I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 481 Ugly Human Nature

Nick Fury looked at the seriously injured Captain Marvel with dull eyes.

Captain Marvel was a powerful being that could directly destroy alien civilizations by launching a large number of terrorist missiles.

Even an extremely huge space battleship is like a toy in front of Captain Marvel, easily destroyed.

And Captain Marvel has the ability to fly directly in the universe at super-light speed and travel to other planets.

So even Nick Fury in recent years.

Met Iron Man Tony Stark, Hulk Banner, Thor, God of Tricks Loki.

Witnessing the Chitauri attack, Nick Fury thought they were just a bunch of kids compared to Captain Marvel.

They all have some strength but are not so powerful that they can ignore everything.

The most terrifying and immeasurable thing he had ever seen was the demon Harvey Ambelaka.

He knew that Harvey was terrifying, but he still had expectations for Captain Marvel, thinking that Captain Marvel would definitely have the ability to challenge Harvey head-on.

But now I see how stupid my idea is.

"Feel sorry……."

Nick Fury looked at Captain Marvel and had a lot to say, but in the end he just uttered this word.

Captain Marvel's eyes trembled when he heard this apology.

This sentence undoubtedly confirmed that Nick Fury came back to help him and concealed many matters.

"I won't let you die."

"Harvey, no, I should call you Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Please forgive our recklessness, we will never go against you again."

"No matter what you want us to do, please spare us once."

"We are ignorant and blinded by stupidity. Please forgive us again."

Nick Fury looked at Kassadin, who looked extremely domineering in white robes and gold armor and a mask, exuding a solemn aura. He lowered his head and begged for forgiveness.

"You know clearly that I spared your lives last time, but you still foolishly thought you could provoke me."

"Your performance reminded me of something."

“What evil people like most is to use force to suppress others and force to suppress others.”

"But when evil people find that force and force are useless, they will try to reason with others."

"Your kneeling and the value you represent are worthless to me."

"The opportunity has been given to you once, and there will be no next time."

"Say your last words. This is the last time you two have."

When Harvey saw Nick Fury kneeling down and begging for mercy, a sarcastic look appeared in his eyes, directly announcing the death of both of them.

At first, he saw that Coulson was not too annoying, plus Tony's plea.

Hei Braised Egg had been spared once, knowing that he had given a warning that he would die if he did it again.

Nick Fury is trying to do the same thing again this time, but nothing in the world is so good.

"This is the world of God King Odin. If you are cruel and cruel, you will kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"God King Odin will definitely not sit idly by, so please think again."

When Nick Fury heard that he was about to die, his brain spun rapidly, hoping to find a chance for himself.

Blue Star's mercenary Death, Kassadin, once said it himself.

The Nine Realms are protected by Odin, the god-king of Asgard, so alien civilizations dare not easily come here to cause trouble.

From what Kassadin said personally, he must be afraid of God King Odin.

It's just that it's okay not to say these words. Captain Marvel's eyes immediately dimmed as soon as he said these words.

Because Odin is nearby now, and he is obviously with the God of the Void, Kassadin.

God King Odin and Void God Kassadin both support Tony Stark's plan to lead Blue Star into the interstellar era.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have taken action.

"Odin, what do you think of what he said?"

When Harvey heard this, he looked at Odin who was watching the show, and there was some teasing in his words.

"This is just what he meant, not what I meant."

"The Nine Realms is my territory, but it is also the territory of the Void God Religion."

"They don't know the heights of the world, trying to capture Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void, to threaten the Void Cult."

"Death is not a pity for this crime."

Odin felt Kassadin looking at him and quickly distanced himself from the relationship.

He now knew how Gao Tianzun's immortality was broken by Kassadin.

That is, Kassadin directly uses the power of the void to block the energy circulation in other people's bodies, causing the enemy to lose his strongest support.

Strong people have something to rely on for survival, and this reliance is usually various forces within the body.

For example, his power of Odin, Gao Tianzun's power of the universe, the magic power of the Supreme Mage, Captain Marvel's power of the twin stars, etc.

As long as you cannot control the full power of the power within your body, your strength will be slim to none.

The ability shown by Kassadin, even if it does not deprive him of the divine power in his body.

When facing Kassadin in a head-on fight, he must be extremely careful, otherwise once the divine power in his body is blocked, he will become a lamb to be slaughtered.

No matter who he goes against, he won't go against Kassadin.

When Nick Fury heard these words, he looked in the direction of the sound in disbelief.

Only then did I realize that there was a handsome man with bright blond hair who looked like he was thirty years old. Is this man the God King Odin?

And the Nine Realms have been merged into the power of the Void God Religion?

What kind of force is the Void Cult in the universe?

"Danvers, why don't you tell me what the Void Cult represents in the universe?"

This made Nick Fury look at Captain Marvel in great shock and asked incomprehensibly.

Previously, Carol Danvers said that he did not understand the situation of the universe, so it would be troublesome to explain, so he just skipped it.

As soon as this posture and these words came out, Captain Marvel's originally dim eyes showed anger when he heard these accusing words.

"When I ask you what exactly Tony Stark's plan is."

"Have you told me the truth?"

"I haven't blamed you for not telling the truth and putting me in a situation where I'm about to die. Now you're blaming me instead?"

"I treat you as a friend, what do you think of me?"

"Nick Fury, tell me!"

Captain Marvel endured the severe pain all over his body and roared hysterically.

Nick Fury's accusation undoubtedly completely verified Tony Stark's sarcasm against him just now.

He deserves to be used as a gunman, and he is in a desperate situation without knowing it.


Nick Fury was yelled at by Captain Marvel, and he immediately realized the meaning of what he just said, and his eyes were a little dodgey, not knowing what to say.

"A person who has lost his original intention due to power and wants to maintain his power at all costs has become a power-obsessed person."

"A man who got power by chance never encountered any setbacks again. He began to be arrogant and forget the sorrow of being a weakling, and became a hypocrite."

"Now that life and death are no longer free of one's will, they start blaming each other."

"It's so ugly."

Harvey saw Captain Marvel's hysterical yelling and Nick Fury's escape. Everyone could hear the contempt and ridicule in his words.

The hypocrisy of Captain Marvel is that he always relies on the power he got by chance to do whatever he wants, but he thinks he is doing justice.

If it was really so just, then it would be impossible to be unable to refute Tony's doubts, and in the end he would become so angry that he would use force to suppress him.

And those who actively seek power by talking nonsense are actively becoming monsters.

To put it bluntly, Captain Marvel enjoys the accidental power in his body and is admired and admired by countless people. He has long lost his original good heart and has become a hypocritical person.

As soon as Kassadin said these words, Captain Marvel also came to his senses, his eyes trembling a little.

I am as powerful as I think I am, but I am not as kind and righteous as I think I am.

As Tony Stark said, everything about her comes from a personal standpoint and she does whatever she wants to do.

The terrifying power of the void erupted directly from Harvey's feet, eroding Captain Marvel's body.


Captain Marvel kept trembling all over, and let out painful wails from his mouth.

"If you are lucky enough to get power in your next life, just act honestly and follow your heart."

"If you dare to do something and speak out, even if you are considered a villain by countless people, I respect you as a person."

"But while he calls himself a hero and accuses others from the standpoint of morality and justice, he is doing unjust things that are not consistent with what he said."

"You are just the villain you always thought you were."

"It's just that you have been arrogant and stupid without realizing it."

Harvey looked indifferently at the wailing Captain Marvel at his feet and said coldly.

Nick Fury was about to speak when he saw Captain Marvel looking like this.

But Harvey did not forget Nick Fury, and a flame transformed from the power of the void directly enveloped Nick Fury.

While the void flame burned Nick Fury, it also hung Nick Fury's life.

"It can be said that Carol Danvers has the power to end up where she is now due to being too arrogant, but after all, she is still a top-level powerhouse in the universe."

"Although he is a villain, at least his arrogance comes from his great strength."

"As for you, you black braised egg, you haven't even really stepped out of Blue Star. You have never really understood the true pattern of Blue Star or the situation of the universe."

"It's even more sad to be stupid enough to think that you can't look down upon everything after seeing the world."

"After seeing the space battleships of the Kree Empire when I was young, and seeing the powerful world of the universe."

"The world you are exposed to is different from ordinary people."

"You should understand that dignity and truth are all based on the power you have."

"Instead of relying on the so-called morality and law and others."

"Knowing how powerful power is, you must pursue it even if you have to pay some price to obtain it, and you may risk your life."

"Because only in this way can fate be in one's own hands, instead of relying on the kindness of others."

"But you have been blinded by power and wealth for so many years."

"Being greedy for life and fearful of death makes all the difference in human society, without ever thinking about improving oneself even half a point."

"But he keeps using morality to kidnap other people's consciences and talks arrogantly about them."

“I always want others to make a difference, but I am enjoying myself.”

"It's so sad."

Harvey ignored Nick Fury, who couldn't even utter a cry, as if he were looking at a humble reptile that was insignificant.

Harvey has never thought of recruiting Nick Fury to join the Void.

Because Nick Fury is the kind of person who holds high the stick of justice to oppress good people, and is despicable and arrogant to achieve his own goals.

Nick Fury was worse off than dead at this time. Hearing these comments about his life, a revolving door of life appeared in front of him.

I saw myself who originally wanted to fight for justice, and I saw the shock of seeing an alien civilization.

Seeing that after years of searching for different heroes, S.H.I.E.L.D. also obtained many wonderful treasures.

There have been many times in his life where he could have reached different turning points in history, but he never imagined that he would become a powerful hero.

What he did in the past and why he is still alive today is not because he is strong enough to protect himself and do whatever he wants.

Everything stems from the heroes he looked down on, their consciences and fear of the military due to the environment of modern society.

For example, the honest man Bruce Banner, the Hulk.

It's because Nick Fury knows that even Bruce Banner knows that he is using him.

He was also convinced that Bruce Banner didn't want to hurt innocent people, so he couldn't go on a rampage on the air battleship at that time.

The end we have now can be said to be the result of our own fault.

He had been fine because of the kindness of the kind people he bullied, but he provoked the devil Harvey.

Then he would completely put his life and death into the hands of an extremely powerful demon.

Harvey sent Captain Marvel directly on his way.

Nick Fury was burned for several minutes, and his wailing voice became extremely hoarse like a ghost after being tortured, and his body was reduced to ashes.


"But why don't you sign a slave contract with Captain Marvel?"

"She doesn't look very good-looking, but her strength is still pretty good."

Odin saw Kassadin killing both of them, and he didn't feel much about Nick Fury's death, but he still had some regrets about Captain Marvel.

"I gave her a chance to live."

"But she not only failed to make a choice worthy of my life."

"It doesn't even show the special value that allows me to give her the opportunity to become my slave and live in this world."

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

The reason why Gao Tianzun is qualified to survive is entirely because the ability that Gao Tianzun possesses is too valuable.

Being able to resurrect her is an indispensable means that Harvey cannot use at the moment.

As for a person like Captain Marvel who is powerful but has a single ability, he has no value at all.

Nowadays, there are few who are better than Captain Marvel Carol Danvers in the Void Cult.

But in the future, if you are better than Captain Marvel, you can not just find anyone, but you can still find more than ten people who are better than Captain Marvel.

And he has given Carol Danvers a chance to take a hard look at the nature of Captain Marvel now.

The best outcome is that Captain Marvel was beaten and let go.

As a result, Captain Marvel actually bombarded the Void Cult and made nonsense. Such people are not qualified to become his slaves.

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