I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 474 Why bother if you want to impose a crime?

"Your plans and ideals are beautiful, but the reality is cruel."

"There are so many people in the human race, and it is impossible for everyone to truly be equal."

"You should know this better than I do."

Nick Fury was a little shaken when he heard Tony talking about the future, but he pinched his thigh to calm himself down and spoke.

"Summer insects cannot speak of ice."

"If the top officials and military officers of the United States dare to take the initiative to touch me, I will let them die as much as they want."

"Jesus cannot keep them, I say."

"You'd better get your backup Captain Marvel back quickly."

"Otherwise you don't have the qualifications to have a reciprocal conversation with me, let alone influence my decision."

Seeing Nick Fury's stubbornness, Tony gave his answer directly.

Afterwards, Tony hung up the communication.

Nick Fury was extremely anxious at this time and wanted to stop it but was unable to.

He was thinking about whether to tell General Ross to let him retreat. If so, what reason should he use?

In the end, Nick Fury decided to contact General Ross.

But after Nick Fury dialed the communication.

"Your signal is not in the service area, please call again later."

A mechanical voice directly made Nick Fury's heart sink to the bottom.

This place is one of the most modern cities in the world.

Isn't it a joke that his mobile phone has no signal?

However, Nick Fury did not give up and immediately picked up other communication devices, hoping to notify General Ross.

But no matter what device I change, the voice received is the same.

All communication equipment around him was outside the service area.


This caused Nick Fury to slump in his chair.

At this moment, he truly realized what kind of existence he was fighting against.

All those who oppose mankind's entry into the interstellar era will face the gods in the modern cities of Blue Star.

Without the power beyond common sense, it would be completely impossible to fight against Tony Stark.

And at the same time.

In Stark Manor.

"Jarvis, when will Thaddeus E. Ross arrive?"

Tony stood up and came to the floor-length mirror, looking at the scenery outside and asked.

"The Air Force is still ten minutes away and Ross won't be here for half an hour."

"Judging by their conversation, you'll be meeting in half an hour."

After hearing this, Jarvis also directly reported the situation.

"You are a fool who thinks that power is everything."

Tony heard that Ross would arrive with the air force in half an hour, and there was some sadness in his eyes.

If General Ross did not come to him, he planned to force him to submit by force.

Tony wouldn't go straight to kill Rose.

In the past, they had contacted and collaborated with each other many times.

However, as an Air Force Lieutenant General, Ross has the power to dictate the direction of many things in the United States.

In the past, Stark Industries had to give up some profits to allow the military to enjoy more benefits.

People cannot fight with officials, businessmen cannot fight with officials, and even heroes of the Avengers cannot fight with officials. This pattern has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Tony didn't know what Ross thought of him, whether he was a wealthy businessman, a genius inventor, or a hero.

But no matter how you look at him, Ross wants to repeat his old tricks. Since being soft is not enough, it is normal for him to use hard methods.

After all, Ross was used to being domineering and firmly believed that he would definitely give in. He believed that he would not be able to cause any trouble, let alone dare to resist.

Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., basically had this mentality when he first came to visit him.

The attitude was not to come for discussion, but to give instructions directly.

It's just that things are different now.

He is no longer the Iron Man Tony Stark. In addition to his smart mind and steel armor, he is still extremely fragile and unable to escape the constraints of human society.

Instead, he participated in several large-scale wars in the universe. After the baptism of blood and the sublimation of knowledge, he has transformed into Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void.

So trying to use ordinary power to suppress him like in the past is simply wishful thinking.

The broader his knowledge and the stronger his strength, the more Tony can understand why Harvey said that the beauty of the universe is based on strength and not other things.

Because only the truly strong have the right to choose, and the weak only have the right to passively choose.

Now, as far as Tony is concerned, the American military and politicians who try to stop themselves because of their greed and arrogance are undoubtedly on the weak side.

The strong can pity and contribute to the weak, but this choice comes from the strong's true heart, and is not a passive choice made by the oppression of others.

Everything you do comes from your heart. This is the right of choice brought by power.

To him, Ross is the weak one, but to most people, Ross is the strong one, with the power to decide the life and death of others with a single word.

Tony does not dare to flaunt himself as righteous, nor will he flaunt himself as righteous.

Because the universe is a world of natural selection and survival of the fittest.

"Pepper, wait a minute this might get bloody."

"You can go back to your room for a while and I will take care of it."

Tony looked out the window and said.

"My mental capacity is not as bad and merciful as you think."

"I have already seen bloodier battlefields."

"What is coming is naturally nothing to me."

"The faces and words of Ross and those politicians make me very disgusted."

"And as your wife, I want to witness your ideals with you."

After hearing this, Pepper slowly walked to Tony's side and said with a smile.

Tony's ideal is a good thing for all mankind, because human society has still made progress despite technology.

But the most critical technology has begun to fall into a bottleneck period.

As the population continues to expand, Blue Star's land and energy resources are becoming less and less.

As the gap between rich and poor continues to widen, a few people at the top of the pyramid don't think about how to break through bottlenecks and expand Blue Star's resources.

Instead, he has been thinking about how to make more powerful weapons to create a more powerful military, and use his sword to plunder the weak.

Therefore, the process of realizing Tony's ideal will inevitably be accompanied by bloodshed.

She will also be by Tony's side, sharing the success and sins brought about by all this.


Tony didn't want Pepper to see his cruel side, but wanted Pepper to always see his wise side.

But Pepper had already said so, so he naturally had no reason to refuse.

"When will Mr. Cassadine come back?"

Pepper asked with a bigger smile on her face when she saw that Tony didn't forcefully drive her away.

"have no idea."

"But Kassadin has reached the point where he can do whatever he wants."

"It only takes a few breaths to return to Blue Star. You can come back at any time."

"No matter when we come back, we have nothing to worry about anymore."

Hearing this, Tony knew what Pepper was thinking, shook his head slightly and said slowly.

Originally receiving the support of Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms, Tony had great confidence to face the arrival of Captain Marvel.

After questioning not long ago, he got the support and permission of Kassadin, the God of the Void, and he became even more fearless.

"My main hope is to have a meal with Mr. Kassadin again after a long absence."

"It's been a long time since we last dined with Mr. Cassadine."

Pepper heard this and spoke.

The most powerful person at the pinnacle level of the universe, the God of the Void Kassadin, the founder of the famous Void Cult, had sat at the same table with them in the past and chatted with them about daily affairs.

I once asked Mr. Kassadin what type of women he likes.

Now that Pepper thinks about these normal memories between friends in the past, it feels a bit dreamy.

"There will definitely be opportunities."

When Tony heard Pepper say that he wanted to have dinner with Harvey, his eyes flashed and he spoke.

Now the difference in strength between him and Harvey is too far, so even if Harvey wants to maintain their friendship, he cannot be complacent.

But he will definitely overcome the restraint caused by the potential hierarchy in his heart, and once again talk freely with Harvey about their respective ideas and the situation of the universe like friends.


Pepper didn't know that something had happened between Tony and Harvey, but she was just looking forward to that day.

Then, the sound of the helicopter's rotor rotating rapidly reached Tony and Pepper's ears from the distant sky.

When the two heard these sounds, they looked at each other and smiled.

Tony sat directly on the sofa in the hall, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

"Pepper Potts, executive chairman of Stark Industries."

"You are suspected of disturbing the international order and suspected of treason that shakes the foundation of the United States."

"Therefore, I, General Thaddeus E. Ross, have you arrested."

"If you want to be rescued, let Tony Stark come and talk to me."

Then helicopters directly surrounded Stark Manor, and General Ross's voice came from the speakers, resounding throughout the sky of Stark Manor.

"I never said anything that had treasonous implications."

"There is no mention of hoping to use this to disrupt the international situation."

"I have tried my best to treat you, and I hope to be able to negotiate with you."

"But you don't seem to understand my intention."

"If you find that the soft one is not good enough, try to use the hard one. Be careful to get yourself in."

When Pepper heard the accusation of naming names, his face turned cold.

According to Tony, he should have directly carried out the beheading action, but she persuaded him to do so.

Only by letting the enemy come to your door can you determine whether the enemy really intends to stop you.

It's just that every retreat on her side caused the enemy to step on her nose and face.

"You didn't say that, but what you did already falls within the scope of the above-mentioned crimes."

"Now you are threatening us in turn, and we are going to charge you with obstructing the mission."

"So we need you to go back with us."

"Until Tony Stark shows up,"

When Ross heard Pepper's response, his tone was extremely tyrannical, making it clear that I am just bullying you and there is nothing you can do to me.

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