I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 443 I will prove that you are right

You must know that the average salary on Xandar is only a few hundred thousand a year, which is not enough for members of the Void Cult to live for half a month.

This does not include the cost of holding a big banquet. If the banquet is held for everyone, it will cost tens of millions or even 100 million for a week.

So if you don't have some wealth, a big banquet can directly wipe out a person's wealth and even leave him with a lot of money.

Although if you discuss with the cafeteria, there is no credit service, but wouldn't it be embarrassing for you to pay on credit?

Otherwise, Tony wouldn't have the title of rich man. He really doesn't regard money as his master.

Whenever you feel happy, treat everyone to a banquet. Who doesn’t like it?

Of course, this is the appetite of many members of their Void Cult.

Normal people's appetites come here to spend money, and the money they need to spend every day is not that expensive. A few hundred cosmic coins a day is completely enough.

But in any case, Thor and Loki decided to book a reservation at this luxury hotel.

People always want to experience things they have never experienced before.


After Tony said goodbye to Banner, Thor and Loki, he went directly to the mountaintop villa.

When Tony saw Cassadine, he saw desserts and drinks prepared for him on the table.

"Mr. Tony, please take a seat."

When Sonia saw Tony's arrival, a smile appeared on her face and a beautiful voice came out of her mouth.

"Thank you, Miss Sonia."

Tony looked at Sonia, who was sitting next to Kassadin, and nodded slightly to express his gratitude.

"After the sublight speed thruster engine is developed, you should also be preparing to build a Blue Star."

Harvey said with a smile when he saw Tony arriving.

"I already have this plan, but before that I want to rest for a while."

"And I want to see first the first space battleship developed by me and Banner is built."

"After that, I can return to Blue Star in peace and mind and do all kinds of trivial things."

"So I will stay on Void Island for a while longer."

After Tony took a sip of the drink, he leaned back on the soft sofa with some emotion on his face.

This is why he told Pepper and Steve not to go back for the time being.

The day when you witness the birth of your own space battleship is also a day worth remembering.

"It's been hard work these past few years."

Harvey saw Tony's expression and said.

In the past few years, Tony has either been studying cutting-edge technology for the Void God Cult or working hard to protect Blue Star.

The several major disasters faced by Blue Star, although there were reasons specifically reminded by Harvey, were all caused by Tony trying to protect them.

There were only a few moments when Tony could take a break with peace of mind and relax.

Now the research on cutting-edge technology can finally come to an end, but Tony can only rest for a while at most.

Tony will then find a way to unify Blue Star to become a human union, and then lead Blue Star to the interstellar era.

These things of dealing with countless people would probably make Tony even worse than he was doing research now.

"Although receiving Miss Sonia's thanks makes me very happy."

"But I didn't expect to hear these words from you personally. It unexpectedly made me feel even happier."

When Tony heard Kassadin say this to him, he was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He told Steve and Banner about the future he imagined.

As for whether what he did on the road to realizing his dream was hard, it was actually not within the scope of Tony's consideration.

However, Sonia and Kassadin's affirmation let him know that there were still people who knew about the difficulties he encountered on Qianjin's road.

As he becomes more aware of Kassadin's identity, he becomes more and more aware of Kassadin's strength.

It can be seen from Kassadin's words that he still regards him as a friend, but Tony himself has some barriers to Kassadin.

This estrangement is not due to a conflict between him and Kassadin, but the natural alienation caused by the difference in strength.

He deeply knew that there was an insurmountable gap between Kassadin and his strength.

If Kassadin wants to kill him, he probably won't need any special means. He will die if he blows his breath.

Faced with such a huge difference in strength, naturally when Tony faced Cassadine, even if he wanted to be completely relaxed, he would still be restrained.

Unless his strength has grown to the peak of the universe, his strength is no longer so weak.

Maybe he could be completely calm about the kindness and friendship released by Kassadin.

Now it is completely impossible for him to completely return to the way he got along with Harvey in 2008.

The source of self-confidence has always been derived from strength or certain talents.

When Harvey was happy to see Tony, he couldn't help but sit upright.

Harvey also noticed that Tony was already alienated from him, and the armor and mask belonging to Kassadin completely faded away.

"Of course, I've been watching you."

"Know your ideals and beliefs, and also know the efforts you have made for your ideals."

Harvey's clothes changed and he looked like he was wearing home clothes. He looked at Tony with complicated eyes and said.

Speaking of which, it had been a while since he heard Tony directly address him by Harvey's name.

Harvey thought before that it was just the reason why Tony stayed on the island.

But in the past, when there were only people from the Nine Realms, Tony would still call his real name Harvey from time to time.

And now Tony's impression of Cassadine completely overshadowed all the impressions Harvey had on him.

But now it seems that he still regards Tony as a good friend. As long as Tony does not violate the commandments, Harvey will support everything Tony does.

But Tony no longer felt calm and relaxed about him.

Therefore, Harvey hopes to let Tony see his true appearance and regain the friendship of the past.

Sonia looked a little surprised when she saw Mr. Kassadin actually taking off his mask.

But after seeing Mr. Tony, Sonia understood.

Among all the people she has seen in the more than five years she has served Mr. Cassadine.

Mr. Tony is the only one who can be called Mr. Cassadine's friend.

Others did not even have the opportunity to meet Mr. Kassadin directly.

"I don't know why, but I feel like I haven't seen you like this for a long time."

Tony saw Kassadin suddenly take off his armor, revealing his appearance when he invited Harvey to his home for the first time. He felt Harvey's complicated eyes looking at him, paused and spoke.

"I haven't been to Blue Star for a while. It's normal for you to feel like you haven't seen him for a long time."

"But Tony you should know that I have always considered you my friend."

When Harvey heard Tony's words, he spoke with some emotion.

"...I know what you mean, but please give me some time to grow."

"When I reach the pinnacle of the universe, that's when we can regain the friendship we had in the past."

"It's hard to go back to the past even if I wanted to."

"You also know that the power and status you symbolize are beyond the expectations of countless people."

Tony was shocked when he heard Harvey's somewhat reserved words. He wanted to call Harvey's name, but in the end he didn't say it. He was silent for a while and spoke.

"I didn't mean to do this, but since you said so, I believe it won't be too long before you can reach the pinnacle of the universe."

Harvey also knew after hearing this that it was impossible for Tony to chat and laugh with him as before. He felt a little regretful, but he also expressed his expectations.

"After I finish the trivial matters on Blue Star, I can truly live for myself with peace of mind."

"I will go to the top of the universe and prove that your vision is never wrong."

Tony clenched his fists upon hearing this, with a confident smile on his face.

Harvey said that he was the first member to join the Void, and also expressed the importance of his talents, bringing him into a world completely different from the past.

So he also wanted to respond to Harvey's expectations for him and prove that the vision of the God of the Void, Kassadin, was never wrong.

"I never missed it."

"So even if you don't believe in your talent in the future, you must believe in my vision."

Harvey also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

"I'm Tony Stark, how could I not believe in my own talents?"

The confident smile on Tony's face did not change when he heard this, and his words were extremely affirmative of himself.


"It's hard to go back to the old days when we were talking about freedom."

"But if you have joy or sorrow that you want to share, you can always come to me to share or discuss it."

"Just like I found you before."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this and said.

"This will definitely happen."

Tony also nodded when he heard this.

Although he was somewhat estranged from Harvey, he was not so estranged that he did not dare to come to Harvey.

"You came here mainly to see Sonia."

"You should talk to her about work first."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

Then Harvey stood up, and the Kassadin armor and white cloak appeared again.


Tony nodded when he saw Harvey put on the armor again and returned to his mysterious and solemn appearance.

"Miss Sonia, I have sorted out the talent requirements for recruitment, the factories that need to be built, and the various equipment and materials that need to be purchased."

"As for the main equipment for making the sublight engine, I will make it together with Banner in a while."

"Please help me deal with this."

"And this time I can't contribute money because I have to save some money to prepare for the construction of Blue Star. I'm very sorry."

Then Tony directly clicked on the cosmic communicator, and then pulled out some projections to fully display all the requirements in front of Sonia.

Although Sonia was on the sidelines and saw the conversation between Mr. Cassadine and Mr. Tony, she was also thinking about it.

But after knowing that Mr. Tony was going to discuss work with her, Sonia immediately focused her attention.

"Mr. Tony, if this is where you are, it is a good thing that you want to build something for your hometown."

"After the battle in the Void Land, the current liquidity of Void Island is very sufficient."

"It's just a piece of cake to prepare these things."

"And you have made a lot of contributions to the Void Cult, so Mr. Tony doesn't have to feel sorry."

When Sonia heard these words, she moved her eyes away from the data in front of her and looked at Tony Stark, her voice was extremely soft and certain.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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