I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 451 The strong must grow

"Is the Xandar Empire so strong?"

"Is there actually an extra world to sell?"

Thor was extremely surprised when he heard that he bought it from the Xandar Empire.

He originally thought he bought it from some universe overlords, but he never expected that he actually bought it from Xandar.

"What's so strange about this? Xandar holds an accurate record of 1,128 planets."

"As the Kree Empire with a long history in the universe, it has forcibly captured and controlled more than 5,000 planets."

"However, although the Xandar Empire controls a large number of planets, there are not that many habitable planets."

"If the number hasn't increased, I remember fifty-seven."

"Most of the other planets under our control are stars that cannot allow living things to survive, but contain a lot of energy."

"Xandar's super light brain [Heart of the World] uses stellar energy to synthesize a new star energy, which is how the New Star Legion was born."

"It is rumored that the nova energy represents a field of power that is close to unlimited."

"If the infinite Nova energy can be mobilized, then a super strong man may be born in the Nova Legion at any time."

Seeing Sol's fuss, Lacey explained.

"How powerful is the upper limit of Nova Legion's Nova Armor?"

Tony only knew that the Nova Armor could bring people superpowers, greatly enhance their various abilities, and even allow them to fly directly in the universe.

However, because he heard that it must be approved by the super optical brain, Tony had learned about it before and did not understand it in detail.

He is neither a Xandarian nor does he have a super light brain.

If you covet the super armor of the Nova Legion, don't you let yourself stand tall and far away?

"This matter was said by the Super Light Brain World Heart of the Xandar Empire, and countless people firmly believe it."

"However, in the more than 100,000-year history of the Xandar Empire, there has never been a suit adapter capable of mobilizing unlimited nova energy."

"The few three-star officers of the Nova Corps can mobilize the Nova energy to greatly enhance their various abilities and obtain a variety of completely different superpowers."

"But the ability is always limited, and it cannot fully mobilize the energy contained in the so-called infinite nova field."

"To the point where we can't determine whether it's true or not, so we call it a rumor."

When Lacey heard this, she shook her head slightly and explained.

The calculations of the super optical brain are almost impossible to make mistakes. Countless people in the Xandar Empire basically think so.

But the problem is that despite the long historical accumulation, no adapter has emerged.

So over time this matter can only become a rumor.

But if the Xandar Empire appears, what the World Heart said will come true.

Then the Xandar Empire's status in the universe will immediately rise to the pinnacle of the universe.

The Xandar Empire now lacks everything. It needs people, technology, energy, and energy. It can even kill gods with technology.

But even so, the Xandar Empire still lacks something, and it is the most important thing.

That is, the Xandar Empire lacks a super strong person who can directly compete with the pinnacle of the universe.

Because it lacks this link that ensures that its own civilization can fully survive in the universe.

Therefore, although the Xandar Empire is powerful, there are still many enemies and forces that it is afraid of.

After all, all the methods of the Xandar Empire were useless in front of those powerful men who were completely superior to technology.

This also means that whether the Xandar Empire can continue for longer is not decided by itself, but depends on the faces of the powerful ones who are at the pinnacle of the universe.

"No one has appeared in a hundred thousand years?"

"Is there any secrets left by the Super Light Brain in the Heart of the World that haven't been revealed yet?"

When Banner heard that this was calculated by a super optical brain, he was somewhat convinced and said thoughtfully.

The super optical brain is actually the embodiment of wisdom that has reached its peak in technological capabilities.

Possessing unimaginable computing power for countless intelligent creatures.

Since it is said by the super light brain in the heart of the world.

Then the field of nova energy should and is indeed close to infinite. As long as the strength can be mobilized, it will subvert cognition.

However, it has still not been verified for so long, and Banner can't help but make some associations.

"It's normal for you to have this association, but after questioning, the Heart of the World revealed that the Nova Armor can allow people to awaken different superpowers."

"Whether an adapter can appear is also related to the awakened superpower."

"As for what kind of superpower can mobilize the near-infinite nova energy, the Heart of the World has not revealed it."

"These are no secrets to those who are familiar with the historical documents of the Xandar Empire."

Lacey was not surprised when she saw that Banner also believed in the calculation results of the Heart of the World, and slowly explained.

For scientists like Tony and Banner who are obsessed with researching technology.

The super optical brain itself is the crystallization of wisdom that they have pursued throughout their lives.

She also knew that Tony and Banner planned to develop a super optical brain for Blue Star.

Regarding Tony and Banner's ideals, Lacey didn't say it was completely impossible.

The Xandar Empire gathered the wisdom and resources of countless geniuses to create the Super Light Brain, the Heart of the World.

However, Tony and Banner have long lifespans and super strength. As long as they have time, they may succeed. It's just a question of how long it will take.

"It's not surprising that he doesn't name specific superpowers."

“Even if you have the potential to become the pinnacle of the universe, it still takes time to grow.

"And except for the Xandar Empire, I think there are not many civilizations that would like to see people like that gradually grow."

"The peak powerhouses in the universe and even the various gods would not want to see one more peak powerhouse adding a threat to themselves."

"There may even be people within the Xandar Empire who don't want to see it."

"So if you know what kind of super power it is, once it reaches the ears of other civilizations or strong people, they will try their best to nip it in the cradle."

"It is inevitable to let it quietly wake up and grow up before announcing it."

When Tony heard that the Heart of the World did not disclose specific superpowers, he immediately understood its intentions.

If Tony didn't mean to say bad things about Xandar, there might be some traitors and cancer inside.

But there is a group of lunatics like Hydra on Blue Star. In order to become the master of Blue Star, they actively absorb or kill those who are beneficial to Blue Star.

Tony didn't know much about the population of the Xandar Empire.

However, as far as Xandar Star is concerned, there are several billions. The total population of Xandar Star Empire must be a very huge number.

Because the Xandar Empire is fully capable of moving to stars.

However, the foundation of the Xandar Empire still lies in the Xandar star, the core center.

As long as the super optical brain is gone, years of wisdom will be destroyed.

So even if the Xandarians are not extinct, their civilization will regress for an unknown number of years and fall directly from their status as a cosmic empire.

Tony now also understands why Kassadin chose Xandar as the location for the Void Cult to establish its religion, despite not choosing so many planets.

Because here you can not only directly receive some protection from the Xandar Empire, but also enjoy the advanced technology of the Xandar Empire.

At the same time, the order of Xandar is also that of cosmic civilization. It is no exaggeration to say that Xandar is a gathering place for countless people walking under the light.

People who walk in the dark world or those who have been rewarded for their crimes cannot dare to come here blatantly.

Invisibly, it directly helped Kassadin screen out most of the people, and the Void Cult has not yet recruited any members with a record of evildoing.

There are really many benefits to establishing the base camp of the Void God Cult here.

And as long as the Void God Cult does not take the initiative to attack Xandar, then the Nova Legion will not be able to take the initiative to declare war with the Void God Cult in order to protect Xandar.

Of course, if you weren't a crazy person, you wouldn't be able to destroy the Xandar Empire, an empire that advocates maintaining security and balance.

The universe is very large and almost infinite, but the range of activities that intelligent creatures can move in their lifetime is still limited.

Every planet you visit in your lifetime will be in an environment of terror and chaos.

Then the experience of the interstellar exploration journey will definitely not be much better, and you may even die directly on those planets.

Of course, this may be a paradise for those races who are naturally afraid of chaos and advocate destruction and chaos.

However, there must always be some well-known and safe enough planets and environments in the universe to provide survival for most races with high intelligence and serious murderous intentions.


Loki heard Tony's words and glanced at Thor, thinking of Star-Lord who had not yet awakened, and agreed with Tony's words.

Thor's potential was said by his father Odin himself, and Thor's potential is not inferior to him.

This means that even if Thor does not join the Void Cult, as long as Thor is given time, Thor can grow to the level of his father Odin.

Star-Lord's potential was recognized by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

It's just that compared to Thor, who has already joined the Void God Cult, it can be confirmed that he will reach the pinnacle of the universe in the future.

It is still unknown when Star-Lord will awaken. After awakening, Star-Lord's strength will not reach the peak of the universe immediately, and it will take a lot of time to grow.

Fortunately, not many people know about Star-Lord's potential, and they are the only ones who are also from the nine realms.

There are also Renolly, Lacey, Kyle, Predictor, and Miss Sarah.

What these insiders have in common is that they have no hostility towards Star-Lord.

Otherwise, Star-Lord would not be dead enough no matter where he hid, let alone his awakening ability that would slowly grow to its peak.

No matter how strong a strong person's potential and upper limit is, everything is useless if he dies.

The Xandar Empire's super optical brain, in order to protect adapters who may not have been born and have not yet grown up, would be forgiven for not stating some characteristics that match specific superpowers.

Although there must be countless people in the Xandar Empire who hope that Xandar will become more powerful.

But there are definitely more people who don’t want the Xandar Empire to become stronger, more powerful, and even more powerful.

"Back to the topic just now, Lacey, you know exactly how many habitable planets there are in the Xandar Empire. Do you know the route?"

As soon as Kyle asked this question, the surrounding area immediately became quiet.

The Predictor and Renault also looked away.

Lacey, Tony, Banner, Thor, and Loki all gave Kyle weird looks.

Tony, Banner, Thor, and Loki knew that it would not be surprising at all if they asked this question.

Because although they are on the Xandar planet now, they are not Xandar planets, and Kyle is undoubtedly a Xandar planet.

It is incredible that one does not understand these things.

"What do you mean when you look at me like this..."

Kyle saw the Predictor and Rennoli looking away, and felt that the eyes of the five people were a little strange.

Seeing Kyle's reaction, the Predictor and Renoli didn't dare to speak out.

If Lacey hadn't said it, they would have known that the Xandar Empire had many planets in its hands, because this was the norm on the Xandar planet.

But they have no idea how many planets the Xandar Empire has in its hands, let alone where those planets are located.

It’s no wonder they are all born with superpowers, and they can also be said to be born winners in life.

After you are sensible and able to master your superpowers proficiently, you can directly go to the bounty world where money is very fast to shine, earn a lot of money and enjoy life.

If you ask them about various knowledge of war, fighting skills, or about the world of bounty hunters, what are the strong men, invisible rules, human ways, etc., they can tell you everything.

However, they know a little but not much about many things in the Xandar Empire. They are commonly known as the fish that have slipped through the compulsory education on Xandar.

The reason why they had not been exposed in the past was because their conversation was basically related to common sense, but now that it involves professional historical and cultural issues of Xandar, they are confused.


Kyle saw Renault and the Predicter looking away and looking a little guilty. He thought for a moment and his face changed slightly.

He also realized what a stupid question he had asked as a Xandar planet, and his brain was running rapidly, thinking about how to fool him.

After seeing the reactions of Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor, Lacey immediately understood why they didn't know, so she didn't hold on to him.

"I can find out the specific route by checking."

"But are you sure you want to take a look secretly?"

"If Miss Sonia knew about it, would she be angry?"

But Lacey also had some worries in her heart and said worriedly.

There must be a reason why Miss Sonia didn't say it out loud.

Buying a planet is a big deal, letting the members of the Void Cult know that it must be something happy and worth looking forward to.

So Miss Sarah didn't hide it intentionally and said it directly.

But where exactly did Miss Sarah say that Miss Sonia asked her to keep it secret?

Ten thousand a day, the first update of 4,000 words will be sent

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