I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 473 Don’t take yourself too seriously

Pepper was extremely disdainful of General Ross's attempt to use his national identity to kidnap him.

The United Nations and the military had previously tried to seize the blueprints and energy sources for the steel armor from Tony.

But later, because Tony did not bring turmoil and unrest to society, he instead became a superhero with great influence in the eyes of countless people.

So much so that the United Nations and the military were unable to incite public opinion and put pressure on Tony.

Previously, it was impossible for the American military to directly attack Tony, a superhero in people's eyes, so the technology was kept in Tony's hands.

Later, Tony decided to give the military some sweeteners and provide SHIELD and the military with new energy.

In order to allow the military to enjoy the benefits of new energy, this matter was temporarily suppressed.

Now that Stark Industries plans to dump it on the whole world, it can be said that they have touched their own cake in the eyes of the military.

But Pepper is not intimidated, and even the current national strength of the United States cannot scare her.

It's just that it's not yet to the point of breaking out directly.

"As much as I would love for Mr. Tony to meet and talk with you."

"But Mr. Tony has spent too much energy at this time and has no energy for the time being."

"And I'm just the acting chairman, so please let's talk about the talks later."

So Pepper's appearance still showed that I want to help you but I can't do anything about it.

"No way, just today."

"We need to talk to Tony Stark."

How could General Ross agree with Pepper's suggestion that it would take a few days?

They must first stop Tony Stark's decision before the new technology and energy he researches are sold.

Otherwise, by the time Tony Stark is sold, it will be too late.

"You are all big shots with big names, and I am just the acting chairman of Stark Industries."

"I don't have the final say at Stark Industries, so please don't embarrass me."

"And America has always been a free country."

"As long as the law is not violated, citizens' freedom will not be restricted, right?"

When Pepper heard this, he seemed to be showing weakness, but his tone was not relaxed at all. If he said no, it would be no.

"That's normal, but you guys at Stark Industries have broken the law."

"We can charge you with treason and disrupting international security order and conduct house searches."

"But now you have only announced the plan and have not actually implemented it, so there is still room for maneuver."

General Ross heard that Pepper was still unwilling to let Tony Stark come forward, so he stopped pretending and directly issued a threatening warning.

"I'll state it again."

"After our discussions, Stark Industries' future strategic goal is to develop things that can benefit all human society and have no intention of disrupting the international situation."

"I have never said that I want to take all the resources and technology of Stark Industries out of the United States and go to other countries."

"So we don't believe we committed treason."

"If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?"

"And after we just announced it, you want to accuse us of Stark Industries, and people all over the world will not agree."

"The United States is one of the major powers today, but the world today is not dominated by the United States alone."

When Pepper faced the threat from General Ross, his expression became extremely serious.

Since Ross planned to use morality and righteousness to kidnap himself, he didn't even pretend to threaten him.

Of course, Pepper was not polite and directly showed his confidence.

It is inevitable that the American military and politicians will hinder Stark Industries.

But the method cannot be so blatant, otherwise the United States will be burdened with countless infamy.

"It is strictly prohibited to transport all Stark Industries products overseas without our consent."

"If you want to lift this ban, let Tony Stark come and have a formal talk with us."

General Ross said with a livid face when he saw that Pepper refused to give in and even threatened them in return.

There's no reason why he shouldn't be so tough, because Stark Industries' energy is dumped all over the world.

It will allow countries around the world to develop rapidly. Once their development reaches a certain limit, it will completely shake the hegemony of the United States.

This is something that is impossible to tolerate whether it is the American military he represents or the American politicians.

The great peace of human society is really a wishful thinking. If that happens, what else will the United States earn?

Human beings are meant to be hierarchical, and only a few can enjoy the suffering of the majority. .

"Okay, I will help tell Mr. Tony."

"Looking forward to our next meeting."

When Pepper saw General Ross talking about this, he did not directly respond forcefully but said with a smile and hung up the communication directly.

This hangup confused General Ross and many American politicians.

They didn't expect that Pepper Potts, the acting chairman of Stark Industries, would dare to hang up the communication.

Logically speaking, Pepper Potts should have been pressured to contact Tony Stark directly to express his position to them, and then they would discuss it again.


General Ross was in the military base at this time and pushed all the documents on the table to scatter with one hand.

"Have the Air Force prepare to be impulsive and follow me to Stark Manor."

"I don't think Tony Stark can hide behind it and never show up."

General Ross directly copied the instructions and issued them.

He had been a general for so many years, and no one dared to look at him for who knows how long.

And Nick Fury also saw everything in the press conference.

At this time, he was also very anxious inside.

The so-called void translator Tony brought back must have originated from the cosmic translator.

Because Nick Fury remembered that Captain Marvel had used this thing before.

He originally thought that Tony Stark's actions would be slow, but he never thought that Tony would just sell the cosmic translator.

Although this thing will cause some dissatisfaction among the top leaders of the United States and the military, as long as we have a good talk.

Then it's just a matter of handing over the right to sell the translator to the military. The top management of the United States and the military will still allow Tony to eat this big cake together.

But Tony actually planned to sell the Ark Reactor developed by Stark Industries.

This is not a matter of dividing the cake, but of dancing directly on the bottom line of the top leaders of the United States.

General Ross, who has always been a hardliner, will never allow such a thing, and will definitely go to capture Pepper to force Tony to submit.

And once he did this, he fell directly into Tony's trap.

When Tony talked about the scumbags of human society, he could clearly feel the killing intent in his words.

Once the top leaders of the United States and the military dare to take action against Pepper, the outcome will definitely not be much better.

Nick Fury directly picked up the phone and wanted to contact Tony Stark

I thought Tony might refuse to listen, but unexpectedly Tony answered quickly.

"Tony, don't make things so extreme."

Nick Fury said directly after seeing Tony.

"What does it mean to get things done right?"

"You also saw the press conference. Everything Pepper expressed was my wish."

"I hope that human society will gradually no longer lack energy, and that each other's languages ​​will no longer have national boundaries."

"This is something that will completely benefit all mankind."

"Everything in Stark Industries belongs to me, not to the United States."

"It's just that some people mistakenly believe that Stark Industries belongs to them and think that I have shaken their interests, so they don't want me to do this."

"If it is not from the perspective of the country, but from the perspective of all mankind."

"Nick Fury don't you think what I did was a good thing?"

Tony crossed his legs and asked with a smile on his face.

"If they die, it will exacerbate the instability of the international situation."

Nick Fury couldn't refute Tony's words, so he didn't answer directly, but just explained the consequences.

Tony saw Nick Fury change the subject and talk about these consequences without taking him seriously at all.

"You guys think too highly of yourselves."

"Human beings don't need guys who are rotten from the roots and only care about power and profit."

"What mankind needs is to shuffle the cards and promote a community with a shared future for mankind that is truly willing to create a bright future for mankind."

"Only then can we enter the interstellar era and integrate with other civilizations in the universe."

"And just like them, we can pass on the longer history as much as possible and pursue advanced technology and a bright future."

The kind of person Tony admired was Irani Rael, the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire.

Even though Irani Reel's own strength is not that strong, her ideas and wisdom in governing the Xandar Empire are still there.

The conditions for selecting the leader of the future community with a shared future for mankind are the same as those envisioned by Tony.

There are also countries and leaders on Blue Star who strive for similar concepts of peace.

But that kind of person is not America's leader.

Therefore, who will be the supreme commander of the community with a shared future for mankind will be determined at that time.

The rotten people who only have rights and interests in their eyes must be uprooted. Only truly broad-minded and wise people can lead all mankind in the future.

The people of the Xandar Empire are collectively called Xandar people, but not all of them have the same skin color and appearance.

Rather, their roots all originated from Xandar, and after years of development and integration, they finally became a federation.

The history of Xandar was passed down for 100,000 years only after the Xandar Empire was established.

If we only count the history of Xandar's intelligent race since its birth, it will be traced back to an even more distant past.

Compared with the history of the Xandar Empire, mankind is equivalent to a newborn baby.

Humanity still has a lot of room for growth in the future.

There cannot be only one path for humankind to pursue and develop in the future.

But for now, it is best for mankind to follow the direction of the Xandar Empire, which is famous in the universe.

When human science and technology and civilization develop to a certain level and the time is ripe, it will not be too late for human beings to talk about taking a completely different path.

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