I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 461 Star-Lord is awakened but not fully awakened

Harvey looked at Star-Lord playing tricks and knew that Star-Lord had not awakened and hid his strength to seek the gift.

But for some reason, when she saw him, she directly sensed danger, and her body instinctively wanted to escape.

The current Star-Lord has just awakened, and can be said to be a layman when it comes to controlling his own power.

But how did Star-Lord realize the gap between him and him?

Harvey didn't quite understand it now, so he continued to observe.

After Star-Lord climbed out of the pit and found that it was not that painful, he also knew that his body had really become stronger.

This made Star-Lord's fear, as if he had walked through the gates of hell, dissipate.

He thought of the unknown silver light released from his body just now, and stretched out a hand, hoping to directly guide that silver energy.

Because the world he saw just now, everything around him was much clearer than it is now, and the instinct in his body would directly guide him on how to use it.

Star-Lord started various attempts, clapped his hands and patted his thighs, tried running again and hit a rock directly, making Star-Lord dizzy.

After more than half an hour, I tried every conceivable method.

"It's you, you should come out."

Star-Lord slumped on the ground depressed, patted his thigh angrily, and began to curse.

There is no doubt that his body has become much stronger, at least several times stronger than before.

This should have been a happy thing, but Star-Lord knew that only by releasing the silver light in his body could he prove that he was truly awakened.

Only by fully mastering that power could he personally kill his scumbag father whom he had never met.

But now no matter how hard he tries, he can't mobilize it, let alone learn to master it.

This made Star-Lord feel a little happy at this moment, but he couldn't be completely happy.

It was Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Tony Stark. They did not lie to him.

He was a demigod with half-blooded blood, and his body suddenly became several times stronger.

This is still a situation where he has not truly awakened. Once he truly awakens, his power will be many times stronger than it is now.

Star-Lord thought about the situations just now and kept talking to himself, hoping to talk to the instinct in his body.

But it was still useless. The ability to constantly convey information from all directions to himself with all his heart, and the silver energy, seemed to have completely disappeared at this time.

Although Star-Lord didn't know how to mobilize the power hidden in his body, he knew who made him suddenly stronger.

It was the man who made the blood in his body instinctively feel terrifying.

"I don't know if that man is still there."

Star-Lord stood up and was mumbling, thinking about whether it was possible or not.

He didn't know how to mobilize, but as long as he faced that man.

The blood in his body will naturally release and guide him to escape in order to survive.

Then as long as that man is found, the power in his body may be mobilized again.

Star-Lord made up his mind and returned the same way he had escaped.

When he arrived nearby, Star-Lord also climbed up a big tree and watched furtively from a distance of four hundred meters.

I hope to find that handsome but extremely scary man in his original position.

But Star-Lord found that the man had left, and his plan came to nothing.

Let Star-Lord slide directly from the tree.

Because he is not very accustomed to his current strength, his movements are extremely light.

"Although I haven't fully awakened, it seems to be good to have some growth."

Star-Lord walked out of the forest onto the road.

Regarding that extremely terrifying existence, Star-Lord actually had some guesses in his mind.

He was certain that the man was definitely not a member of the Void Cult.

Because he had contact with Thor, Loki, Tony Stark, and Bruce Banner, who are known as the top powerhouses of the Void Cult.

They did not bring this feeling to themselves, and even Sonia, the God of the Void, did not bring him this feeling.

If there is anyone who is completely superior to all the members on this Void Island, it is only the God of the Void, Kassadin.

When he saw Kassadin, the God of the Void, he had no other thoughts in his heart except awe.

And the Void God Kassadin's attention was not on him at that time.

But just now, the distance between him and the man suspected to be Kassadin, the God of the Void, was only twenty meters.

If that man is really Kassadin, the God of the Void, then he must know his identity.

Perhaps in order to help him, he directly used some methods to directly awaken the dormant demigod blood in his body, eager to survive.

This is why Star-Lord dared to come here to see if he could meet again.

If Kassadin, the God of the Void, wanted to kill him, he would not be able to survive no matter where he fled.

The fact that he didn't die proved that Kassadin, the God of the Void, had no intention of killing him, but instead helped him casually.

The blood in his body showed some signs of awakening, making him a lot stronger.

"Thank you, Lord Kassadin, the great God of the Void, for your gift."

This made Star-Lord clasped his hands together and thanked him very devoutly.

Harvey, who was far away in the villa on the top of the mountain, saw that Star-Lord had thought about something and finally thanked himself, and his mind was filled with dark thoughts.

To be honest, I have been observing Star-Lord for more than an hour.

He could tell that Star-Lord had awakened some power, but he still didn't understand how Star-Lord had awakened.

But in Star-Lord's mind, it seemed that he was specifically helping.

Of course, Star-Lord's power has awakened a lot, which is not a bad thing for Harvey.

Because this way he can better observe whether there will be any changes in his character and style as there is already a Star-Lord who is far more powerful than before.

Only five months have passed since Star-Lord's test, and there is still about a year and a half left before the test he set for Star-Lord.

A person's character will change according to his or her own strength or ability.

Most people will become confident. Confidence is a good thing, but too much confidence can lead to arrogance.

Once your personality becomes arrogant, your style and past will undergo earth-shaking changes.

After Star-Lord bowed in the direction of the Temple of the Void, he went directly back to the hotel where he was temporarily staying to take a shower and then go to fill his stomach.

Because he knew that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, had helped him, this made Star-Lord even more eager to join the Void and receive blessings.

Only if his bloodline is fully awakened and blessed by the void, can he possibly kill Yi Ge in just one or two hundred years.

Otherwise, even if he is fully awakened, there is a high probability that he will not be a match for his bastard father.

Harvey saw that Star-Lord was planning to take a shower, so of course he was not interested in watching.

I also started to pour water directly. After taking a comfortable bath, I went to bed.

After he wakes up, Sonia should also arrive at Planet Void 001.


At about five o'clock the next morning, Harvey woke up on time and left the Xandar planet directly.

Then he used Void Descending to lock on the star mark, and soon saw an extremely huge planet.

At the same time, Harvey also saw the warships and fighter planes of the Void God Cult, flying towards the planet.

"Is this Planet Void 001?"

"It's so big!"

"This really isn't our first home?"

After the members of the Void Cult saw the size of the planet, their moods were extremely high.

The battleship flew into the planet and saw a primitive planet with vast forests, boundless mountains and seas.

It's not like they were uncomfortable or unaccustomed to living on Void Island.

But deep down in their hearts, they definitely hope to have a true planet of the Void God Cult in this universe.

Although the universe is vast and has countless planets, with their strength they can basically get along on any planet and there will be no shortage of places to live.

But that’s why we need to find a home of our own in this vast and vast universe.

No matter how hard you work outside, whether you encounter any difficulties or setbacks, you can always go home when you don't want to work hard.

Because they joined the Void Cult, their life span has been freed from the constraints of their original common sense.

Even now, there are many people and things worthy of nostalgia in their hometown.

They will also do their best to help their hometown.

But as time goes by, the people and things he is familiar with disappear one by one, and there is no one he knows in his hometown anymore.

Then the nostalgia in my heart will slowly disappear, and finally I need to find a new hometown.

The new hometown in their minds is undoubtedly the world of the Void God Cult.

"When the Void God Religion develops better and better, I will find a suitable planet for the Void God Religion to move to the star."

"So just wait patiently."

Sonia is also very clear about the wishes of many members.

Because she also wants to build a world and hometown in the universe that truly belongs to the Void God Religion.

It doesn't matter whether Mr. Kassadin will suddenly leave in the future.

As long as his hometown remains, Mr. Kassadin will return.

"The Void Cult will only control more and more worlds in the future."

"I will surely spread the greatness of the void to the entire universe."

Alex said extremely proudly at this time.

This was his response to the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, who was willing to grant him this opportunity.

"Mr. Alex, before Master Kassadin, the God of the Void, has made his will, it proves that the time has not yet come, so don't be anxious."

Sarah saw that Mr. Ricks was also in an extremely high mood and said with a smile.

"Of course, I will obey the will of the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Alex also had a smile on his face when he heard Sarah's words.

Before that period comes, he will continue to hone his strength.

When the time comes, he will turn into the sharpest sword and share the worries of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

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