I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 477 The Nature of Nick Fury

"Humanity is facing significant threats right now."

"With the slightest carelessness, humans may initiate a global nuclear explosion, leading to a direct return to the primitive era."

Nick Fury also sat down after hearing this and said with a solemn expression.

"This is indeed beyond the scope of your response. No wonder you asked me to come back."

"So what is the source of this threat?"

When Carol Danvers heard the threat from Nick Fury, her eyes showed some surprise, and then she immediately understood it and asked.

"The enemy of the Source is the traitor to humanity, Tony Stark, the Void Herald from the Void Cult."

Nick Fury thought about it but still didn't talk about Tony Stark's ideals.

Because once Captain Marvel really agrees with Tony Stark's philosophy, then the fate of mankind will be completely entrusted to Tony Stark's hands.

"You said the enemy is from the Void God Cult?"

"And one of the few void pioneers with the title?"

Carol Danvers originally thought that the enemy was very easy to deal with, but when she heard about the Void Cult, her expression changed slightly.

"Yes, the enemy is Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void from the Void Cult."

"What's wrong?"

Nick Fury noticed the change in Carol Danvers' attitude, and asked with a slight sinking in his heart.

"Void Herald Tony Stark is no trouble."

"But if it has something to do with the Void God Kassadin, the founder of the Void Cult, then it will be a big trouble."

After Carol Danvers was confirmed, her face became solemn.

"What is the origin of the Void God Kassadin, the founder of the Void Cult?"

When Nick Fury heard this, he had many questions in his mind. Wasn't Tony behind Harvey Umberaka? Why was he related to Kassadin, the God of the Void with a completely different name?

"You don't understand the situation in the universe, and it's very troublesome to explain it in detail."

"To put it simply, Kassadin, the God of the Void, is one of the most powerful men in the universe who has suddenly appeared in recent years and has risen to the most powerful peak level in the universe."

"It has the ability to land anywhere in the universe at any time, and it also has the ability to destroy stars with one blow."

"The gods of the universe are extremely afraid of it."

Carol Danvers frowned and said.

"Teleportation plus broken stars, there is such an existence in the universe, is it unlikely?"

Nick Fury was also shocked when he heard Carol Danvers' words, and he didn't want to believe it.

"Originally, the strength of Kassadin, the God of the Void, was already a mystery. After obtaining the Power Stone among the Infinity Stones."

"That is, a treasure similar to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"The difference is that the Cosmic Cube has unlimited energy and the ability to span space."

"The power gem not only has unlimited energy, but also has the most terrifying destructive ability."

"The God of the Void Kassadin destroying the star with one strike is just the most conservative estimate, and combined with his own strength, it will be even more difficult."

Carol Danvers heard this and explained the situation.

Originally, she knew that Kassadin, the God of the Void, had obtained the Infinity Stones, but she didn't feel anything at all.

But later I learned that Kassadin had forced Gao Tianzun back and took over the Land of Nothingness without using the Infinity Stones.

She knew how difficult Kassadin was.

"What should we do? If Tony Stark is not solved, Blue Star may return to the primitive era."

Nick Fury was extremely anxious when he saw that Carol Danvers really had some fearful thoughts because of the Void Cult.

"The solution is not just to kill."

"I can capture him and negotiate with Kassadin, the God of the Void, to ask him to back down and stop pursuing Blue Star's ideas. It should be possible."

"But what exactly is Void Herald Tony Stark's plan?"

"Why did the many mushroom eggs in Blue Star explode and return to the primitive era?"

After hearing this, Carol Danvers thought for a while and gave a solution.

"Just a few minutes before you came back."

"American General Ross and several armed forces have been completely destroyed in the hands of Tony Stark."

"Tony Stark's attempt to replace America is bound to cause a backlash."

"When politicians from various countries react, human society will fall into the scope of a world war."

"Tony Stark, who can travel to and from the universe, is certainly fine, but Blue Star will suffer because of this."

Nick Fury still did not explain Tony Stark's ideals, but told Tony Stark's actions and the upcoming consequences.

He did not completely lie to Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, but he selectively said what he wanted to say.

"Although Void Herald Tony Stark joined the Void Cult, he is also a human being."

"Not to mention that it has contributed to mankind, it actually tries to dominate everything with power. It is really unreasonable and a traitor to mankind."

"Fury, Tony Stark's approximate location is over there. I'll capture him immediately."

When Carol Danvers heard what Tony Stark did, her face became angry.

"He should be at his estate in New York, located here."

Nick Fury saw Carol Danvers's attitude and kept shouting sorry in his heart, but this was his only way.

Tony Stark's ideals almost convinced him. If Carol Danvers knew about it, it is very likely that Carol Danvers would also agree.

Before it was impossible to determine whether Tony Stark was instructed by the Void Cult to have plans for Blue Star.

Nick Fury cannot leave the safety of mankind entirely in the hands of Tony Stark.

So even if he indirectly deceived Carol Danvers by selective concealment, he had to do this.


Inside Stark Manor.

Through Jarvis' monitoring, Tony already knew that Captain Marvel had returned, and even more so that Carol Danvers had been deceived by Nick Fury.

"This black braised egg is really shameless."

"Although what he said was true, he concealed the most critical information."

"This Captain Marvel is his good friend, right?"

"I rushed back as soon as I heard the call for help."

"What we faced was not a heart-to-heart and comprehensive explanation, but deception."

"How can someone be so despicable?"

Pepper also heard these conversations completely, and said with great anger and disgust.

"That's the nature of Nick Fury."

"SHIELD claims to be acting for humanity, but in fact it is America's lackey."

"Captain Marvel Carol Danvers is the last trump card on Black Braised Egg's side."

"If Carol Danvers doesn't help him, then he won't have any means to counterattack."

"Whether it's despicable or not at this time is not part of his consideration."

"What he just wants to preserve in his heart is that the United States is still strong and has the power to control the wind and rain in its hands."

Tony wasn't that angry because he already knew what Nick Fury would do to deal with him.

Otherwise, Nick Fury has no reason to stop him and lead mankind to realize the ideal of going to the stars.

Once the pattern of human society changes.

From Nick Fury's perspective, I know that his impression of SHIELD is not that good.

So even if his plan succeeds, SHIELD will most likely cease to exist.

To put it bluntly, although Nick Fury has not been completely assimilated by many United Nations politicians and the American military, he will protect the people when necessary.

But Nick Fury has been immersed in the feeling of power over the years.

As long as you give an order, you can have money, people, and weapons.

And because he is the director of SHIELD, he knows many secrets that ordinary people don't know.

Who doesn't love this sense of superiority that seems to be above all living things and mocks the ignorance of others.

Just like when Nick Fury first met him, even though he relied on his own brains to develop the Ark reactor and steel armor.

He can defeat Nick Fury countless times in a single round.

But Nick Fury still looks as proud as you have never seen the real market.

The character of Nick Fury has already been revealed.

Nick Fury is the kind of person who knows more about the world and I protect your safety.

Although you don't know what I do, you need to respect me.

This feeling derived from power and knowledge filled Nick Fury's heart with arrogance.

This kind of arrogance makes Nick Fury think that what he does is the most correct, and it is also correct to speculate on others with malicious intentions.

Even at that time, he lowered his face and asked Rennolly and others to come and help.

Nick Fury's first thought was not that this was a good thing, but whether the friend he called back would bring disaster to Blue Star.

And Nick Fury especially likes to accuse others from a moral perspective, and then wants to order others.

Tony saw through Nick Fury's ridiculous character that he thought he was the only one who was right, so he didn't bother to follow Nick Fury's command.

If Nick Fury were like Irani Leal, who was recognized by the whole family as a truly peaceful and wise person.

It's not like Tony can't listen to Nick Fury's orders.

But it's a pity that Nick Fury obviously doesn't have the structure and ambition of Irani Lell.

This can be seen from Harvey's evaluation of the Xandar Empire. It is more useful to keep the Xandar Empire than to destroy it.

Although it sounds cruel, because the survival of the Xandar Empire is under the control of others, but because of this, this can be said to be a very high evaluation.

Even if life or death is not up to you, as long as you have a role to play, you can gain some living space for yourself, and you may even receive some protection because of the contained role.

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