I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 484 The liquidation begins

After finishing the meal, Harvey left Stark Manor and went home.

Tony contacted Steve and Banner.

Explained the news that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, personally took action to eliminate Captain Marvel and Nick Fury.

"Damn it, Lord Kassadin takes action. We are not asked to take a look at such a big thing."

Steve's projection showed a look of regret on his face.

"I do not know either."

"I thought it was Mr. Odin who came to help, and Mr. Odin was also present."

"It's just that Captain Marvel was too desperate and bombarded the Void Cult, which probably made Master Kassadin very angry."

When Tony heard this, he looked like I didn't expect.

In fact, he knew that if Captain Marvel took action against him, Captain Marvel would never succeed.

Because Mr. Odin has been watching the situation on his side.

I just didn't expect that Kassadin would quietly return to Blue Star.

Regarding Cassadine's villa, Tony did not dare to let Jarvis monitor it.

Even if he ordered it, Jarvis himself probably wouldn't dare to listen.

After all, what Kassadin showed was the power to know the past and the future and see the present.

Jarvis's hands and eyes can be considered to be very good at Blue Star, and he is far less scary than Kassadin.

So he didn't know when Harvey quietly returned to Blue Star.

"I was just joking, I have something to do here."

"But Captain Marvel bombarded the Void Cult."

"Let me think about it, I guess they are claiming to be righteous and say that the Void Cult is a group of monsters."

Steve said with a smile when he saw Tony's serious defense.

"Steve, you've guessed this, and it's almost exactly true."

"As expected of you."

Tony said a little surprised when he heard this.

"Steve, have you talked to Captain Marvel?"

Banner looked at Steve in surprise when he saw Tony's affirmative words.

"I have never dealt with Captain Marvel. I just know that she was a member of the American military in the past. I made my judgment based on past experience."

Faced with the surprised and somewhat flattering words from the two people, Steve showed some embarrassment on his face.

Although he has never dealt with Captain Marvel, he has had this problem in the past.

Captain Marvel Carol Danvers was born in the military, and was a soldier decades ago. He must also have typical Americanism in his heart.

If you want to take action, you will find a just excuse for yourself in advance and define your enemy as the evil party.

The specific method is to like to add a definition to everything that is not in line with one's own values ​​​​or even one's understanding.

However, since Steve joined the Void Cult, went to Void Island, and participated in the war in the Void Land, this problem has disappeared.

The Cult of the Void conquers the land of nothingness. There is no good or evil side. Only the victor has the right to survive.

After the Void God Cult defeated the Land of Void, Miss Sonia became the Void God Envoy of the Void God Cult.

I have never used public opinion or anything else to promote the Void God Religion as a just act.

The treatment of the Land of Nothingness is only after removing human trafficking, other rules remain the same, and the lawless land is still a lawless land.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the war between the Void Cult and the Land of Nothingness is just a black-and-white war.

There are countless people in the universe who are eyeing the wealth and heritage represented by the Collector, but they cannot snatch it away because they cannot defeat Gao Tianzun.

It was finally taken over by the Void God Cult. Even if it was not the Void God Cult, once a super powerful person targeted the collector.

The Void may also fall into the hands of others.

The law of the universe is the real law of the forest where the jungle prevails.

Moreover, in the universe, there are apex powerhouses who are completely above the laws of the universe.

These are beings who can live for who knows how many years.

No matter how you incite public opinion, flaunt yourself or label your enemies.

Once one is targeted by the pinnacle level powerhouse in the universe, all words and laws will be useless.

If you want to survive, you must have the corresponding means and strength.

A truly strong person does not need to make excuses for what he does, he can just do whatever he wants.

If you are a strong person who needs to make excuses, it only proves that you are not strong enough and have something to worry about.

These are the truths that Steve realized after seeing Kassadin, the God of the Void who was truly powerful enough to ignore everything.

Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, never needs to flaunt whether he is righteous or whether the Void God Religion is righteous.

It just shows its own power and lets countless people know that the Void God Cult is a force that cannot be provoked.

"I see, I almost forgot that you used to be in the military."

Banner heard Steve's words, thought about it and understood.

What you have done in the past and the environment you are in will subtly change a person's character.

But now Steve's character has become a lot smoother.

Banner's idea of ​​​​targeting the void before was very simple.

The Land of Nothingness is a lawless place, and the rule inside is that anyone who is strong can be the master of the lawless land.

And the collector has done human trafficking that he cannot tolerate, and he is not the same person.

He felt that it would be as simple as applying to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and leading the team by himself to change the owner of the Void Land.

But as he expected, he called Kyle and Alex to bulldoze the void and deal with the collector.

But Gao Tianzun behind the Collector is ridiculously strong.

So much so that it alarmed the top management of the Void God Religion and turned into an all-out war between the Void God Religion and the Land of the Void.

His idea was neither righteous nor evil, and he never thought about whether he would be admired or despised by countless people after doing so.

Simply because Banner himself couldn't stand what the collector was doing.

And he felt that he had the ability to take over the Land of Nothingness and change the rules that he couldn't tolerate, so he started a war.

Kyle taught Banner a lot of things.

One of the most profound words is that all rules are made by the strong.

It doesn't matter if the weak have a lot of complaints and complaints. As long as they don't have the strength to change the rules, everything is just empty talk.

The weak unite completely, and some may overturn the rules set by the strong.

But unless there is a strong leader who can completely unite the weak, the weak will never become a force.

And after the weak overthrows the strong, they will become the strong who makes the rules, and the dragon slayer will eventually become the evil dragon.

The controller of various sects on Blue Star is also one of the rule makers.

Define those who are opposite to your own ambitions as evil, hold high the weapons of justice and mission and swing your sword at the weaker ones.

No one cared whether the various pagans, witches, etc. in the past were evil.

People care about their own interests, so becoming a strong person whose will and behavior is not influenced by others is the wish of countless weak people.

There is not so much distinction between good and evil in the world.

From different standpoints on the same matter, you think you are the righteous party, and the other party feels the same way.

The fundamental factor that determines whether one's own justice is correct is whether one can survive to dictate the rules.

Now that they have become a member of the strong, they can do what they want as long as they abide by their own bottom line.

Banner benefited a lot from Kyle's teachings.

Banner is still kind to young people and children, as are Tony and Steve.

Their bottom line is that they are willing to give young people who have not yet matured their minds a chance, but they will not be overly merciful.

However, they will show no mercy to their clear enemies.

"Tony, please keep an eye on me regarding the launch of mushroom eggs."

"Otherwise, if Blue Star is destroyed, we will be eternal sinners."

While Steve was chatting with Tony, he heard that American politicians were sorting out their speeches and preparing to criticize them, and he spoke.

"Don't worry, Jarvis has rewritten all their procedures."

"And all their communication equipment is paralyzed, and they cannot transmit information to those moving mushroom egg submarines."

"And the AI-controlled steel armor I made has also been sent to those locations."

"Even if they suddenly decide to launch, my steel armor can prevent them all from launching."

"This matter is all under my control."

Tony heard this and showed a confident smile on his face.

"Okay, let's talk later."

"My goal here has already begun to take action."

Steve nodded at Tony's assurance and turned off the projection.

"I've also started taking action here. Let's talk about it later."

Banner also received a notification from Jarvis.

After the two people's projections were turned off.

"After today, the United States will change hands, and Blue Star's interstellar era is about to begin."

Tony was lying on the lounge chair by the swimming pool, basking in the sun leisurely, with a smile on his face.

Not all politicians in the United States are corrupt, but all politicians who are not corrupt have been impeached or suppressed.

After all, when everyone is in darkness, those who are bright-minded and unwilling to join in the evil will become evil in the eyes of those in darkness.

Therefore, all future politicians and leaders in the United States will be selected by Tony, and those who are truly wise and peace-minded will be brought forward.

Cooperate with Stark Industries to promote various decisions and move towards the goal of a community with a shared future for mankind.

"Whenever, I can be like Kassadin, no matter what, it will be perfect."

Just thinking of the series of plans that followed, Tony looked up at the sky and murmured with some expectation.

But if he wants to reach the level of Kassadin, it doesn't just have to be that he fulfills his current ideal.

He still needs to become a strong man at the pinnacle level of the universe, so that he can mess around at will.

Kassadin should have been quite busy, after all, he had to develop and manage the Void Cult.

It's just that the main responsibility of developing and managing the Void God Religion is basically left to Miss Sonia.

So Kassadin can just wander around the universe having fun and make decisions once in a while.

"I really found a troublesome thing for myself to do."

Tony also gradually came to his senses at this time.

He wants to bring mankind into the interstellar age, which is also a form of establishing a force.

He has to consider not only development, money, integrating the future, but also how to integrate with alien civilizations, etc.

But these are his original ideals, so just trouble.

Because if these things are accomplished, he will definitely be able to fulfill his dream, which is to become a person who will be famous throughout history and leave his name forever.


Like a gust of wind, Steve ignored all surveillance and defenses and entered some of the core centers of the United States.

"Bang!" came into a luxurious room.

Many soldiers immediately picked up their firearms and shouted loudly.

"Don't move if there is an intruder. Who are you?"

But after the words fell, the soldiers quickly discovered the face of the intruder, who turned out to be Captain America Steve Rogers.

Everyone showed shocked eyes.

Several armed forces and the news that General Ross went to Stark Manor and was dead have been sent back.

They don't know who the enemy is, but it is closely related to Iron Man Tony Stark.

Because the purpose of General Ross going to Stark Manor was to attack Stark Industries, which had already made a declaration of treason.

But the strange thing is that they received the news that General Ross and the armed forces were wiped out, but they were unable to spread the news.

It was as if Tony Stark was deliberately manipulating them, arousing their vigilance and taking action, but preventing them from spreading the news to the outside world.

Even if they knew that this was not a conspiracy but a conspiracy, the top leaders of the United States still had to take action.

Because Tony Stark is crazy and dares to attack the top leaders of the United States.

It is definitely not their style to sit still and wait for death. They are now preparing to call in the army and discuss the requirements for the use of weapons, preparing for an all-out war with Tony Stark.

However, because they cannot conduct online meetings directly as usual, they must gather to discuss.

Now we have just packed up the information and are preparing to move and assemble.

Captain America Steve Rogers is already here.

"Captain America, Steve Rogers, are you also going to cooperate with the already crazy Tony Stark and betray the United States?"

"Have you forgotten what made you who you are?"


A potbellied Mediterranean politician in an expensive suit saw Steve's arrival, pointed at Steve and started to curse.

Steve Rogers didn't come in through the right way, but broke in directly, so his intention was definitely not to protect him.

At the command, these soldiers all held pistols and immediately started firing volleys.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound of gunshots resounded throughout the room, but all the bullets were empty.

"Whoever achieves success is not my turn. You scumbags who want to possess other people's things when you see them say so."

Steve's cold voice sounded in the room.

The politician was instantly killed by Steve and fell to the ground with a plop, blood flowing.

Then all the soldiers present died in Steve's hands.

These are politicians' cronies and complicit people.

Steve directly destroyed the materials and speeches prepared by the politician, without any change in his expression.

Steve then disappeared and headed directly to other rooms in the building.

The first update of ten thousand per day is sent

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