I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 440 The Principle of Softness

"How is the progress of your Roujin training?"

Afterwards, Tony stopped thinking about these bad things for the time being and looked at Thor and Loki.

"It's already been effective, and I've mastered some of the basics of soft strength."

"As long as you are prepared, you can continue to shake the shock gold."

"It's still a bit short of being able to burst out soft energy with just one strike."

When Thor heard Tony talking about these things, he sat down and said with a smile.

"It's only been a month and you've already started?"

When Tony heard Sol's words, his eyes widened and he asked in disbelief.

You must know that he had mastered Rou Jin before, but it took him nearly half a year to formally master it after a lot of hardships.

As a result, Sol told himself that he had started to learn it in a month, and he was not far away from truly mastering it.

Are you kidding me, Thor's efforts are greater than his efforts?

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry first."

When Loki saw Tony's unwillingness to accept it, he also had a smug expression on his face, and his tone was extremely unbeatable.

"The main thing is that the cultivation methods provided by Miss Sonia are better."

"Now Miss Sarah has begun to promote it among various members."

"Although according to what Kyle said, the subsequent training methods are very difficult, but it is only a matter of time before all the members of the Void Cult can master the soft power."

Thor was not very proud, but explained with a smile.

To be honest, both he and Loki were slow.

According to their understanding, it only took Sarah ten days to completely master Roujin. Her learning efficiency was extremely high.

He didn't feel anything, and he admitted that Sarah's fighting ability was indeed extremely high.

When Loki heard this, he was aroused to be competitive, but let alone ten days, it has been a month and he and Loki still have not fully grasped it.

It can be said that Loki was furious.

But now Loki has this flexible bottom line and is good at using various reasons to channel his dark psychology.

In the end, Loki convinced himself that Sarah was easy to control because of her own weakness.

"Is it difficult to practice the later skills?"

Tony asked thoughtfully after hearing Sol's words.

"I don't know if it's difficult for you."

"But the third step of eliminating power is a symbol of success in cultivation."

"On the premise of ensuring that the table is not broken, the water in the cup ten meters away will pop out and the cup will remain still."

"After the burst of force makes the water fly into the air at the expected height and angle, the force just disappears, and the water will be brought back to the cup along with the angle."

“You’ll know if it’s difficult once you try it.”

When Thor saw that Tony was thinking about comparing, he didn't confirm it but asked Tony to try it himself.

When Tony heard Sol mention the symbol of success, he looked at the wine glass in front of him and patted it.

There was a "Bang!" sound, and the table collapsed with Tony's palm.

Just when the wine glass spilled over and was about to splash onto Tony, the power of void appeared on Tony's body and burned him completely.

"Damn it, isn't this just fucking embarrassing?"

Tony tried it and found that it didn't work at all, so he said directly.

Not to mention letting the water come back, accurately conveying one's power through the fragile table to the cup several meters away does not guarantee that destroying the cup is not something that humans can do.

"This third step is a symbol of skill. I also think it is outrageous and impossible to achieve."

"But Lacey not only showed us the third step, but even showed us the eighth step, which is a symbol of turning Qi into solidity."

"It proves that all the symbols of skill that Miss Sonia said are true."

Thor felt the same way when he saw Tony yelling "f*ck".

When he asked Miss Sarah about the follow-up cultivation method, he also yelled, but after Lacey showed it.

Not only did he know that these were true, but he also knew why Lacey was so fierce.

Normally, attacks will inevitably be wasted, resulting in the power not achieving the desired effect.

But Lacey is able to perfectly utilize her 100% strength to burst out all her power, how can she not be fierce?

"What stage are Kyle, Rennoli and the others in now?"

Tony heard Lacey's demonstration and knew that he was completely incomparable with Lacey, a monster of skill, so after being silent for a while, he thought of something and asked as if nothing had happened.

"I am still practicing the second stage of power transmission."

Loki also understood Tony's heart, if he couldn't compare with the monsters, then just compare with the normal people around him, so he also explained their progress.

"That's fine, I thought they were already at the third step."

Tony immediately relaxed when he heard Loki's words.

"How can I practice this thing more effectively? Please teach me."

After Banner learned about these things from the sidelines, he also longed to better control his power.

Thor and Loki did not hide their secrets and talked about their experiences in practicing this month.

Tony directly contacted Lalatina and asked Lalatina to get a new big table back.

"Okay, I'll have it done for you in an hour."

"But Mr. Tony, if you want to practice power transmission, please first practice splitting wood into ten even sections with one palm, and then practice directly with firewood."

"Don't practice on the table you bought as soon as you get started. Thank you for your cooperation."

After Lalatina learned the reason, she immediately agreed, providing directions and reminders at the same time.

She has already started preparing to recruit talents and establish an assembly line.

Mr. Tony's sudden call was just to cause trouble for her work.

"Is this how you practice power transmission?"

Tony heard Lalatina's words and looked at Thor and Loki.

"This is how cultivation begins."

Thor nodded upon hearing this.

"Then you didn't tell me earlier."

Tony's eyes widened when he heard Sol's words. Money was not a trivial matter, but it was mainly a matter of face.

Lalatina must have felt that she was a little too ambitious, so she gave herself this reminder.

"I'm just explaining to you the symbols of success in each stage of training."

"I haven't talked about how to practice yet."

Thor said with an innocent face.

"Forget it, let me try the strength control training you mentioned first."

Tony also now knew that his skills might still be at the first stage, so he did not immediately try to practice the second stage.

The research had just ended, and now Tony just wanted to stay away from the research room and do other things to relax.

"Let's go then, we have a lot of dishes over there."

When Thor heard that Tony was planning to practice, he stood up immediately.

After hearing this, Tony followed Thor and Loki directly and came to an unused house on the edge of the experimental area.

Tony saw the debris piled up like a hill in the house and knew that these two people must have done a lot of practice.

This made Tony's originally confident heart feel a little more stressed.

Wouldn't it be a shame if he also broke a lot and failed to verify his own foundation?

"Should I practice in Hulk's form, or in my current form?"

When Banner saw the pile of fragments and the piles of dishes placed around him, he knew that this practice was not simple.

"The weaker the strength, the easier it is to practice. It is best to let your body adapt first and then practice in the Hulk form."

Loki said immediately after hearing this.

Thor rolled his eyes when he saw Loki's determined look. There was no basis for the weaker the strength, the easier it would be to practice. After all, Sarah was the only one who could master it so quickly.

But when Thor saw Banner's "I understand" look, he didn't say much more.

Because Banner's power as Hulk will skyrocket and become more difficult to control, it would be better to let the main body learn to adapt first.

Tony picked up two dishes and started his own practice. After estimating the force that the two dishes would withstand, they didn't break even if he exerted great force.

A gaze like a titanium dog's eyes looked directly at Tony, making Tony feel even more stressed.

The owner of this titanium alloy dog-like gaze is undoubtedly Loki.

Loki was eager to see him embarrassed, but the more he did, the more serious Tony became.

"Don't move while holding two dishes."

"You don't think you can practice just by standing still, do you?"

"Not only do you have to move, but you also have to quickly pick up other dishes of different shapes and sizes to keep them from breaking."

Loki's faint voice came from Tony's side.

The resentment that Loki had accumulated for a month was finally released.

It was Tony who said he would let him see his learning ability after the research was over.

Tony was just pretending, but Loki wanted to see if Tony was really that awesome.

When Tony heard these words, he immediately put down the dishes in his hands and reached out to pick them up. He just felt the limit of the object's endurance when he started.

It's just that things of different shapes and sizes can withstand different forces.

Therefore, it is not easy to predict it instantly.

With a "click!", a crack appeared in the big bowl on Tony's left hand.

This made Tony panic immediately, and the more fragile dishes on his right hand also broke into pieces with a "pop!"

These sounds were extremely loud, and Tony felt that the titanium alloy dog ​​eyes coming from the side became brighter.

"I remember someone told me that they wanted me to see what the ability to learn is."

"But how can I see it now?"

"You don't think this is easy to practice, do you?"

"No way? No way?"

When Loki saw that Tony couldn't control the strength of his hands well, he immediately said angrily.

"I will try again."

Tony couldn't refute what Loki said. He was just pretending and was embarrassed by himself, so he just wanted to practice again.

"To tell you something, Kyle re-founded it in two hours, Rennolly in one hour, and Predictor in ten minutes."

"Your learning ability is so strong. Even if you are not better than the Predictor, his ability is a bug."

"But at least you can't be too far behind Renault, right?"

Seeing that Tony didn't refute, Loki said quietly from the side.

Loki knew that Tony would definitely lay the foundation again within a few hours.

Because Tony really knows how to be flexible, Rocky is also putting pressure on Tony at this time.

If Tony fails to succeed when approaching an hour, he will feel pressure when he approaches Rennoli's record, and it is even less likely to succeed if he is under pressure.

Finally got the chance to make fun of Tony, how could Loki let it go so easily.

"One hour is enough."

When Tony heard Loki's words, the pressure in his heart became less intense, and a smile appeared on his face.

Because he didn't know the situation of Rennoli and the others, he wanted to succeed immediately as soon as he came up.

But now that he knew that even they had spent a lot of time, he had nothing to worry about.

"Don't talk so eloquently, otherwise it won't be me who is embarrassed."

Loki was speechless when he saw Tony immediately starting to show off again.

He just doesn't understand why Tony always likes to show off so much?

Banner, on the other hand, started practicing under the guidance of Thor, and he crushed a dish as soon as he got started.

This made Banner a little nervous, after all, Loki's strange words were still in his ears just now.

"Don't worry, these things don't cost anything. Just crush them and buy them again."

"I was like that at first, calm down and take my time."

However, Thor saw that Banner failed as soon as he came up. He didn't have any thoughts of ridicule, but patiently comforted him.

"How did you practice?"

When Banner heard Thor's words, he was no longer so nervous and asked carefully.

"The main process of this practice is to first learn to do two things at once, using both hands with different forces to ensure that they will not be broken."

“Then learn to multitask, holding them and moving at the same time.”

"After you get used to it, before you use it all at once, you will immediately feel the power they can bear as soon as you get it."

"After you get used to it, when you see an object, you will instinctively judge whether it is hard or fragile."

"The body then responds by either withdrawing force or increasing its own strength."

"Then this first step of strength control will be completed, which also indicates that the foundation of soft strength has been developed."

"It also heralds the second step of power transmission."

"Although it is difficult to precisely control the force transmission to a specific location, it requires repeated practice."

"But it's really not difficult to attack the inside of an object directly through the surface."

"These are the experiences provided by Miss Sarah, so just take your time."

"Based on how long Loki and I have been practicing, generally speaking, we will definitely be able to master the soft power in a few months at most."

After hearing this, Thor asked Banner in detail to explain the main process and difficulties of this practice.

Tony was suddenly enlightened when he heard Sol's words.

Loki's attention was completely on Tony at this time, and he felt a little anxious when he saw Tony's understanding look.

Because Jean knew that there was not much time left for him to taunt Tony casually.

The second update of 4,000 words is sent

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