I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 447 I’m embarrassed to borrow it

Of course, after finishing this period of work and returning to Blue Star, Tony will definitely recruit Helen Zhao.

But the purpose was not to let Zhao Hailun help research genetic medicine, but to let Zhao Hailun further improve the technology of the Cradle of Life.

Although the regenerative cradle medical technology is not suitable for everyone, Blue Star's medical technology also needs to be further improved.

As long as Helen Zhao is willing, Tony doesn't mind offering him a lifetime contract and giving him super high compensation.

Even if he has a long time and is energetic, he can find a way to overcome it in a short time.

But he has too many things to be busy with, and he doesn't know when he will be busy enough to study medical treatment again.

Therefore, if there are outstanding talents who can help him share his worries, Tony will definitely find them.

"Although I want to help, we Asgardian soldiers rely on reproduction after blessing."

"So I can't give you any help."

Thor also learned about the difficulties Tony and Banner would encounter next, thought for a moment and spoke.

"It's okay, Banner and I will figure this out."

"Although Blue Star does not have any genetic medicine, Xandar Star does and it is very mature."

"It shouldn't be that difficult to find a way to research improvements and mass-produce them."

Tony didn't care at all when he heard this.

Blue Star only has a few genetic warriors, and the production method has been lost.

However, there are genetically modified people everywhere on Xandar.

Lacey said before that Steve was no different from the women of Xandar, which was not a joke.

When the entire civilization has been genetically modified, then the genetically modified people will become ordinary people.

Only the best among them can pass the review of the Nova Legion and get the Nova Armor and soar into the sky.

With the genetic medicine from Xandar, Tony and Banner are also moving forward on the shoulders of giants.

The main problem with research and improvement is that neither of them can guarantee that the genetic medicine that is effective on the Xandarians will also be effective on humans without any side effects.

If there is no improvement and safety is ensured, then instead of helping humans extend their lifespan, it will directly cause large-scale deaths.

This is also the most troublesome point in genetics. Although the genetic sequences of species of the same species are generally somewhat similar, the genetic sequences of everyone are always different.

This is true for species of the same kind, not to mention different species.

According to Tony's review of the information, except for genetic medicine, the civilization has been completely mature.

The number of people who died from the injection of genetic agents in the weak post-civilization is not a small number.

How to research and improve genetic medicine that is completely suitable for humans is a major problem that Tony and Banner must overcome.

"There is no suitable one on Blue Star. How about recruiting genetic scientists from Xandar Star?"

Thor heard this and spoke.

"We have this plan, but we can wait until we go back and talk to Helen Zhao."

"And I want to popularize cosmic communicators in Blue Star, so that I can accumulate wealth to the point where I can really stop treating money as money."

"And my space battleship can be sold, which will give me a lot of savings. After I can purchase various materials, I will start formal research."

"If you can lend me some money, the interest will be settled."

Tony nodded slightly when he heard this, looking at Thor and Loki with a somewhat consultative tone.

Because there is no guarantee of improved medicine, it is necessary to purchase it from space.

If it's not needed, then he's not in that much trouble.

But if you need to purchase goods from the universe, you can just rely on your own savings to save up slowly.

They didn’t know that they would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse to save enough money to buy such a large amount of materials.

The biggest problem with Blue Star is that it has no technology or things worth paying for from other civilizations in the universe.

This means that at least until we enter the interstellar era, spread new knowledge to all employees, and then start to develop the ability to create some common facilities and necessary things for the universe, he has to pay for everything.

It's not a problem to ask him to pay for it, but the problem is that it takes a lot of time.

But if you can borrow a large sum of money from Asgard, who is also from the Nine Realms and is the boss of the Nine Realms, you can save a lot of time.

Tony also wanted to be relieved of his burden as soon as possible, and then pursue becoming stronger.

He didn't want to get along with Harvey like that, but there was a huge gap in strength between him and Harvey.

And because he had so much on his plate on Blue Star.

Not to mention accelerating growth, researching technologies to further enhance one's own strength, it would be a good thing not to be left behind by Rennoli and the others.

"What are you thinking? How can Loki and I have any money?"

"The combined savings of the two of them are only over a billion."

"This money is enough for us to spend, but it is just a drop in the bucket for your plan."

Thor heard Tony's words and said immediately.

"Of course you two don't have much money."

"But you have them in Asgard."

"Don't worry, I am a trustworthy person, and I will definitely pay back whatever I borrow."

"Please, everyone is from the Nine Realms, and Blue Star is also your territory."

"When Blue Star's technology develops, I will not only return the money to you Asgard with interest."

"The more developed Blue Star is, the more places Asgard will be able to do business and trade in the future, right?"

Tony heard this and patted his chest to reassure, and persuaded Thor.

Even if he doesn't bring Thor and Loki out today, he will talk to Thor and Loki about these things later.

Because borrowing money is the only way for him to quickly bring Blue Star into the interstellar era. Without borrowing money, he can only wait slowly.

"How about we go back and discuss it with my father?"

Thor heard Tony's words and glanced at Loki.

"We are not the king of Asgard yet, and we don't know the specific financial situation of Asgard yet."

"So at most I can help and consult,"

When Loki saw that Tony was talking about this, he didn't say absolutely not, but planned to go back and discuss it with his father before talking about it.

"Loki, Loki, I didn't expect you to really change."

"I like you the way you are."

When Tony saw that Loki actually agreed, a happy smile appeared on his face, not hiding his love for Loki at all.

"We just promised to help you go back and ask."

"This matter hasn't been decided yet, don't get too happy too early."

"You can't say that we two brothers are unkind even if we don't succeed."

When Loki saw Tony being so happy, he poured cold water on him, lest they fail to reach an agreement with their father and make Tony's mentality collapse.

"How can I say you are unkind? As long as you ask for help."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

Even if Odin is unwilling to lend it to him, Thor and Loki will soon be in charge.

The two of them are willing to help now, so when Thor takes over and becomes the new king of Asgard, if he mentions this matter to Thor, Thor will lend him a little.

And he won't let Asgard suffer, and the interest rate on the universe's debt will be calculated however he wants.

He knows that his space battleship will definitely sell well, and he will definitely be able to repay the debt, but it will take some time.

"So that's what you planned."

"Why don't you borrow it from Miss Sonia."

"The recent harvest in the Void Land has made the Void Divine Religion's current savings not inferior to those of more advanced civilizations."

"Probably more money than us in Asgard."

When Loki saw that Tony was not worried at all, he understood immediately and spoke.

"If you can borrow it, then of course you must first borrow it from Asgard, who is also from the Nine Realms."

"I won't let you suffer any loss. The interest on the debt will be whatever it is."

Tony said immediately after hearing this.

"If my father is not willing to borrow it, even if Thor becomes king, I will not agree to it."

"Unless you tell the real reason."

Loki didn't believe Tony's nonsense at all.

"In the past, I would not only provide technology but also provide some money to help recruit people and so on."

"But because I want to start developing for Blue Star, I can only provide technology."

"The money to recruit people to build the factory, the site, and all the equipment that needs to be purchased are all covered by Miss Sonia."

"I've seen the handover between Miss Lalatina and Miss Sonia."

"The amount used this time reached 1.5 trillion."

Tony heard that Loki had said this, and he had no choice but to tell the real reason.

"One hundred and fifty billion?!"

This was the first time Banner heard about this, and his eyes widened when he heard the unthinkable figure of 150 billion.

"Damn it, the Void Divine Cult is so rich now?!"

Sol was also shocked when he heard this.

"Is it so expensive to build a space battleship production site and purchase various equipment?"

Although Loki was also shocked by this number, he also had some doubts because of it.

"Generally, just building a space battleship manufacturing site and purchasing various equipment is certainly not that expensive. Normally developing a few islands, purchasing equipment, and recruiting talents would cost tens of billions."

"But Miss Sonia strives to expand the production scale of space battleships as quickly as possible, and by the way, help me develop Blue Star quickly."

"So I directly bought a planet to develop."

"If I borrow money from Miss Sonia again, I will be embarrassed to ask for it."

Tony also had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face when he heard this.

At the same time, Tony's mood was also complicated.

Although Miss Sonia did not say that she would help him develop Blue Star quickly.

However, he learned through Jarvis's narration that Lalatina's conversation with Miss Sonia planned to spend 150 billion to develop and build the Queen.

He already knew Miss Sonia's intention.

The purpose of doing this is not only for the development of Void God Religion, but also to make money faster.

It is also to help him develop Blue Star, hoping that he can get away from the trivial matters of Blue Star as soon as possible.

Let him focus on becoming stronger and reach the pinnacle of the universe as soon as possible, so that he may be able to talk and laugh with Harvey calmly again.

"Buy Planet, you are worthy of Miss Sonia, she is indeed a beautiful person with a kind heart!"

Banner gave a thumbs up when he heard this.

You must know that although the money from the sold space battleship is not all received by him, he can only share a small part of it.

But if the scale increases and the sales volume increases, then his small part will become a huge number.

"Damn it, just buy the planet directly, that's awesome!"

"How great is the harvest brought by the land of nothingness?"

Loki was also shocked when he heard this and gave a thumbs up.

You must know that the Nine Worlds are actually nine different planets to put it bluntly. They are all worlds that their father conquered with hard power in the past.

It would be better for Miss Sonia to just buy a world with her deep pockets.

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