I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 446 The key to mankind entering the interstellar era

"Is there any opponent in the universe that you find difficult to deal with, Mr. Kassadin?"

Sonia was a little confused when she heard Mr. Kassadin's words.

"There are still a few in this universe, but they can only be considered troublesome, not difficult to deal with."

"But there are some existences in the multiverse, and I am..."

"Forget it, they and I may not be able to compete."

"If I confront them in the future, I will find a way to deal with them, and you will also understand by then."

"If it doesn't match, there is no need for you to understand."

Harvey originally wanted to say something when he heard this, but he still didn't elaborate on what he thought of.

He knows about the Court of Life and the Ancient Gods, but countless creatures in the universe don't know about them.

Knowing too many secrets of the universe is not a good thing for many creatures in this universe, and this is the case with Sonia.

And as long as those ancient gods don't take action against him, Harvey has no idea of ​​taking the initiative to become their enemy.

Sonia was originally looking forward to Mr. Kassadin revealing more secrets of the universe.

But what Mr. Cassadine said makes sense, and she will understand it when the time comes.

"Okay, Mr. Kassadin, I believe you."

Sonia didn't ask further questions and said with a smile.

Mr. Kassadin mentioned the multiverse just now, and he also mentioned it now.

This means that for Mr. Kassadin, those entities that exist in the multiverse are very difficult to deal with now.

But in the future, when Mr. Kassadin recovers to his peak, he may not be afraid anymore.

She will find ways to properly resolve ordinary and trivial matters such as the development of the Void God Religion.

But if we encounter such a big thing as an enemy like them that members of the Void Cult cannot deal with, Mr. Kassadin will definitely find a way to solve it.

"Well, you don't need to worry about the Void God Church encountering danger. I will solve all dangers."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this.

Although there are not many threats that can dominate his life now, there are still some.

So whether it's to live up to Sonia's expectations of himself, or his own pursuit of the future.

He will find ways to grow to the point where he is completely unafraid of the ancient gods, only then can he believe that he has reached the pinnacle of power.

The two of them finished their meal while chatting.

After Sonia finished eating, she started cleaning and putting away the dishes.

Originally, Sonia was still a little worried that Mr. Tony's affairs would have a lot of impact on Mr. Kassadin.

But now that she saw Mr. Kassadin starting to play games, she felt a little more at ease.

At least it would be nice if it didn't affect Mr. Kassadin's interests and hobbies.

Sonia quickly tidied up, after adding a new drink for Mr. Cassadine.

She also started her own work and contacted Lalatina.


Tony, Banner, Loki and Thor left the Void Island together after dinner.

Regarding the banquet, Tony decided to wait until the first space battleship was actually built.

Personally speaking, only Harvey is richer than Tony in the Void Cult.

In terms of power, Alex and Odin can compete with him.

If Tony is still the same as before, and he and Pepper have enough food for the whole family, then Tony will hold a feast first.

But Tony will soon switch from personal use to power use.

He doesn't have to save millions at all, but he can't throw hundreds of millions at a banquet and squander it as he did before.

And when Blue Star entered the interstellar era, the bridge between Xandar Star and Blue Star was completely opened.

If Pepper is liberated from Blue Star, it will be very difficult for Tony to go to a celebrity hotel to be cool.

So Tony could only take advantage of Pepper not arriving yet and stay near him to have some fun.

Therefore, Tony hopes that he can have more fun this time. After all, it is no exaggeration to say that the opportunity can be said to be one less if he goes there once.

Thinking of this, Tony watched Thor and Loki in the battleship asking Banner if he had any experience to impart, chatting carefree, and felt a little envious.

Banner, Thor, and Loki were happy. The three of them had no families, so they could go to the celebrity hotel openly without any burden on their hearts.

And since he had a family, he had to do it secretly every time he went there.

Although Tony estimated that Pepper probably knew about it, he would definitely relax outside.

But this is when Pepper is not around, and Pepper is willing to turn a blind eye.

Most of the other members of the Void Cult are men, and they can understand his instinctive pursuit of men, and will not look strange at Pepper.

But under Pepper's eyes, if he dared to do that, he would be asking for trouble.

But after Tony thought of Steve, his mood immediately improved a lot.

At least after he got married to Pepper, when Pepper was temporarily unable to escape from Blue Star, he had the opportunity to run away. Steve probably had no chance at all.

"Tony, why don't you feel that your interest is not high?"

Thor was chatting with Banner when he felt Tony's eyes and asked strangely.

"What else could it be? I'm jealous that we don't have a family."

"After all, the degree of freedom between those who have a family and those who have not has a completely different degree of freedom."

"And Blue Star's laws, customs and concepts are mostly monogamous."

Loki could see the envy in Tony's eyes at a glance.


Tony didn't deny it when Loki said something to him.

"I actually admitted it... But some of the richest people in Tony Blue Star, such as gambling kings and gang bosses, all have many partners."

"Why are you the only one with Pepper?"

Loki was a little surprised to see Tony actually admit it, and then asked curiously.

Really speaking, the system of monogamy is only suitable for ordinary people.

Not all countries on Blue Star practice monogamy.

Some wealthy men may appear to be monogamous, but in reality they have many mistresses.

Tony is famous for his romantic nature and being a famous rich man on Blue Star.

Why does Tony only have Pepper as a legitimate partner?

Moreover, Tony also attaches great importance to Pepper's appearance, which makes Loki puzzled.

"Because my father is like this. He cheats a lot, but he only has one partner in his life, my mother."

"I like Pepper very much for her appearance, abilities, and personality. Only Pepper can accompany me for a long time."

"If I hadn't joined the Void, I wouldn't be young anymore. After marrying Pepper, I should have completely calmed down."

"I'm still very energetic. When Pepper isn't around, it's okay to sneak in sometimes."

"How can it be possible to find a bunch of mistresses to cause trouble for Pepper."

When Tony heard this, he did not evade the question and said matter-of-factly.

He knew that his father was also a romantic before, and he continued to be so after marrying his mother.

His father was just like him, handsome, rich and talented, and a lot of beauties came to visit him when he went out.

One or two beauties can withstand the temptation, but with so many beauties just giving them away for free, it is not a man to be able to withstand the temptation.

But those are limited to one-night stands. As for those women who want to become legitimate partners, it is impossible to bring them home.

"I have stayed in the Void Cult for a long time, and I have forgotten that the life span of blue humans is relatively short."

When Loki heard Tony's words, he immediately understood.

Although it is normal for Blue Star to have a lot of mistresses as long as they are rich, they can only enjoy them when they are young and energetic.

If Tony had not joined the Void, Tony, who was already close to fifty years old, would not be far from reaching old age.

The rich people on Blue Star were squanderers when they were young and did not want to start a family. However, when they reach middle age and old age, even if they have the heart and body, they are unable to do so due to age.

So at this point, the requirement for a partner is more about spiritual satisfaction than occasional physical pleasure.

Now that Tony and Pepper have joined the Void, their lifespans have been extended.

Other women were just occasional pastimes for Tony. The only one who could truly accompany Tony through the long years was Pepper.

"As long as you understand what I mean."

"But Blue Star's lifespan is too short and it is limited to now."

"I have never set foot in the genetic field in the past, but if humans want to enter the interstellar era, human lifespan will become an absolute shortcoming."

"So I will discuss with Banner how to study it later."

Tony ignored Loki's offense and spoke.

"You still want to study genetics? You are really tired."

Loki couldn't help but sigh after hearing about Tony's future research direction.

"There is no way. Zhao Hailun, a genius scientist in genetics whom Jarvis investigated, is good at cell regeneration and repair in medicine."

"The technology she develops is useful and advanced enough."

"But it is a completely different field from super genetic medicine that changes the genetic structure."

"And because it focuses on medical equipment, it benefits only a few people."

“If we want to bring humanity from Blue Star to the interstellar era, we must not only benefit a few people.”

Banner also showed some helplessness when he heard this.

Tony had discussed this with him and wanted to make all the billions of people on Blue Star use genetic medicine.

So it definitely can't be all about buying it. The Blue Star civilization must also have the corresponding talents to be able to mass produce it on a large scale.

This is not an easy thing, so Tony also hopes to find some help.

Jarvis investigated Blue Star's database and discovered Zhao Hailun.

Originally, the two of them could be said to be ecstatic, and Helen Zhao was also an out-and-out genius.

But the next two people learned that the regeneration cradle made by Zhao Hailun was mainly used for post-treatment treatment.

The hearts of the two people can be said to be at the bottom of their hearts. Let’s not talk about the cost of a regenerated cradle.

Tony has a lot of money, but the problem is that even if he builds thousands of them, they will be of no use to the billions of people on Blue Star.

Because the key for humans on Blue Star to enter the interstellar era does not lie in treatment technology at all, but in average physical fitness and lifespan.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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