I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 541 The differences between the strong men of the multiverse

Gu Yi is the pinnacle of the universe, but because of the rigid rules left in the past, he has lived under the shackles his whole life. It has to be said that it is also a kind of sadness.

Tony and his group also walked into the canteen, found a big table and sat down directly.

"Does the multiverse mean that there are many universes besides ours?"

"I also exist in those universes?"

Although the prophet told Tony not to ask, anyone who comes into contact with a field that has never been exposed to before can't help but feel curious.

"It can be understood as having unlimited possibilities for yourself."

"For example, some important time points in your past life."

"For example, when you are born, your gender may be reversed. You are a male in this universe, and you are a female in other universes."

"For example, if you marry someone, other universes will give birth to universes that you are not married to."

"For another example, if you survive an extremely important danger, then there will naturally be universes that die directly without surviving the danger."

“There’s also the point where the personality starts to change, maybe for the better or for the worse.”

"There are many important critical points in a person's life, and at each critical point, a completely different universe will be born from you in this life."

Seeing Tony's curiosity, the Predictor also roughly explained the simpler wishes of the multiverse.

In fact, the multiverse is more complicated. In this life, we meet and feel like close friends.

In other universes, it might just be a one-on-one relationship, and we are strangers to each other.

Almost no one can say that the life they have experienced is absolutely good.

However, the prophet dares to say that he who has been blessed by the void will surely become the strongest.

Looking at the countless selves in the multiverse, he will also be the strongest individual.

He has such confidence and confidence.

"It sounds really complicated."

Tony was thoughtful after hearing this.

Banner and others also felt that their knowledge had been expanded, and they all looked at the Predictor, hoping to learn more.

Even Stephen was looking at the Predictor, he had not been the Supreme Mage for long.

He has read many books left by Karma Taj, but his understanding of the multiverse is undoubtedly one-sided.

Faced with these looks, the prophet thought about it and revealed some more specific information.

“It’s complicated, to be sure, but that doesn’t mean you need to worry about it.”

"Because there are only a handful of existences that can span the multiverse."

"If you are transcending time and space in this life, that means you are not affected by time and are not limited by the universe."

"All individuals in the multiverse will disappear, and only you will exist."

"In the three time divisions of [past] [present] and [future]."

“The only thing that exists for you [now] is you, which is the realm of the Self.”

"No one will have insight into the past and the future. It is absolutely impossible to erase such a strong person from the long river of time and return to the past time point."

"If you want them to die, you can only use specific weaknesses or crushing levels of strength to erase their existence."

"This kind of person is also called the peak powerhouse of the multiverse level."

"For example, Lord Kassadin is an existence of that level."

"Only in the universe where Master Kassadin exists will his trajectory exist."

"That is to say, even if we have infinite possibilities, there are different individuals in countless multiverses."

"But only the current reality of our universe can reach Lord Kassadin."

"Unless Lord Kassadin goes to other universes, then there will be another universe that can contact Lord Kassadin."

The prophet's ability to predict is no longer what it used to be.

This also expands the vision of the prophet to areas that ordinary people cannot access.

He had not predicted Gu Yi's death.

However, he had predicted in the past some reactions from Ancient One's actions to the universe.

This means that Ancient One's strength has not grown to the level of the multiverse and become an independent individual.

Now that the Ancient One of their universe has died, this will serve as a boundary.

Guiding countless Ancient Ones will also choose to die at this time point, but it does not mean that Ancient One has completely died in the multiverse.

In the current timeline of other universes, there is still a living Ancient One.

This is the fundamental reason why there is no transcendence of time and space.

"So that means Mr. Odin is still alive now, but may be dead in other universes?"

After hearing this, Steve thought about the meaning and said.

"The point in time when life span reaches the end is no longer a point of departure, but is called fate."

"Faced with the fate of certain destruction, countless individuals in the multiverse will face the end of time at the same time and cannot escape the fate of death."

"But Mr. Odin came into contact with Lord Kassadin, so he broke out of the shackles of fate."

"As long as you are not killed, it is basically impossible to face the fate of death."

The prophet nodded slightly when he heard the words.

"Very good."

Steve heard the prophet confirm his suspicion, and a smile appeared on his face.

Steve was a little happy to learn about the multiverse.

Because this means that Bucky is still alive in other universes, and there must be others. He has not become a minion of Hydra, retired honorably and lived to the end of his life in the future.

While he might not be able to see it himself, Steve would be happy for that universe to exist as long as it existed.

"The universe is really amazing."

Peggy learned that many associations arose in her mind.

She lived with regrets until her death, and once again saw Steve Rogers, whom she had longed for.

She is also very satisfied with her current life. Not only can she live with Steve to make up for the regrets of the past.

He also came into contact with a world of strong men that he had never imagined before.

However, some of the situations in the multiverse explained by the prophet represent the ending of her growing old with Steve in other universes when she was young.

"Are there different individuals in other universes?"

Tony learned this and had a lot of thoughts.

This should also mean that in other universes, my parents escaped the disaster of death and lived to the end of their lives.

After knowing this, Tony immediately had some thoughts in his mind. It would be great if he had the opportunity to see his parents again.

"So does that mean that becoming a multiverse-level powerhouse will directly obliterate oneself in other universes?"

"Wouldn't this be too cruel?"

After Banner learned this, he thought of many possibilities.

"There is a big difference between a multiverse-level powerhouse and a multiverse-level peak. It can even be said to be completely different concepts."

"The world is full of everything. Some people are born with the ability to master some special means and travel between several different multiverses."

"With the right to choose, you can kill individuals from different universes and replace them, and then contact things you have never touched before to continuously improve yourself."

"The strength of such a person may not reach the top of the universe, let alone the peak of the universe, but this kind of person has the possibility of becoming a strong man in the multiverse."

"Has the ability to change or disrupt various multiverses."

"But this kind of thing can only be said to have transcended the constraints of space. It has not transcended time, so it will still face the fate of death that is bound to come in different lifetimes."

The prophet shook his head slightly when he heard this and said.

"So that's it."

Banner also felt suddenly enlightened when he heard this.

"It's true that there is a mountain higher than the mountain."

"The top of the universe and the pinnacle of the universe are what we need to look up to."

"I didn't expect that there are even more incomprehensible existences above the pinnacle of the universe."

Steve was a little emotional.

After Stephen learned this, he also fell into deep thought.

The precog knows more than he thinks.

The prophet just said that if he is bound by the rules of the magic world, it will not lead him to a good ending. On the contrary, it may be counterproductive and lead to a bad outcome.

He also emphasized that understanding thoughts is the main purpose of the Void God Religion.

This is derived from the prophet's understanding of time and the insights provided to him by those who have come from the Void Cult.

Being unable to be open-minded seems to be a very bad sign in the Void Cult.

This is not about choosing which direction of evolution to become stronger, but about tempering one's state of mind.

He must think carefully about the future path.

"Actually, you don't have to think too much."

"It doesn't matter what the multiverse is, just go to the future you want to go to."

"Even if there is chaos in the multiverse and it is beyond our ability to deal with it, we, the small ones, don't need to take care of it."

"If the sky falls, there will still be tall people holding it up."

"Our backer is Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

After hearing this, Kyle showed his white teeth and said with a smile.

"Well, the most important thing in life is to be worthy of yourself."

"Being locked in too many rules and regulations will only lead to a frustrating life."

Rennoli felt the same way when he heard this.

They had already known this from the prophet's mouth, but so what if they understood it.

Just do what they want to do.

Although individuals in other universes are also me, their affairs have nothing to do with me.

Even for the same person, different life trajectories will lead to completely different futures.

Then it can only be said that it is a variation of oneself, but it is not completely oneself.

It is indeed possible that in other universes, these people have not met each other.

But what does that have to do with them? They met and became friends in this life, so they just need to enjoy the present.


Tony also smiled and nodded when he heard this.

Although he wanted to take a look at other universes, the universe where his parents were worry-free, he only wanted to take a look.

I have no intention of replacing it or any other ideas.

He met Kassadin, the God of the Void, and his life path completely changed.

It allowed him to step into the world of strong men, get out of Blue Star, and make a group of friends.

Because he became a lot more frank, he and Pepper also became partners.

You will have a long life in the future to fulfill all the ideals you want to achieve.

So Tony is still very satisfied with his current situation.

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