I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 437 Tailor-made plan

"Okay, stop making trouble."

"These things are definitely useful for Tony and Banner as well."

Thor said after seeing the drama between Tony, Banner, and Loki.

"All right."

"Actually, Miss Sarah learned it from Miss Sonia..."

Loki also knew that Tony's character was obsessed with saving face sometimes, and he was unwilling to admit it even if he did it, so he didn't hold on to it anymore, but began to explain some of the things they learned from Sarah.

Tony and Banner were more and more shocked as they listened. The method they used to learn Roujin was not very efficient and was very tiring.

If you practice according to the method Miss Sonia said, the difficulty may still be high but it will definitely not be that tiring. The price is that many things will suffer during practice.

When they understand that softness is just the second step in skill control.

If this was not what Sonia said, Tony would deny it on the spot and say, "I don't admit it."

But the power Sonia showed before was indeed shocking, and they couldn't deny it even if they wanted to.

"Does that mean the softness I'm so proud of is just in the second step?"

After Tony learned what Loki and Thor heard from Sarah, he felt very dissatisfied.


“It’s normal not to admit it when you’re hit.”

"Renolly, Kyle, and Predictor all said they wanted to go back and check to see if there is any problem with their foundation."

Thor saw Tony's unacceptable look and said with a smile.

"I'll try."

Tony was doing the cooking, but now because of what Thor and Loki said, he no longer had the idea of ​​doing the cooking, but started to compete.

"Isn't this simple?"

Tony directly picked up a beautiful porcelain plate, and after using his right hand to find that it was not broken, he breathed a sigh of relief and had a relaxed expression on his face.

"Get another big bowl over here."

"Try again with both hands at the same time."

Loki saw Tony loading up and immediately threw a big bowl over.

Tony was startled by the large bowl that Loki suddenly threw towards him. He accidentally made a "pop!" sound with his right hand, and the delicate porcelain plate broke into pieces.


"According to what Miss Sarah said, it's not just about holding two things with different hardnesses in both hands."

"It's about practicing until you can feel how high the endurance of the item is as soon as you pick it up, and then use just enough force to hold it without crushing it."

"The first step of soft strength is completed."

"You obviously haven't laid the foundation well."

Loki saw Tony's embarrassment and wanted to hold back his laughter, but in the end he couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

"Laughter, come on."

"I can at least hold one, you can't even hold one."

When Tony saw Loki laughing at him, he immediately fought back.

"I can't do it, so I'm planning on learning."

Loki heard Tony's mocking words and said with an indifferent expression.

"You guys clean up here first, then go to other houses to practice, and buy back as much as you break."

"Don't make any noise here to disturb our thoughts."

"Our research is almost complete."

"When I finish the research, I will let you see what learning ability is."

When Tony heard Loki's words, his mind was filled with dark thoughts and he went back to eat.

Although he was unsuccessful, he also knew that this learning method was indeed feasible.

"It should be done in a month at most."

"You can teach me your experience then."

Banner watched Tony leave, looked at Loki and Thor, and said something before leaving.

"Who's going to clean now?"

After Tony and Banner left, Loki and Thor looked at each other.

"Of course it's you."

Thor said without hesitation after hearing this.


Loki looked dissatisfied upon hearing this.

"Since I'm your brother, and you know magic, I can just take these away."

"Isn't this a difficult thing for you?"

Thor raised his head when he heard this, and also directly used the provoking method.

When Loki heard this, he also directly used magic, pulling the debris on the ground and walking out.

They need to find a place where they won't disturb people and practice.

Although Loki just mocked Tony, Loki also noticed that Tony's control of power was indeed superior to theirs.

Just now, he suddenly added something with a different hardness to Tony, disrupting Tony's thoughts before crushing it.

If Tony was prepared, none of his hands would be broken.

Although Tony may not be able to achieve perfection as soon as he starts it, it is not difficult to do two things with preparation.

These are the clear gaps between them and Tony.

Now that Tony is busy with research, why don't they hurry up and catch up?


In a mountaintop villa.

Harvey looked at the farce of a group of them and glanced at Sonia who was working.

Harvey also reached out and quietly took two dishes of different sizes into his hands, intending to give them a try.

"Mr. Cassadine, would you like some dessert?"

Sonia was concentrating on her work, but she felt the flow of air and looked over and found that Kassadin's behavior was a little confusing.

"Don't worry, I just want to enjoy it."

Harvey felt Sonia's gaze and looked over instantly, and said nonchalantly.

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

Although Sonia felt that Mr. Kassadin was a little strange, she didn't pursue it too much.

It's not night now, and she still has unfinished work on hand.

Harvey played with the dishes in his hands, and no matter how he turned them, the force in his hands was just right.

"Sonia, how did you master Hua Jin?"

After playing with it for a while, Harvey put down the dishes in his hands and asked casually.

He also knew that Sonia's mastery of power was indeed superior to Lacey's, but he really didn't know how Sonia practiced it.

Not all of Sonia's actions on the island were under Harvey's sight.

But anyway, he had never seen Sonia doing that kind of practice in the villa.

"Hua Jin, what is Hua Jin?"

When Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's question, she thought about it and asked with some confusion.

"It's the advanced methods and realms of the nine power techniques you taught Sarah before."

"Lacie has mastered the seventh step of your classification, which is called transforming energy."

"It doesn't matter what you call it, the main thing is that you master that skill."

Harvey saw that Sonia didn't know how to use it. It was said that Lacey named this thing. It was not surprising that Sonia didn't know, so he changed his method of asking.

"So this is it."

"Once you gain true and flawless control over your power, it will come naturally."

"When Sarah asked me how to learn Roujin, she wanted to help Kuai get started."

"So I deduced the stages of my power control, as well as the advanced methods and realms.

"As for the teaching methods, those are just learning plans tailored for Sarah."

“Because celebrity hotels used to have to master certain knowledge, no matter how difficult it was to learn, they had to learn it no matter how hard it was.

“Learning can add value.”

“Those who cannot learn may be eliminated because their value is too low.”

"So as long as there are detailed learning methods, Sarah will study it seriously."

When Sonia heard this question, she understood and explained the situation.

In order to survive in such an environment, she developed her current character of excellence.

It doesn't matter whether it is troublesome to learn or not. What is important is that as long as it is put to use, it is worth learning. This is the philosophy of Celebrity Hotel.

This is also the key to many seniors in celebrity hotels being able to live happily in various places after their retirement.

Sarah was taught by her in the past, but when Sarah first joined the Celebrity Hotel, she was still a little stupid.

Her learning ability is a bit poor, so in order to teach Sarah well, Sonia spent a lot of effort.

In the end, she discovered that Sarah would learn very quickly as long as she was provided with detailed learning advancement methods.

So she also learned how to tailor a study plan for Sarah.

"Then why did you learn to use energy in the first place?"

Harvey heard that Sonia was the one who deduced it because it was tailor-made for Sarah.

"You can't laugh at me if you tell me."

"My power is increasing day by day as I evolve. If I don't learn more about how to control it."

"Probably break something in front of Mr. Kassadin."

"Although you may not care about some of my minor mistakes, I will feel guilty and embarrassed."

“So I put some thought into this aspect, and I learned it naturally.”

"As for the subsequent realms, I naturally mastered them while practicing after mastering the basics."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

In fact, reaching the state of letting Qi follow the heart is something that comes naturally to her.

However, in order to teach Sarah, she divided various realms and gave feasible learning methods.

After all, it couldn't be easier for Sonia to deduce how to learn and master her own power.

"I see."

"It's okay, you can continue working."

Harvey also understood after hearing Sonia's original intention of learning to master power.

According to Sonia's character of a scroll king, no matter what her original intention is, once she embarks on this path, she will definitely find ways to continuously improve it and study it to the extreme that she can study.

Although this process is very normal for Sonia, for others, this kind of advancement requires a lot of brainpower.

However, after a little research on the abilities that Sonia mastered, Harvey himself found that he had already reached the ninth step.

It allows one's own power to explode as much as it wants and disappear as much as it wants, even from a distance.

Because his power is too strong, he has always been willing to control his power, so he can master it in daily life.

"Well, if you need anything, just call me."

Sonia nodded slightly when she heard this and returned her attention to the work in front of her.

As for why Mr. Cassadine suddenly asked this question, she didn't need to think about it.

Mr. Kassadin often watches the situation on the island, and it is normal for him to accidentally see or hear something.

But since Mr. Cassadine asked this, it meant that Sarah had mentioned these things to others.

As for whom to follow, Sonia already has a candidate in mind.

Anyway, it’s not a particularly top-secret matter, so it doesn’t matter if Sarah talks about it.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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