I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 480 Killing people also requires heart-breaking

Captain Marvel reaches out and is about to imprison Tony Stark.

"You are the one who is so stupid."

"To this day, I still believe the one-sided words of your friend Nick Fury."

"You deserve to be used as a gunman and put yourself in a desperate situation."

"And the last thing you should do is talk about the Void God Religion."

"This is a crime for which even I cannot intercede for you."

Tony saw Captain Marvel's hand getting closer and closer to him, showing an indifferent look as if he was seeing a dead thing.

Captain Marvel's eyes shrank when he heard these words.

Tony Stark didn't feel like she was about to die, but rather like she was in a desperate situation where she was about to die.

This made Captain Marvel have a lot of thoughts in his mind, but at the moment he just grabbed Tony Stark.

So Captain Marvel speeds up, just in time to catch Tony Stark.

A black hole in the void appeared behind Tony, and a figure appeared from it in silver robes and golden armor.

The appearance of this figure made Captain Marvel feel like he was being stared at by death. His hair stood on end and his forward momentum stopped instantly and he retreated.

But as soon as Captain Marvel retreated, the man in golden armor disappeared in front of him.

At the same time, Captain Marvel found that the energy wrapped around his body was broken, and his hands were directly grabbed.

"Did I let you go?"

A voice like a devil's whisper sounded behind Carol Danvers.

"Am I caught?"

It wasn't these words that frightened Carol Danvers, it was the fact that she was captured in an instant.

And this enemy can directly break through the power of her twin stars.

Is it really possible for someone to do this?

"Kassadin, you are so fast."

"I also plan to help intercept it, but it seems that I don't need to take action anymore."

At this time, a helpless voice sounded from above Captain Marvel.

This made Captain Marvel look up.

An extremely handsome man wearing a golden helmet and battle armor, with no breath showing from his body, appeared in the sky at some point.

But compared to the appearance of this man, the name this man mentioned made Captain Marvel feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body shivered.

"Tony Stark, Herald of the Void, pays homage to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and Lord Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms."

At this time Tony's voice also sounded.

Although he usually calls Odin Mr. Odin, the name he calls this thing naturally changes according to the occasion and situation.

"Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms?"

Captain Marvel heard Tony's name for another unknown strong man who appeared, and looked at the handsome man slowly descending above with disbelief.

"Captain Marvel Carol Danvers."

"You are a citizen of the Nine Realms, and I am the Lord of the Nine Realms."

"If I see you normally, I will say hello to you."

"But what you did was not good, and you came to provoke the Void God Cult."

"Your arrogance in the past may not have paid a price."

"But you always have to understand that arrogance has a price to pay."

God King Odin was also very impressed by the shocked look in Captain Marvel's eyes, and there was some regret in his words.

After all, even he would not dare to intercede for the enemy that Kassadin, the God of the Void, is targeting.

Originally, even if Kassadin took action, he might not go too far towards Captain Marvel, and a small punishment might be enough.

After all, it doesn't make sense for adults to bully children.

But as Tony said just now, Captain Marvel committed a crime that none of them could explain clearly, and directly attacked the Void Cult.

So what the end will be, Odin is not sure.

Captain Marvel heard these regretful words and wanted to break free from Kassadin's restraints.

But when her hands tried to struggle, there was a "pop!"

The Void Blade directly penetrated Captain Marvel's abdomen, and a terrifying energy eroded into it.


The severe pain from the sharp blade piercing his body and the severe pain in his body made Captain Marvel scream and break out in cold sweat.

Instinctively, he wanted to activate the energy in his body, but Captain Marvel found that he could not mobilize the above-mentioned energy that moved at will, and it was all imprisoned by an unknown and terrifying energy.

It was impossible to stop the bleeding from his injuries, let alone add stronger protection to his body.

At this time, Captain Marvel was kicked directly on the back, and his body turned into a meteor and fell to the ground.

With a sound of "Boom!", a big pit appeared on the ground.


More than a dozen waves of power continuously erupted in Captain Marvel's body, impacting her internal organs. The blood flowed and the severe pain constantly stimulated Captain Marvel's nerves, making her unable to help crying.

But before she could wailing for long, a figure descended from the sky and stepped directly on her chest.

Captain Marvel looked at the terrifying figure in silver robes and gold armor stepping on his body.

From those golden and indifferent eyes, Captain Marvel felt like an ant.

"I thought you were walking in the universe and heard about the reputation of the Void God Cult."

"You should know who can and cannot be provoked in the current universe."

"It's not impossible for you to try to challenge the power of our Void Divine Religion out of luck."

"As long as you are not hypocritical and plan to take action based on your own selfish desires regardless of right and wrong."

"It's about making a judgment of right and wrong after fully understanding it, and then deciding whether to intervene in the matter."

"So even if you don't believe in Tony Stark's abilities, you're worried that he won't be able to save Blue Star."

"Intended to prevent Tony Stark's ideals and plans to lead his hometown Blue Star into the interstellar era."

"I will also forgive your offense. After all, Tony Stark's ideals and plans do have some hidden dangers."

"But I far overestimated your arrogance and has begun to become stupid because you accidentally gained great power."

"You didn't even try to understand the plan the whole time."

"You even dare to slander our Void God Religion, thinking that actively seeking power means becoming a monster?"

"What's wrong with a weak person's pursuit of becoming a strong person? Don't underestimate the belief that a weak person desires to become a strong person."

"You are just a little bit more lucky than others. You got the power by chance."

"Otherwise you would have died at the hands of your then commander Yon Rogge."

"You can't forget, let alone forget."

"When the weak face the desperate situation brought by the strong, they long for the ability to protect themselves and resist, but they are unable to protect themselves and resist. They can only rely on the sorrow caused by the kindness of others."

"Just like you are now."

Harvey looked down at Captain Marvel, who was wrapped in the power of the void and as fragile as an ant, and said indifferently.

Captain Marvel does not have immortality, nor does he have any weird magical means. He only has a single and powerful ability derived from the powerful body and speed brought by the power of the twin stars.

In the past, Harvey had too few evolutions and insufficient means, so he was just afraid of Captain Marvel.

Now that his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes from the past, Captain Marvel is not much different from an ant in front of him.

Because all of Captain Marvel's strength is due to the power of the twin stars in his body.

So as long as the operation of the power of the twin stars in Captain Marvel's body is blocked, Captain Marvel will be nothing more than a lamb to be slaughtered.

Harvey always thought that Captain Marvel had never forgotten the sorrow of being weak, so he always wanted to help others.

But now it seems that Nick Fury's character has changed, and Carol Danvers's character has also quietly changed.

Carol Danvers's arrogant character of believing that she is absolutely correct and her tendency to make wrong judgments without fully understanding the situation has led to countless unjust cases.

Odin, Tony, and Pepper, who had been watching the show peacefully in the villa, were shocked when they heard these words.

These words can be said to have given them confirmation of their choice to join the Void Cult.

It may be that Lord Kassadin understands the sorrow of the weak and understands the weak's desire to become the strong.

That's why they were given a chance to seek a longer lifespan and the hope of becoming strong.

Sure enough, what Kassadin said was more convincing than others.


When Carol Danvers heard Kassadin's words and even mentioned her long-dead commander, her heart trembled and she wanted to say something.

But the severe pain caused Carol Danvers to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"How about it, now life and death are completely controlled by the kindness of others."

"Does it remind you of the sadness you felt when you were a weakling?"

Harvey saw Carol Danvers' trembling eyes and said indifferently.

If Captain Marvel wasn't so arrogant, completely trusting him would be a small punishment at best.

It would be enough to give Captain Marvel a good beating and let him know that there is a world outside the world.

However, Captain Marvel’s arrogant words make no distinction between right and wrong and define people as traitors and monsters.

Harvey asked her to see what cruelty means when the strong define everything.

"I mercifully ask you to talk to the friend who has concealed his own selfish desires and put you in this desperate situation."

"After all, this is your last meeting."

There was some sarcasm in Harvey's words as he thought about Nick Fury who would make Captain Marvel so stupid.

Then a black hole in the void appeared directly, and Nick Fury fell out of it, smashing to pieces.

"Nick Fury."

"Seeing the ultimate trump card that I have been relying on, knowing that it will put the other party in danger."

"But because of his own selfish desires, he concealed something and actually fell into a situation of imminent death."

"Can you tell me how you feel at this time?"

"And is there anything you want to say to her?"

But then a smiling voice sounded, causing Nick Fury to wake up immediately.

Nick Fury saw Captain Marvel lying on the ground with his abdomen pierced by a sharp blade, his whole body eroded by a burst of purple energy, and his vitality was gone.

Odin and Tony felt a little trembling in their hearts when they saw that Kassadin actually brought Nick Fury over to ask questions.

This is killing people and killing your heart.

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