I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 442 I’m going to order it

"I understand, then I'll practice honestly."

Banner is also very confident in his mind and can quickly master Roujin according to the method Tony said.

But what Tony said is good. The nine realms summarized by Miss Sonia also include learning methods.

As long as it is thoroughly mastered, it can enable people to master super information collection capabilities.

This point has already shown some clues in the first step of power control.

The following eight steps will further deepen the use of one's own power, and at the same time deepen one's perception of all the food around him.

The direction of Banner's evolution was initially to restore his ability, but that was because there was no way to do it at the beginning.

Because his grasp of his own strength and fighting skills are too rubbish. Of course, he is enough to torture vegetables, but when he meets a strong person, he will only be beaten to death.

But now is the time to start moving in other evolutionary directions and further improve your strength in all aspects.

"Not only do you need to practice hard, Thor, you'd better also put more thought into it."

"It won't be a bad thing for you to practice, it will only be a good thing."

After Tony convinced Banner, he looked at Thor.

As for Loki, he definitely belongs to the magic school, not the physical school. It's enough to master the soft power like him.

Thor's strength is composed of three parts, one is the huge divine power, the second is the powerful Thor's hammer, and the third is the naturally powerful divine body.

And Thor likes hand-to-hand combat and is a true melee fighter.

As for Thor's other directions, such as magic, speed or other things, they are not very good.

The combat skills I have mastered before cannot be called rubbish, but they are only a little better than rubbish.

Except for some weapon skills and some hand-to-hand combat skills that rely solely on brute force, there is nothing left.

The fundamental reason for this is that Thor has never left the Nine Realms before, and most of the enemies he encounters in the Nine Realms are people who are not much stronger than ordinary people.

Even if he encounters someone who is slightly stronger, Thor can directly crush the enemy with his thunder.

It can be said that I have been staying in my comfort zone and there is no need to hone my fighting skills.

As the saying goes, one is born in sorrow and dies in happiness. Sol is the type who has never experienced sorrow at all before.

But all intelligent creatures like to stay in their comfort zone, and Tony wouldn't say there's anything wrong with Thor.

But now I know there is a way forward, but I still stay in my comfort zone as before.

So even if Thor's starting point is very high, he is the strongest in the Void Cult except Odin.

But if you continue to stop moving forward, you will sooner or later catch up with them in the future, instead of being far ahead of them.

"I know, haven't I been practicing?"

Thor saw that Tony was worried about being lazy and not practicing, so he also picked up two dishes of different sizes.

In the Void God Religion, if you do not accelerate your own growth but evolve step by step, it means you are regressing.

Because the other top powerhouses of the Void God Religion will not stop.

"As long as you are willing to practice, I have already practiced. You can go ahead."

"I still have some work to do."

"Banner, don't forget to make time in the evening. Let's go out to play together and relax."

When Tony saw Sol like this, he knew that he was worrying too much, so he waved his hand and planned to leave.

"Want to go out for fun tonight?"

"Why only Banner and not us?"

Rocky was not surprised to hear Tony say he was going to work, because Tony said he was actually talking to Miss Sonia about building an assembly line.

But when Tony said they would go out for fun at night, they had been staying on Void Island. Naturally, they had to go outside Void Island when they went out to play.

But Tony didn't take them with him, which made Loki a little concerned.

"Let's go to a celebrity hotel."

"It's been so long since you've been in Xandar, haven't you visited a celebrity hotel yet?"

When Tony heard Loki's question, he stopped when he was about to leave, and turned back to look at Loki and Thor in confusion.

"It turns out we were going to a celebrity hotel. I thought it was some kind of fun place. I've been there a long time ago."

Loki felt that Tony's eyes seemed to have a look of contempt, and said with a disappointed look on his face.

"Celebrity hotel?"

"Where Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah used to work?"

"Is there anything fun there?"

However, Thor directly sold Loki, exposing something that the two of them had only heard about but had never been to.

His knowledge of the Celebrity Hotel was limited to knowing that it was the place where Miss Sonia, Miss Sarah, and Miss Lalatina used to work. As for going there, he had definitely never been there.

"Have you two experienced imperial service?"

When Tony heard that Thor knew the details of the two of them, he thought for a while and asked.

"What is imperial service?"

After hearing this, Sol thought for a moment and didn't quite understand what Tony meant.

"Live in the most luxurious residence, and have a beautiful lady serve you wholeheartedly."

"Just give instructions on what you want to do, just use your mouth, and someone will do everything for you."

Tony saw that Sol didn't even understand this, so he gave a rough idea.

It is said that Kassadin is served by Miss Sonia and is treated like an emperor every day.

Originally, this was how Lalatina served him besides not being able to serve him in bed.

However, after Lalatina joined the Void Cult, Tony usually just let Lalatina help him with daily chores.

They also share the pressure for him in work other than research, which makes Tony feel a lot more leisurely.

It's not as good as Kassadin's imperial enjoyment of life, but he's not bad either.

"No, ever since we were sensible, we have bathed ourselves and eaten our own meals..."

"How beautiful the beautiful lady you mentioned is, please tell me in detail."

After hearing Tony's words, Thor first talked about his previous situation, and then realized what Tony meant by going to play.

"I won't be busy when you talk about this."

"They are all the most beautiful beauties in other civilizations, and the most important thing is that they have received the most professional training."

"You can lie down and enjoy the fun, and there are also some special races that will give you an unprecedented experience."

When Tony saw Sol talking about this, he didn't plan to talk to Miss Sonia about work for the time being. Instead, he directly pulled up a big chair and sat down.

"Are you saying that celebrity hotels specialize in this kind of service?"

"Then Miss Sarah...

"But that's not right. My father said that Miss Sarah is perfect."

"Has Xandar's technology evolved to this point?"

Loki immediately understood what Tony said. Although he also wanted to go, he thought of something and muttered to himself.

Then Loki remembered what his father and mother had said about Miss Sarah.

He did not forget his father and mother. Before leaving Xandar, they told him and Thor to find a way to capture Miss Sarah.

It would be even better if Sarah could agree to go back to Asgard with them as a guest.

It can be seen that the father and queen are extremely satisfied with Sarah.

If a person has a chaotic private life, it is impossible to get the unanimous approval of his father and queen.

Because the wife Thor will marry in the future will be the Queen of Asgard, and her chastity and reputation must be guaranteed.

Although he will not be a king in the future, he can still be regarded as a prince. Naturally, it is impossible for him to marry a wife with red lips that thousands of people can taste.

It's just that both Thor and Loki knew that they were not the material, so they didn't take any action at all.

But if Miss Sarah used to do the job Tony mentioned, then why can she still maintain her perfect body.

This made Loki feel strange, and his thoughts couldn't stop thinking about Xandar's ultra-high technology.

"What are you thinking about? Miss Sonia, Miss Lalatina, and Miss Sarah are the villa managers of a celebrity hotel."

"I was talking about the villa manager of a celebrity hotel at the beginning. In addition to not being able to attend the bed, he is responsible for finding ways to complete various instructions given by you."

"Miss Sonia, Miss Sarah, and Miss Lalatina are like this. After growing up in a terrible environment, it can be said that the most professional ones are secretaries and housekeepers."

"Celebrity Hotel has the most complete and best resources in Xandar Star and the best service."

"The professional beauties mentioned are one of the services that celebrity hotels can provide."

Tony saw that Loki was thinking wrongly and explained the situation with all the black threads in his mind.

"You said it yourself so vaguely, can you blame me for thinking wrongly?"

Loki suddenly became enlightened when he heard this thought, and then he didn't think there was anything wrong with his idea.

"Now that you understand it, do you want to have some fun?"

"If you want to go, I can help you make a reservation in advance."

Seeing Loki's shameless look, Tony didn't bother to say anything more and asked directly.

"As the saying goes, everything requires the courage to try. If you know this, how can you not try it?"

Loki also said directly when he heard Tony's words, and the implication was that he wanted to go.

"My thoughts are the same as Loki's."

Sol also nodded in agreement upon hearing this.

The people present were all full-blooded men with endless energy in their bodies. How could they not go to such a fun place if they knew it?

"Okay, then I'll make a reservation for you, tentatively for half a month."

"It's not a good thing to relax for too long."

"Let's go, you can practice slowly first."

After hearing this, Tony directly agreed to take the two of them to play.

Then Tony left, he still had some work to deal with.

But these are not tasks that require much mental effort, so Tony has undoubtedly begun to take a vacation for himself for some time now.

"Banner will tell you something about the Celebrity Hotel in detail."

"Don't let Tony look down on us."

After Loki saw Tony leaving, he immediately asked Banner to learn something in advance.

"Rather than these trivial matters, I want to know whether what Tony just said is true."

"Is it really such a good experience?"

From Thor's point of view, if you don't know, you don't know, and it's not a big deal, so he is more concerned about the authenticity of Tony's words.

"I've been there once, of course it's true."

"It's just that it's a bit expensive and not something that ordinary people can afford."

When Banner heard this, he confirmed the authenticity of Tony's words without hesitation.

"How expensive is it?"

Sol heard that the consumption was a bit expensive, weighed his savings, and asked with some confidence.

"About hundreds of thousands a day. If you want to enjoy it more, it's not impossible to earn two hundred thousand a day."

"That's why I envy Tony's life where he doesn't regard money as money."

Banner also revealed a number when he heard this, and at the same time did not hide his envy of Tony.

"Two hundred thousand a day, why don't they grab it?"

When Sol heard the outrageous price, he shouted directly.

"I originally thought so too, but later I understood it after Tony's enlightenment."

“The cost of one night’s stay in the top hotels on Blue Star is tens of thousands of dollars per night, which is not affordable for ordinary people.

"The Celebrity Hotel is the top hotel in Xandar civilization. All the guests it entertains are billionaires, and it also provides the highest quality service."

"So I understand."

Banner saw that Thor looked like he had never seen the world, and he felt a little embarrassed when he thought that he was like this in front of Tony.

To put it bluntly, you don’t have to stay in the most luxurious hotel provided by others.

But if you want to live there, you must first consider whether you have the ability.

Tony's outlook on consumption is definitely different from that of someone like him who only recently started to have money.

And he doesn’t go often, it’s been more than a year since he last went.

Banner is still willing to spend millions a year to satisfy himself wholeheartedly.

"One day counts as two hundred thousand, which is about three million in half a month."

"The two together add up to six million."

“It’s okay to have a little luxury once in a while.”

Loki also understood this truth, so instead of yelling like Thor, he calculated the price and thought it was acceptable.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, the food at the Celebrity Hotel is also excellent, and you can eat whatever you want."

"As long as there is no excessive waste, the villa manager who is responsible for serving you will have his money deducted."

"You can eat as much as you want. You don't need to pay extra for food."

"Although if you go there to enjoy the carnival of the flesh, you usually won't eat so many meals a day."

When Banner heard this, he immediately added the location.

Normally, if a celebrity hotel charges 10,000 cosmic coins a day, the guests can't eat that much.

However, as a member of the Void Cult, you can almost get your money back just by eating freely.

The name of the Celebrity Hotel is there, so not many members of the Void Cult go there to spend money.

Otherwise, if hundreds of people move in together, over time, the owner of the celebrity hotel may have to raise the accommodation fee after seeing their Void God Cult.

"I told you earlier, I've booked a reservation at this luxury hotel."

When Sol heard that he could eat freely, he immediately felt no pain.

Because the money they spend on meals every day starts at at least 500 cosmic coins for each meal, and it is normal for a meal to cost more than 1,200.

If there is any special meal served, it will cost 10,000 cosmic coins just to eat it a day, which is about 5,000 cosmic coins a day on average.

Just eating alone costs about 1 million a year, and for some extravagant things, it costs 2 million a year, or even 10 million a year.

For Sol, eating is for evolution, so he doesn't feel distressed no matter how much he consumes.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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