I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 475 General Ross dies

The helicopter begins to land at Stark Manor.

Group after group of armed troops stood on both sides holding firearms, forming two orderly formations.

General Ross walked out of it and walked on this avenue.

Tony Stark is very powerful as Iron Man, but he has never been afraid.

Because regardless of whether Tony Stark is a superhero or not, he has great strength.

Tony Stark was always just a human being, a citizen of the United States.

At best, Tony Stark is an American citizen with a little money.

And he is a highly respected Air Force Lieutenant General in the United States.

No matter how angry Tony Stark was, he had to hold it in.

This time his presence in person can be said to have convinced Tony Stark.

If Tony Stark is not ignorant of flattery, then part of the profits from Stark Industries belongs to Tony Stark.

If Tony Stark doesn't appreciate praise, he will ruin Tony Stark's reputation.

He will tell Tony Stark who has the final say in human society.

"Where are they?"

General Ross asked directly.

"Two living people were detected in the villa, located on the second floor."

An armed soldier directly scanned the surrounding thermal imaging with an instrument, reported.

"Tony Stark, aren't you here?"

"What is the purpose of deliberately avoiding meetings with our military?"

When Ross heard the two people, he knew that the only other person besides Pepper Potts was Tony Stark.

"General Ross, I should be the one to ask you this question."

"My technology has made a major breakthrough, so after careful consideration, I feel that this technology should not be limited to the country but should be applicable to all mankind."

"As long as it is dumped out, human society and Blue Star can reduce many wars caused by energy."

"Let humans seize the time to break through technological barriers and set foot in space, and then there will be no shortage of resources."

"This is supposed to be something that benefits all mankind."

"But you are trying to stop me in every possible way. Do you want to make enemies of all mankind?"

Tony's voice came from upstairs and said slowly after hearing General Ross's words.

"We're just thinking about the security of America."

"You need to review and evaluate the technology you develop before you can determine whether it is beneficial to mankind."

"The international situation is more complicated than you think."

"You can't make a conclusion just by looking at it."

"So everything we do is for the sake of national security."

After hearing these words, Ross stepped directly into Tony's villa and walked upstairs as he spoke.

They had seen the structural drawings of Tony Stark's villa before coming.

"You are talking so grandly, but you are not trying to use the technology developed by Tony to make a lot of money."

"Hasn't General Ross never heard of the principle that a gentleman loves money and acquires it wisely?"

"Don't make money you shouldn't make, lest you suffer retribution."

When Pepper heard these words, a sarcastic voice sounded directly from the speakers in the villa.


"Miss Pepper is so naive."

"There is no such thing as retribution in this world."

“The measure of truth in the world is the great power that military brings, and the wealth that power brings.”

"If there is retribution, then use strength to defeat it."

"Then retribution will never fall on me."

After hearing these contemptuous words, Ross walked towards the stairs step by step.

"So that means that in your life creed, General Ross, strength is the basis of everything."

"This is contrary to the democracy and freedom that the United States has always admired."

When Tony heard these words, the smile in his eyes turned into murderous intent, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Tony Stark, you should know that those are just words to deceive the untouchables."

"The truth of the world has always been determined by those in power, and the weak have no say."

"You want to use public opinion to give you a bargaining chip, so that we can avoid it, but public opinion can be easily dominated."

General Ross spoke with arrogance.

"Weakness and ignorance are never sins."

"Even death is not what they deserve."

"They just don't have the right to choose, and they are unable to change their situation."

"So their ideals are often not too lofty. They want to live a solid life, get married and have children for the rest of their lives."

"But among the innocent weaklings, there will always be some aliens born."

"Because I got some power by chance, I ignorantly thought that I was the weakest of the supreme strong."

"It is the sin of the weak to commit the sins of stupidity and arrogance. It is the sin of the weak to not know that the sky is high and the earth is high."

Tony did not agree with General Ross's philosophy, and the sarcasm in his words was not concealed at all.

"Tony Stark."

When General Ross heard this, he almost cursed himself by name. He found that he could not say Tony Stark, and his words were filled with anger and yelled.

Rose then walked quickly up the stairs.


Just when he arrived at the lobby on the second floor, Ross's eyes shrank when he saw Tony Stark, who looked like a twenty-year-old young man.

"General Ross, long time no see."

"Tell me the truth about the laws of the jungle, natural selection, and survival of the fittest that you pursue."

"Because of this representation, you have already agreed with the law that the weak have no right to choose."

Tony saw General Ross's expression as if he had seen a ghost, and a wild smile appeared on his face.

Then Tony snapped his fingers, and a clear voice sounded in the villa.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" One after another, the armor's arms fired lasers, killing all the armed forces personnel brought by General Ross.

Under Rose's gaze, the armed helicopter outside seen through the window was also directly covered by lasers and turned into a gorgeous fireworks.

The thud of the fallen soldier's body, the smell of blood and the helicopter being destroyed by the attack occurred within seconds.

General Ross looked back and saw the arms suspended in the air and the soldiers falling behind him, and his heart trembled.

At this time, a hand was placed on Rose's shoulder.

Rose trembled all over, and a smiling face was placed near his face, whispering like a devil.

"General Ross, welcome to hell, far away from the constraints of law and morality, where the strong is the truth."

Tony was smiling but his eyes were indifferent.

In front of him, Ross was like an ant who didn't know the heights of the world and was still delusional and clamoring that the world he saw was the truth of the world.

"Tony Stark, how dare you attack me? Do you want to go against the United States?"

Ross looked at the young, shameless and monster-like Tony Stark, and asked with a trembling voice.

Trying to get Tony Stark to back down using words and the military of the United States.

"I'm not trying to fight America."

"I want to fight against the scum of mankind."

"As for what constitutes a scumbag, let me tell you."

"Anyone who does not conform to the general trend, is stupid, arrogant and selfish, and attempts to hinder the development of mankind is a scumbag of mankind."

When Tony heard this, he reached out and patted Rose's old face, the smile on his face was extremely bright.

As soon as these words came out, Ross was shocked, because it basically meant that it was impossible for him to leave Stark Manor alive.

"It's no secret that I came to see you."

"If I die, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"Stark Industries will cease to exist, and your reputation will be in ruins."

"Even after death, he will become a scourge that everyone calls for beatings."

But Ross is still desperately chasing that glimmer of hope.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are still shouting when death is imminent."

"I said you were stupid and arrogant, but you got angry and refused to admit it."

"Reversal of positions. This meeting is all yours."

"After negotiation, I am forced to agree to you."

"After you successfully capture my Stark Industries."

"Will you make my end easy?"

"I estimate that the best outcome for me would be to sign an unequal treaty with you and live under your surveillance for the rest of my life."

"Of course this is the best ending. You may also want me to thank you for your kindness and generosity."

"In the normal ending, there is a high probability that I will be sent directly to a secret prison with strict discipline, and I will spend the rest of my life in prison."

"He disappeared from the public eye ever since."

"Let you arrange a reasonable death at will, turn Stark Industries into an ownerless industry, and let the United States take over from my hands as a matter of course."

Tony saw a mocking look in his eyes when he saw that Ross still didn't understand the situation and was trying to use America's military power and reputation, something that everyone cared about, to threaten him.

He has always dealt with the American military a lot, and he is well aware of the ugly face of the American military.

These two are already the best and normal endings. At least he still retains some reputation after being set up to fake his own death.

The worst outcome is that the United States will not only kill him, but replace Stark Industries and directly give him a stigma that will be difficult to wash away for eternity.

These are all possible endings for him after the weaker side fails.

"Tony Stark, we still have room for negotiation..."

Ross felt that Tony Stark's murderous intention was not concealed at all, and he did not dare to threaten him if he fell into an ice cave, but wanted to negotiate.

He shouldn't have come looking for Tony Stark so that he wouldn't be in a desperate situation.

As a result, he met Tony Stark, who was suspected to be no longer human, and fell into a situation with no way out.

"Would you negotiate terms with an ant nest that can be destroyed at any time?"

"But don't worry, you won't be the last human scumbag. There will be many scumbags who will go to hell to accompany you."

Tony directly grabbed Rose's hair, pointed Rose's face towards him, and spoke word by word.


Rose felt the sting from being grabbed by her hair and was still holding back, but when she heard these words, her eyes showed despair.

But in just a moment, Ross's neck was broken by Tony.

Rose's expression was frozen in that moment of despair and disbelief.

"Jarvis take care of it."

After Tony killed Rose, he gave the instructions directly.

"Okay, Mr. Tony."

Jarvis replied after hearing this.

Manipulating the intelligent robots and intelligent equipment in the villa, he began to move the corpses out of the villa one after another, and burned them directly to ashes with lasers.

"I didn't scare you."

Tony then looked at Pepper and asked.

"Of course not. Even if you don't kill him, I will kill him."

Pepper saw everything Tony did, and when faced with this inquiry, he took the initiative to step forward and kissed Tony gently, and said with a smile.

She knew that words alone would be unconvincing to express that she was not intimidated by Tony's revelation.

Only through real actions can Tony be completely reassured.

Pepper had participated in the war in the void and had seen the world of real strong men, so it was impossible for him to feel pain or sadness because of these things.

Faced with their moves, the American military did not choose to negotiate with them and cooperate with them at first.

But he is still greedy and arrogant and wants to make them obey.

Then between the U.S. military and them, only one side can survive.

Tony hugged Pepper with his backhand and kissed Pepper's forehead gently.

"But if Ross died here, the U.S. military would quickly learn about it and issue a statement. How should it be handled then?"

Pepper asked as she snuggled into Tony's arms without any resistance.

"Not in a hurry."

"Our situation has been sent to Steve and Banner simultaneously."

"They cannot express their opinions directly through the Internet and must spread word of mouth through press conferences."

"At that time, there are military people and politicians who want to denounce our Stark Industries, and then use false righteousness to act against Stark Industries."

"Banner and Steve will take care of it."

"This also tells the world that Stark Industries has survived the game between us and the military."

"I'll leave it to you to negotiate deals with other countries."

Tony heard this and a smile appeared on his face.

For Tony, breaking through the suppression of the American military and politicians and letting his technology be dumped all over the world was just the simplest part of his plan.

Subsequently, the most troublesome three links are to want all mankind to contribute to a community with a shared future for mankind, and then to inject genetic medicine into all human beings to integrate human society with the universe.

It is said that there are only three goals, but the tedious things involved in achieving the three goals are too many to count.

But this simplest link is also the starting point for humans to set foot on the universe.

His ability to single-handedly suppress the American military and politicians can be regarded as a statement of attitude to other countries.

It will undoubtedly arouse the fear of various countries in the beginning, so Pepper needs to implement it.

As long as all countries can buy the energy and space translators sold by Stark Industries without any pressure.

After the real and gradual realization of popularization, and after fulfilling their initial commitments, these fears will gradually be dispelled.

Only later was he able to gradually move mankind towards the goal of a community with a shared future for mankind.

These all require time to be promoted and cannot be achieved immediately.

The longer it takes to complete something, the more likely it is that there will be a lot of unforeseen troubles.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it, and everything has to be done slowly.

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