After the four of them returned to the Void Island experimental area, they immediately went straight to the canteen without even bothering to ask anyone to send them away.

After more than an hour of a full meal.

The four of them were immediately resurrected with full health, and this was the key to why they were so addicted to playing.

As long as they have a good meal, their energy will immediately be resurrected and they will fight stronger and braver.

Just after eating, the four of them returned to the experimental area.

Thor, Loki, and Banner were about to lie lazily on the sofa or recliner.

"Jarvis go shock them awake."

"Let them also experience what a forced wake-up service is."

Tony poured the wine directly, sat down comfortably, and said something casually.

Jarvis received the instructions and controlled the three detached armor arms to quickly fly in front of the three people and stick to them.

Zizzi, Thor, Loki, and Banner immediately trembled and their bodies bounced up.

"What happened."

After Banner jumped up from the recliner, he looked around.

"Why do I feel like I've been stabbed by a needle in my stomach?"

Loki also bounced up and immediately looked around.

Thor felt that the divine power in his body was being aroused, and he quickly woke up and took control.

Then all three of them saw Tony's evil smile.

"Now that I've played and eaten, I'm back home. Why don't you go practice quickly?"

Tony felt the gazes of the three people and said directly.

"I don't know why today, I don't want to move a bit."

"How about tomorrow?"

Thor heard this and spoke.

"I think it's good to practice after understanding."

Loki also raised his hands in agreement when he heard this.

"Why don't you practice tomorrow and practice next week?"

"Cultivation requires a balance between work and rest."

Tony saw some laziness in Thor and Loki's hearts, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Jarvis What day of the week is it today?"

When Thor heard Tony's words, he looked around and found no clocks or calendars, so he asked directly.

"Sunday just passed, so today is Monday."

Jarvis also knew what Mr. Tony meant, and replied with some teasing.

"If today is Monday...will it be too long to practice next week?"

When Thor heard that today was Monday, he did some calculations and said with some uncertainty.

"Since I know that I may have rested for too long, why not go to the gravity room quickly?"

"Combining work and rest, you two have had a complete rest for twenty days, isn't it enough?"

"Come with me, go to the gravity room and lie down."

Tony drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, slapped it on the table with a "pop!", stood up and walked out.

Banner saw Tony's posture and followed him silently.

He knew that even if he didn't want to go, Tony would push him there.

Loki also knew that he had to go to the gravity room to reawaken the fighting spirit in his heart.

"Are you being stupid?"

"Hurry up and catch up!"

Tony yelled when he saw that Thor hadn't reacted yet.


Sol was yelled at by this, his whole body was trembling, and he hurriedly followed.

Tony went directly to the gravity room after seeing Banner, Thor, and Loki following him.

It is easy for intelligent creatures to become inert. Especially after extreme enjoyment, people who are originally self-disciplined can also become inert, and it is more difficult to regain self-discipline.

After all, self-discipline is something that requires strict demands on oneself and will be more painful. How can there be pleasure and comfort?

Tony had a lot of things to do, so after enjoying himself, he was completely awake.

But just to be on the safe side, Tony also planned to go to the gravity room and practice for a while.

Even if he can build a gravity chamber when he returns to Blue Star, he won't have much free time.

In the next three days, Tony forcefully woke him up and took him to the gravity room for training every day.

Finally, at eight o'clock in the morning on the fourth day, Thor and Loki got up without Tony to wake them up.

"I am sorry to trouble you."

After Sol opened the door and saw Tony standing at the door, he said a little embarrassedly.


At the same time, Loki's door opened and he walked out.

"It's a small matter. I took you there. Naturally, I want to help you get back on your feet."

"It's good to have fun, but don't forget that this is the Void Island of the Void God Sect."

"No one will stay and wait for you."

"You have nothing to worry about now, so just take the time to practice hard."

"Otherwise, if you are really troubled in the future and have no time to practice, you will miss the days when you practice carefree every day now."

Tony said slowly after seeing Thor and Loki receiving their thanks since they had awakened.

That's just him. If possible, he would prefer to practice carefree, study and improve the various functions of the armor, and enhance his own strength.

But he can't do this for the time being, so he still envies Thor and Loki.

"It won't be like the last few days."

When Thor saw Tony saying these words, there was no concealed envy in his words, his eyes trembled, and he nodded.

Loki was also deeply touched when he heard this, because now he prefers to go back to assist Thor in governing Asgard.

He prefers to improve his cultivation life without any worries on Void Island.

"Let's go."

At this time, Banner also finished washing up and followed the sound to find Tony and the others.

He hadn't practiced since he had to do research for a long time, so he went to enjoy himself as soon as he finished his research.

Therefore, self-discipline was also covered by inertia, but after a few days, it regained its previous state.

The four of them walked together to the canteen.

"When I go there in the future, I can just play for a week. It will be too much for me if I go too much."

Now that Loki has woken up, he is still frightened.

"It's not that I won't let you go, but if you go."

“It’s best to think of something that, after enjoying it, is something that you can see and immediately start to regain your self-discipline.”

"Otherwise, I'll be far away from Blue Star and won't be able to help you."

Tony heard this and reminded.

It is normal for Loki to want to go again, because he has experienced it once and has the ability to consume. It is only a matter of time before he wants to go again.

"If you are far away from Blue Star and can't help them regain their self-discipline, you can ask me for help."

At this time, a voice came from the side.

When the voice came, the figure also appeared directly in front of Tony and the others.

"'s not convenient for you to help with this kind of thing."

When Loki heard the voice, he already knew it was Lacey.

"Isn't it just a trip to a celebrity hotel? I helped Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predict regain their self-discipline."

Lacey said without caring at all when she saw that Loki was still avoiding suspicion.

Before Tony took the three of them there, at that time Rennoli, Kyle, and the Predicter had money but not that much money.

So I don't want to go into a super high-end shopping place like a celebrity hotel.

After letting Tony take him there once, he stopped playing for more than half a month. After he came back, he was also decadent for a while.

Instead of going to the gravity room to practice as usual, Lacey originally thought Renault and the others were practicing other things.

It wasn't until a week later that Lacey discovered that in addition to eating five meals a day on time, Lacey would sleep or chat afterward.

It took Lacey more than ten days to discover the problem and think of many ways to regain the fighting spirit of several people.

"And Tony, I remember I told you last time."

"It's fine if you take them there, but don't stay there for too long the first time."

"As the saying goes, the land of beautiful women is the grave of heroes."

"Their ambition is really ruined. Let me see how you explain it."

Then Lacey looked at Tony and said seriously.

She has also heard about the beauty town of celebrity hotels for a long time.

It is known as the rich harvest area. After playing for a few months, hundreds of millions of cosmic coins are gone before you know it.

Of course, for many wealthy people, money is just a trivial matter.

Even more frightening is the dramatic change in attitudes toward life there.

Those with slightly weaker ambitions, or those who are unaware of their own changes, will be immersed in the land of beauty from now on, consuming until they go bankrupt.

"Didn't I remember what you said, so I was forced to wake up in twenty days?"

"It also brought their fighting spirit back."

Tony also felt a little unreasonable after hearing Lacey's preaching.

Lacey is not being nosy, because last time he harmed Renoli, Kyle, and the Predictor.

Moreover, as Thor and Banner are the top powerhouses of the Void Cult, if their fighting spirit fails, then things will be serious.

"Lacie, why do you look so understanding?"

When Loki saw Lacey preaching to Tony, he no longer gloated, but had a question that he cared more about.

"I basically know everything about Xandar. Isn't it normal to know this?"

"Besides, there's nothing to be embarrassed about or avoid suspicion when going to a celebrity hotel."

"After all, men only pursue so many things."

"Power, wealth, and strength, all three represent symbols of strength, and they can all use them to get what they want, such as beautiful women."

"If you want to go in the future, you can tell me if Tony is not here."

"As long as you give me a few hundred thousand, I can even get you back from there and help you rebuild your ambition."

"Or you can also find Sarah. She comes from a celebrity hotel. It will be easier to get you back when the time comes."

Lacey saw Loki making a fuss and said casually.

Now that she is in charge of the Land of Nothingness, Lacey is no longer short of money.

The main reason why I was willing to help was that I didn't want to see the members of the Void Cult become useless just because they went to Wenrou Township.

"I always thought you had a hot personality but you were quite conservative. I didn't expect that."

Loki saw that Lacey didn't shy away from this at all, and even seemed to be used to it.

"Are you disappointed?"

"If I redeem you, how can I make up for your disappointment in me?"

"As long as you ask for anything, it's fine."

When Lacey heard Loki's words, she looked at Loki with her seductive eyes. Her weak and boneless hands directly touched Loki's arm gently, and she exhaled like silk and said in a coquettish voice.


It was also the first time for Loki to see Lacey with full charm. He felt the warm breath and touching voice next to his ears, and his whole body froze.

"Hehehe~ I told you that you don't understand much."

Lacey saw Loki stiffen and backed away with a smile.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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