I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 450 The Origin of the Primitive Planet

Thor, Banner, and Tony were speechless when they saw Lacey's alluring and charming look.

Lacey herself is a charming type. When her charm is fully unleashed and she wants to seduce someone, normal men really can't stand it that easily. It's normal for Loki to freeze up.

"You should be ready to have breakfast now."

Lacey asked looking at Tony.


Tony nodded upon hearing this.

"Then let's go. Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor have been waiting for you for several days."

"They also complained that you didn't even call them."

Lacey said with a smile after hearing Tony's words.

"Since they want to go to a celebrity hotel, they can just go directly."

"It's not like they don't have money now."

Thor heard this and spoke.

Most of the members of the Void Cult now have at least 70 to 80 million in savings, which is enough to go there a dozen times a week at a time.

"They are rich, but they don't dare to go without Tony's guidance and encouragement."

"I heard from Kyle that Lacey tortured them for more than half a month before they regained their fighting spirit."

Banner heard the words and whispered in Thor's ear, making a sound as thin as a mosquito's buzz.

"If you want to say something, Banner, just speak louder. Do you think I can't hear you clearly if you speak in a low voice?"

"And don't listen to Kyle's nonsense."

"I didn't know how to cheer up a man who had lost his ambition at first, so I tried my best to succeed."

"If it's really torture, do they still have the guts to tell me that they want to go with you?"

Lacey had a dissatisfied expression on her face after hearing this.

"What she said seems to make sense."

When Sol heard Lacey's words, he thought about it and agreed.

"It seems so."

Banner was also recognized by Lacey and Thor, and he was convinced after thinking about it.

"Anyway, you can just ask me for help if you need it in the future."

"As long as you give me the money, I'll be happy to help you."

Lacey said with a smile upon hearing this.

A few people walked to the cafeteria while chatting, and soon arrived.

"Originally I wanted to go find you, but after Lacey heard that you had been in a trance these past few days, she immediately planned to go over and see how you were doing."

"It's great to see you all refreshed."

Kyle saw Tony and others coming, looked at Thor, Loki and Banner who had recovered their energy, and said with a smile.

"It's human nature to care about your friends."

Lacey didn't care at all when she heard these words.

Tony and the others also sat down directly at Kyle's table, ordered food together and waited for the chef to bring it to them.

Several people gathered together and chatted.

"Tony, I heard that you plan to return to your hometown of Blue Star in a while?"

Then Rennoli also talked about something.

"Well, let's wait until the first space battleship is produced and pass the quality inspection."

"After hosting a three-day banquet, I will go back to Blue Star."

Tony didn't deny it when he heard it.

He had told Lalatina about this in advance, and it wasn't a secret anyway.

"How long do you plan to go back this time?"

Renoli heard this and spoke.

"We don't know yet. Let's see what Blue Star's situation is then."

"I'm not going back this time to protect Blue Star, but for the development of Blue Star. I may go back for a relatively long time."

Tony shook his head slightly when he heard this and said.

According to Blue Star, it is April 2015.

Tony is no longer very afraid of the threat posed by Thanos, because as long as Odin is still alive, Thanos will not dare to invade Blue Star.

So Tony's purpose of going back this time is certainly not to stay until 2017 to avoid any accidents.

"Is Blue Star also preparing to enter the interstellar era?"

"The natural environment on Blue Star is quite good."

Lacey said with some pity after hearing these words.

For her, who was born on Xandar, the environment of Blue Star is very primitive and pure.

While Xandar is highly developed, it also means that nature and air will inevitably be affected by various influences.

"I got you."

"But if I don't accelerate it, Blue Star will still be in internal strife, and it may be before it reaches the interstellar era."

"Humanity will have more serious internal strife due to lack of energy, and even a world war will break out and destroy Blue Star."

"Only by entering the interstellar era as early as possible can the natural environment of Blue Star be further extended."

Tony saw Lacey's somewhat regretful look and said slowly.

The natural scenery on Blue Star is much better than that on Xandar Star.

But it's only better than Xandar Star. It's actually not even good for Blue Star.

After all, billions of people are crowded on the land, and there are restricted areas such as the Arctic and Antarctic and primitive jungles that are difficult for humans to enter.

If the population continues to grow in a few years and energy becomes scarce, it will be a matter of time before there is not enough land.

"Then before Blue Star enters the interstellar era, I will find time to go to Blue Star for a stroll."

Lacey nodded slightly upon hearing this.

Seriously speaking, it is actually a great thing for Blue Star to have a pioneer like Tony who is willing to take the initiative to spend money and promote development.

How many civilizations have stagnated due to the technology tree and perished before entering the interstellar era.

"Well, if you are willing to be a guest, it's not too late for me to be happy."

Tony heard this and said with a smile

"discuss later."

"Tony, according to your estimate, how long will it take before the first space battleship is built?"

Kyle didn't care about Blue Star's environmental issues. After all, there were plenty of planets with good air in the universe.

It's just that those planets are relatively primitive and have no intelligent human race to survive.

So Kyle is more looking forward to seeing the first space battleship belonging to the Void Cult.

"If you ask me, I can only say that it will be within a few months."

"But I don't know the specifics."

"After all, this time Miss Sonia directly bought a planet for development and construction."

"I just need to wait for the notification to do a final test."

When Tony heard this, he wanted to say that he really didn't know the problem.

After all, what is being constructed and developed this time is not an island near Void Island but other planets.

But as a rough estimate, once the first production area for making star battleships is built, production will definitely start.

This is not a blue star but the universe.

Not to mention the speed of construction, as long as there is technology and equipment, the speed of manufacturing cannot be slowed down.

I know where is the planet named Void 001 that Miss Sonia bought? "

Kyle asked extremely curiously after hearing this.

Miss Sonia's generous decision to directly purchase a planet had already spread on the island ten days ago.

It also aroused a heated discussion on the island. One or two people wanted to go to Void 001 Planet to have a look.

Ms. Sonia only said that the problem would be kept secret for the time being and would not be revealed later.

"I do not know."

When Tony heard this, he spread his hands and immediately shook his head.

"I heard that Miss Sarah said that Miss Sonia gave the instructions and Miss Lalatina was responsible for the construction and development this time?"

"As Miss Lalatina's boss, how could you not know?"

After hearing this, Kyle slapped the table and stood up, looking at Tony in disbelief.

"Didn't I just get out of complicated research and go to a celebrity hotel?"

"I just came back not long ago."

"Although I am a genius, my brain also needs to rest."

"It's useless to think so much. Anyway, these matters are left to Miss Sonia and Miss Lalatina, so I don't need to worry."

"After it is completed, I will definitely be informed of the specific route and details."

Tony pointed at his head and said.

There are still a lot of things on Blue Star that require him to use his brain. If he doesn't free his mind now, he can do what he likes.

Then the next time I can completely relax, I don’t know when it will be.

"Okay, your reasons successfully convinced me."

When Kyle heard Tony's words, although he was also curious about where Planet Void 001 was, he also knew how much effort Tony had put into developing the sublight engine.

If he continued to ask questions, he would be causing trouble for Tony.

"Kyle, you heard the name of the planet from Miss Sarah. Do you know how much it cost to buy that planet?"

"I really want to know how much it would cost to buy a planet."

At this time, Sol also asked something that he had always wondered and been curious about.

"Miss Sarah said it cost 700 billion to buy the planet."

"Generally speaking, it's not that expensive to buy planets that have no intelligent creatures and no special minerals."

"But I heard that the planet purchased this time is relatively large, and it is a primitive planet suitable for habitation."

"It's also because the planet is relatively primitive, and it's very difficult and expensive to develop."

"Basically everything has to be transported in from outside, and ordinary civilizations and forces cannot afford it."

Kyle got some information about this from Miss Sarah.

"Buying a planet and developing it for a total of RMB 1.5 trillion is indeed not something that ordinary people can afford."

Loki felt the same when he heard this.

He estimated that apart from those priceless artifacts, the two to three hundred billion cosmic coins left in Asgard's treasury were basically capped.

After all, Asgard is known as the realm of the gods, but it is not famous for its technology.

If you are not famous for your technology, you will not be able to make real big money in the universe.

Even if the Void God Cult doesn't take over the Land of Void, it shouldn't be a big problem if they have the technology to make cutting-edge technology in the universe and earn one or two trillion in a few decades.

"Then did Miss Sarah say who she bought it from?"

When Thor heard that it would cost 700 billion, he felt a little more balanced.

After so many years of hard work, my father still managed to build a great empire.

"Of course I bought it from the Xandar Empire..."

"The Xandar Empire has some relatively primitive and livable planets that have not yet nurtured intelligent life."

"For this kind of planet, the Xandar Empire is generally reserved for future development and then used for immigration."

"Many livable and primitive planets basically suffered major disasters in ancient times."

"But because it hasn't gone through enough time, the plants have repopulated, but the dominant intelligent species have not repopulated yet."

Kyle saw that Thor didn't understand this, so he explained it in detail.

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