I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 542 The Appointed Mentor

While a group of people were chatting, the food was finally served.

Stephen looked at the delicious fish dish in front of him and exclaimed that it was delicious after eating it.

Although it was a pity that he did not buy the limited evolution set meal, he was still very satisfied with this delicacy that he had never tasted before.

At this time, Stephen felt a hot and terrifying breath coming from a distance.

This made Stephen's eyes shrink.

Looking in the direction, I saw through the window a red giant with a domineering aura of a Releaser in the distance.

There are two beautiful beauties approaching towards the cafeteria.

Among them, Stephen recognized the identity of the red giant at a glance, Yan Molix.

But the two beauties beside Alex are really beautiful.

"Who are those two?"

Stephen asked quickly.

"The one with blonde hair and hot body is Lacey, and the one with red hair and sexy body is Miss Sarah, the recorder."

"Beautiful, right?"

Banner noticed the way Stephen's eyes widened and observed carefully just now, and said with a smile.


“It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.”

"But what kind of person is the recorder, Miss Sarah?"

Stephen nodded after hearing this.

"The favorite beloved by many members of the Void Cult, the embodiment of a treasure trove of knowledge."

"Miss Sonia's descendant, one of the few public officials of the Void Religion, with a kind and kind personality that everyone loves."

"When chatting with her, I feel respected, healed and inspired. Overall, she is a beautiful woman with a very good personality."

When Banner heard this, he immediately expressed his impression of Sarah.

"A public official of the Void God Religion, what is her strength like?"

When Stephen heard this and saw Sarah coming, even though there was Alex with an extremely scary aura around him, there were still many fellow Void people greeting Sarah, and he understood a little.

But what he was more concerned about was Sarah's strength. As a public official of the Void Cult and a descendant of the Void God Envoy Sonia, Sarah was not recorded in the Void Chapter.

Is it because the strength is too low, or is it because it is hidden too well?

"As long as Miss Sarah is a nice person and has a good personality, it doesn't matter what her strength is."

Banner said with a smile upon hearing this.

Steve and Tony also wanted to share their impressions, but because their wives were by their side, they couldn't praise Sarah directly.

However, the two privately praised Sarah very highly.

"There is really no clear idea of ​​how strong Miss Sarah is."

"Like Miss Sonia, she is a very low-key type and doesn't like to show off her strength.\

,""But unless it is absolutely necessary, I will never let the Void Cult's situation become dangerous enough for Miss Sarah to take action."

“She was someone who walked and lived in the light.”

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

He didn't want Miss Sarah's character to change drastically because she was exposed to too much darkness.

It is best to maintain a pure and gentle character like this.

In this way, people like them who walk in darkness can often be inspired by contact with Miss Sarah.

Stephen was thoughtful when he heard this.

"Although I don't know how strong Miss Sarah is currently."

"But if I hit you Stephen, I guess it would be as easy as hitting my grandson."

"Her control over the body is superior to ours."

Tony saw that Stephen was very concerned about Sarah's strength, and he also knew that Stephen was a professional prisoner of the Supreme Mage.

After knowing about a strong man, I wanted to investigate more information.

However, with her beautiful appearance and gentle personality, Sarah looks like a woman who doesn't know how to fight at all, but she is trained under Miss Sonia, so she looks harmless on the outside.

The risk level is not low at all.

"She doesn't look that strong."

When Stephen heard Tony's words and looked at Sarah's gentle aura like a spring breeze, he felt a little incredible.

"Just because he has a harmless personality and doesn't like fighting doesn't mean he's not dangerous."

"No woman on Void Island is easy to mess with. You have to remember this."

Tony heard this and spoke.

When Stephen heard this, he also firmly remembered Ernie's words in his heart.

Just when a few people were chatting.

Alex, Lacey, and Sarah also walked into the cafeteria.

"Mr. Tony, Mr. Banner. Mr. Steve, Miss Pepper, Miss Paige."

"You are back."

After seeing a few people, Sarah also showed a touching smile on her face and said hello happily.

"I just came back not long ago, and I haven't had time to go to your place to make some notes."

"Now it's just the right time. I don't need to make a special trip to your place."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Hello, my name is Sarah and I am the recorder of the Void Cult."

"I don't know what to call you?"

Sarah nodded slightly when she heard this, looked at the only person she didn't know present, and asked with a smile.

"My name is Stephen Strange. Like Tony and the others, I come from the Nine Blue Stars and am a Supreme Mage."

"Just call me Stephen. I don't need your honorific title."

When Stephen heard Sarah calling him you, he also expressed that he couldn't bear it, so he quickly stood up and said.

"The Supreme Mage from the Nine Realms Blue Star?"

"Tony, you are also gradually doing better and better in Blue Star's branch.

"As expected of someone who is deeply appreciated by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

When Alex heard the identity of the Supreme Mage, he looked at Tony with some admiration in his eyes, and his words were not stingy with praise at all.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Tony continued to be misunderstood by Alex, but it was always difficult to explain clearly, so he accepted the compliment in a humble manner.

In fact, the compatriots on the Nine Realms Blue Star are basically selected by Kassadin himself.

Pepper and Peggy were lucky enough to join the Void Cult because they seized the opportunity.

However, Tony basically knows and recommends the people Cassadine has attracted, so Tony will not feel too embarrassed to accept these compliments reluctantly.

"Stephen, the successor of the Supreme Mage Ancient One, my name is Alex."

"If you have any trouble that can't be solved in the future, feel free to come to me."

Alex stretched out a big hand and placed it in front of Stephen, with a smile on his face.


Stephen looked at the palm whose fingers were almost as big as his own arm, and stretched out his fist to touch Alex's fingers.

Now he truly realizes the importance of having a backer.

The top experts of the Void God Religion will have a more friendly attitude after knowing that they are the disciples of Ancient One.

"My name is Lacey. I heard that Ancient One's magic has space teleportation."

"As Gu Yi's disciple, do you know how to do that?"

"Can ultra-long-distance space transmission be directly realized?"

Lacey simply reported her name, looked at Stephen Strange and asked curiously.

"As long as it's a place I've been to or can imagine, it's fine."

"It is also possible to go directly from Void Island to Blue Star."

Stephen nodded after hearing this.

"Is it just you who can teleport or multiple people?"

When Lacey saw that Stephen Strange actually knew how to do it, her eyes lit up and she asked expectantly.

"As long as the space teleportation magic lasts, you can teleport as much as you want."

Stephen heard this and said.

"As expected of the Supreme Mage's apprentice,"

"With this trick, it will come in handy when our Void God Religion prepares to expand its territory in the future."

Alex was extremely happy when he heard it.

This ability is a BUG-level ability in war. It can complete roundabouts and outflanks at any time and even support and retreat quickly.

It can greatly increase the Void God Cult's winning rate on the battlefield, adding more variability to the battle.

"Well, with this kind of magic, when other compatriots are in trouble in the future, they can quickly go to support them."

Lacey was also very excited when she heard this.

They didn't think about asking Stephen to help during normal trips, but there were some special occasions.

They still hope that Stephen can teleport them directly.

"It's great that you can reach anywhere instantly through space teleportation."

Sarah was also a little envious when she heard this.

"I will definitely help if needed."

When Stephen saw how excited they all were, the atmosphere was so bad that it was naturally hard for him to say words that he couldn't abuse.

"It's good to have this awareness."

Alex recognized Stephen immediately.

"That's right, Alex."

"It has been less than two months since Stephen joined the Void Cult."

"He wants to know how to achieve the fastest evolution without violating the precepts."

"But his current strength is to deliver food to the monster planet. You can take him with you from now on."

Tony saw that Alex recognized Stephen and also talked about what Stephen hoped.

Stephen's magic has many changes, but on a monster planet full of dangers.

Without sharp enough senses and a strong enough body, Stephen would be torn apart by those monsters accidentally.

After all, it is a dark planet filled with monsters.

"As long as he is willing to go, isn't it just a matter of protecting him? I'll take care of it."

When Alex heard this, he agreed immediately.

Loki ran away directly last time, but he didn't care too much.

Because that kind of suffering is indeed not something everyone can bear.

The compatriots of Mowgli, even after being influenced by him, would not want to go a second time after going there once.

"Please give me more advice."

When Stephen heard this, he knew that the suffering might not be pleasant, but in order to gain a foothold in the world of the strong faster, he was willing to endure any suffering.

"You have space to teleport. When you want to go after the New Year's pilgrimage, you can just contact me."

Alex said with a smile upon hearing this.

"There's space teleportation here. Take me there next year to have a look."

Steve was a little moved when he heard this.

Now his strength has improved a lot. Although he joined later, his number of evolutions has now reached 320 times.

Just a little more than the average number of members of the Void Cult. From now on, it was time for him to start chasing Tony and others.

He is willing to endure any hardship.


When Stephen heard that Steve was willing to go with him, he felt relieved and agreed.

"Then this matter is settled."

Alex spoke after hearing this.

"What? Alex doesn't look as scary as the rumors say."

Stephen thought to himself when he saw Alex's bold appearance.

"Miss Sarah, what instructions did Miss Sonia give you when she came to you?"

Kyle asked curiously as he looked at Sarah.

"Senior Sonia asked me to collect detailed information on the void magic created by each member starting next year."

"Senior Sonia will also ask others to cooperate with me."

"The establishment of a magic temple is on the agenda."

Sarah heard this and spoke.

Although she has now learned about the void magic created by more than two hundred members of the Void Cult, there is still a long way to go.

After all, there are only about that many members who live on the island permanently.

Other compatriots from the Void Cult stay outside all year round.

It is not easy to lead the conversation to the void magic of creation and then learn more about it just through the group community.

Therefore, if you want to collect them all and classify them thoroughly, you definitely need Senior Sonia’s personal order.

"Are you ready to build a magic temple?"

"Does that mean we have to choose new public officials?"

Kyle heard this and said.

"Senior Sonia hasn't said anything yet."

"The establishment of the Void Magic Temple does not necessarily mean that there will be public officials."

"The main purpose is to allow each member to begin to clarify the direction of his own evolution and find the right people to communicate with."

Sarah shook her head slightly when she heard this and explained.

People with similar evolutionary directions can communicate together to learn and create the type of void magic that suits them, which can improve the overall strength of each member of the Void Cult.

If you want to select a member of the Void Cult as a public official of the Magic Temple.

The responsible direction must teach more general use of magic that does not require strict requirements for evolution.

Rennoli glanced at Stephen after hearing this and understood.

Almost 90% of the public officials of this magic temple belong to Stephen Strange.

However, at present, Stephen Strange has not long since joined the Void Cult. Although his background is good, his strength is insufficient.

Even Stephen has not completely integrated into the Void God Religion.

Therefore, the positions of public officials in this magic temple must be temporarily vacant for some time.

However, when Stephen is completely integrated into the Void God Religion, some of the more general and convenient magic will begin to be introduced into the Void God Religion.

Even if divided into various categories, when the public officials of this magic temple teach general magic.

The right to speak and status are definitely higher, and it is easier to gain overall recognition.

Tony had known Kassadin's plan for a long time, and planned to give Stephen the position of magic instructor after he joined the Void Cult. It was also reasonable to establish a magic temple.

Don’t be afraid to say that Stephen is the appointed magic teacher.

The second update of 4,000 words is sent

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