I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 463 The planet itself is a work of art

Tony and Banner flew directly into the space battleship to inspect it.

Thor and Loki looked around on the battleship. The intelligent AI on the battleship also began to guide the main control room, rest area, energy area, weapons depot, fighter cabin, etc. on the battleship.

After entering the interstellar era, there have never been fewer people who regard battleships as their home.

Therefore, the rest area on the battleship is specially equipped with various entertainment facilities.

It cannot be said that you can experience a wide variety of entertainment like you would on any civilized planet, but at least the public entertainment facilities are fully equipped.

"How much does a boat like this cost?"

Odin was a little moved when he saw the luxurious rest area.

"If you sell this kind of large space battleship to your compatriots, it will cost 600 million a piece, and if you sell it to other civilizations, it will start at 1 billion."

At this time Tony also came to the rest area and said with a smile.

There is currently no civilization selling sublight thruster engines on the market.

If you can buy it, there will be civilizations willing to buy it even if it costs one billion.

Because large space battleships can not only be used to conquer the universe, but can also speed up the connection with other civilizations.

And the most important thing is that buying this space battleship is an opportunity for those civilizations to potentially develop sub-light propulsion engines.

But Tony knew that even if they got it, they wouldn't be able to develop it.

Just kidding, the foundation of sublight propulsion engines requires knowledge and equipment.

Instead of being able to reverse the production process after getting the sample.

But even so, the Xandar Empire and the Kree Empire would not be willing to sell.

The Kree Empire has now signed an agreement with Xandar to cease the war, but it does not mean that the Kree Empire's ambitions have stopped.

Once given the opportunity, the Kree Empire will definitely make a comeback and directly conquer various civilizations.

What the Kree Empire likes most is to bully the weak and launch civilized-level crushing wars. The lower the enemy's technology, the better. How can they sell it?

The Xandar Empire did not sell it, probably because it was concerned that selling it might benefit various civilizations.

But it will also increase the possibility of lawless people buying space battleships, which will exacerbate the chaos of various civilizations.

If the enemy also possesses sublight thruster engines, the Xandar Empire cannot directly pursue them across the universe with its advantage.

The battle that could have been solved directly by a blitzkrieg turned into a long interstellar chase.

This will make it more difficult for the Xandar Empire to protect various civilizations.

Higher light speed engines and warp engines have not yet been developed.

Therefore it is impossible for the Xandar Empire to be sold.

But Tony can be sure that once the Xandar Empire develops higher cutting-edge technology, the light speed engine will be sold immediately.

Because regardless of whether the Xandar Empire is benevolent or not, it is inevitable to ensure the leadership of its own civilization.

Kindness is based on power and technology that awe other civilizations. The kindness of useless people is just nonsense to all civilizations in the universe, and no one cares.

The Xandar Empire has never been an empire overflowing with the Heart of the Holy Mother, but has the ability to do it and wants to do it, so that it can become an empire that maintains peace in the universe.

Otherwise, the Xandar Empire's technological level was insufficient and it would have been pushed aside by the Kree Empire.

Other civilizations may not fight you, but the Kree Empire will not tolerate you.

The universe is extremely beautiful, with vast borders that have given birth to countless civilizations, but the universe is also cruel, and it is a battlefield where the weak will be beaten.

If a civilization wants to survive in the universe, it cannot always rely on the kindness of other civilizations. It can only continue to strengthen itself.

"Six hundred million? Then sell five ships to us in Asgard."

When Odin heard the price mentioned by Tony, he thought it was not that expensive, so he directly booked five ships with Tony.

He can come to any place in the universe at any time, but Asgard's soldiers cannot.

In order to complete the connection between Asgard and the Void Cult in the future, it is still necessary to purchase some cutting-edge technology.

"You, the Asgard family, are so big that you ordered five ships?"

"You must know that Asgard will have to complete all aspects of docking with Void Island in the future."

"This can be said to be the best space battleship available on the market."

"And the more you order, the more you make a contribution to the Void Religion."

Tony saw that Odin was moved, but he only ordered five ships, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Let you say so."

"Frigga and I are also discussing about your borrowing money later."

"Perhaps rather than lending it to you, it seems better for me to consider developing research projects and then contribute to the Void Cult."

Odin knew that Tony was extremely short of money and wanted to borrow money from Asgard, so he didn't fall into this trap.

"Please, I didn't borrow the money to spend on myself."

"That's also borrowed for the development of the Nine Realms under your name."

"If Blue Star enters the interstellar era, it will be a very honorable thing for you, right?"

"Of course it is my duty to develop Blue Star, but you must also understand my difficulties."

When Tony saw Odin mention this, the expression on his face immediately changed, and Akatsuki said with emotion and reason.

Loki and Thor had helped him discuss it with Odin, and after understanding it, Odin decided to lend him 100 billion cosmic coins.

It didn't take much time for Odin to make this decision at that time.

So Tony knew that Asgard's treasury must have cosmic currency savings, and the more wool he could get from Odin, the better.

Although it is possible to sell the space battleships of the Void God Cult to other civilizations.

But before that, we must first provide the civilization behind each compatriot of the Void God Religion.

"I wouldn't lend it to you if it weren't for this."

"But don't try to trick me. Your technology will improve and it won't be too late to buy more in the future."

"Buying five ships at this stage is completely enough for us in Asgard."

"You can say whatever you want, if it's enough, it's enough."

Odin saw the sudden change in Tony's face, and he looked like he was obligated to do so, as well as an attitude that there was no need to discuss the matter.

Of course, Odin dared to lend Tony so much money because he believed that Tony was fully capable of repaying it.

"Five ships, five ships."

Tony saw that Odin couldn't speak to him, so he said no more.

Later, after Tony and his group visited the battleship, they also wandered around the Void 001 planet.

"The planet itself is a beautiful work of art that no one can fault."

Tony walked through mountains and rivers and shuttled through lush and dense forests. Even though Tony was a technology geek, he had to admire the beauty of nature.

In front of this natural landscape that has been nurtured by heaven and earth for countless years, all the works of art he has known in the past cannot compare with it.

In the future, humans will also set foot in the universe, leave the home planet where they were raised and expand outward, no longer trapped by energy.

"Although I don't deny what you said, this is also the beauty of this planet."

"Other planets and worlds are also extremely beautiful, but you should have heard that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are."

Loki heard this and spoke.

There are countless beautiful things in the universe, such as galaxies, nebulae, and planets, all with their own different beauty.

Therefore, as intelligent creatures, we can only appreciate the mysteries and miracles of the universe and the miraculous beauty of the universe.

"The inaccessible planet can only be viewed from a distance."

Of course, Tony also knew that his emotions at this time were entirely because this planet was a habitable star.

This is a beautiful work of art created by the power of the universe and time. It cannot be made by ordinary human power. Maybe there is something in the universe that can create the planet.

His current goal is to develop Blue Star and free mankind from dependence on energy, but in the future he may set his goal to explore the truth of the universe.

He has been in the universe for several years and has expanded his countless knowledge, but he knows that his knowledge is still not enough.

But it doesn't matter. Thanks to Kassadin, he has a long time to understand the universe and explore the truth step by step.

Several people were sitting in the rest area inside the space battleship, watching the wonders of the outside world through the windows while eating.

In the following three days, many members of the Void Cult also enjoyed the world that was still in its original state.

Whether they want to see it or not, after this world is controlled by the Void Cult and populated by intelligent species, the original appearance of the world will inevitably change.

Sonia also found three people who could control the abundance in these three days.

One person controls the fertility of the trees on the land, one person controls the fertility of the land animals, and one person controls the fertility of the sea.

When Sonia approached the three of them, they were overjoyed and agreed immediately.

However, before taking charge of Harvest, these three people have to go back to the Void Cult to learn how to manage, and then they can take over the responsibility of being in charge of Harvest.

After many members had fun, they also embarked on the journey back to the Void God Cult.

Tony also directly announced that after returning to the Void Cult, he would immediately hold a three-day banquet.

And asked Lalatina to tell the chefs in the canteen in advance to let them prepare in advance.

Many hired staff from Planet Void 001 watched the fleet leave.

In less than half a day, at noon.

Many members of the Void Cult also returned to Void Island.

As soon as they came back, all the members rushed to the canteen and enjoyed the feast.

Sonia returned to the mountaintop villa to have dinner with Mr. Kassadin and reported the situation.

Having your own first world to start farming is the first step for the Void God Religion to become a truly powerful force.

This time, there were not only three members, but nine, who responded to the hope of mastering the abundance.

So when she purchases a planet and wants to develop it later, she doesn't need to lead the team there in such a grand manner, she just needs to arrange for someone to go there.

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