I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 472 News that shocked the world

Then Tony left the private island and went back to Stark Manor to meet Pepper.

Wakanda's nanotechnology saved Tony a lot of time, and he could then directly make the latest nano-warrior.

But before that, the first thing is to start promoting the cosmic translator. Only by making a lot of money can we promote the cosmic communicator. The order cannot be wrong.

Zhao Hailun directly stayed on the private island temporarily and carefully studied all the relevant knowledge and theories of genetic pharmacy.

It has to be said that cosmic civilization is far ahead of Blue Star.

The average lifespan of the Xandar Empire is more than two hundred years, and each one is equivalent to a genetically modified person, with a powerful body at the extreme level of human beings, and a more powerful self-healing ability.

These are things that humans dream of and long for research, but are difficult to achieve.

And Nick Fury was the first to stabilize the situation on Tony's side.

So in the name of the Avengers needing Zhao Hailun's talents, it took a lot of effort to get Zhao Hailun over.

As for Tony Stark's name and plans, Nick Fury didn't mention a word.

Because exposing the big plan that Tony Stark intends to promote will only cause a series of excessive reactions from certain United Nations politicians.

It would be okay if it could be solved, but the problem is that the current United Nations of mankind does not have the ability to solve Tony Stark.

Risking a war with Tony Stark will only lead to a bloodbath at the top of the United Nations.

So everything will have to be discussed after Captain Marvel returns.

After Banner taught Steve how to practice the soft power method, he went directly back to New York to enjoy this rare free time before being busy.


Just one week.

A globally broadcast press conference was convened at the Stark Industries venue.

The press conference was attended by current Stark chairman Pepper Potts.

In front of everyone, Pepper Potts explained that this was a new invention of the genius scientist Tony Stark, the actual controller of Stark Industries.

The main function of this invention is a translator that can recognize all languages ​​throughout human history.

It is not only suitable for studying ancient books and scriptures, but also completely suitable for daily communication.

This invention is named [Void Translator].

"The price of this void translator is one million US dollars, and any country in the world can purchase it with its own currency."

"And our company promises to reduce costs and prices in the near future and promote it to everyone around the world."

"So that everyone in the world will not be trapped by language, and historians and scholars from various countries will be able to further study the history of each country."

Pepper Potts demonstrated the capabilities of the Cosmic Translator to a group of journalists at a venue owned by Stark Industries, and gave the initial pricing.

This kind of thing must first be used internally by each country, and only after it is recognized can it be fully promoted in various countries.

"Miss Pepper Potts, have you contacted the military regarding the sales areas and pricing of this invention?"

"This type of far-reaching research should be discussed with the United Nations!"

a news reporter asked directly.

"We are Stark Industries and have always been one of Blue Star's most advanced technology companies."

"Although we have transformed into an energy industry, in just a few years we have become one of the strongest energy companies in the world."

"I am only acting as the acting chairman of Stark Industries. Stark Industries has always been an industry under Tony Stark's name."

"So Stark Industries is not a United Nations company, let alone an American state-owned company."

"Regarding pricing and sales regions, we at Stark Industries make our own internal decisions."

"We went through a lot of deliberations and discussions within Stark Industries."

“It is unanimously recognized that this is an invention that benefits all mankind and should not be limited to the national level.”

"From now on, even if you don't learn the national language, you only need to have a void translator to learn the national language."

"You can have smooth communication with people from any country."

Pepper Potts faced reporters' questions and spoke calmly without feeling any panic at all with a smile on his face.

"And starting from the first of next month."

"Stark Industries' energy will no longer be limited to various industries in the United States."

"We will enter countries around the world and welcome companies and executives from all over the world to come and discuss energy purchases with us at Stark Industries."

"Except for transportation costs, there will be an internationally stable price and there will be no country-specific prices."

Pepper Potts's declaration is an extremely dangerous and bold statement for any company in the United States.

It is possible at any time to offend the top management of the United States and the military, causing the company to disappear directly.

But Pepper already knew Tony was ready.

The transformation started in 2008 and started to get on the right track in 2009.

Before preparations were made, Stark Industries' energy sales targets had always been limited to the United States and the United Nations, which had good relations with the United States.

But now we are fully prepared, if the top management of the United States dares to take advantage of Stark Industries.

Then Tony doesn't mind changing the entire United States.

The order and structure of Blue Star is no longer dominated by the United States and the United Nations, but has the final say by their Void God Cult.

As the acting chairman of Stark Industries, the two pieces of news announced by Pepper directly silenced the on-site press conference.

The top leaders of various countries looked at this press conference, and the top leaders of the United States turned black.

"Damn it, Stark Industries is breaking up with the United States?"

When Zheng Xian, the director of the Divine Spear Bureau, saw this press conference, he shouted "Fuck" and showed a shocked expression.

As a company that has been cooperating with the American military, Stark Industries has made great contributions to the development of the American military.

Even after Tony Stark, the leader of Stark Industries, decided to contact the weapons development department and transform the energy industry.

Stark Industries' energy has also brought many developments to the American military.

Stark Industries' energy and newly developed void translators are willing to be sold to various countries, which is of course good news for them.

It's just that he doesn't know why Stark Industries would do this, or why it dared to do it.

You must know that this is equivalent to the corporate giants in their country who have always contributed to the military.

Suddenly I said that I no longer serve the country, I want to serve the whole world.

"It's not impossible for those arrogant and selfish guys in the United States to break up with Stark Industries."

"It's just a stupid thing for Stark Industries to do."

"Stark Industries will cease to exist after today."

Weather Witch, one of the members of the Divine Spear Bureau, was also happy, but revealed a reality that had to be admitted.

Iron Man Tony Stark is an out-and-out genius, and the steel armor he developed is also very strong, but it is not so strong that it escapes the control of human society.

Now this action will directly pull Stark Industries into the abyss.

"As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman gets the benefit."

"Of course this is not a fight between snipe and clam, but internal chaos."

"But Tony Stark is not stupid. Maybe Stark Industries has its own trump card."

"We can just sit and watch the show."

Zheng Xian, director of the Divine Spear Bureau, said with a smile when he heard this.

"We're still watching the show. Now let's think about how to develop this kind of translator."

"This void translator can be said to be an epoch-making invention."

Upon hearing this, the Weather Witch directly poured a basin of cold water on her.

"What are you afraid of? Even if Tony Stark's industry is taken over by SHIELD."

"I'll just have someone bring back a few samples for study later."

"So don't be anxious, just take your time and watch the show."

"I'm even more looking forward to how Stark Industries will respond to the upcoming suppression."

Hearing this, Zheng Xian leaned back on his chair without any panic.

Of course, if the matter can be solved with money, the Divine Spear Bureau certainly does not want to use force.

Therefore, he is very much looking forward to the game between Stark Industries and the top management of the United States.


And at the press conference.

"Miss Pepper Potts, Stark Industries' stock price has been on an upward trend since your transformation."

"Your Stark Industries energy is indeed suitable for America's military industry and has become a giant in America's energy industry."

"But has the decision to dump in various countries been approved by the top leaders of the United States?"

Immediately, a news reporter took the lead in praising Stark Industries' successful transformation, and then asked.

"I'm stating once again that Stark Industries is Tony Stark's company, not a state-owned company."

"We have the freedom to judge and make decisions."

Of course, Pepper knew what trouble his words would cause for Stark Industries in the future.

But she is fearless, because from the moment Tony is ready, the future of Blue Star belongs to the United Nations with a shared future for mankind, not the United States.

"Does this mean you will not be afraid of any dangers?"

When reporters from the American state-owned news company heard these words, they knew that this was big news, so they jumped right in and asked for more explosive information.

"We at Stark Industries have no intention of disturbing the international situation. We just hope that our company's inventions and technologies can benefit mankind."

"So we will work hard towards this goal."

"This is the end of the press conference."

“People in need from all countries are welcome to contact us.”

Pepper did not fall for the trap when he heard this, but directly stated the future goals of Stark Industries.

As long as the top leaders of the United States do not force Stark Industries, they will not take the initiative to disrupt the situation.

Then Pepper bowed slightly and left the scene, ignoring the other reporters' attempts to ask more questions.

The news of this press conference directly caused shock in the scientific community, as well as violent responses from various countries.

This is good news for all countries, but they all know that Stark Industries is going to turn upside down.

No one dared to contact Stark Industries directly at the first time.

Most forces will be afraid of it, but that does not mean that all forces are like this.

Therefore, some forces have directly asked their subordinates to contact Stark Industries and plan to buy a cosmic translator and come back to have a look.

This void translator seems very profitable. The price of one million US dollars may buy an opportunity to make social progress, which is quite worthwhile.

American politicians and the military also contacted Pepper Potts directly for the first time.

"Miss Pepper Potts."

"This kind of invention should be tested in the United States first, and then it will be widely promoted when the time is right in the future."

General Ross looked at the young and beautiful Pepper Potts and said.

"Yes, as American citizens, you should make contributions to the United States first."

"Retract your decision and hand over energy technology and translator technology to the military."

"Our military will not treat you badly."

"Call Tony Stark out, we need to talk to him."

Various politicians and General Ross addressed Pepper directly.

"I'm sorry, researching this technology has consumed too much of Mr. Tony's energy. He is currently recuperating, so it is not convenient to hold talks with you."

"Whatever you want to say, just tell me."

"I will convey this to Mr. Tony appropriately."

Pepper said with a smile in front of a video conference at Stark Manor.

"The dumping of translators and energy around the world will make the international situation chaotic."

"The entire Blue Star will also become unstable."

"So Tony Stark has to be included in the UN meeting."

"After careful review and discussion, we can make the most correct decision together."

"Rather than being an impulsive decision made through private discussions with Stark Industries."

Rose's projection was near Pepper, and there was some warning in his words.

"We have no intention of disturbing the international situation."

"The new energy sources developed by our Stark Industries can help all mankind no longer be troubled by energy."

"The Void Translator will no longer have national boundaries between people, and communication will be smoother from now on."

"Mr. Tony's original intention is to see a more harmonious human society."

"Don't you want to see a world like this?"

Pepper saw General Ross's seemingly upright and awe-inspiring appearance, but in fact his ugly selfishness was clearly revealed. He was a little disgusted in his heart, but he still spoke patiently.

As soon as these words came out, General Ross and American politicians did not dare to speak rashly.

Because they are eyeing the huge benefits brought by the Void Translator.

They also saw the terrifying ability to translate various languages ​​through the cosmic translator at the press conference.

This can not only be used to research and develop history, but can also be applied to the military to better interpret information from various countries.

"Of course we want to see that kind of world, but the time is not yet ripe for translators to be sold all over the world."

"A decision needs to be made after many considerations."

"Furthermore, the practice of energy dumping is very likely to bring crisis to the United States, so this matter must be carefully discussed."

"Maintaining the stability of the United States is the responsibility that every citizen should bear."

"Not to mention Tony Stark as an outstanding inventor."

“Invented technologies may benefit society or bring disaster to society, and these need to be reviewed and evaluated.”

Therefore, after General Ross thought about it, he also used national and moral constraints to put pressure on Stark Industries.

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