I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 462 That day won’t be too far away

Then the members of the Void Cult dispersed directly, intending to visit the world with their naked eyes.

Tony and Banner were broadcasting for Steve, Paige, and Pepper.

“When I can go to the universe, I must come and see it in person.

Through Banner's broadcast, Steve saw this extremely spectacular and unpolluted natural scenery, and he also wanted to go to the universe as soon as possible.

"Blue Star should have been this beautiful before, but now..."

Through Tony's broadcast, Pepper felt a little emotional when he saw this natural scenery.

The period when the planet has not yet been developed is the period when a planet is most beautiful.

Because this is a beautiful scenery that completely belongs to the natural evolution between heaven and earth.

"This planet is a little bit bigger."

"Seven hundred billion is a bit expensive, but it's still worth buying it."

"If the protection is better, it will be enough to breed a new civilization."

"Miss Sonia has a good taste."

Odin and Frigga also watched the scenery of Planet Void 001 through Thor's broadcast.

This one world alone is equivalent to the sum of at least four worlds under his control.

Of course, this is only in terms of size. If the value is considered, the nine realms under his name can be said to have their own merits, and all of them are worlds inhabited by living creatures.

As far as the national treasury is concerned, Asgard only has 180 billion cosmic currency savings in its treasury.

These are their reserves that Asgard can purchase directly from the outside world, so Odin generally won't touch them easily.

“I didn’t buy this world with the hope of building civilization here.”

"Even if the Void God Religion wants to move to another star in the future, it won't be able to use such a huge planet within ten thousand years."

Sonia heard Odin's words and said with a smile.

"Then what's your purpose in buying this planet?"

Odin also asked with some concern after hearing this.

"In addition to buying this planet, we will build a base for manufacturing space battleships."

"The most important purpose is that this planet is suitable for farming."

"Members of the Void Cult consume too much food."

"Although it would be more convenient to buy directly from other civilizations, there are many uncertainties in importing all the time."

"After all, the evolution of civilization is bound to be accompanied by disputes."

"As a mature power, it must have the ability to independently produce food."

“In this way we get rid of our dependence on other civilizations and forces.”

"I think you should also understand this, Mr. Odin."

At this point, Sonia didn't hide it anymore and said with a smile.

"It is necessary to develop breeding and breeding, but it requires a lot of manpower, so it is not easy to do it."

When Odin heard Sonia's words, he deeply agreed but also knew that this would require a lot of financial resources.

"It doesn't matter, I already have a clear plan for this."

Sonia wasn't worried at all.

Whether the Void God Religion can be self-sufficient is a major event with far-reaching implications.

So Sonia made extremely detailed plans for this, spanning more than two hundred years.

It describes in detail how people are willing to thrive here, and a civilization will be nurtured over time.

In the future, there will be more and more members of the Void Cult, but it is impossible for the entire universe to join the Void, and there will definitely be different civilizations and species.

So this is only the first world under the name of the Void God Cult in the future, and there will be more planets that can be developed in the future.

"You are responsible for so many things."

Odin was also a little emotional when he heard that Sonia had already planned these things.

"Maybe it's too cumbersome in your eyes, but I still like it very much."

"And I'm not alone."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Is this planet used for farming?"

"Then it doesn't mean we need more public officials?"

Kyle's eyes widened at these words.

He knew that Miss Sonia, Miss Sarah, and Miss Lalatina would definitely not be able to stay here forever.

So Miss Sonia will definitely select some public officials to take charge just like she did with Lacey.

And when you stay on this planet, you don’t have to worry about seeing too much darkness and becoming corrupted like in the land of nothingness.

If you are selected for the public office here, you will really get a comfortable job that can provide you with retirement benefits.

"Yes, but Mr. Kyle, you do not meet the job requirements this time."

Sonia nodded slightly when she heard this.

"What are the specific requirements of this job?"

Alex asked after hearing this.

As the manager of the Mowgli Star Branch Temple, there are still many things he can learn from Miss Sonia.

"I like the natural scenery, and I am very passionate about breeding."

"The most important thing is to be patient and not have such big ambitions."

"Although this job doesn't require you to do all the farming and harvesting, it's more about supervision, so it can't be said to be difficult."

"But if you don't tolerate loneliness, you won't be able to do it."

Sonia said after hearing this.

She is fully aware of the personalities and styles of the members on Void Island, and it is useless even if others want to pretend to be like her.

"There are many members in the Void Cult who are not very ambitious, but I don't know much about those who like farming."

Alex thought for a moment and said.

"It's okay. I already have a few candidates in mind for those who control the abundance."

"And it has been recognized by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"It depends on whether they have the will."

"Okay, you guys go take a look around, I will consider everything myself."

Sonia said calmly.

Tony, Banner, Thor, and Loki followed the map scanned by Jarvis and headed towards the battleship base.

The work of breeding and breeding is not suitable for them anyway, and there is no need for them to consider it.

Kyle, Renoli, Lacey, Predictor, and Sarah also ran directly outside.

Alex didn't stay much longer, because he knew that Miss Sonia was much more capable than him.

Now that Miss Sonia has made up her mind, she doesn't need him as a consultant.

Soon Tony saw an extremely huge battleship base.

Some transport spaceships were coming in and out, and there were a large number of people running back and forth below, which looked extremely lively.

And on the side of this battleship base, there is a large space battleship hovering.

"Welcome to Mr. Tony Stark, the Creator of the Void."

After the large space battleship scanned the incoming person, it directly released a beautiful female figure and made a pleasant sound.

She is an independent intelligent AI, but she also knows who created her.

"Miss Lalatina is really efficient."

Loki couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he saw this huge space battleship and this intelligent AI.

You must know that it only took a few months from the purchase of this planet to the construction of a battleship base.

Miss Sonia paid for it, and Miss Lalatina was responsible for the operation. It was built so quickly, and the efficiency was not bad.

Tony looked at this large battleship with the starry sky logo of the Void God Cult, his eyes filled with pride.

"Space battleships driven entirely by intelligent AI will become the most common battleships and fighter aircraft in the future."

Odin also saw this battleship and couldn't stop admiring it in his words.

The space battleship developed by Tony Stark will definitely sell well in the future.

Because after buying a large space battleship, you still need to support people.

It is not very expensive to raise hundreds or even thousands of people, but a large space battleship can accommodate tens of thousands of soldiers without being crowded.

There are many highly knowledgeable professionals, not to mention the salary issue. Just eating this will cost a lot of money.

However, with this kind of highly intelligent independent AI, a lot of personnel can be directly reduced.

He had talked with Tony and expressed his concerns about intelligent AI.

Because if this kind of AI does not have super protection, it may be invaded by other civilizations and forces.

And Tony has already prepared for this. If the intelligent AI is invaded, it will be forced to shut down and turn into a human-adjusted semi-automatic mode.

Therefore, it is necessary to maintain some personnel for insurance reasons, but the number can be reduced by at least tens of thousands.

And in order to serve many civilizations, Tony and Banner also optimized many complex operations for semi-automatic use.

And a copy of the instruction manual "A Monkey Can Pilot a Battleship" was given as a gift.

There is no need to hire professionals, as long as you train some confidants on how to drive semi-autonomously, it is enough.

When the intelligent AI is turned off, all weapons and functions of the battleship can be mobilized as quickly as possible.

If there is still a problem, then there is only a mole inside the driver, and that is not a problem that Tony and Banner should be concerned about.

"Of course, it doesn't matter who developed the technology."

Tony is also very confident in his invention.

It is certain that his space battleship will be a big seller, because he has all the capabilities in addition to the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire.

Technology that other manufacturers of space battleships do not possess.

It provides advanced intelligent AI to reduce the cost of raising people, has a sublight propulsion engine, supports DIY services, and can modify weapons and energy sources.

Warships, weapons and energy are not bundled for sale.

Of course it's not that Tony doesn't want to do this, it's that he doesn't have time to study the battleship's weapons now.

As for the energy he developed, it is not for sale. It will be provided to the Void Cult, Blue Star and Asgard at most.

For other civilizations where the Void Cult is located, Tony can only provide them with sublight engines.

As for energy, don't think about it in the short term, unless the Void God Religion develops to an incomparably huge amount.

By controlling half of the universe, he will be able to convert non-for-sale items into low-priced energy and provide them for use in various worlds under the name of the Void God Cult.

"Blue Star will also have many such battleships in the future. Just thinking about it is exciting."

Banner saw Tony's proud look and felt a little excited when he looked at this giant battleship.

"The day we see it won't be too far away."

Tony said confidently after hearing this.

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