I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 438 Tony and Banner’s research is successful

After Harvey knew that this was tailor-made for Sarah, he looked down with interest at Thor and Loki who were constantly crushing the dishes and making a pinging sound.

Even if Sarah becomes very idle on the island because of changing her job, she will not let herself be completely idle.

This is a habit developed over many years in celebrity hotels where the fittest survive. This habit will force people to move forward.

It was normal for Lalatina to ask Tony for a refund.

If Lalatina is really allowed to rest for nearly a year, even if she becomes a little lazy, she will gradually be unable to keep up with the environment.

Then Lalatina will be dismissed early and go back to retire.

The environment in the celebrity hotel is a bit cruel.

But as long as you can resist the temptation, the longer you work there, the more you will gain experience and the more knowledge you will learn.

Network connections will slowly accumulate until you graduate from a celebrity hotel, that is, retire.

Because of the experience and connections accumulated in the past, there will be a large number of jobs to choose from in the outside world, and you can even run your own business.

The retired villa manager of a celebrity hotel said he was retired, but in fact he was only thirty years old at most at that time.

For the Xandarians, a race with a lifespan of more than two hundred years and close to three hundred years, thirty years old is just the beginning of life.

This reminded Harvey of Sonia's deep bow to the Celebrity Hotel when she left it.

At first, he thought it was Sonia who bowed because she was happy because her shackles were released, and she felt like she was leaving the prison forever.

But now that I think about it, it was actually Sonia, expressing her gratitude to the celebrity hotel for the cultivation.

Let her learn a skill here and leave safely.

After all, as long as the celebrity hotel offers to resign, it will not deliberately make things difficult for people to leave.

The reason is not difficult for Harvey to understand, because the strict concept has long been a cruel environment, which means that celebrity hotels will never lack excellent villa management.

It's impossible for the entire Celebrity Hotel to stop moving just because one person left.

Harvey looked at Thor and Loki and felt depressed.

It's different with Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predicter. They have truly mastered the power of softness.

Although the three of them broke some things at first.

However, within two hours, I quickly achieved what the method said. I could immediately feel the endurance of the material with everything I bought, and thus perfectly control my strength.

The way they are, Tony should be able to do it.

However, Thor, Loki, and Banner, who plans to study later, will have to suffer some hardships.

"I succeeded! I succeeded!"

And after Kyle succeeded, he was extremely happy.

"Looking at your unpromising appearance, you are the last to succeed."

When Rennoli saw the ecstatic Kyle, although he said that Kyle was embarrassing, Rennoli was always smiling.

Because they have achieved this, it means that they only have some basic problems, but they still mastered Roujin, so they got started very quickly.

The prescientist even managed it in just ten minutes. Prediction is awesome.

Can predict countless futures in a very short period of time, and those are the experiences mastered by the foreseer.

Once they master these, they can be one step ahead and continue learning according to the methods taught by Miss Sonia.

"Thor and Loki probably haven't finished yet, so don't make fun of them later."

"They haven't joined the Void Cult for a long time, and they haven't studied Roujin properly."

The Predictor had already tested his own foundation, so he kept watching. Seeing Kyle's happy look, he spoke.

"Don't worry, I'm not that evil."

"But telling them about our success will definitely boost their confidence."

"I have to ask what the learning method of material conduction is."

Kyle nodded upon hearing this.

If they learn and master them all, their strength will definitely rise to the next level.


over the next month.

Thor and Loki also studied every day besides eating and sleeping. They crushed countless things, but they finally achieved some results.

Although you haven't mastered it yet, you can instantly understand the substance of the object and change the power of your left and right hands.

But at least if they are prepared, both of them can hold onto something with both hands so that it doesn't break.

They also went to the training ground to test it. Originally, they could only use brute force to attack the shock gold, which made it difficult to shake. Now both of them can make it shake.

"As expected of Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, the people around Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, can learn the skills very quickly."

The real progress made Loki couldn't help but admire him.

Loki didn't even need to think about it. This skill must have been mastered by Master Kassadin for Miss Sonia.

“The foundation hasn’t been completely laid yet, so I have to learn slowly.”

After countless failures this month, Sol's character has been tempered, he has become more patient in his actions, and his competitive spirit has also been somewhat satisfied.

Competitiveness and patience are indispensable.

Because if you didn’t have the competitive spirit and patience, you would have been discouraged by the failures again and again.

Lacey also came back within this month.

After learning about these advanced methods taught by Miss Sonia, Lacey was also enlightened, and the skill honing that had already hit a bottleneck had a way forward.

And showed each of them what the real skills are.

Comparing people to each other is really annoying, and they are still working on the first step.

Lacey, on the other hand, had already reached the eighth step of turning strength into reality, and after receiving the inspiration, she had already begun to study how to use Qi to follow one's heart.

That is, on this day one month later.

When Loki and Thor were happy with their progress.

The group community found out two pieces of news.

Billionaire Tony Stark: "The sublight thruster engine has been researched."

Hulk Bruce Banner: "Free at last!"

As soon as these two pieces of news came out, Tony and Banner also officially announced that they were freed from research.

Other research, such as researching reality gems, mind gems, etc., is okay, there is no need to rush.

The sublight propulsion engine is the key to whether Void Island has the ability to independently build space battleships, and it is also the key to Blue Star's ability to start moving towards the interstellar space.

Therefore, the two of them never dared to delay. After studying for a long time without making any progress, they kept thinking of ways.

Now that they have finally researched it, Tony and Banner feel a sense of liberation.

Although we will definitely have to study the advanced technology of light speed engine or warp engine in the future, there is no need to worry about those.

Because the sublight speed thruster engine is already the top technology in the universe.

It not only symbolizes huge wealth, but also symbolizes that the civilization that masters this technology has the trump card to embark on the road to empire.

Light speed engines and warp engines are futuristic technologies, so it is not too late to slowly research them in the future.

Hercules Kyle: "Successful? Does that mean that the production of space battleships belonging to the Void God Cult can begin?"

Sonics Rennoli "Congratulations on being released from the cage."

Lacey: "Will you be able to have more time to run out of the lab and take a stroll?"

Yamalix: "He is worthy of being valued by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Rich man Tony Stark: "The sublight thruster engine will be sold to you on Mowgli at a price higher than the cost price. Come back to me sometime to talk about this business."

His space wormhole jumping technology was developed so quickly thanks to the talented scientists on Mowgli.

Therefore, as long as the space wormhole jumping technology is improved, it will be provided to Mowgli.

The progress of the sublight propulsion engine was thanks to the war in the void, which allowed them to obtain the main instrument for production.

Although the sublight propulsion engine cannot be directly provided to Mowgli Star for free, as long as Mowgli Star allows him to make some money, it can be sold to Mowgli Star.

Alex spared no effort in helping him, so Tony naturally couldn't be too stingy.

Yamalix: "My evolutionary goal has not been reached yet. Give me three more months. I will go back and talk to you in detail then."

Although Alex wants to become stronger, he also has to contribute to the development of Mowgli.

This kind of transaction is beneficial to the development of Mowgli Star. Even if Alex has no time, he must take the time to talk to Tony.

The reason why he is not in a hurry is that Alex also knows that Tony has just succeeded in his research.

It takes time to recruit workers to set up the assembly line, so there is no use going back early.

God King Odin Bolson "Do we, Asgard, have a share in this deal?"

Although Asgard can directly descend to the Nine Realms through the Rainbow Bridge, they still need more advanced space battleships to wander in the universe.

Rich man Tony Stark: "As long as Asgard pays the starting price, these are not problems."

The most he can do is to provide it for free to Void Island and Blue Star. If it is also free to Asgard, then Tony himself cannot afford it.

Tony's wife, Pepper Potts: "Tony, if your research is successful, will you be back soon?"

Captain America Steve Rogers: "I want to ask too."

Billionaire Tony Stark: "I won't go back yet, but soon."

Because he wants to go back and build a communication network with the universe for Blue Star first, and do the business of cosmic communicators first.

Otherwise, although he has a lot of savings now, it is not enough to support Blue Star into the interstellar era.

Before Blue Star enters the interstellar era and changes its common currency to cosmic currency, he will have to post a lot of money.

But this is not difficult for Tony.

Void God Envoy Sonia: "Mr. Tony Stark and Mr. Banner Bruce have worked hard. I would like to sincerely thank you for your contribution to the Void God Cult."

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