Harvey and Tony talked a lot and directly taught Tony how to transform.

Although Tony couldn't directly transform into a steel suit, it was not difficult to transform into a variety of clothes.

Tony then learned from Harvey's mouth the purpose of his visit to Blue Star.

"Is the apprentice of the Supreme Mage Ancient One about to be born?"

Tony was a little surprised when he heard Harvey's words.

"Compared with birth, birth is more appropriate."

"He was born a long time ago, but the time has not come yet, so he has not yet become the successor of the Supreme Mage."

Harvey heard Tony use the word "birth" and corrected him.

"Has it been born a long time ago?"

"Then why doesn't the Supreme Mage just accept him as his disciple and educate him to grow up?"

"If I were to choose the successor, I would definitely cultivate his character and abilities, and then I would be able to rest assured."

Tony didn't understand even more when he heard this.

The Supreme Mage Ancient One can see into the future, if the successor has amazing potential.

Then shouldn't we find a way to take him as a disciple and train him personally when he is born?

"The Supreme Mage also has rules that she has to abide by."

"And if you cultivate it yourself, you will indeed feel at ease, but it will only create people with completely similar personalities to yourself, or it may lead to the opposite."

"The inheritance of strength is not about finding people who are exactly like you."

"It's about looking for people who share the same philosophy as you, and you don't have to stick to one style."

"That would kill the possibility of strength growth."

"Magic sometimes requires sticking to the rules, but it also requires unique flexibility and innovation."

"Moreover, magic is very dependent on talent. As long as you are gifted and can learn it, you can do it even if you don't have to train it from an early age."

Harvey heard this and spoke.

Ancient One himself is not a conservative, otherwise he would not use Dormammu's dark power.

Ancient One has also been looking for a suitable successor through the future, but he has never found a suitable successor until Stephen Strange appeared.

Stephen Strange was a skilled neurosurgeon before becoming Doctor Strange.

It proves that he has an extremely smart brain, developed a proud character, and also has a meticulous and meticulous style of work.

After Stephen Strange experienced the decadence of his hands and his arrogant character changed, he had all the necessary factors to become a successor.

"Listening to what you said, I'm a little curious about who the successor of the Supreme Mage is."

After hearing what Harvey said, Tony thought about the necessity of growth, and he also developed some curiosity in his heart.

It is not an easy thing to be chosen as the successor by a powerful person at the pinnacle level of the universe.

The talent needs to be amazing enough, the person needs to be trustworthy, and the person needs to have high enough growth potential.

All three are indispensable, and the requirements to meet the standards are expected to be very high.

"I won't tell you who it is, your meeting won't be too far away."

"At most, it will be next year."

"I'll see if I can get him to join the Void Cult as a magic instructor."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"That's really something to look forward to."

"But Loki has been eyeing the position of magic instructor for a long time."

Tony heard that Harvey wanted to create the next generation of Supreme Mage, and even planned to let him directly become a magic mentor.

The peak of the Supreme Mage is the pinnacle of the universe, although it has not yet grown up.

However, after receiving the inheritance, it is not strange for Harvey to personally win over him.

Harvey has been coveting the Supreme Mage Ancient One for a long time, but he is not easy to win over.

Otherwise, it would not be the turn of the Supreme Mage to succeed, who has not seen any great success in the world.

"The Void Cult has never stipulated a magic instructor, there can only be one."

Of course, Harvey also knew that Loki was working hard now, which was to gain his recognition and hold a public position in the Void Cult.

If Loki has grown to a certain level and has done nothing unethical during his growth.

Harvey doesn't mind letting Loki be a magic tutor, but it remains to be seen when Loki has not grown up enough to appoint him.

"Loki would be happy if he knew."

“But speaking of magic.

"I heard from Loki that Wanda seems to be a born witch."

"What do you think about Wanda's potential and personality? Can you tell me your opinion and give me some advice?"

Tony heard these words and knew that Loki hadn't gotten a position yet. He just lacked strength and observation. The fact that he wasn't directly rejected meant that Loki had a chance.

But it was also because of the conversation about the future magic instructor of the Void God Religion that Tony asked about some things that he had not had the chance to ask in the past.

"She's not like that, she's just a natural witch. Loki's vision is not bad."

"There is no doubt about the witch's talent."

"As for her personality, what do you think of her now?"

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"Under normal circumstances, Wanda is a kind, gentle and polite woman."

"But when she first wanted to attack me, she always went to the vital points, and even had the mentality of torturing me."

"So I think it's a good thing I didn't offend her. Once Wanda is offended and she gets revenge, she will do anything without hesitation. She has the potential of a crazy woman."

"It is also because of this that I wonder whether Blue Star can safely leave it to Wanda and Pietro to protect it in the future."

"I hold a conservative opinion and need to observe for a while before making any further decisions."

Tony received Harvey's confirmation and was convinced that Wanda would become a strong person in the future, and expressed his views on Wanda.

When you look at a person, you can't just look at the surface, but look at the deep essence revealed by what that person has done.

"Your eyes have also become vicious."

"She does have some extremes deep down in her character."

"But if she wants to become a crazy woman, it requires many factors."

"At present, there is no problem for the time being."

Harvey heard what Tony said about Wanda and complimented her.

Wanda's underlying nature is that of a crazy woman, but there are many crazy women in the world.

The biggest difference between Wanda and those crazy women is that Wanda has extremely terrifying potential.

As long as it comes into contact with the Mind Stone, the magic power in the body and the magic it is born with will be further stimulated, and its strength will increase dramatically.

Then Wanda practices the Dark God Book and grows to the pinnacle level of the universe, only then will she become an almost immortal and crazy woman.

It doesn't matter that Wanda is a crazy woman, the worst thing is that there is no one who can stop this crazy woman, which is the biggest problem.

Wanda, who has studied the Book of Darkness, has many ways to keep herself alive.

That's why Harvey didn't want to recruit her into the Void Cult, lest Wanda's strength would be further enhanced and the possibility of going on a rampage would increase.

"That is to say, try to ensure that she does not receive an excessive blow."

"It would be nice to bring out the extreme side of her personality, right?"

Tony said thoughtfully after hearing Harvey's words.

"Absolutely. Wanda is still too young, but her potential is too strong."

"If you don't have enough experience to support your transformation and growth."

"Once you encounter certain stimuli, it will trigger the extremes deep in your heart.

"It is inevitable that you will not be able to control your inner thoughts that want to destroy everything."

Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this.

"Sounds like an uncertain factor."

Tony frowned slightly when he heard this.

"It's just a possibility. You don't have to worry too much until she gets to that point."

"And even if she grows up to that point and gets provoked and goes berserk, she can find a way to stop her later."

Harvey didn't care much.

As long as Wanda's rampage does not affect the Void Cult in the first place, how Wanda goes berserk is Wanda's own business.

He is not compassionate enough to pity all living beings, and thinks that all injustices in the universe are under his own control.

"If I entrust her with the responsibility in the future, I'll take a closer look."

Tony heard and knew that this was just a possibility, it didn't mean it would definitely happen, but he would not ignore this possibility in his heart.

Even if Harvey didn't say what he thought of Wanda, Tony was in contact with Wanda for the first time.

Wanda's inspection conditions are definitely more stringent than Pietro's.

Because Pietro's character seems carefree, and if no one cares about him, he may become a petty thief if he gets super powers, but he is still a kind and bloody person at heart.

He was blinded by hatred at first, and it was only directed at him personally. After meeting Banner and the others, he also scolded Banner and the others, thinking that they were a group of monsters.

But after Pietro realized his mistake and couldn't reach an agreement, he took the initiative to take the blame and hoped that he could spare Wanda's life.

It can be said that Pietro is a responsible person who will put his own life and death aside when necessary.

Even if it is for the sake of family, not everyone has the mentality of sacrificing oneself for others.

"As for the choice of the future guardian of Blue Star, you can decide this matter yourself."

"I won't make too many comments."

When Harvey heard this, he didn't say he supported Tony's doing this, nor did he say he didn't support it.

Because Tony, Banner, and Steve are currently the guardians of Blue Star.

The result of the three people's serious discussion must be mutually acceptable to them.

Although he has the right to directly make decisions, it is not Harvey's style to interfere too much in the decisions and actions of members of the Void Cult.

As long as the members of the Void Cult do not violate the precepts and do unscrupulous behavior that even their compatriots cannot tolerate, then the way they choose to live is their business.

Pepper kept watching Tony chatting with Mr. Cassadine.

This feeling was like an atmosphere between friends, which Pepper liked very much.

Because Mr. Kassadin's strength is terrifying, he is a bit scary, but his character is also very cruel when facing enemies.

However, when facing the members of the Void Cult, I am more tolerant and easy-going when dealing with them.

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