient in basically any weapon in her hands.

I guess it has something to do with Lacey's skills that have reached the realm of transformation.

"Miss Sarah, you are truly a treasure trove of knowledge."

Kyle looked at Sarah and praised with great joy

"No, these are all taught by Senior Sonia."

Sarah waved her hands quickly when she heard this.

"It's harder for us to get in touch with Miss Sonia, but we can get in touch with you."

"Please teach us more about this."

Thor said with a smile upon hearing this.

They really didn't expect that Sarah would learn so much knowledge from Miss Sonia.

I didn’t know it before but now I know it, so why don’t I dig treasures from Sarah?

It doesn't matter that they can't learn void magic directly, because it's not the time yet at this stage.

Then it's okay for them to learn how to use power.

"I have only reached the second step. What I know about the following is only theory, and I may not be able to teach you."

Sarah didn’t refuse after hearing this, but she just didn’t have that much confidence to let a few people learn it.

"It's okay. It's enough to know the theoretical methods of learning."

Thor didn't care at all when he heard this.

He was worrying about how to master softness, and now the opportunity had come.

"As long as you don't mind."

"I'm dirty now, so I'll go back to the Temple of Records and take a shower first,"

"You guys talk first, see you in the afternoon."

Sarah smiled and nodded, and then said goodbye to several people directly.

"I'm going back to test my foundation. See you in the afternoon."

When Kyle saw Sarah leaving, he also planned to go back and start preparations immediately.

Several people dispersed quickly.

After Thor and Loki returned to the experimental area, they immediately started searching.

Tony and Banner had just finished their work and were eating. They didn't pay attention when they saw Thor and Loki rummaging around.

But "Pop! Pah! Two blasts, a harsh sound rang in the ears of Tony and Banner, making their minds buzz.

"Would you like to go over and take a look."

Banner asked looking at Tony.

"Don't worry, maybe I just accidentally broke something."

Tony didn't pay attention when he heard this and continued to eat.

But after less than ten seconds, the harsh sound of clanging sounded again.

Jean Tony's forehead also showed some veins.

Before Banner could speak, Tony had already disappeared from the scene. He followed the direction and found the two brothers Thor and Loki in the kitchen.

Tony saw the broken dishes on the ground, and before he could ask what was going on, he heard Thor and Loki speak.

"It's easy not to crush it, just handle it gently, but it's really not that easy to control the force just enough to not crush it."

Thor was thoughtful when he saw the dishes shattering in his hands.

"Well, try again."

Loki also felt the same and nodded when he heard this, but he was not discouraged.

As they spoke, the two picked up the fragile dishes again. In just a few seconds, there was a click and the dishes broke again.

"What kind of plane are you two doing?"

"Why did you break these dishes?"

"No need to load the food?"

Although Tony didn't feel sorry for the dishes, he was a little speechless because he couldn't figure out what the two men were suddenly talking about.

"We can buy new dishes and come back later."

Loki heard this and spoke.

"We'll go out and buy it later."

Sol was also focusing on the dishes in his hands at this time.

"Is this a matter of old and new dishes?"

"What do you want to do by crushing these dishes?"

Tony also laughed angrily when he saw Thor and Loki completely unaware of the problem.

Banner also came over after hearing the sound, and when he saw the debris on the ground, he was a little curious as to why the two of them suddenly messed with these things when they came back this time.

"Ah, this, we have learned a gentle learning method."

"I'm studying now."

When Thor heard Tony's question, he also reacted and explained.

"Who said the broken method requires breaking these dishes to practice?"

"How can Roujin be mastered by such unreasonable methods?"

"I called you..."

It was okay if Sol didn't explain, but Tony was even more speechless when he explained.

"Miss Sonia said it."

Loki saw Tony's disdainful look and said immediately.

"...Miss Sonia, please tell me in detail."

Tony originally wanted to laugh at him, but after Loki's words, the conversation changed and he wanted to know more.

On his battlefield in the Land of Nothingness, Jarvis completely recorded Sonia's actions.

Sonia is a humanoid destroyer, and the power she unleashes with a single palm can tear apart mountains and crack the ground.

It can be said that in the realm of the physical body, Sonia has definitely reached the front of countless people in the Void Cult.

"Didn't someone just say that this method is a bit unreasonable?"

Loki saw Tony's immediate change of attitude and teased with a smile on his face.

"Who said that?"

"Did Banner see anyone say that?"

Tony turned around with an innocent face and asked Banner, winking at the same time.


Banner saw that Tony was telling lies with open eyes, which was a modern version of deception, but he didn't expose it and said directly.

The first update of 4,000 words per day is sent. Thanks to saynol for the reward.

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