I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 478 Traitor of humanity?

Harvey has just returned to the Blue Star Villa.

The villa was kept spotless, and there were no outstanding bills such as water and electricity.

Even the clothes placed in the cloakroom are neatly arranged.

Obviously Tony has always fulfilled his promise.

When he is not at Blue Star, he will look after his own property for him.

So Harvey took off his armor and returned to his original appearance. He took out a set of comfortable home clothes from the cloakroom and put them on.

Harvey took out a bottle of carbonated drink directly from the refrigerator and watched Tony's situation with interest while drinking it.

On Xandar there is the fun of Xandar, and on Blue Star there is the fun of Blue Star.

Tony's plan this time will bring many changes to Blue Star and will also bring many things that could not be predicted in the past.

At this time, Peter Parker, the Spider-Man in America, has also awakened as Spider-Man.

I just don’t know if Peter Parker will still admire Tony Stark in this life.

After all, in the past, Tony's main scope of activities became the universe.

The lines that lead to Tony and Peter Parker's intersection have gone a bit awry.

Peter Parker has become a good hero who helps his neighbors, but it's hard to say whether he will join the Avengers.

Harvey looked at Peter Parker, who was submissive and lacked the courage to face the woman he liked in school, and stopped paying too much attention.

Peter Parker is a good hero with a righteous heart, but he is too young and not mature enough.

So it's easy to do bad things with good intentions. Wait until Peter Parker has experienced some events and grown up.

And now the highlight is Captain Marvel.

At this time, a communication came from the cosmic communicator.

Harvey took one look and connected directly, and Odin's figure appeared in front of Harvey.

"Odin, what's wrong?"

Harvey looked at the appearance of this figure and asked casually.

"You came back just in time. Are you also paying attention to the whereabouts of Captain Marvel Carol Danvers?"

After Odin's projection appeared, he sat directly on the sofa opposite Harvey and said with a smile.

Originally, Odin thought that since Kassadin was back, he didn't have to worry about this matter at all.

However, he still wanted to talk to Kassadin about Captain Marvel and wanted to know what Kassadin thought of Captain Marvel. Anyway, he was idle.

"Of course, Carol Danvers' strength cannot be underestimated."

"You should know that in terms of strength, she is not inferior to your daughter Hela."

After hearing this, Harvey also knew Odin's intention and said casually.

"Compared to my daughter, she is just as good as me at best."

"In terms of intelligence and means, she is far behind my daughter."

"If my daughter regains her powers, at least she will be able to detect that she is being watched."

“And I won’t be so gullible with other people’s one-sided words.”

Odin heard Kassadin's words and spoke.

Although Hela betrayed Asgard, it does not mean that Odin will demote his daughter to nothing because of it.

"Her single ability and simple mind are her only and most fatal flaws."

"But it was decades ago when the two of them met."

"At that time, Nick Fury had not yet become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and was at the top of human society."

"Still full of passion and justice."

"It's just that you don't understand how easily power can confuse people."

Harvey did not deny Odin's opinion after hearing this. He looked at the situation on Tony's side and spoke.

"Even close friends and relatives can be deceived."

"Her journey in the universe was too smooth because of her excessive power."

"Let him already have arrogance in his heart and think that he is not afraid of all threats, including deception."

Odin heard Kassadin's comments and had some kind words for Carol Danvers.

It stands to reason that Carol Danvers, who has been walking in the universe for many years, cannot be unaware of the recent major events that have shaken the universe, nor can she be unaware of the horror of the Void Cult.

The gods of Olympus did not dare to move, so they reserved careful observation.

Carol Danvers knew that interfering in this matter would involve the behemoth Void Cult, but she still decided to intervene. This is a sign of arrogance and lack of caution and maturity.

But it all boils down to Carol Danvers being too young.

"Arrogance is the path for every strong man."

"Carol Danvers is going through this process now."

"It's just that you have to pay a price for being arrogant."

Of course, Harvey could hear the hidden meaning in Odin's words, and expressed his position directly.

After he obtained the power of the void, he did not think that he was invincible at the beginning.

Instead, he was extremely cautious until he truly had enough power to escape from Blue Star.

After making sure that even if he is targeted by Gu Yi or chased by Gu Yi, he has the ability to protect himself.

He just started his series of actions until he grew to where he is now.

If he was stupid and arrogant from the beginning.

Ancient One will also long for eternity and will definitely want to obtain the power of the void.

The result of him taking the initiative to come to his door would probably be his death.

"Is the price you are talking about death, or is it more terrible than death?"

When Odin heard Harvey's words, he felt a chill in his heart and asked.

"She didn't want to kill Tony Stark, but she wanted to capture Tony Stark and use it as a bargaining chip to negotiate with me."

"This is a wise move. Although she is arrogant, she is not arrogant enough to think that offending our Void God Religion is a good thing."

"But the wisest choice is to make a decision after truly understanding the situation."

"Instead of just listening to one side of the story and thinking that those who don't kill me can use this to threaten me and negotiate with me."

"If you want to gain a foothold in the universe, your bargaining chips don't rely on such little tricks."

Harvey's eyes became indifferent, and his words became extremely indifferent.

Now the only things that scare him are some monsters from the multiverse, so it's up to him to decide whether to be merciful or not.

Even if Tony Stark dies, Harvey can immediately call Gao Tianzun over to resurrect him.

Others don't know Gao Tianzun's resurrection restrictions, but Harvey knows it clearly.

"Then keep reading."

Odin heard this and knew that he could not intercede for Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, who was born in the Nine Realms, and let Kassadin let him go.

It has been decades since Carol Danvers gained her powers and gained some good reputation in the universe.

But I have never really seen an existence more powerful than it, so even though I know that the Void God Religion cannot be easily offended, I still try to deal with the Void God Religion with luck.

If Carol Danvers hadn't bumped into a few powerful people at the pinnacle level of the universe, she would indeed have the arrogant capital and strength.

Even if his daughter Hela regains her divine power and stays in Asgard for a period of time.

At most, there is a mutual victory or defeat with Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, but neither side can do anything to the other in terms of life and death.

After all, Carol Danvers can fly faster than light, and there are not many people in the entire universe who can catch her.

But the enemy that Carol Danvers proactively provokes next is an existence that makes the gods fear her.

"Well, do you want a carbonated drink?"

Harvey asked casually with a smile on his face when he saw that Odin did not persuade him.

"Carbonated drinks, let's try one."

Odin heard Kassadin's words and had never drank carbonated drinks, so he glanced at the Pepsi in Harvey's hand.

Odin reached out and opened the refrigerator door, and a bottle of carbonated drink was directly put into Odin's hand.

Afterwards, Odin took a sip and felt that the taste was very good, but it was a bit pungent and lacked the smell of various fruits and plants.

"Miss Sonia probably won't let you drink this kind of thing."

Odin immediately understood the nature of carbonated drinks and spoke.

This kind of thing is a complete mixture of science and technology. For people of their status, anyone who manages the diet will not send this kind of thing up.

Miss Sonia is the Void Divine Envoy of the Void Cult. She manages many important tasks but is also the person responsible for Kassadin's diet.

Therefore, Kassadin would probably not be able to drink something like this with additives.

"You really can't see this kind of thing on Void Island."

"So I will have a drink when I come to Blue Star."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Although it's not healthy, the taste is really exciting."

Hearing this, Odin could understand Harvey's thoughts and picked up the drink and continued to drink.

While the two were talking and laughing, they had been keeping an eye on Captain Marvel's movements.

at the same time.

After Tony dealt with Ross, he asked Jarvis to monitor the movements of various politicians.

He was waiting for the arrival of Captain Marvel Carol Danvers at Stark Manor.

As long as Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, is in trouble that is way beyond his ability to deal with.

The troubles he encountered after that were just minor troubles. As long as he thought of a way, he could solve them with his own ability.

Tony left the Stark Manor villa directly and came to the grass outside the villa.

He already knows that Captain Marvel only intends to capture him to threaten Harvey, not to kill him, so he has nothing to fear.

"Mr. Tony, Captain Marvel has set off."

Jarvis's voice came.

After Tony heard this, he also started counting the seconds.

According to the location, the distance between Captain Marvel Carol Danvers and her side is more than 800 kilometers.

"one two three four……"

Just when Tony counted to four, a blond woman wearing a battle suit, exuding golden light, descended from the sky.

The moment Tony sees Carol Danvers.

Tony's armor immediately rolled up the frost, and the gold and red armor turned into silver-white, directly entering the void mode where the void frost erodes and changes.

A bone-chilling ice storm rolled up in the surrounding world.

"Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, a long-awaited name."

Tony's figure was within the storm, and his voice echoed throughout the world.

Captain Marvel has an average speed of two hundred kilometers per second. He can still maintain such a high speed within the planet without damaging any surrounding buildings.

Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, who was able to get Harvey to specifically mention her name, is truly extraordinary.

"Tony Stark, Harbinger of the Void."

"This is humankind's planet, not your Void God Cult's planet."

"You voluntarily gave up your identity as a human being and joined the Void Cult to become a monster. This way you gained great power. It was your choice.

"I'm fine with that."

"But since you are no longer a human being, go back to the Void Cult now."

"Blue Star doesn't need traitors to humanity."

"Although you have already taken action, let's see before you make a big mistake."

"As long as you give up your plan, leave Blue Star and ensure that the Void God Religion will never have any plans for Blue Star again."

"Then I can spare your life."

When Captain Marvel Carol Danvers saw the sudden change in aura and anticipated Tony Stark's arrival, he faintly sensed something was wrong, but he still issued an expulsion declaration.

"Go back to the Void Cult?"

"A traitor to humanity who actively chooses to join the Void Cult is a monster?"

"Hahahaha~ Do you know what you are talking about?"

Tony saw Captain Marvel issuing an expulsion order as soon as he came up, with disdain for joining the Void Cult in his words.

He originally wanted to have a good chat with Captain Marvel.

As long as Captain Marvel understands, then they may not have to fight each other with swords, and they may even be able to cooperate.

But as soon as these words came out, Tony didn't know why such thoughts immediately disappeared.

"I don't want to do it again."

"Your strength is useless in front of me."

"Leaving Blue Star is the only way you can choose to survive."

Captain Marvel heard the deafening laughter, looked at Tony Stark who exuded a violent aura and looked extremely terrifying, frowned and said.

"Regardless of the level of strength."

"Captain Marvel, follow what you just said."

"In other words, the power you possess is not something you actively choose to possess, but something you are passive or even forced to possess, so you are not considered a monster."

"And people like us who joined the Void God Religion to become strong are the kind of people who actively choose to become monsters?"

When Tony heard this, he looked at Captain Marvel with sarcastic eyes.

"Not only that, I had no choice but to passively obtain the power and use it on the right path."

"But you use your power for evil purposes and bully the weak. This is the difference between us."

"But I'm not here to talk with you."

"Traitor of humanity, hurry back to the Void Cult."

Captain Marvel’s Carol Danvers speaks in a very domineering manner.

"You're not here to talk to me, but I do want to have a chat with you."

"If you are not like-minded, and use more powerful power to kill those who are weaker than yourself, and solve or prevent the actions of the weaker ones, you are bullying the weak."

"What you are doing now is not using more powerful force to achieve what you want to achieve."

"What's the difference between you and me?"

"Just because you think you are stronger, you can call yourself righteous based on your one-sided preferences and understanding without knowing the truth of the matter, and then you can define evil for others?"

Tony seemed to be asking rhetorically, but his words were full of ridicule.

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