I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 441 Tony’s Analysis

Tony thought about it carefully, he must have reached the stage of power transmission.

The main reason is that he didn't lay a good foundation in the first stage, so he just needs to find ways to consolidate and improve his foundation.

Just let yourself have instinctive judgments about different substances.

This made Tony carefully observe the different shapes of dishes around him, and even the ground and various structures in the house.

A large amount of information poured into Tony's mind, making Tony feel like he had stepped into a whole new world.

It is not easy to judge the force that a living creature can withstand, because there are so many factors that affect it.

But it is not that difficult for him to judge the force that a dead object can withstand.

Because in the past, Jarvis would constantly report various data to Tony.

If the brain couldn't process information fast enough, Tony's brain would have shut down.

The moment Tony walked aside and picked up two different dishes, he immediately used the force he expected without breaking them.

Tony's movements didn't stop, he put down the two dishes and picked up other things.

The interval was less than half a second, and this time it was not broken.

Loki's eyes shrank when he saw this scene. Tony's mind seemed to be a little abnormal.

Over two hundred items passed through Tony's hands in the next minute, but none of them showed any damage.

"Hahaha~ I understand!"

"It seems that the first step is not that difficult."

"Didn't I learn it now?"

"I am indeed a genius!"

After a minute, Tony stopped and looked at Loki with a proud smile on his face.

He couldn't instantly judge the force endured by these objects, but it didn't matter. He just had to collect the information in advance.

Collecting various items represents a quality and endurance that may be more difficult for others.

But for Tony, he already knew this kind of thing.

Having already made accurate predictions, he has already mastered the soft power.

It is not difficult for him to take it with the force that is close enough to break it without breaking it.

Therefore, he has completely laid the foundation for this first step of power control, but he was not aware of these things before.

Now that he is aware of these problems, Tony's strength can be said to be even higher.

"I don't believe it, you must have cheated!"

"With Jarvis's assistance, it can't be considered mastered."

Loki saw that Tony had mastered it in just one minute, and pointed at Tony with his eyes widened and said loudly.

"Loki, there is also a gap between people's minds."

Tony pointed at his head and said with a smile.

You are very handsome when you are pretending, but you have to pretend to be cool. If you don't pretend, it will be completely embarrassing.

Now that he had done what he said, Tony felt extremely satisfied and happy.

“Isn’t this something that should be achieved through the accumulation of experience?”

When Loki saw that Tony had mastered the basics of power control so easily, he became a little skeptical.

It's not like he hasn't used his brain to think about how to practice.

But doing two things at once is not a simple matter, let alone doing three things at once.

So in the end Loki could only practice honestly.

"The accumulation of experience is necessary. Controlling one's own power intentionally or unintentionally in the past is the process of accumulating experience."

"But whether you can master softness still depends on your mind."

"If you don't understand, you will always use brute force, which will waste the excess strength."

"But as long as you understand how to use just the right amount of strength, you can master the soft power."

Tony folded his arms as if he had been there before, and explained his experience to Loki.

But Loki could only listen honestly and couldn't be weird anymore.

"Tony, can you judge the force these items can withstand the moment you purchase them?"

Thor felt a little weird when he saw Tony succeed so quickly.


"But I can directly collect information contained in everything around me."

"And I remember it clearly in my mind, and I will naturally understand whether I want to damage or not damage it."

"Of course, my approach won't work for everyone."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

The main reason for his extremely fast thinking is that he has a smart brain and also has experienced Jarvis's years of information collection.

Invisibly, his brain gained the ability to process all kinds of information quickly.

After all, without a good brain, it would not be so easy to bring out the perfect effect of the steel armor.

"You can make immediate judgments about these things you understand, but what about the things you don't understand?"

After hearing what Tony said, Loki thought about it and thought it was feasible, but it also had its drawbacks.

"Loki, I think you have become stupid due to practice."

"When I fight, Jarvis will definitely assist me in my calculations."

"Jarvis's terrifying computing power is my weapon. There is nothing Jarvis can't analyze quickly."

"If I encounter someone I can't analyze and defeat, I'll be finished if I run away."

Tony looked at Loki like he was looking at an idiot.

His main purpose in practicing Roujin is not to rely on it.

Only if you want to make better use of your own strength and apply it to daily life and battles can you learn to master Roujin.

The basis of whether he will be strong in the future lies in the research on the power of the void, and then on the research on the armor.

To be honest, his starting point was even lower than Steve's.

If he doesn't know how to rely on his areas of expertise to further improve his abilities.

Rather, like others, we stand on a weaker starting line than others and catch up with others.

Well, no one else needs to say it, he himself feels like a fool.

Loki is trash now, but that doesn’t mean Loki’s starting point is very low.

In fact, Loki's body possesses divine power, years of practicing magic, and a natural body, which gives Loki a very high starting point.

At least higher than most members of the Void Cult. Compared with Tony's true form, Loki's starting point was even more ridiculously high.

"I think I can learn the method you mentioned."

Banner was thoughtful when he heard Tony's method.

"You can speak with your head, but I don't recommend you learn it."

"My fighting style is different from yours."

"The method provided by Miss Sonia is actually closer to the essence."

"As long as you master the ever-changing battle, you can quickly collect all the information you want to gain the upper hand."

"If this ability is accumulated through years of combat experience, it will become a terrifying combat instinct."

When Tony heard Banner's words, he affirmed Banner's mind and at the same time carefully analyzed the future brought about by the learning method provided by Sonia.

He has Jarvis who can directly collect information on his behalf, so there is no problem without having to study hard.

But Banner does not have the assistance of Jarvis, so he relies on his own brain to collect enough information that is beneficial to him during the battle.

Naturally, it was impossible for Tony to suggest that Banner use the same tricks as himself.

Of course Tony knew that his method was a trick, but he had his support, so it was enough to understand the truth.

In the future, he will find ways to further improve his abilities.

To be honest, Tony didn't understand how Miss Sonia could comprehend such a terrifying way of training.

Thinking more deeply, Miss Sonia may already have a fighting instinct.

Because Sonia has gone through the nine realms she mentioned and has reached the future that this ability can grow into.

But let alone Tony's fight with Sonia, even if he saw Sonia take action last time, it was the first time.

So these are always just guesses.

However, the first time the Void Goddess Sonia took action, she showed shocking power.

Tony followed the video recorded by Jarvis.

If Gao Tianzun hadn't died in person, Sonia's power could have completely overwhelmed the undead army in the Land of Nothingness by herself.

The army of the undead would have no effect at all, otherwise Gao Tianzun would not have been forced to die personally and wanted to kill Sonia directly.

"In addition to the accumulation of combat experience, combat instinct also needs to rely on natural gifts, right?"

"Can people master the fighting instinct through cultivation?"

Thor was also shocked when he heard Tony's analysis.

When facing a crisis, the biological instinct will instinctively send various danger signals to itself through the body's functions and brain.

The organism then makes different judgments based on the signal.

However, this instinct can only be said to be a biological instinct, not a fighting instinct.

Fighting instinct is the ability to discern the source of danger when faced with various dangers.

Being able to instantly understand the enemy's weaknesses and make a reaction that is absolutely beneficial to oneself can be called combat instinct.

The fighting instinct can also be accumulated and grown step by step through the accumulation of experience.

Until later, when facing any danger, he can make the right move that will definitely save his life.

Those with this talent are often called geniuses born for fighting.

At the same time, this kind of gift is also called a gift that is truly born for fighting.

Gifts are often given by God, so they cannot be envied even if they are envious.

As a result, Tony told himself that this talent could actually be cultivated artificially.

It made Thor feel like everything he knew in the past had been overturned.

"I only speculated on this possibility through the nine realms Miss Sonia mentioned and experienced the ability of power to control the information collection that must be mastered."

"But even if you practice to the last step, you won't be able to comprehend the fighting instinct."

"The terrifying information-gathering ability you gain by crossing realms can also give you abilities similar to combat instincts."

Tony naturally knew that fighting instinct was not something that ordinary people could obtain if they wanted to.

However, the combat skills created by the terrifying information collection will definitely strengthen his own combat capabilities.

The third update of 3,000 words and 10,000 words has been completed

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