I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 471 The general trend

According to Jarvis's investigation, there are many talented people in Wakanda.

But as far as the real genius is concerned, it's Suri.

Manpower is easy to find, but genius is not so easy to find.

So Tony's target is naturally Su Li, who is known as a genius.

Su Li, who was standing aside, also showed some surprise when he heard Tony Stark mention his name.


"Shuri is still young and has never left Wakanda."

Before T'Chaka could respond, T'Challa said directly.

Su Li is his half-sister, and he has been very close to her since childhood.

He would never agree to letting Shuri be taken away by Tony Stark as a hostage.

"Without you, I can still bring mankind to the interstellar age."

"Your existence is an unexpected surprise to me. You provide me with some talents. If we cooperate with each other, we can speed up the progress of the plan."

"But if you are unwilling to cooperate with me, with the technology you have, although the possibility is very low, it may still cause me some trouble in the future."

"So if possible, I hope we can cooperate and work together for the great plan of mankind entering the interstellar era."

"Rather than annihilating you all to avoid future troubles now that I have captured all your technologies."

"This is not about good or evil, but about stance."

Tony saw T'Challa bluntly saying it was impossible, looked at T'Chaka and said slowly.

He also made it clear directly.

Tony has no ill feelings towards Wakanda, but Wakanda has the highest technology currently available to mankind.

Jarvis has taken away all Wakanda's technology.

If he is unwilling to cooperate with him, then there is already hatred between him and Wakanda.

If Tony is an enemy, it is impossible to leave trouble for himself, so whether he is an enemy or a friend depends on how Wakanda chooses.

"I'll go with you."

"Don't make things difficult for my family and Wakanda."

Su Li looked at his father, who had a humble attitude from just now, and already understood the current situation.

The other party only needs herself. If she agrees, she can keep Wakanda safe. If she doesn't agree, Wakanda will be destroyed, and she has no choice.


"My plan hasn't officially started yet, so I can give you some time."

"You can stay in Wakanda for two months."

"In two months, I want to see your person in front of me."

“That’s when you’ll know working with us isn’t a bad choice.”

"When the plan is completed, Lan Xing will enter the interstellar era."

"When the time comes, if you want to go back to Wakanda, I won't stop you."

"Then we'll see you in two months."

Tony saw Su Li's stance, nodded slightly and gave his promise.

He must first deal with the return of Captain Marvel.

Integrate various technologies from Wakanda to improve the armor.

So even if Su Li comes over, it won't bring him much help.

The reason why he needs Su Li is that he wants this kind of real genius to contribute to the various technologies that will be studied in the future.


When Su Li heard that he was not going to leave now, but in two months, his eyes flickered, and he nodded and agreed.

"T'Chaka, here's a reminder."

"Remember to discipline your son well."

"I agreed to your terms and will not take action against Wakanda."

"But that doesn't mean someone is stupid enough to come to my door and cause trouble for me."

"I'm not going to impart some lessons."

After Tony saw Suri agreeing, he looked at T'Chaka and gave some reminders.

Then, without waiting for T'Chaka's reply, Tony's projection disappeared.

"Father, why did you agree to Tony Stark's rude request?"

"We should fight back."

After Tony's projection disappeared, T'Challa looked at his father, feeling extremely angry.

T'Chaka was also holding his breath in his heart. Now that his son asked him this question, he also hammered the armrest.

With a "Bang!" sound, a fist mark appeared on the armrest.


"What can we, Wakanda, do to start a war with Tony Stark?"

"He not only hacked into the database, but also seized the authority of Wakanda."

"Our intelligent AI and technology are invisible to the other party."

"Tony Stark possesses high technology derived from other advanced civilizations in the universe."

"For us, it's already a dimensionality reduction blow."

"Otherwise, why do you think your sister agreed to this condition?"

T'Chaka's face turned extremely gloomy and he asked loudly.

He originally thought that the technology that attacked and invaded Wakanda was a super-intelligent AI originating from other civilizations in the universe.

His assumption was correct, except that the controller of this super-intelligent AI was Tony Stark.

"But he's not that powerful himself, is he?"

"As long as we find a way to catch him, there is no need to be afraid."

When T'Challa heard these words, his expression changed and he spoke.

"catch him?"

"It's true that he was able to suppress all the mushroom eggs in Blue Star."

"The entire modern society is his spy."

"Tony Stark is now the equivalent of a god on Blue Star."

"I can understand your desire to help your sister, but things just can't be done if you can't."

"You are prohibited from leaving Wakanda within the next six months."

"Until your sister goes and sends back the news, we'll see what happens."

"If we really reach the end of our rope, it's not too late to find a way to fight back."

When T'Chaka saw his son having these thoughts, he rarely showed his strict father's side and gave direct instructions.

Tony Stark has taken away all the information and data on all the technologies they have been researching in Wakanda for many years.

When the other party could directly destroy them and be done with it, they asked Su Li to go and help.

This means that Tony Stark's promise just now has some credibility.

The most important thing now is to verify Tony Stark's attitude.

"Father, do you have any plans?"

Although T'Challa was unconvinced, he heard that his father was not indifferent to this, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Suri is my daughter, of course I have to think about her."

T'Chaka sighed after hearing this and said.

Immediately, T'Chaka looked at his daughter.

"Suri has wronged you for the time being, until you go to Tony Stark's side."

"See if he's really as kind to you as he promised."

"If what he did is inconsistent with his promise and you have been wronged, then if you find an opportunity, report it back to Wakanda."

"We will definitely find a way to rescue you."

When he said these words, T'Chaka's eyes also showed some determination.

"I understand, Father."

Su Li nodded and said.


Tony's private island.

"Tony, you're still so tough."

Banner saw Tony's negotiation with Wakanda and said.

"Yes, I also think Mr. Tony's attitude is a bit too tough."

Pietro agreed upon hearing this.

"People are good, but their attitude makes people not like them that much."

Wanda also gave her own evaluation after hearing this.

"In terms of status, the talent I want is the royal princess of Wakanda."

"If I don't be tougher, Wakanda won't be able to let him go."

"And as long as I don't treat her badly in the future."

"I didn't treat Miss Zhao Helen badly. She stayed here well."

Tony took a sip of wine after hearing this and said without caring at all.

"I'm doing well here, but the problem is that you haven't given me any treatment."

"For example, you didn't mention anything about salary or anything like that."

Helen Zhao saw Tony mentioning herself and said.

"I've given you all the relevant knowledge about genetics."

"Those are not better than wages. Do you understand that knowledge is priceless?"

Tony said extremely seriously when he heard this.

"But these are all jokes."

"As long as Miss Zhao Helen doesn't make any unreasonable conditions."

"I will try my best to meet your conditions."

"As long as you can study and research seriously and achieve results, that's all."

Immediately, Tony changed the subject and a smile appeared on his face.

"It's not difficult for me to ask for conditions."

“I need a lab and some recruiting.”

"And you need to help me shelter my family and provide them with a place to live and some jobs."

"Blue Star will not be peaceful in the future."

Helen Zhao smiled slightly when she heard this and directly stated her conditions.

"No problem, these are taken for granted."

"As for Blue Star's lack of peace, it's hard to say that it's just a future for a few people that won't be peaceful."

"Otherwise, do you think Banner, Steve, and God King Odin would agree to my plan?"

After hearing this, Tony agreed and said very calmly and calmly.

Blue Star's journey to the interstellar era is an opportunity for countless humans to climb up again.

Therefore, most human beings will basically not reject the progress of this era.

Only a few corrupt politicians and people who are unwilling to let those at the bottom climb up will do everything possible to hinder the progress of the times.

As long as people and countries understand the situation and are willing to work together, Tony will not only welcome them but also do his best to help.

Those who understand the situation but are unwilling to change will be eliminated by Tony.

These are the people he wants to eliminate.

As for most ordinary people, Tony would definitely not involve them in ruining their families.

Instead, he would try to find a space for them to adapt, which was also the most troublesome thing he would have to think about in the future.

If his plan would lead to the destruction of countless humans, Harvey wouldn't say it yet.

Because Blue Star is not Harvey's hometown, it may not care.

However, as the Lord of the Nine Realms, it is absolutely impossible for Odin to stand on his side and support him.

There's no way Steve or Banner would allow him to do this.

It is precisely because we know that the progress of the times will inevitably eliminate some decadent remnants of the old era.

Only Steve and Banner will support all his actions.

Odin, Thor and Loki also promised him that if he encounters any difficulties, they will try their best to help him overcome them.

The purpose is to rapidly advance human science and technology to the interstellar era and gain some ability to gain a foothold in the universe.

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