I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 611 Giving hope in despair

As Tony and others began to act one after another.

The news that the Five Obsidian Generals were destroyed at the hands of the Blue Star Void Cult quickly spread throughout the universe.

Because Tony had no intention of hiding anything, the news spread directly to the network of the universe.

The five Obsidian generals under Thanos have become infamous over the years and have been hated by countless people, which also means that each of them is extremely famous.

Therefore, anything related to Thanos spreads extremely quickly.

Not to mention that this time not only Thanos is involved, but the Void Cult is also involved.

In the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way Galaxy, no matter who has greater prestige and spreads more widely, no one dares to say that the Void God Cult is second, but no one dares to say first.

Because Kassadin, the God of the Void, was too powerful before he appeared.

In the Xandar Empire Nova Corps headquarters.

When the Five Obsidian Generals traveled through the wormhole in the record, the Nova Corps also received the news of the appearance of the Five Obsidian Generals in the Milky Way for the first time.

Under normal circumstances, the Nova Corps would dispatch immediately, even if they could not arrive immediately.

We also want to go and see if we can save a civilization and prevent a certain civilized planet from being directly destroyed.

It’s just that the five Obsidian generals are attacking Blue Star.

What is the situation on the Blue Star of the Milky Way, the territory of God-King Odin, and the hometown of Void Heralds Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

So Irani Rael knew that there was no need to send anyone over to help, and she could just let the officers of the Nova Corps do what they were supposed to do.

Because the news has been blocked, not many people currently know that God King Odin has joined the Void Cult.

The Nine Realms are still the territory under Odin's name, but above Odin there is also the behemoth Kassadin, the God of the Void.

The news stayed in the past, and they wanted to take advantage of the fall of the Supreme Mage Ancient One, the old age and frailty of God King Odin, and the weakest period of Blue Star to go to Blue Star to snatch the Infinity Stones. "

If the intelligence is correct, there is a certain success rate, but if the intelligence is not correct, then Thanos simply sends people there to die.

Sure enough, only a few hours had passed.

News came from Blue Star that the five Obsidian generals and the 280,000 troops they brought with them were all destroyed in Blue Star.

"Your vision is still as accurate as ever."

After receiving the news, the Heart of the World made a sound of admiration.

"It's just a simple judgment of the situation, not as exaggerated as you said."

Hearing this, Irani showed a smile on her face and said.

"Instead of praising me, let's convey this news to each prison now."

"Let me think about the time to pin it to the top, just one month."

"Don't take it down later, just use a rotation method to display it there."

Then, Irani thought about something and gave instructions.

"There's nothing wrong with passing it on, but what's the purpose of pinning it to the top?"

When the Heart of the World heard that Irani was going to annihilate Thanos's five Obsidian generals, it was passed on to the prisoners in various prisons, and the news would be kept on top of the list for a month, which was also somewhat incomprehensible.

This kind of big news sweeping the galaxy will spread to various prisons in a month or two.

Although prisoners are imprisoned, it does not mean that they are completely isolated from the world.

It's just that the time for receiving the news will be slower than that of the outside world, preventing them from having any ideas after seeing the news, and then planning accordingly.

But even if you receive outdated information, you don't need to worry about what they have planned.

It's just that this time, Irani had the rare opportunity to pass on the news as soon as possible, and she also wanted to keep it on the top of the post for a month.

"Everything I do is just about balance."

A smile appeared on Irani's face after hearing this.


Although the Heart of the World did not understand people's hearts after hearing this, it would never refuse Irani's decision.

Soon, the Heart of the World immediately sent the news to various prisons under the Nova Legion's name.

At the same time, the Heart of the World also began to separate some consciousness, observing the situation in each prison.

The news that Thanos's men had destroyed the group and provoked the Void Cult reached the prison.

"Okay! This beast Thanos finally messed with someone he shouldn't have messed with."

"You dare to fight even the Void Cult. Thanos, you are really talented."

"Let's see how he dies!"

"After being released from prison, I can return to my hometown."

"Is this news true or not?"

"With the signature of Irani Rael, it seems to be authentic."

"Having her signature does give it some credibility."

"For offending the Void Cult, Thanos should be close to death."

"It's time to show off and find a way to get out early."

"I'm starting to miss my hometown."

In the Qien Prison of the Xandar Empire, a large number of criminals stood in the corridors.

The hall below is even more densely packed with prisoners.

They looked at the projection on the wall, and all of them cheered with gloating.

The reason why many people in this prison are imprisoned in the Qien Prison of the Xandar Empire.

It's because their hometowns are many from galaxies other than the Andromeda Galaxy.

After their hometown was destroyed and they fled to the Andromeda Galaxy, they had no identity, no money, no money, so most of them could only become lawless.

Then they collided with the Xandar Empire's Nova Corps. Those who couldn't defeat the Nova Corps were imprisoned one by one.

The only people who can be locked up here are guys with some abilities, guys who have broken the law but are not guilty of death, so they won't be locked up here for the rest of their lives.

Many of them were detained for five to six years or seven to eight years, and the maximum length was only ten or twenty years.

Sometimes there is an opportunity to make meritorious deeds, which can greatly reduce the sentence or go out directly.

As for those who were not imprisoned here, they were all executed directly. The rules of the Xandar Empire were very strict.

The death penalty, joint and several liability are all included, it all depends on whether you are punished that way.

Therefore, it is certain that the prisoners in the prison hate the Nova Corps, but every one of them knows that they still have a chance to live, and it cannot be said that they hate them to the point of sworn hatred.

Of course, the most important thing is that their arms cannot twist the behemoth Xandar Empire.

In the past, even if they came out of prison, there was no good place to go.

But now this good news has come, letting them know that it's time to cooperate with the Nova Corps and show off to have their sentences reduced.

This is the case in Qin Prison, and the situation in other prisons is similar.

"Why do they all want to commute their sentences?"

The Heart of the World was a little surprised to see that each of them planned to cooperate with the Nova Corps and do something that could reduce their sentences.

“For people who are desperate and homeless.”

"It doesn't make much difference whether you stay in a lawless zone or other places, or even in prison. They are all the same as wandering around."

"But despair doesn't mean that deep down, there is nothing they can hope to achieve."

"It's just that they know that the hope of achieving what they hope for is too slim, so they don't have any hope."

"So just awaken hope in their hearts."

"Although there is no guarantee that all people will be permanently changed, because some people's nature is difficult to change, it can change some of their thoughts."

"They couldn't return to their hometown before because Thanos was still raging, and they might be in danger even if they went back."

"But it's different now. Thanos will die within a few years at most."

"It means that if they start working hard to commute their sentences now, they may be able to receive good news immediately after they are released and return to their hometown."

"Those who are willing to act now to start commuting their sentences will inspire others."

"We will add some short-term commutation rules in the next few days."

"And they promised to give them some money after their sentences are successfully commuted, so even those who are unwilling to have their sentences commuted will be tempted."

“This will not only allow them to be sent back, but also reduce the burden on the prison.”

When Irani heard the question from the Heart of the World, the smile on her face did not change and she explained softly.

The universe is too huge, and the number of living beings is even more uncountable, so evil happens every minute and every second in every civilization.

There are many reasons for being an intelligent being to commit a crime.

For example, many of the crimes committed were motivated by interests, and people who took advantage of themselves fell deeper and deeper into despair and became hopeless.

That kind of person should be killed directly, because people who have tasted the sweetness of crime, no matter how they are reformed.

As long as you get out, if the opportunity arises, you will fall into the path of crime again.

But there are also people who commit crimes because they feel injustice, anger, impulsiveness, love and hatred, and commit crimes as soon as their brains get excited.

Many of these people are impulsive and commit crimes, large and small.

People who commit sin may not repent in the first place.

But because they have to stay in prison for a long time in the future, there is too much free time for them to think.

So even if you don't regret it at first, as an intelligent species, after you gradually calm down, you will reflect on your past actions.

However, reflection is not enough, motivation is not enough and hope is not enough, so we must give them some motivation and use this as an opportunity to change themselves.

The news that most of Obsidian's five generals under Mie Ban were wiped out by the group is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

Compared with the crimes committed by Thanos, the crimes committed by many criminals in prison pale into insignificance, and Thanos is the enemy of countless criminals.

"People's hearts are really complicated."

The Heart of the World understood what Irani said.

Irani's grasp of people's hearts and her control of some details are too precise.

"Sometimes the human heart is very complicated and difficult to understand, but sometimes it is very simple."

"The reasons for being happy, the reasons for being angry, the reasons for being disappointed, the reasons for being tempted, the reasons for being impulsive are all so simple that they can be seen through at a glance."

"Happiness comes from good, evil comes from the heart, and anger comes from the courage."

“The desires of most intelligent creatures are not that complicated.

"As a super optical brain, you are not endowed with the ability to discern people's desires, so it is understandable that you cannot see through them."

Irani said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I can't see through it directly, but I still understand the evil in people's hearts."

The Heart of the World heard this and responded.

“It’s enough to understand, don’t try to understand it.”

"The hearts of intelligent creatures are more evil than anything in the world. The deeper you understand, you may think that complete destruction may not be a good way."

Irani nodded slightly upon hearing this.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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